Shingeki no Kyojin

Gabi is falling. She's falling!!

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Other urls found in this thread:

if dubs, i will finally vanish

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go talk to your 37 split personalities pussy
>the chad with no regrets who always moves forward
>the virgin PTSD ridden veteran

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In love!

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Think about it anons. What keeps this show going? Having children does

"Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it." - Matthew 7:14 KJV

If hardly anyone finds the way to life, WHY would you have children and risk them going to hell?

Why would you bring more people into modern day spiritual Egypt? This is a prison planet. STOP having babies! What kind of cruel person are you to bring children into this sick degenerate world??? What are you, selfish or something? A lot of people wish they were never born, yet here you are having children.

Sex is 666 = XXX. Sex is of the devil, 666 is the number of creation. Stop creating

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>Isayama confirms that Eren was lying about the Ackermans, their blood doesn't force them to obey
>Eren was actually projecting his own insecurities as a slave to PATHS

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Literally the last chapter works to show that Eren had no reason to lie to AM, Armin could not even give Mikasa a reason, not to mention that Eren originally did not even look like he was going to start insulting AM and only started doing it after Mikasa will begin to accuse him of being controlled by Zeke

gabi is cute

>the last chapter works to show that Eren had no reason to lie to AM
How so?

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Mikasa asked Armin what reason Eren would have to lie to them in chapter 112 and Armin has no answer for her and simply tries to evade the issue by saying they can ask Eren when everything is finished


>canon panel from AU

That doesn't explain Eren's behavior. If he's not lying then he's going against most of his character. Going along Zeke's plan makes absolutely no sense for Eren because he has the completely opposite viewpoint. Even the theory about him the AT doesn't hold much ground when Grisha and Kruger weren't affected by it in this way and neither were any other shifters save for the royals with the FT. It's not like people think Eren is lying just because, plenty of things about the current situation don't make a lot of sense.

I feel that is where the deal with Hisu comes in if Eren is the father, Mikasa most probably would accept that as a reason, but i feel Armin wouldn't accept it

>can't even take EH from AU
imagine the pain of mikadogs when it's confirmed in main u
isayama is doing you people a kindness by softening the blow

I never said that Eren agreed with Zeke's plan, simply Eren did not lie to them when he told them everything about the Ackerman issue, he did not seem to plan on saying it in the first place or at least not so abruptly and insultingly, he only did it because he got angry about the fact that Mikasa refused to believe him when he told that everything he did was of his own free will and she just kept saying that he was being controlled by Zeke

Oh, alright then.

Is annie back yet?

I miss Yumiru

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If dubs Mikasa rape Eren.

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Thank god, hopefully stays like that

>That doesn't explain Eren's behavior
Not him but that's the point. Even his best friend and arguably the smartest guy around who is actively trying to defend his actions now that he's figured out that Eren wants to protect the island cannot come up with a valid reason why he'd be doing or saying those things, much less a valid reason why he'd be lying, despite claiming he has to.
Plenty of people have claimed he's lying so that they don't miss him when he's gone, but he's already supposed to die in 4 years, and Armin in 9, which all of the 104th had come to accept already. That'd be an extremely superficial and frankly ridiculous reason to destroy a decade long friendship, so it doesn't work. Plenty have claimed it's to protect them, but how does calling Mikasa a slave and Armin a controlled waifufag achieve that? How does dragging them to the most dangerous place on the island and locking them under infected soldiers achieve that? Simple: it doesn't. If Armin didn't bring up any of those popular arguments about Eren doing it for their sake, it's because those arguments make no sense.

Erwin Smith should not have died

If he was alive the island wouldve taken the world already, the dude was the most intelligent in the snk universe

Seething and cope

We know Marley remnants

We know, Hisu

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We know, Benji

Indeed, mikadogs should had but they are in for a hard wake-up now

We know Reiner

I was talking about you

Is the anime gonna give Zeke his white hair after the timeskip?
It seems like a sure thing to happen but after them goofing this aspect on Kruger I'm a bit concerned

We know Bertholdt

>all these butthurt replies

>Colts expression of absolute disbelief

yeah but that was nonsense

>If hardly anyone finds the way to life, WHY would you have children and risk them going to hell?

Because God Himself ordered

>“Be fruitful and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

>Why would you bring more people into modern day spiritual Egypt? This is a prison planet.

Shut the fuck up please, you're spreading pagan beliefs, not God word

>He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.
>The righteous will inherit the land and dwell in it forever.
>What does man gain by all the toil at which he toils under the sun? A generation goes, and a generation comes, but the earth remains forever.

The Bible explicitly says the earth is flat and our home forever (meaning it won't be destroyed and the chosen will inherit in the future after it's cleaned again)


why is Hisu-chan such a raging womanlet?

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Your replies

She wanted to die.

Yeah, which happened after Historia claimed herself that she was gonna bring an end to the titans by her own hands, then later asked him why Eren didn't want to fight back even though she was about to eat him.
Rod was the one trying to place that on burden her the whole time and he was the one whose desires and mentality she had to reject, not goddam Eren: positioning herself as humanity's enemy/worst girl achieved that by denying the role of savior/God she would've had been thrown into had she inherited the FT, and it also relieved Eren of the angst caused by his own perceived failure to uphold that role of savior/hero/beacon of hope. Ain't that fucking complicated.

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>in her first speech she calls Ymir the worst person
>in her second speech she calls herself the worst person
Worst persons and lovers

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I have never replied to your post but I don't see hostile replies either. Are you really this sensitive?

>Trying to explain themes and metaphors to brainlets.

People claim Eren aims to protect them because that's what Kruger told Grisha. It's also what Eren stated was his motivation before going to Marley. How he reacted to Sasha dying also points out to him still caring about his friends.

Plus, if he doesn't aim at protecting them then what is his motive? Destroying Marley isn't going to bring a solution and Eren would agree (see his talk with Pixis); the rumbling as a deterrent is just that, a temporary deterrent.

So Eren has to go against multiple parts of his character and multiple instances stating what he cares about, or he has to have a plan we're not aware of.

I wasn't the person who made the post. Just noticed the butthurt replies and it made me kek

What was he thinking?

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What the fuck is their problem?

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The second part of that song is about Eren and Historia though

Manlet dad.

He's clearly not enjoying this

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She is an edgelord.

>sh-shingeki no kyojin

Protecting the island will protect them regardless of what he tells them. The point I was making is that what he told them in 112 specifically doesn't protect them.

Did not Isayama say how Eren was motivated by History? Maybe that's what he was thinking at this moment

You really don't understand her speech. Even Eren believed after Rod's words that Historia is the savior and not him. He kept on whining that she should eat him and do what he originally always had as goal. Then she told him to stop whining and that she won't do it, basically telling him he can't push his goals onto her and that he should to do it himself. Why are there so many brainlets who don't understand Historia's speeches and why she is saying these things.

Doesn't Armin narrate the anime and Paradis' history? Doesn't that imply that Ymir's Curse is gone somehow in the future?

perfect match for Ereh

Oh ok, it didn't seem butthurt to me. I just see shitposting, but it seems like you were the butthurted one. Unironically.

>Shingeki no kyojin~

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These shitposts were precisely out of butthurt

>Eren getting bullied by literally everyone
very cute

>So the only one who truly surfaced again from the endless abyss was Historia?
>Isayama: “My entire existence, from beginning to now, completely depended on my father’s decisions.” Within this despair, when Eren witnessed the very similar Historia releasing herself from the Reiss curse, he decided that he must do the same. Everything must be done for his own good - when you think about things this way, it’s easier to understand Eren.

Ymir (jaw titan) is Eren, making YH & EH cute and canon!

She's a Mary Sue.

Can you imagine how fucking insufferable would these threads be if Eren eat Porco.

It's cute

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Worried that that traitorous cunt would eat him to please her molester daddy.

Jokes =/= butthurt

The foreshadowing is there.

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I don't think anyone misconstruing Historia's words to Eren as a "dun tell me wut to do" moment is the best person to talk about "brainlets" not understanding her speeches.

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He didn't push his goals on her, Pissu took on the role herself here because at that point it seemed Eren couldn't fulfill the role because he doesn't have royal blood. Pisstoria is just shitty, selfish, annoying and badly written.

>weak bait

did gabi exist just to kill potato

Yeah he did but not at that scene.

>All those posts deleted in the previous thread

Stop trying to talk with the YHtranny, she's easily offended literally by everything.

Litteraly made for each other

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>no argument
based Shitstoriafag

If you say so

She likes cocks, Ymirpedo

kek, is everyone you don't like a pedo?

why do people call eachother pedos here

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It's just the old LEpedo. She is always bitter and seething

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i'm not ready for the inevitable:
Zeke betrayal
Pii death
and Reiner sacrifice

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Mikasa's wife is so lucky...

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I just want them to be okay
And she uses LH go fight others sometimes

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Why is Eren so mean to Mikasa?

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Kek, Historia never told Eren to do anything himself, she literally framed the goal itself as completely stupid when she claimed humanity might as well get rekt by titans and again when she called herself and Eren humanity's enemies. Don't know why it's so fucking hard for you to admit that what she said came from were her desire to help a friend she could see herself in.

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>tfw no autistic Mikasa gf

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Poor Zeke

>Eren is so kakkoi!

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Which is funny, because she always claims she isn't hiding behind others. Probably hoping no one will notice it, when she says that

Because it would mean it wasn't for "muh yumiru"


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Is this all old art or did it only become a meme after last episode?

This a low blow

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I think it's all new

If you depend on employers for your success, you are a slave. If you depend on handouts for your success you are a slave. If you depend on anyone else for your success, you are a slave.

Make your own way, or be a slave. That is the truth of life. It has always been that way, and it always will be that way. It is that way now.

But now, something new has happened. Across every field of industry, the cat has been let out of the bag. The genie's out of the lamp. The immutable laws of physics demonstrate that today the means of production are not limitable to institutional endeavors. Individuals can manufacture almost every good they can buy in stores.

3D printers can make things with dirt, clay, cement, plastic, metals, food, conducting inks, and even living cells. People working together have printed homes, cars, phones, you name it. As development continues, as we continue pressing forward, even if we're pushing our luck, and add more and more means of producing goods individually, like aquaponics, CRISPR, mesh networks, and on and on, we are becoming unstoppable. We are becoming free.

Fuck those that make you dependent on them. Make your own freedom. Be free. Be free, or be a slave. You slaves will be corralled and despised. We free men will pass to our free sons the stars we have taken.

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After last episode, Connie and Jean were drawn by animators

>there is only one set of crutches in Marley.
Ah, good times. good times.

You know what's the best? it's an official meme

unironically like this

Based and redpilled.

What if Gabi is Eren's daughter in the final page of the manga?

Based Historia destroying Cuckren.

>Jean is doing the pose behind Eren

>Historia destroying Cuckren.
Yes, in bed too.

Who's the biggest slut of this series?


>public bullying
Historia is a meanie.

Yeah, she even copied my filename once kek

That's how she shows her dominance

Who is the dominant in the relationship?

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I want Zeke and Historia to interact

>I've always hated your plan
>In fact, right now my eldian child is growing in the queen

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Historia, of course.

What does that hand thing even mean


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>Shingeki no kyojin

>Zeke she is your little sister now

19 years old eren: if it can feel you better, im ready to destroy the entire world just for her we are on the same boat.

>Zeke: b-but Eren, you told your onii-chan we were going by my plan
>Eren: Warui, Zeke.
>Zeke: MMGH!

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Ymir and Eren are PATHS buddies?

The small one

>most of Ymir's soul was male like
What does it mean.

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>one is a monkey
>one is a horse
What does it mean


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>original Ymir was a tranny

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So why is the attack titan called that way? what makes it better at attacking than armor, female or warhammer? what makes it special for attacking?

AU Hisu is a cute tsundere.

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Because it is a shit translation, the better one is the Advancing Titan.

literally going to be the most kino betrayal in fiction history, fucking Zeke just wanting to enjoy his last year with the little brother he didn't get to grow up with and gets stabbed right in the back, heart, and feels

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Alright so, is Paradis called Eldia now or what?

You tell me.

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Isn't Eren power able to just crush everything? Sounds like a pretty good name though this makes more sense, still the same result.

Paradis is the last actual territory that Eldia still controls.

There is a few things confirmed.
It's versatile, it can use a wide range of titan tools like hardening and it also recovers quickly.
Its got berserker rage and it is very strong.
It fights for freedom no matter who ends up with it.

Aren't they the New Eldian Empire after the Yeagerists took over?

He is the mike tyson of the 9 titans, once he develope hardening even the armored can't resist against his fists

What was Eldia's capital called?

The nation of Eldia, yeah.

It's not like they are in the UN and need an official name


But the nation is the people and Eldians are still widespread in the world.

The AT only showed to be capable of hardening after the armor serum, also berserker is bullshit wit made up

I assume somewhere in Marley before the titan wars. Paradis is just an island that the old empire owned and the last king fled too.

>Eren: Alex Jones
>Armin: Kyle Kalinski
>Jean: Sam Seder
>Pieck: Ben Shapiro
>Magath: Sargon
>Erwin: Jordan Peterson
>Connie: Jimmy Dore

They are calling themselves the Nation of Eldia now.

He clearly goes berserk, I am not talking about Eren (titan de fuego calvo)

Who is that right of Jean?

I think it's Historia.

If you want me to hate Armin and Magath then you succeeded.

You still need an official place, user. One side Elds are in trouble under jewish occupation and on the other they are behind in tech but have demographics on point.

the real trannymir all along

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Really glad they gave best girl the best OST.

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That's Dina OST though.

That's not ymir, it's one of her daughters

Based taste in which youtubers to hate desu.

It was first played when Historia took down Rod.

I think Kyle is one of the most unlikable people I have ever witnessed. Sargon at least is a good lolcow.

You think Historia and Eren really fell in love?

I unironically believe Eren being a waifufag meme.

Pissu loves the farmer


They just had a one night stand

>Paradis in the last chapter

Yeah, Pisstoria a whore

I think they got horny and fooled around, and one thing let to another.

Of course

With the farmer

Paradis is the official name of the new polity. Some within this polity are calling it as 'New Eldia' or the 'New Eldian Empire.'

So far Eren has been able to sacrifice his friendships with Armin, Mikasa, and the rest of the 104th and will even exploit his own brother, all to accomplish his big goal. But when it comes to even a single hair on Historia's head he's totally unwilling to make any sacrifices and won't budge an inch. I wonder what the reason could be?

High chance

Why didnt eren also take the jaw titan after taking the war hammer?

Love and his future baby

He's weak for pregnant women.

true canon

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Why wasn't Mikasa the one to bring Zeke and let manlet destroy the other shifters? Isayama clearly has a lot of problems with manlet

And what was the fucking look yelena gave armin whe. He said that they were going to assist?is she just fucking crazy?

Reiner saved Porco you retarded speedreader.

>all this samefagging
Never change EHtard

>Farmer is the father because of Erens intervention and the explanation of second hand accounts are real.
>Eren unwillingness to sacrifice Historia is because he has a personal stake in it and is actually the father and making the farmer pose.
I hate Isayama for either the best or worst ruse cruise ever and the fact its at the end of the story to.

>muh samefagging
Didn't you cry enough in the other thread? A lot of people think the same

+many others I didn't bother to read

All but 2 posts I'm quoting are from a mentally ill spicnigger soiboi from reddit - Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun.

it was an unfortunate but mandatory duty

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Kys Benji

You missed one here


Will we see Historia in her rocking chair next chapter?

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>cry enough
>EHtards when Pissu confirmed to fuck the farmer

Reiner showed up and stopped him
Armin overdid it with pretending to be on EZ's side, Yelena knows he's bullshitting but she needs the 104th to help EZ

>the absolute state of the LEpedo/AAtard

Can confirm that the vast majority of these posts are from Florida IPs, multiple devices.

Kek, spicnigger Benji calling Historia "Pissu"

Pathetic c/u/ck

Based. The last 2 aren't Benji.


wtf why would you say that?


>hongoloids at it again

>OliveEyedDemon harassing based BBora_EZ

Calm down fujo

This or Detective Hange making it to the farm is how we'll find out everything

LOL Been a while since I visited these threads. EM shippers are still a thing?

Dead and buried.

Don't worry, us real Hangefags don't support EH or LH for that matter.

Eren in canon probably enjoys being tied up and abused at this point



*tips fedora*

I do

I mean they're already distantly related somewhat right?

What's up with this shitposting all of a sudden?

>But when it comes to even a single hair on Historia's head he's totally unwilling to make any sacrifices and won't budge an inch.
Who knows

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The shitposting started when you started posting here.

Hangefags are the ones with the detective Hange

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Eren hates Historia (cattle queen)

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I rabu Carly Stratmann

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Even the brainlet shipperfags are realizing the direction the plot is heading, thats why the shitposting in these threads has reached a new low. Isayama knew he'd ostracize a massive portion of the fanbase with this


That conversion with Hange implies he tossed her aside as well though (regardless if it was willingly or unwillingly).

I would also destroy the world for the queen

Ymir is a coward. She abandoned the Survey Corps and saved Reiner and Bertolt, who went on to kill so many soldiers during the Battle of Shiganshina. She gave Marley their Titan back, the same people who turned her into a Titan in the first place, who planned on killing everyone in Paradis. I'm glad she's dead now.

are Nazi bigots who will be censored off the internet

Black hobo is not a she, nor is he Ymir.

He is a biologically male nigger, Nigmir.

>Better graphics than the CT in the anime

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How do arminfags manage to not kill themselves?

Kung Pow Penis


nice larp

A coward actually wouldn't kill herself to repay a debt and rather do the opposite. She was just a too good hearted idiot.


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*pecks your cheek then quickly turns around, blushing*
I-I want to bear your children, Benji

If it weren’t for the dsl and perpetual “on the verge of crying” eyes it would honestly look cool, ffs

>She was just a too good hearted idiot.
>lets Nanaba and Gelgar die

It's name is Chō ōgata Kyojin... the Hakai no Kami.

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what do the Japs think about Eren impregnating Historia?

Sasha shouldn't have died she was the cutest girl and if she were alive this series would still have some comic relief instead of this grim dark edgy shit.


Unironically this.

Redshirt down count, they just exist to be killed

SnK was always grim dark edgy shit, but I get your point

Connie wouldn't have worked, because he doesn't have a Kaya that FG could meet

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FG could have met his mom somehow

Is thia Armin's collosal or Bert's collosal?

2ch/5ch seems to agree with it the last time when I checked (a few months ago)


Why is SnK so fucking awesome, bros? Literally all the OPs give me fucking chills.

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>cruelly bashes Armin for no reason whatsoever
>was fine with helping RB kidnap Eren when she knew they would have him eaten
Even giving the Jaw to Marley can be seen as her dying to assuage her guilt of killing Marcel. I don't dislike Ymir but I don't get why people make her out to be a 100% selfless person.

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Is it me or are nips starting to accept it? Or they just got tired of the fujos harassment

snk should be like berserk, with comic release every 3 pages to ease the tension.

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I kinda like Armin's Colossal Titan form more. It looks genuinely creepy.

Even Red Swan?

She is a mindless titan. The gremlin couldn't have learned from her that Eldians on Paradi aren't so bad. Connie or Jean might die next chapter though, to trigger Eren even more.

All the other ones give me chills, but not that one.

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>>cruelly bashes Armin for no reason whatsoever
Nothing wrong with that

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Sex is not creation but reproduction. Learn the difference and one day you might learn to false flag like an actual human and not an ape.

>he literally fell in love because of this
if anything hating Armin drives the plot forward

The target audience are teenagers so that's what you get.

What are you talking about? SnKchads literally made a video about it to show Whisperchads how to sing pro- OH NO NONONONO

Her shitting on Armong upset him, hence the face

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I love ARMIN more than EREN. I only liked EREN because of that luscious body of his.

Who's worse, Zeke who wants to kill the Eldians or Eren who wants to massacre the entire world.

>Eren hates Ar-

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>Eren turned Pissu into a breeding sow as revenge for her shitting on Armin

>Kills the framerate once he transforms
Absolute mong

if they kill all eldians I can't fuck gabi so take a guess


Is this how LGBTfags cope?

Based. I bet it was also rape.

I just want to fuck gabi miss me with your gay namefag shit

What the fuck was Kenny doing while Freida got eaten?

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Kys benji

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Erehh please, just a quick one.
*unzips dick*
Mnnghghh I'm so hard...
Aha ahhhhh you're my girl-bitch.
Ohhhhhhhhhhh, what about my daddy. Just listen to me, I'm telling you, he's a perfect daddy...
But you're not my daddy... you're my slut. You could say that. What I'm saying is, this bitch needs a little help.
I'm a good slave, so let me do my thing and let my slutty bitch lover, you know, fuck you from behind, oh hooooo...
(gasps and sounds for a few second) It should do him no good, but not so bad. You can do your boy that much better. I'm sure you could.
(inhales and laughs)
Yessss, that's right, fuck your mouth like that, fuck it hard.
Mmm, god yes.

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Tumbling down tumbling down tumbling down

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Domstoria a best

Historia reminds me of myself when I was in high school. My only friend was clearly a lesbian and she started making passes at me. Because I didn’t want to lose her (abusive household, might’ve led to suicide) I let her fool around with me until she asked me to finger her. I couldn’t, felt gross.

>consistently shows that both sides are wrong and responsible for the endless cycle of violence
What is wrong with gibbering blogshits

Difference is that she didn't find it gross

These people are just generally on a one-track mindset. They genuinely believe that fascism is lurking in the shadows, and it's up to them to single-handedly stop it.

Yumiru had a nice ass

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Drinking with his sexy squad in the worst pub of trost

I'm done for the night fuck you all

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Too bad you are ugly while Historia is a literal angelic beauty.

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Why does Eren want Armin to put a baby inside Historia? I read Isayama's interview through google translate but I still don't get it.


Is Isayama telling us that homosexuality is curable with EH?
wtf that's problematic

Historia was never a lesbian

She literally said she wanted to fuck Ymir in the manga.

She was never a carpet muncher and even if she was she wouldn't fall for someone as disgusting as Ymir


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Get your popcorn niggers

>unironic linking to english twitter
neck yourself you dumb fucking faggot

the colossal CHAD

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why is there no gabi art on pixiv what the fuck

>Eren doesn't care about historia
what did he meant by this

pedo pls..

>ugh I couldn't stop you from talking about EH
Bye Armongpedo

>tfw you got a 14 pack but skip arm day

Learn to read
>Eren never really gave a shit about Historia until her Krista personality fell, thanks to Ymir
At least in this he's right.

People can be bi.

Eren is the Devil (he's gonna gobble up more shifters) and Historia is Ymir in this allegory, their fates are tied.

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>reads your embarrassing emo poetry out loud to friends and peers
shit parents.

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I think I'm gonna marry Gabi

chadmin's titan is better

bort's looks like it always has a nervous frown

EH exists only in /snk/ (tumblr)

t. nigger

I believe in you, Falco

>/snk/ (tumblr)
>calling yourself a dumblrite

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He's right that Eren wasn't interested in Krista at all and that Ymir encouraged Historia to become herself. And then Eren started to like real Historia. YHfags and EHfags, you all are pathetic. It's clear as day that both Eren and Ymir have played important role in Historia's life. There's no need to fight who is more important for her, it's just stupid. Both of them did a lot for her and if you like Historia you have to appreciate Ymir as well as Eren. But no, you like not Historia, you like your shipping pairs. Lesbians self-insert as Ymir and guys self-insert as Eren.

And in the manga

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post cute that happened in canon.

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If Red Swan hasn't grown on you by now then you've got bad taste, my friends

He said cute, not creepy.

All but 0-1 posts were made by a mentally ill bugman spicnigger soiboi who was raised by a single mother.

He is known as Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka BenChandler aka Muddkippz aka Pedofag aka Mrs Smith aka Urifag aka roastie aka Benhmed aka Mrs Braun.

Chadmin's colossal look better, than titan of Cuckold.

>this is what creaturae beta males fap to

Huh? What's wrong?

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Mod's wife here, I can confirm this post impregnate me


Cuckold looser 4ever.

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Can confirm that the vast majority of these posts are from Florida IPs, multiple devices.

Can confirm. I'm a cuck

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Mods = gods

Mod's wife's boyfriend here, I'm the one who actually impregnated her

Annie, bae, you do love me too, right?
Our love is a mutual one, kitty, isn't that so?

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Could someone explain to me the Mankasa meme? Is it because of her abs? Short hair? Stature? Or maybe something else

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Why did Pieck have to stay on the bad side.

Was Mikasa leaving her scarf a death flag or do you think, Isayama hasn’t got the balls to end her.

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This is over the line.
No wonder Eren betrayed his friends.

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Why didn’t freida control grisha with her founder? Why did Grisha try to eradicate the Reiss bloodline if it’s needed to activate the founder?

>Why didn’t freida control grisha with her founder?

Shifters are immune to founder commands.

>Why did Grisha try to eradicate the Reiss bloodline if it’s needed to activate the founder?

He probably didn't know what was needed.

Is she going to be an endgame character?

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I hope not, explaining supernatural elements in a story always ends terribly.

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Not quite sure about Historia's feelings but I'm 99% convinced Eren fell hard for her at some point.

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get ready for some ayy lmao

then why is she being used for the final chapter presentation?

Because Titans are not supernatural at all.

Probably, pretty excited to learn more about her

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I didn't realize he's supposed to be straight up missing the sides of his torso where his ribs are.

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>inb4 the she is EH daughter meme happens

>when shifters reach death's door they get saved by the metadimensional PATHS cunny
how do I acquire titan powers


Good morning, Erwlevimod, you woke up at your usual time today

How can I get a girlfriend like this?

Mod's wife's boyfriend's wife here, how do I cope with depression


Should I feel smart about getting the eren hand pose memes, I feel like there's a sizable amount of brainlets that don't get it

>is she just fucking crazy?

>my sides


>t. slow reader


what's the best ship? eren and gabu?

arumong is not as good a liar as he believes himself to be.


What's there to get


don't rub it in user.

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The conversation implies he got mad at the implication that he'd stopped caring about her, more like. If she'd been tossed aside she would be a shifter by now.

I have no idea, but it seems a lot of people don't "get" it

The true ship that’s been sailing since day 1, Eren x Mikasa

Pii is very comfy

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She was probably Ymir. And I guess we will get her past soon

except eren hates her and loves historia

Isayama here, can confirm

Even Armin knows that’s just an act.

>tells her he likes her literally 2 pages later
Doesn't look like it upset him all that much.

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Look, I'm not in favour of either ship, but do you really think Eren hates Mikasa? It's pretty obvious that alienating his friends is part of his plan.

He plotted with her to time the pregnancy so that she could go longer without eating zeke, right? Does he plan on doing something to erase the need for a royal titan shifter during the extra time he bought with that? Don't tell me he's really going to rumble the world for the sake of his good friend.

>knowing anything
lol lol

Armin also thought Eren was being controlled by Zeke

You can see some muscle beneath the ribs here. Game just has big gaping holes.

That's his annoying, overprotective sister though.


I think Eren really likes Historia and the child is his

>ITT:delusional EHcucks spamming again

We know, Erwlevimod


EH is NPC tier. It's the equivalent of a shitty disney teen romance flick. The main appeal is that it's SHINY.


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t. creatura del nocte Benjamín Jesús Cruz aka/u/BenChandler


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Mikasa has the genes and body fit for birth and making a family tree of prodigies.

Dubs speak the truth

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Poor ErwLmod/EMcuck

Do all EHcuck's post like grade school children?

We also kill families

Brainlet here, these were my thoughts when I first watched S2 and before I started reading the manga:
>Humanity has mostly perished due to dumb titans created by a small tribe outside of the walls
>That small tribe are a race of people that can turn into intelligent titans; there are hundreds of special/ intelligent shifters in that tribe
>Paradis, while no longer the last bastion of humanity, is still the largest and only thriving city of the human race, while other titan-tribes and human-tribes are small and isolated due to the desolated land the destruction of the dumb titans have brought
>EM is cute & canon
Well, looks like I was wrong.

Which one is worse, Sleeping Darts or Letter PATHS?

Yes, Erwlevimod, we know. They also steal your lunch in school

EM is canon

& cute

We also know that, Erwlevimod

I think 99% of it is just one guy and yes he's an autistic Pedro

It's pretty boring in general. Kind of like the straight version of EAr.

>the African titan

I think the world just calls them Country of Island Devils.

Yeah no shit

Letter PATHS is at least explorable

EH reconciliation soon.

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>Imagine being a cuckren self-inserter...

So, whats her name Yea Forums?

Ymir Fritz

Does it hurt you too much to accept more and more people like EH or at least they believe Eren is the father?

Ymir (Historia's girlfriend)

So, I dont get it Erwlevimod.
EHfags are redditors, and you post the polls with 80% of people voting that eren is the father that has more than 2000 votes, but then EH is also one person? Please explain to my tiny EHshitter brain how your Eremika/EruriGOD brain works to reach that conclusion

you are wasting your time

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I mean, she woke up like 45 minutes ago or so and she has already shitted the thread and posted nearly 40 posts in those 45 minutes. I am pretty sure it hurts her if she reaches those levels of autism.

So I understand the uses for the majority of the titans but what purpose does the Female and Beast Titan serve?

This. Hot, fit and 5'10. Perfect

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Jean is so lucky

all rounder
literally useless

It's pretty sad.

Why did Eren not eat Reiner and Porco when they were down in Grim Reminder 2.0?
Is his intention to keep Reiner alive?

She totally looks like me :3


We know Isayama.

So being a cuckren selfinserter is shit, but EM is cute and canon and he loves her a lot? Another thing I will never understand, Erwlevimod

He wants them to suffer and through pain to wake up and understand that they are his comrades.

so if I want to make love to gabi what should I expect to be called here

Good tier: LH, AA, EH, GF, JM
Mied tier: EM, EA, MH, SN, SC
Shiet tier: BA, RK, LP, AM, LM.

I laugh because they are admitting Eren fucking other girls (Annie or Historia) means you are an evil male with a fetish but fucking Mikasa, the girl with bad social skills who stalks you, is cute. For them Mikasa losing would remind them that real life the competition is strong

No it’s means actually having a developed relationship. They have the chemistry. Might as well say Levi fucks Gabi because he can.

It's pretty funny watching insecure brainlets rationalize to themselves, cuckoo.

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His titan was out of gas

Mikasa is for fapping

>fucks Gabi because he can.
who wouldn't

See all the posts about cuckren/EM is endgame EH killed my family before and after this post
Its just our local fujo going crazy again
>posts deleted again

You mean like when Eren cucks her with other characters?

It's all about EH/EM/JM/LM/LH

I still miss YH. No one can replace Ymir's love for Hisu. They deserve that marriage

EM chemistry is so bad even EAr looks better

So... shipping characters are indeed a serious business here in SNK, of all mangas?

Don't kid yourself. Nobody is taking or wanting that shit except Jean self inserters. Just because JMfags put JM beside some popular /snk/'s ships doesn't meant it's relevant

Nah it's just a couple of mentally ill faggots talking to themselves, just ignore them.

Yumir is dead

Eldia x Euthanasia


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Not those but Eren is doing for Historia way more than Ymir. He even chose to protect Historia over his own freedom. No need to "insult" other shipfags to defend yours

There needs to be more material then for her butt.

I hate Hisu

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We know, _______________


>almost 6 foot
Too tall

HAHAHAHA you manlet

What is this gay shit doing in my manga?

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These advertisements with ymir are making me believe the zero escape 3 ending meme is going to actually happen

>gay shit

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Mancuckasa :D

>zero escape 3 ending
what's that?

What happened in zero escape 3 ending?

Ymir is so fucking pathethic. She got cucked by Marcel memories.

I don't care about irrelevant throwaway characters

Like Mikasa? Same

It would basically be Ymir Fritz herself being the daughter of Eren and Historia

She’s been more relevant than other female characters, these past few chapters.

And it would be a kino ending or a idiot ending?

Sadly Ymir had to go full retard at the end for plot convenience and Isayama even tried to damage control

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So which it is? Was she a good hearted idiot or Isayama was a bad writer?

Isayama is a shitty writer

Ymir is a shit character.

>Sadly Ymir had to go full retard at the end for plot convenience and Isayama even tried to damage control
Isayama is a shit writer for killing YMIR that way. YMIR deserves happiness more than KEKREN.

So why are you still reading this manga?

But it's not ooc for her right? Ymirfags were the one who told us that Ymir was selfless

Still reading this for Gabi

>developed relationship
I can assure you that only EMfags like you see EM that way. Their "chemistry" would be in the fucking negatives if it were a number.

this but unironically, the moment they show the Gabi bathing scene I can fuck off in peace

not related in anyway.

When will Gabi inherit Eren's titans? Can't fucking wait for that cuck to die

Can you answer the question, though?

>A shitty writer is capable of making you open your mouth each month to consume his excrements
How is that not related? If he's a shitty writer, you're just a bottom feeder still licking for any of his shit until to the very end.

Both. Isayama took her kindness to an idotic level, if you take a look at the situation as a whole and not just simply the repaying a debt part.

This. If feels like he's in pain just by maintain the form

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>having a developed relationship. They have the chemistry.

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I do agree that Ymit had to be written out of the story but I think Isayama did her fans a favor by making her save Reiner and Bertholdt.
Now they can look at her as this selfless angel who did nothing wrong. Instead of a traitor who let many people die by refusing to fight or sharing her knowledge. She knew the entire history of the titans and kept it all to herself. She deserved her faith.

Eren will notice me- I mean Mikasa! I don't need social skills!

>every month
nope. I have enjoyed this manga for the first 100 or so chapters. Just read ch 109-118 last night to see what's happening. Not a single good chapter in that batch.
Gabi is shit.
Eren is shit. Muh I care about my friends by killing and abusing them
Nobody care about Hisu.
Plot conveniences/asspulls everywhere.
Gabi shit really feels fabricated so she could end up in these situation
Magath and Marley are retards. Like why would you even listen to Reiner.
baby drama to drag the manga.
Zeke is the dumbest character ever in any manga.
Louise is now another yuribait character to cash in on after YH.

Really fucking shat the bed with these chapters. Can't believe you really say he is a good writer.


Same c/u/ck