This guy slaps your waifu's ass,
what do you do?
This guy slaps your waifu's ass,
what do you do?
Call him a manlet and make him cry lol
Go to her funeral
Is she still alive?
cry as she exploded into gore
I slap his a googol times.
Don't do that man it's really rude
I'm sure it is as high as he could reach
>stare in disbelief at the fine mist of red that was my waifu
>barely register as Vegeta monologues about her having "a pathetic powerlevel" and "not being worthy of even looking upon the mighty saiyan race"
Probably feel really bad and have PTSD even after she inevitably comes back in a month or whatever due to some main plot related dragon ball revival wish
Use the dragon balls to bring her back to life.
Wouldn't be wise to take up issue with a planet buster, as long as we're alive it's fine. She wouldn't want me to kill myself for her honor, either. If it's saiyan saga Vegeta that means she's probably dead though, my immediate concern has to be not revenge but staying alive so that I can revive her with the dragon balls. The problem is, how do you survive an encounter with this Vegeta? Run away = get vaporized. charge at him = get punched through the gut. Begging for my life would also most likely be met with vaporization, my best chance would be to somehow amuse him. All that springs to mind that could appease such a beast is to start immediately beating the shit out of myself as hard as I can, breaking my own nose, splitting my lip, gouging out one of my own eyes, if I can squeeze a sardonic smile out of the murderous midget he might just decide to fly away and leave me a broken, bleeding, and grieving mess.
call goku
Clean up her remains
Ask him to kiss her
Ask Frieza to take care of him AGAIN
Wow, you don't have to take a shitposting thread so serious user. That's a pretty grim scenario.
Introduce him to my doctor.
If I thought either of us were going to make it into heaven I'd just accept death. Dragon ball's afterlife is pretty great.
Tie him down and fuck him in the ass on a rock
>t. goku
Then thank Bejita-sama by jobbing to him again.
ask him if he has taken his dialy dose
Laugh at him for being 5'5", nothing else to do since he's about to kill me.
Fucking bury her and morn the loss
Get out my eraser.
>remind him about the bingo dance
>remind him about the dumb mustache in GT
>remind him about how he is still weaker than goku in every arc of the series
>remind him how he cried like a little bitch moments before goku became super saiyan for the 1st time (when he asked goku to bury him in nameki's planet)
>remind him how he let freezer help when the dude literally slaved the saiyans and destroyed their home planet
>remind him how yamcha was the 1st one to pound bulma
>remind him how much of a midget he is.
Boy i think the author of the series actually hates him , maybe he puts vegetta on the story just for the prise of the fans.
He could as well be some character in the background who do nothing like yamcha , tenshin , krillin and the rest of the team , FUCK even gohan was doing nothing in the series at some point
Hi Goku
>remind him about how he is still weaker than goku in every arc of the series
is this b8 he was stronger than Goku at the start of the android saga, stronger base form during ToP, and stronger after leaving the hyperbolic time chamber before the cell games.
>All this headcanon.
literally destroyed the android Goku lost to with ease
do you really think Goku could have casually bullied semi-perfect cell before going into the time chamber? Are you nuts?
And i believe there was a statement somewhere as to Vegeta being stronger in TOP, but it didnt mean shit because ultra instinct.
>ultra instinct
oh, and because of kaioken ssjb. Vegeta basically had to be stronger in base to be relevant while Goku had these to get even stronger.
Fight him, he's a jobber so I'm basically guaranteed to win
>a-user beat up Vegeta, he's strong
Grab him by the pussy
tell his wife Bulma
He hits her leg because she's taller then him and he didn't aim very well.
I cry because wiz would never love me
I'd love to see Vegeta fuck Len.
Tell him to kiss Chi-chi
>Vegetafags are cuckholds
How will they ever recover?
Sit back and watch him turn into a pin cushion.
In literally no way shape or form will Vegeta ever be strong enough to beat Goku.
Delusional faggots.
Take a pencil and erase him out of existance.
I didn’t mean he was waifu
Besides gay cuckold is actually cool