No regerts

This was a nice find.

Attached: CGt7Pk5.jpg (3264x1836, 2.6M)

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And it goes perfect with this.

Attached: RuDXMJM.jpg (3264x1836, 1.41M)

i've only ever listened to rips of it and yeah, it's damn good

Is that a record or a Laser Disc?

ah, laserdisc and huge anime covers

It needs a faithful reboot.

Now find a player for it.

>tfw was too young and poor to be part of the short-lived OVA album collector era
its not fair bros

Attached: tenchi muyo LD.jpg (1600x1600, 245K)

I know, but man the covers are epic.


where's your CZ-75 short rail

Trust me, I want one, I'm just weeb enough to do it too.

they're good guns, czechnology is real
the rest of the CZ-75's are good too

I want a military spec. My friend has a newer CZ and loves it.

/k/ likes the CZs too a lot, so it's not just weeb memorabilia, also, GSC is always top 5 of /k/ related anime.
Also, I love LDs, fucking good thread, don't let it die.

I agree.

Attached: Wanderers-El-Hazard-TV-Series-The-Adventure-Begins-Quest-1-Box-Set-Edition-LaserDisc-PILA1371A-N.jpg (1224x1224, 439K)

Soon user. Soon.

My gripe with the OVA is that it's not even canon. I want a full-on series.

How expensive it is to import these things

>I want a full-on series.

The whole Russian arc alone would be worth it.
Dunno, found this locally.

Anything would be worthy, but alas, GSC is forgotten. I think the author did some other work on some kind of butler a few years ago and that's it.

Nice. Such a good series.

Cannon God Exacxion is worth a read.

Laserdisc is something that I only recently learnt about. It is so surreal that there was a vinyl 12’ sized disc that predated CDs. It almost seems like a parody.

Problem is, they didn't have dick for storage though. VHS had more room.

It is in some ways the anti-Evangelion. And lest we forget, it was banned from US release for having too cute of a bestgirl.

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I mean, there was an uncensored sex scene.

It wasn't vinyl.
It wasn't digital either for some reason kek.

Kinda wish there were more HD scans available for Laserdiscs.

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Sounds pretty neat, is it a long read?

6 volumes. Very to the point.

Good shit right there

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No, he kinda ended it too soon and did Burst instead.


Good to know, I'll look for it right now.

Good luck and watch out for space elves.

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Hope I don't find scans of that censored US version.