Post your best screencaps from Golden wind

Post your best screencaps from Golden wind

Attached: 1561557033300.jpg (1920x3240, 2.62M)

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I won't lie, the Ghiaccio fight was one hell of a ride.

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Attached: mario fuck you cloud.jpg (980x1052, 153K)

>every post isn't just king autism
very disappointed

Attached: 198454.jpg (1280x720, 67K)

Attached: bossu.png (1920x1080, 1.86M)

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 31 (3).jpg (1280x1516, 512K)

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 25 (2).jpg (1280x720, 119K)

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 25 (4).jpg (1280x720, 248K)

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 22 (3).png (1280x720, 1.32M)

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 29 (2).jpg (1280x720, 166K)

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 29 (6).jpg (1280x720, 147K)

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 31 (5).jpg (1280x1315, 219K)

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Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 31 (7).jpg (1280x1116, 217K)

I like seeing Stands be bullied

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Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 33 (18).png (1801x719, 1.24M)

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 30 (7).jpg (1280x720, 137K)

I really love the squadra, shame they all had a pointless death

Attached: Jotaro Part 5 (2).png (1280x720, 863K)

Attached: SPOOPY.jpg (1280x720, 78K)

Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 18 1) (2).png (1280x720, 942K)

Attached: BИD.jpg (480x360, 9K)

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Attached: JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Golden Wind 33 (12).png (1280x720, 909K)

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Attached: Angery Red Monarch.jpg (640x640, 91K)

Attached: Buccellatti, Ariverderci.png (1186x607, 972K)

This Part have so much good plan

Attached: Joestar Bloodline.png (1230x689, 1.24M)

Attached: Gold Experience.jpg (1920x1080, 360K)

Why does king crimson look so fucking awful in the anime

Always gets me hard and im not even ashamed desu

Attached: Giorno Rome.png (1280x720, 573K)

Attached: Mista Color Swap.png (1192x609, 1.11M)

Attached: Narancia Pose.png (1920x1080, 1.59M)

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Attached: bullies.webm (1280x720, 1.54M)

Damn, remember when Jojo looked like this?

Early part 3 is still peak art/animation as far as the adaptations go.

Attached: 11_20130129231755.jpg (629x720, 141K)

Really? Part 5 has been killing the art, there's so much more for your eyes to just soak in every still

Well I admit that I might be too biased because the experience of see the Jojo anime in that detail coming right after part 2 was a real treat. Now I always just expect Jojo to have that detail even though Part 4 simplified it a bit.

Part 3 has great art where it counts, but maybe overall part 5 is more consistent with it.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] JoJo's Bizarre Adventure - Stardust Crusaders - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_18.50_[20 (1280x720, 89K)

This shot could've been better, I think. It kinda looks like someone photoshopped Giorno there.

I like the broadcast more in the pic

Manlet Zeppeli from broadcast Phantom Blood will always get me

unironically pic related, this fucking image still cracks me up weeks later. Sometimes i'm at work and think about it and almost laugh

Attached: 7qf9peuuzty21.jpg (1280x720, 120K)

I really liked what they did with the fight but that shot did end up a lot weaker