Say something nice about her

Say something nice about her

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Other urls found in this thread:

Lewd anus

Not as shy about sex as Saber and Sakura

Thicc thighs and can be cute af on occasions.

Body:3 Sizes (Self proclaimed)
Interests:Making gems, Fondled by boyfriend
Sensitive area: Anal
Favourite play: Fellatio, Anal Sex
Sexual habits: Loves anal, loves cheating
Anal condition:Tightens nicely, meaty, feels a little cracked

From the store: (Im just gonna do a summary)
-Natural Nympho who loves anal sex even though she has a boyfriend
-Genius in anal lessons, even though she was a newbie it only took a month for her to have over over a 100 sessions
-Rin loves anal play and anal sex alot
-She'll complement your dick being better than her boyfriend's limp dick
-Ultimate anal toilet
-Please help yourself and give her a try

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best thighs in the business


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Those old men with money are really pleased about her performance

>about sex

Is this some bizarre alternative reality?

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She'd be willing to even sleep with an ugly fat loser like us for the right price.

Cute butthole

She helped shirou and saber have the best sex scene ever

I like her sister.

>no ZR
What an abject and indisputable failure.

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She's heterosexual.

I would like to perform intercourse with her

Her lewdness is a great nightmare

She has a cute girlfriend!

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I love her bisexuality. I wish we could do bisexual stuff together.

ZR is overrated. Anyone with the right thighs can perform.
What matters are the thighs themselves. And I think it's pretty obvious who has the best ones in the business.

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She's not even the best anime girl named Rikka Takanashi in love with a guy named Yuuta.

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Not canon.

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Honoka says eww with your bad taste.

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It's beautiful.

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>idolshit avatarfagging

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The Holy Trinity that rules over Boobs (not saying that boobs are bad, they are nice, but the Holy Trinity is the real patrician taste)
Also unironically a very fun girl to hang out and relate if you ever befriend her (or be Shirou)

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That doujin of her with the warty cock was kinda hot

Clearly doesn't change the fact she's pure, /pol/.

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>see this at the theater
>huge laughs
It didn't get quite the reaction that the hallway masturbation got, but it was close.

What does it have to do with /pol/, schizo?

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Sudou's directing choices were incredible for the most part, but that redundant and overly emphasized "I'M NOT A VIRGIN SENPAI" at the end of the Rain scene was just dumb. Not even Japan thinks that's a big deal nowadays, so it's no wonder people in the west would laugh at how overly dramatic that part was.

She's the vassal for the best goddess.

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just calm down dudes this is a friendly thread for liking the character tohsaka rin no need to be hostile or discuss sakura who is irrelevant to the topic

I'm sorry. I should have said Yea Forums.

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>not liking skindentation

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No user, they laughed at everything sexual. Even the scene with Shinji in her room.
It was super juvenile.

It's amazing how such a poorly written and poorly drawn eroge VN became so fucking big. It's been decades and I still can't get over my astonishment.

>ZR is overrated

No user, the whole thing goes over your head.

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Your pills, wormfag.

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Good taste

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That just means it's better than you give it credit for, give it a chance.

So Sakura is more popular than Saber, you mean?

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>Newtype polls
Rinfags really are desperate.

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Isn’t Rin talking about Saber and how Shirou can give her energy? What are you trying to imply with this comparison when what Rin is saying has nothing to do with her?

calm down you waifufags

That scene is a threesome, you know.

She's straight

*flushing noises*

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She is bisexual, which is really cool.

Seek help.

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She has good taste in women.

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Rin is a meat toilet

>implying Rincontinence would even make it to the toilet in time

holy shit lmao

He is right you know

I want to stretch that toilet-hole

all she deserves to be is some filthy smelly user's toilet

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She's not infested with worms.

Rincontinencefags BTFO


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id have soxe with her

Rinfags on suicide watch

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>being a slut is cool
okay retard

I know you did this to try and make that user look bad, but all you did was make the shitposting more popular.
Well done, baka

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Threesomes are only possible with bisexuals user.

She's is entirety heterosexual

Hey man, that guy is her biggest fan. None of us will be able to love Toilet-chan as much as he does

These toilet threads are my favorite things on nu/a/

Being bisexual doesn't means being promiscuous, despite the fact that bisexuals, more than any other sexuality, see monogamy as a sacrifice.

Threesomes are degenerate.

She is the toilet though.
Those noises are her natural mating calls

>it makes my dick hard so it's good
Use your brain, bisexuals are full of immorality and stds.

>not calling it Realta Nu/a/
Missed opportunity

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Toilets are immune to STDs.

Oh shit, I fucked up

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Neither Artoria nor Rin have stds though.

>Rin thread
Nobody even mentions her thighs anymore.

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I'm only interested in her thighs when the brown water is running down them

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Would help you out as I still think Rin's ZR is her best feature but I'm a Seibafag unfortunately.

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Toiletposting is the new wormposting

Made for Big Berserker Cock.

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