Is there a better power system in anime? I heard The Irregular was pretty good

Is there a better power system in anime? I heard The Irregular was pretty good.

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Other urls found in this thread:'s_Laws_of_Magic

Stands are better.

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It's rules change from part to part and even in the same part.

Mine is probably Nasuverse. Looking back at Kara no Kyoukai, Tsukihime and F/SN the world building and magecraft is amazing, I would not mind seeing nasu write about the third holy grail war and nazis.

I never read Mahouka, only watched the anime. But how come some people could cast magic while tatsuya and that red hair dude used guns instead.

>more consistent
>more fun

Raildex is probably the best there is and ever will be


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Well in The Irregular it's not only a great expanding system but an entire science that has its own in-world complex problems akin to real-life math and physics problems (they even try to solve fusion), that the guy who wrote it has to be some sort of turbo autist. If we're talking just magic systems, The Irregular has no competition

Keep dreaming Jojosperg

But is it a good anime?

No, it's a bad adaptation, some scenes are made completely non-sensical (for example, one where Onii-sama stands for minutes in front of snipers monologuing, while in the books he snipes them through his cover with magic)
the books are pretty good especially if you're into reading lots of technical but interesting stuff

Thanks, adding to my readlist.


How would your power system be, anons?


>Well thought out abilities with restrictions

The Irregular system literally doesn't matter since Onii sama makes it completely irrelevant.

This. No autism about rules, just cool powers and crazy shit.

This but unironically.

Chakra from naruto

The element system from Pokemon is so good, even my 8 year old self was able to understand it perfectly.
That's a sign that you have a good power system.

But the power system in HxH is so complex, I'm 26 and still don't fully understand it. Like, why didn't Castro make an Emission clone, rather than a conjured clone?

Not a better one than HxH but still a really good developed too.
-eldian can became mindless monsters, if they eat a shifter, the titan who ate him obtain the power
-9 special unique powers, both with their specialization ,advantage and dissavantage:
>Armored is resilient but slow
>female is fasted and have the scream but she is fragile
>warhammer can create everything but with a high drain of energy
>attack is strong and fast in regeneration but don't have any other power
>colossal is big,steamy and an actual Hbomb but is slow ,weak and a costant drain of energy
>jaw is fast and strong but is the fragilest
>cartman is fast and can stay shifted for a long time but have not combat skills
>beast have strong hands and projectile fur but slow
>Founding can control the pure titans ans the entire race eccept the other shifters (and only if he have royal blood), but outside that he don't have any specialization resulting the physically weaker of all the 9s.

-all the shifters, no matter how strong they are, have to die 13 years after obtain their powers.

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this thread again

Bump for (you).

What is titan matter? Where does it come from?


People actually believe this outside of reddit?

We need to see a hamon user vs a stand user.

What do you mean? The manga is SnK, the warhammer titan was introduced only in the manga (for his/her happarence in the anime we have to wait till s4), and basically is the fma of the 9 titans. It can create every kind of weapon and costruction via hardening (spikes,trees,hammers,crossbows etc...), but doing this is a high waste of energy for the shifter itself, so long fights are dangerous for it(until eren steal that power after eating the shifter, no he can create all of that good stuff and also kick ass with his bare hands)
Pic related

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>Well thought out abilities with restrictions
>Blown the fuck away by Muh Specialization at first chance

Cope harder. Togashi doesnt write characters, he writes androgynous plot devices.

>that second link
Basically, Nen ticks all boxes, so it's (unsurprisingly) a fantastic magic system.

I would love a JoJo's Bizarre Kart Racer game.

t. FagxFaggot

>Sanderson's First Law: An author's ability to solve conflict with magic is DIRECTLY PROPORTIONAL to how well the reader understands said magic.
Specialists gain any power necessary to further the plot, even when their powers have been established,

>Sanderson's Second Law: Limitations > Power. The limitations of a magic system are more interesting than its capabilities. What the magic can't do is more interesting than what it can.
Again, Specialization does whatever the fucks Togashi needs to try and make sense of his bullshit

>Sanderson's Third Law: Expand on what you have already, before you add something new.

...I have nothing. Still 1/3 isnt great.

I like Log Horizon's MMO system
a lazy guy like me would far too much enjoy being a summoner

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Avatar has the best power system ever deviced in cartoons of any kinda, until its finale ofc.

Nen was a complex system until it became stands. Now its complete shit, nen types are totally irrelevant and the martial techniques like gyo are left behind.
They make Kastro out to be an idiot for being an Enhancer and yet using manipulation and emission for his clone attack. Later on, nobody has a problem with using multiple nen types at once, Netero's ultimate technique is of the wrong type, and type compatibility is of no concern.

Fuck Hunterchodes.

>Specialists gain any power necessary to further the plot
So do conjurers, enhancers, transmuters, emitters, and even an emitter. People under high stress in this series can spontaneously develop a new ability or a new technique. That was never exclusive to specialists and the ability gained can be useless in the case of someone like cheetu.
>Specialization does whatever the fucks
Specialists are still restricted and going by the numbers tend to have more actual conditions and rules to their ability than any other category. The only non-specialist ability that really comes close are group abilities like whatever went into Greed Island. And countdown.

>Later on, nobody has a problem with using multiple nen types at once, Netero's ultimate technique is of the wrong type, and type compatibility is of no concern.
That's because Netero had trained to the point where he could launch his attack faster than anyone previously could react. He's super fast when praying but otherwise his movements are within a range that could be handled. Remember he has to manually do one of 99 arm motions for each attack, without that super speed its a huge disadvantage.
Kastro's problem wasn't using multiple categories, it was making an ability that didn't suit his personality and capabilities. He should have had more faith in his martial arts but instead made a clone that he can't control well and he can't even change the appearance of.


power is called flesh eater
I summon a small bottle that looks like a perfume sprayer

I can spray it on my self, an enemy or any surface. What ever bacteria the spray touches is under my complete control. I can make it multiply ultra rapidly and devour people's flash. I can say for example cover my fists with the spray then transfer the controlled bacteria to people's wounds as I punch them. I can also use it to quickly get rid of dead bodies or make it appear that a body has been sitting there rotting for a long time.My restriction could be something like not using it to harm wild animals since I have a deep love for them.

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it's a good system but he doesn't adhere to it.

people say over and over it's a good power system but it just seems boring just like the manga.
>this one lets you strengthen things
wow, strengthening things in anime?? never seen that before. it's almost like a shounen
>blah blah this lets you blah blah kanji and now you transmute a thing or whatever and not strenghten it

The thing with The Irregular is that it's pure pseudo-science with many jumps in logic.

i haven't read it, but it would have to be illogical pseudo-science to be fictional. If you made a perfectly logical system of mathematics and physics (and derivative sciences) it would just be our existing system of maths and physics