Do you need to read Stone Ocean to understand steel ball run?

Do you need to read Stone Ocean to understand steel ball run?
Stone Ocean does not look very interesting and I'd rather wait for adaptation I know that Steel Ball Run takes place in a different universe but is there lore from Stone Ocean that is referenced?

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Go back

No SBR takes place in a different universe.

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No, I just did and it was pretty great.

Need an edit with the bridge from part 2

>Stone Ocean does not look very interesting
0 taste

Just read it, you pussy.

He's right, you know.

omg you morons should stop shitting on stone ocean just because there's a female mc, please remove your internalized misogyny before posting, for real bro.

Epic post my friend

Pucci was the true protagonist of part 6. Jolyne even took a back seat to Weather.

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how is this thread still up

Jannies are asleep

why are normalfags so unfunny with everything they create?

>can’t deal with the most bizarre part in the series.

People that aren’t clever enough to be funny supplement their lack of humour with memes and being edgy.

>is there lore from Stone Ocean that is referenced?
not really, while part 7 and 8 do alternate universe characters as references to some parts (among some other things), they havent referenced part 5 and 6 specifically, which leads one to believe that Araki will actually do part 9 as the final part of Jojo before retiring.

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oh im half asleep and forgot:
with that said if you skip parts you are literally subhuman

that picture is... just awful

People's obsession with absolute nobodies (especially Yea Forums) drives me up the fucking wall.


I hate Jojofags.


>left to right
>reddit meme

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post your rarest jojos

Ive had the same thought after dropping part six halfway, I'll come back after reading balls of steel
>good job pissing off everyone with a shitty meme, you done good faggot