Edens Zero

Chapter 50 hype, color pages, fairy tail cameos, boobs, everything you expect from based mashima


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so is this more like early fairy tail where everthing didnĀ“t went to shit, or like after timeskip fairy tail?

Early Fairy Tail. Stakes aren't high enough to require the amount of asspulls post timeskip Fairy Tail needed...yet.

>having Hermit help out with making a weapon
I think its too soon for that Weisz

Homura is so cute

I want to insert my penis into Rebecca and Homura

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But you can't have two wives.

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I'm glad mashima is lewding the dudes as well, even if they are generic ripped body types

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It's more early Fairy Tail than late, but this is still notably toned down from Rave.

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Where's dumpanon? Also I really hope this goes to a decent studio. There maybe a chance since WSM seems to be heading away from A1 recently (NNT S3 to DEEN, Fire Force to DavidPro).

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>witch completely obscured by the text

are you retarded?

It's somewhere between Fairy Tail and Rave.

dabbin on u


I hope Homura reunites with her mom soon.

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So what will be the twist this time?

Considering how obvious this is i'm not sure if it counts as a twist, but the robbers that Shiki beat up were the good guys, and Valkyrie is probably the leader of the "rebellion", and she'll con Shiki and his crew to help since they're now understaffed because the robbers got GANTZ'd.

>FT princess on the first page

Is that the white witch?

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and natsu and lucy on the casino

Master Raven?

Why Mishima keeps writing shit instead of just drawing hentai or at least a full ecchi comedy?
His stories are the worst but his girls are the best in the shonen demography since Shaman King.


Yep. Just like Fairy Tail had a bunch of Rave character cameos, especially early on, Edens Zero has a bunch of Fairy Tail character cameos.

based mashima? Is that where we're at now? Where did you faggots come from anyways? I remember people laughing about how bad this series will be after seeing the fairy tail cameos.

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is this doing well in Japan?