Have you read your SICP today?

Have you read your SICP today?

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hello, /g/

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I dropped the book at chapter 3 because I got too busy/lazy, should I pick it up again?

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Why not?

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Is this the programming thread?

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shit book for posers who don't actually program

honestly, the book is kinda trash. It contains the ridiculously high vocabulary that only ivy league professors would care for, all for an introduction to programming. Over complicating things for no reason other to look cool
It's the EVA of programming books

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perfect for /g/ then

I keep seeing this shit everytime. Please tell me it's not actually a meme and would be very rewarding if I actually understood it well.

Notify me when they make a javascript version.

Depends which crowd you hang around with. summed it up pretty well by writing "It's the EVA of programming books".

But I go to an Ivy League and took intro programming courses and none of the profs mentioned any of that mumbo jumbo lingo

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MIT doesn't even use it anymore, they switched to python.

MIT's not an Ivy and it doesn't specialize in CS
Python is for newfags who just need to get basic shit done, literally no upper level course will use it

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MIT is more specialized for CS than any Ivy.
>literally no upper level course will use it
you're deluded if you don't think upper level ML courses are using python in some way

Please don't read SICP outside a proper CS course.

I'm sick of retards completely ignorant of computational theory telling me that recursive is more powerful than iterative because they repeat things they don't understand from SICP.

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nobody says that

You've never been to /dpt/ then.

dpt is alot like this thread, a CS student circlejerk

ML is your only saving grace
It's shit for systems and anything embedded thanks to its garbage speeds
stop drooling over trash

>python is bad for embedded and systems

Python is useful throughout CS.

I often used it to experiment with algorithms.
Nothing better for quickly turning some pseudocode into actual code.

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Like I said, it's only useful if you're a brainlet newfag who doesn't give a shit about resource management and pisses his pants upon seeing any syntax that's remotely non-intuitive
All python can do is serve as a tabletop calculator and make it easier to write relatively short and unsophisticated party trick programs

Bet you're an interning ML whore jerking off tensorflow

>Like I said, it's only useful if you're a brainlet newfag who doesn't give a shit about resource management and pisses his pants upon seeing any syntax that's remotely non-intuitive
Most of CS is very abstract. You usually don't give a shit about overhead that's only a constant factor.

They only courses that required you to work with something more low-level were CE and computer graphics (both were electives for me).

CS is math, not code monkeying.

>You usually don't give a shit about overhead that's only a constant factor.
constant factors matter

Sure but for most of what you actually do in CS, you're more concerned about it's asymptotic complexity, where constant factors don't matter at all.

>CS is math
Not unless you're a theoretical computer scientist; efficiency of implementation is the prime concern in CS outside academia
Math cares about proofs and existence of solutions; most programming problems one encounters can be solved by algorithms even a toddler could come up with given some time; the harder part is coming up with something optimized for the language and system you're working with

I've seen plenty of conceited and arrogant CS majors like you who've probably never used anything besides linear algebra and discrete math ever make these bold statements, completely oblivious to what real math is like
What a fucking joke

Yup, I always brought a copy to wherever I go too.

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>efficiency of implementation is the prime concern in CS outside academia
I'm clearly talking about INSIDE academia.

user, do you perchance know where is that loli coming from?

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>implying that efficiency of implementation matters more than program's design/algorithm


Thread about a long dead subculture that was never relevant in the first place?
I'm in

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t. coper who can't stand dumb people finally trying to learn to program

Nice dodge, was preparing to call you a massive downie faggot
A theoretical CS paper very much reads like an applied math one; none of the pseudocode python will be able to handle will help with shit in academia, and you're clearly woefully incompetent if you need to rely on python to construct whatever proof you're trying to come up with

All kids come from the same place.

efficiency is part of the design
programming is not intellectual aesthetics

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Programming is about solving problems, 99% of which are business problems. Your aesthetics don't matter

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Give me Knuth or give me death.
Art of programming > sicp

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>nice dodge
lol get fucked
My argument from the beginning has been that Python is a useful tool in CS (as in the academic course) in defense of MIT's use of Python in their CS course.
You're the one who insisted on attacking arguments I never made.

alright, keep writing in assembly while us chads program fucking ART in haskell

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Agreed, didn't have to use python in my cs courses but in some shitty course about algorithms think it was operations research.
Python is fun to use and actually comes with a lot of cool shit.

RIP world4ch
RIP progrider

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>My argument from the beginning has been that Python is a useful tool in CS (as in the academic course)
And I just said explained why that's a retarded argument in that post
>in defense of MIT's use of Python
They use it because it's one of the easiest language for newfags to pick up and has enough versatility for making simple programs to be practical and worth learning, but once you start doing any serious non-ML programming or get into academia it becomes useless fast

Why is he kissing her? That has nothing to do with programming.

I just realized you might be ESLing ''academia' here. When I use it, I'm talking about the circle of professors and researchers at universities and other institutions of higher learning who publish academic papers in CS. So if you're taking CS courses as a student, you're not in academia, and I 110% revoice everything I said and claim it applies here.

So research only?
I am indeed not a native speaker but that seems wrong.

To be fair, anything interpreted is less than optimal as far as performance is concerned.

If a college student here in the States said "I work in academia" they'd be laughed off
At least in the context of a person being affiliated with academia, the implied meaning is certainly professors and researchers
Anyway, I stand by my posts

>giving a shit about programming
Normalfag nerds, go away.

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>honestly, the book is kinda trash

SICP is wonderful but idiosyncratic. It's also very practical in the sense that there's nothing more practical than a good theory, even though SICP doesn't really have theory, rather it has a lot of generalizable examples. It's a book of distiled atemporal wisdom because yes, as they say in the introduction, computer science is not about computers, it's about processes (in the metaphysical sense). And they proceed to show you how much you can get starting with just a little minimalistic subset of Lisp.

It's a book to be enjoyed by the kind of people who like to get at the essence of things.

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really like that manga. thanks to whoever is translating it.

Not bad, but still not optimal, because it still involves an actual compiling, which may be taxing. For example I bet there are *still* a lot of electronics powered by 8080 because it's dirt-cheap.
Nothing beats good old binary blob with logic and system calls in terms of performance.

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We conjure the spirits of the computer with our spells.

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The world god only knows.

A jit can outperform because it has info from runtime.

niggah, I can't Calculus. I won't touch that shit.

>tfw became a career java programmer

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Consider yourself lucky.
I almost got stuck as a career JavaScript/NodeJS programmer.
Thank god I got fired so I could refocus on stuff that isn't shit