Girls who WON

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I love Itsuki, but I doubt she's winning.

She is, ninokeks are OUT

Behold the face of Fuu-kun bowl winner

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Did she win another eating contest?

I see Nino is as good at acting as Itsuki.

>implying nino was her biggest rival
It'll be Yotsuba if anything, but Itsuki has nothing going for her except being the first girl introduced to readers and even then she hasn't gotten any main/first girl privileges beyond the first few chapters. She isn't even into the guy.

She only gains weight

see , it's obvious suki wins

>tripfag makes a rude post
Color me surprised my n*gga

That's solely the anime, and that bride looks like none of the quints. Canon manga quints all have the same hair color, which is pink.

it'll still be itsuki

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Why does this fill me with rage


>first yui
>then Yotsuba
you keep rooting for losing girls

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I love Itsuki exactly because she doesn't crave for his dick and I like their friendly chemistry. It made her a best girl.

How does one acquire a wardrobe change after a global apocalypse

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You cannot even comprehend my joy when she won. You just can't.

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>everyone's tang'd and the last girl / first girl to return is wearing a choker
Subtle symbolism?

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looks like akame ga kill

Pretty based. But I raise with this.

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>that user is at it again pushing again his shit taste

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is this the shit taste chart?

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That's not brown

Always. You're not stopping because I love you too.

poor guy married a retard

pic unrelated

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poor guy married an asshole

but user this is not nino or ichika


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She looks rapeable

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>Itsuki the cockblocker

The smug of a winner.

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Bestino knows she got this secured. It's all over.

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An eating competition?

girls who eat most ALWAYS win

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Certainly the best written character from WA2.

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>not waiting until she wins to post this.
Cringe and bluepilled.

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Not if you know her husband.

That's a toy ring at the wrong finger, user.

In the anime, Setsuna felt like a wish fullfillment character. Does she get better in the VN?

Setsuna is unironically one of the best written female characters in Japanese fiction. Read closing chapter, wasn't even a Setsunafag after watching the anime, Closing chapter cemented her place as the best character from the VN.

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not canon

Aren't all routes technically Canon? There's even that Avalon novel.

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Why bring her up? Because she'll win too?

Shows need either one definitive winner or impregnation of the entire harem, none of that ambiguous bullshit.

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I don’t think trashy harem endings count.

This was so fucking based. Botan a best.

Yui is going to wear her cuck hat.

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The fact that she holds 2 biggest win flags: MC family (or Raiha) card and not-yet-confess card makes her scary enough

Not really. At this point Fuutaro is already thinking about the quints that loves him (Nino, Miku and Ichika), and Yotsuba was his first love. He is already starting to fall in love with one of them.
Si Itsuki doesn't have any chances.

Im not an Itsukifag but to say she doesnt have any chances is too soon. At the very least her chance is better than Ichika. Plus never underestimate how hack a mangaka can be. First girl trope is shitty but nips always have a favor with it. Of course it will be better if Negi really kill off first girl trope but who know

No, THIS is the pinnacle of WIN

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>At this point Fuutaro is already thinking about the quints that loves him
Yeah, and his thoughts are 'I need to keep a professional distance from them'. Quite frankly, their thirstiness/desperation in the most recent chapter was kind of pathetic verging on disgusting, and I can understand why Itsuki is alarmed at the warping of their personalities since Kyoto. Besides, Itsuki has the allure of being the one girl among them that isn't dropping her panties on sight, it's a classic trope user and thinking that Negi can't invoke it here is naive.

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does this one count?

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Irohasu is gonna win.

god i hope so

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

old man cock

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But Yukino already gave up.

Yes, a character who doesn't even have 1/8th the beauty sonnets for Yukino is going to win. Who cares that she's a whore that goes from cock to cock at the drop of a hat?

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Kurisu and Aki gave up too, did that mean anything?

A winner, and also the happiest girl in the world.

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Iroha has better chemistry with 8man.

>better chemistry with 8man
Just because she acts like a slut around him doesn't mean they mesh together.

Fuck no. Iroha just talks a lot of shit and Hachiman replies with a disinterested "hah"?

>better chemistry
>when Iroha can't even get a handle on what the hell he's saying
>Hachiman acting like he's bored being around Iroha's presence the entire time
Yeah, truly excellent chemistry.

They all won tho

Dumb EHfag

Wtf! Is that Yotsuba?

Read the manga, that was miku.

You gotta give Irohafags some slack, they speedwatched an anime adaptation that butchered Iroha's character.

t. speed readers
That was Ichika ffs, read the manga again

Nope. She's the romance heroine. She doesn't have any competition.

This is what severe delusion looks like, Yui doesn't want something genuine. We've been over this yuipollfag. It's time to accept Yukino as the love interest.

Maybe if Yukino actually had feelings for 8man.

You don't actually think this, you just don't want Yukino to win. That's reality.

I do think it though. I truly think that she doesn't based off of the story and the lack of evidence. Vol 11 may have been leading somewhere but volumes 12 and 13 made it pretty clear Yukino puts no value on romance with 8man.

You've called her Yukiwhore and Yukislut on her, you've forced HayaYuki in the past and you've been saying that there will be a yuri ending. You don't actually believe, YPF. You're just a shitty troll.

>Maybe if Yukino actually had feelings for 8man
I swear, this is some next level retardation. I'd understand if you were just baiting, but if you actually believe this, then... Wow.

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Yuipollfag is a retarded troll, all of his headcanon is about events where Yukino doesn't win because he hates her. Don't believe what he says.

>You've called her Yukiwhore and Yukislut on her,
Nice english there SEAmonkey.
It's just the bantz.

> you've forced HayaYuki in the past
Tons of people think there is truth to this matter too. There are so many hints and it would fit the story.

> you've been saying that there will be a yuri ending.
I never have. That was other people and trolls. I have only claimed their friendship is great and stronger than 8man's presence. I wouldn't be shocked if they both picked friendship over dating him. Yukino did already.

The anime over did this scene and made it have romantic implications that were not present in the novel. Yukino was in control and squeezed 8man's knee to get him away from her. The point of the scene was to have Yui see it, not to illistrate that Yukino has feelings for 8man.

>It's just the bantz.
No, you're just a troll that can't leave Oregairu threads alone for 4 fucking years.

>Tons of people think there is truth to this matter too. There are so many hints and it would fit the story.
No, only you.

>I never have. That was other people and trolls. I have only claimed their friendship is great and stronger than 8man's presence. I wouldn't be shocked if they both picked friendship over dating him. Yukino did already.
You were pretending to be a yurifag to annoy Yukino fans, the giveaway was you saying that Yui is a genuine and nice girl. Stop lying.

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Miku wins bro....

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Miku doesn't even truly love Fuutarou.

One of the greatest victories.

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The love he feeling for futaa, it's real. And, it's most probably if he stay With futaa. In the manga allusion the Miku and Futaa stay married lmao

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Canon as fuck

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Wrong anime.

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It doesn't matter.

Even slutty Dark Green? Purple is my favorite color.

>best girls in their purest forms

I wish I could experience these stories for the first time again

Yukino is my second favorite girl and my third favorite character in the series. I think she's complex and we sell her short just slotting her in as a romance heroine.

The fact you've called Yukino disparaging nicknames means you're a liar and don't like Yukino at all. I don't get what you'r trying to prove by acting like you like Yukino.

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? she lost


She looks like one of those girls who acts all innocent towards MC, but in reality is a huge whore, and a bitch, who let's the entire soccer team fuck her behind MC's back, and when she gets pregnant, tells MC he's the father, even though the only thing she did for him was a lousy handjob.

This is the rudest post I've read in a while.

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I was just joking around. I've called 8man worse. I just think it is funny because Yukino is actually pure.

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Avalon is technically what I thought of when I decided to reply non canon, though everything is canon when nothings canon

Girls who win by illegal means don't count

These 2 actually look pretty good together for some reason.

what's going on in this picture

She has a route on the fan disc apparently so she wins

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Good designs, chemistry, painstakingly and perfectly crafted development. It's really the bread and butter of Oregairu.

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Light novel version to Akane.

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All five are retards so it checks out I guess

Don't talk shit about Botan, you ass.

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