
Aren’t you glad that soon Accelerator will save the series from mediocrity once and for all?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>Accelerator is shaping up to have the best anime in the franchise
What timeline is this?

How the fuck did you manage to make an OP worse than literal shipping war shit?

Definitely not the best one.

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Hi boys!

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Railgun Season 2 was excellent, will be hard to top that.

Would Mikoto be more badass if she actually used guns like the sisters?

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>she actually used guns
She already is using one. She is not using ordinary gun but a makeshift railgun using her own hand. We have to do something about the bullets though because they don't look cool at all.

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>what is the AAA

I'm glad that he gets a qt3.14 autistic waifu

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I think Mikoto busting down with a combat shotgun could be amusing

That’s mecha user, it doesn’t really fill the same niche

>fillershit in the pv

The less it looks like the manga, the better

But thats the point. Accelerator's manga is so shit that filler can only improve it

You'd rather the anime restrict itself to the garbage source material that is the accel manga than possibly spice it up with some new scenes? Okay.

Only the art is bad, the first arc was good

Filler isn’t inherently bad, and honesty the filler here seems to expand a faction with potential so it works

Read the manga

>Only the art is bad

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Yes yes and Silent party was good too we've heard it all before

Since it takes place in early OT it's worth comparing to other early OT stories. It's easily better than the kazakiri, nuns, daihaseisai, ice boats, and deep blood arcs. The Index, Sisters, and Angel Fall arcs are better than it. If you put the contents of the Accel spinoff into LN form and placed it alongside those volumes, it would be praised a lot more. So while I don't think the plot was amazing or anything, I disregard people who pretend it was significantly worse than other parts of the series.

>yfw MP starts shilling the Accel manga to be contrarian

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Not really. Only half the season was good and the biggest fight was a slide show.

Two if you count Qlippy

Are they going to keep doing that gay black/purple shit on all his attacks like S3?

>It's better than nuns and deep blood
Not even close. Its barely on Kazakiri's level

More like 2/3rd's which is more than any Index season has accomplished so far.

Nope. Nuns arc put people to sleep and deep blood was only good for the last minute between Touma and Izzard.

Index and sister's are peak close to peak OT imo so YMMV.

Didn't he used to say the Accel manga was non-canon too?

Who has ever said that its worse than every single part of the series ever? If every arc in index was ice boats tier you sure as shit would be hearing a lot more criticism about it and it wouldnt be half as popular as it is.

Pretty sure that wasnt MP but some other autist

>Not even talking about the books
Shoo shoo. We dont need wiki readers in here. Go back to your corner.

Considering it started showing off his wings before he ever got exposed to magic it probably should be.

Oh no, they removed muh precious dummy izzard. Such a game changing removal.

Ever since he got beat by Touma he's known how to manipulate air on a large scale.

They never took the form of wings. It's canon.

>When other authors have so little respect for your canon status they take your characters and change their genders on a whim
Poor arata, he's not that good but he doesnt deserve this much bullying

>remove MC development
Piss off novel skipper

I thought Haimura still made the character designs for the accel manga?

Oh please, if you cared about character development you wouldn't be reading Index.

You're still here? Get lost tertiary. You dont have any idea what you're talking about.

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It's still written by Kamachi whether you like it or not, cope.

Where'd you get that from?

Regardless of that being true or not, he still uses some wings of air to Kamijoupunch Awaki.


>Kamachi scrutinizes every panel and every word before it gets published please believe me
>Mangaka can't fuck up and make mistakes
>The wildly different quality of each spinoff is pure coincidence

Fuyukawa can't just take characters from other places and change their gender on a whim. That call came from Kamachi.

>Air tornadoes are the same as wings

Points to my gut feeling that Arara and the Big Order director are given more freedom by Kamachi, but he disregards what he doesn’t care for after the fact as a consequence.

They weren’t wings. Did you not read the part where it was said there was odd irregularities in his powers during the experiment?

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All I said was authors. One or the other of them didnt particularly care that seike was a girl in accel and changed it just because they could. Which doesnt speak well of the image one or the other has for the spinoff.

Mikoto is so hot

Character design is credited for both of them. Clearly that means that haimura originally made the designs for the sisters and the like and is being given credit, but arata wouldnt even be there if he weren't being credited for his own creations as well. He wouldnt be listed just for having his own style of haimura's designs.

I guess we'll never really know unless we ask them directly.

Those irregularities will never, ever be addressed as stemming from Accel’s power.

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We do know though, you just arent accepting it.

Okay, Kamachi.

Has Haimura shown his drafts for the new characters? No? Arata likely designed them himself from a short description by Kamachi.

It doesn’t matter, the experiment had signs of being dipped in the “occult” in canon so it’s no surprise he could be showing shit like that. One user proposed the theory of Crowley inputting shit into him during the experiment.

Chuuya isnt credited as a character designer on his manga user.
>I guess we'll never know...
You will never know because you can't put two and two together to save your life.

based suru trips

I have.

If it’s something as simple as that, then the loose end should have been wrapped up a while back, maybe as early as Crowley stating he imputed the wings. Right now it’s the worst sort of red herring.

Totally unrelated, but since the Rosicrucian Order was mentiond in OT1 and is now a thing in NT22 I wonder if he'll ever follow through with showing full tuning. Granted, it could be Mikoto herself but that'd be pretty weird, but it'd cause her more suffering and he seems to love that so why not.

>anime with the least amount of oversight from hack author is the best by far

What went so right?

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>well maybe there's still a chance user is right, maybe index just doesnt credit the designs at all?
>Look it up
Welp, thats that I guess

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So if freckled DA womanlet is taking on accelerator, what are her chances of survival?

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Whatever it is we may see it show up again. He has a tendency to dip seeds in his volumes and have them grow in a later volume. Either way or doesn’t change the fact that him doing shit like that isn’t so out of the ordinary based on what we know. It WAS an experiment to reach SYSTEM, so I’m sure there was some shit inputted in the mix.

Not very high. Toaru Accel tends to kill off all of its villains.

What I originally meant is that even if there’s an explanation, it likely won’t be the result of Accelerator’s power alone. Or at all.

Probably then yes.

>Tfw may actually get doujins of her if scanners aren’t being tards and if she acts as cute as she looks

If you notice, the trap in question was never referred to as a woman

If there's any doujins from this, it's all going to be Esther.

Misaki a pile of shit

Accel anime is going to be top tier, and Railgun S3 will save JC Staff. I feel bad for al the other anime done by JC Staff while these two are airing as these two will be getting all the money and talent they have.

If you notice, she had tits

I wouldn’t be shocked if she ends up being Yomikawa’s new filler sidekick

She's looked like she's replaced the DA hospital flamethrower guy, and he died.

I’m fine with that.

She didn’t though

If you watch the trailer the hospital DA guys are still there, she’s doing her own thing it seems

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You must have the memory of a goldfish because pages of her with tits get posted every time this stupid argument gets brought up


>doing this bullshit instead adding new people
Damn chinks

What makes you think I get into this argument with you or anyone else here? This is the first time I mentioned it, most of the time I’ve seen Seike in both Accel and Idol Accel they’re flat as fuck

Why? Just because she’s a girl?


We all do

And Index too!

He was giving you the benefit of the doubt and assuming you werent a total newfag.

Misamisa a cute and canon

Did you know that Accel isn’t that strong magically?

He’d be wrong anyways retard.

Can you can call people that? It’s hurting the threadz

Its one or the other bud, you dont get to pick both.

Toaru Kagaku no Accelerator Vol.11 will be released on Early Spring, 2020.

Attached: accel11.png (880x64, 29K)

I don’t have to pick either. If you could use your brain you could gather that people aren’t in every thread

Post the image already

In other words, a newfag

I see, you’re just shitposting

>look dude, just because I don't visit threads doesn't mean I'm a newfag

Junko will make it canon.

It’s a retarded argument because Seike is like the only character in Accel manga who switches from having little lumps of being flat as fuck

I seem to remember those lumps being a decent size, like D cups.

Arata supposedly has no editor, right? I wonder if that means he has less communication with the other guys like Kamachi and Fuyukawa? We already know Kamachi does work with Fuyukawa on stuff sometimes so maybe Arata wrote them in, since I'm sure he has that freedom, and Kamachi/Fuyukawa made him a trap to add some flavor to Scavenger

When is AB next chapter?

When it comes out

I only remember them getting that big on the cover, but said cover also isn’t really consistent with the arc itself

I really doubt he actually has no editor


>You little shits are going to fuck and you're going to like it

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>Just fuck already, I see the eyes you guys make at each other, we're tired of waiting for it to happen naturally.

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Color page from Index VO 3.

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I can't believe MisaMisa will soon be canon. What's next, KamiKuroko?

Kazakiri's mom is so cute, why did Touma leave her alone with the kid?

they're an item now?
i only watched Railgun because i can't stand Touma and Index
really wish Accelerator was the MC.

Full cover for New Testament: A Certain Magical Index 22 Reverse (Or Rebirth)!

Attached: NT22R.jpg (1000x1419, 244K)


>Junko already using her protagonist clout to influence changes to the story
>its MisaMisa

>the colors are still there
I'll take some bullshit is happening for 10, Jim

Amazing post, MP.

When does the long summary come out? And it seems like it indeed is a transparent dress.

Anonraildex when are you going to steal a copy from the warehouse and leak the illustrations

>magic is now known around the world
>the Rosicrucian order thinks only chosen individuals should be able to use magic
Has anyone even pointed this out yet? This could turn into a magician hunting arc

My many clones are working on it.

Well the first part is somewhat debatable but yes the latter has been mentioned. Despite British Halloween or Othinus' shenanigans Kamachi hasn't really shown any fallout of people treating magic as normal or existing.

>only chosen individuals should be able to use magic
So what you're saying is magic genocide soon?

MP hasn’t pretended to be an Accel Stan for a while, try again.

Essentially a magician purge, or maybe they'll use Aleister's plan and leave a backdoor for themselves only? The whole diffusion field might not stop pure magic

Yes. Based Junko is the key to get MisaMisa together, which will cause Kuroko to retaliate by raping Touma

The long summary is already out. We long get the long one now.

Just how many times will index get an upgraded bosom?

Haimura said she'll be a silver haired Misaki when she's 16, all that food is going somewhere

IT will do something and nothing will ever be the same in the series

IT will replace the Touma we know and the Touma we know will be left alone by everyone.

Replace probably isn't a good word since it very clearly doesn't want to make friends.

I just noticed that Junko illustration has bigger tits
Guess flat Junko is now officially retconned

So Haimura BTFO?

That's a shame because I would love to be best friends with IT.

He can't into tits, although Junko was flat in Railgun too. Nogi's love for them won

Next volume Touma is once more on a one-way train to pain and suffering.

IT is cute.

>He can't into tits,
And knees.

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No it means Nogi pushed for big titted Junko because its his fetish and no one cared enough to tell him no.

He should've pushed for romcom hijinks

He does though. AB is full of that crap.

I don't like the ship for MisaMisa but I do ship Kuroko and Junko

I don' think ship anyone but Touma x Happy Ending

Not enough

I ship Junko with my dick

The whole volume will be happy but at the last illustration, giant claw mark will show up on the last illustration. Showing a horrible world in the claw marks

I was thinking the same thing but with the inner cover showing a giant cut in the cover and what the World is truly like.

The whole volume will translate differently if read in a mirror

MP? i don't get it

Are you the user who made that Sunny meme with the two Touma’s?

We will start with the ending and end with the beginning

The volume will end with everything reversing back to the beginning of the series.

Shitposter that ruined threads forever don't worry about it

So we end up with New Game + happening by the end of the book

I want Kamachi to do this, but it's a fake-out. If .exe actually did it that'd be horrible.

It'd be amusing if Madame Horos was behind it but IT or Anna/Aiwass stopped her, crushing her mind once realizing there's no escaping her fate

It will look that way but Anna running around, there two Crowley one in Coronzon's body and the Crowley in the tube. WR is around from the start and the Magic Gods remember everything that happen before the reset.

The Rosicrucian Order made a move from the start this time around

Tube Crowley would have a fucking stroke

So your saying for Touma New Game + is super hard mode.

It'd be funny if Touma's first fight was freaking Izzard, since chronologically that would make sense, but that would require Izzard to actually exist in Kamachi's brain and if he did he would have shown up in NT9.


Super hard and super lewd.

>IT Touma ignores Index but somehow still runs into Stiyl and Kanzaki
>it slaughters them both and just does whatever the hell it wants
>tube Aleister is trying to figure out what the fuck is going on, but the sudden influx of new memories (99.99999999% of it math) is fucking with his concentration horribly
>Aiwass actually bursts one of his sides

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Nah. MP will be kidnapped soon and she will fade into obscurity

Maybe Izzard not showing up in NT 9, was showing something that is destroy by the dragons can not come back in anyways. Like how someone kill by the White Queen couldn't come back until Kyousuke find away in the final voulme


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No IT Touma is running around at the same time as prememory lost Touma from OT 1. This time that Touma does not use his memory.

>IT Touma vs OG Touma

I'd dig it. OG Touma would get shredded by current Touma though.

The Index event play out but this time Neph and Niang show up in AC, to stop High Priest from dieing in the future by making the first move.

You say that but OG Touma could know something about IT before he lost his memory and may know what to do about IT.

So I didn't get this part. What exactly is stopping Kyousuke from bringing back Kyoumi and everyone that died in the garden? The text explicitly says he can't, but wouldn't they fall under the same category as someone directly killed by the Queen? And even if that's not the case, it would just means he needed to distort history like he did with the rainy girl.

Othinus will play a key role in this coming volume, against IT to save her Touma.

Index Season 3 was genuinely fun. Not sure why it seems to be so hated.

Bad adaptation like s2, I didn't let it bother me that much though

It’s fun to laugh at but when you realize it’s legitimately going to be the only S3 we get the anger sits in.

I'm sure it wasn't perfect, but I can read the novels for that (and I will be doing so). I had a lot of fun every week, one of the anime I've watched while airing that I've not only stuck with week-to-week but also made sure to watch as soon as it got released on HS. Not going to say it's great or anything, but not much anime recently has entertained me as much as it did.

Someone kill by the White Queen can not be bring back,by even distorting history. At least if you stay in the Human World, that why he had to go to the World of White Queen and Wisdom to do it.

>absolutely no one is talking about it
>all of a sudden: INDEXIII IS GOOD GAIZ
Fuck off, MP. Go back to shilling JC Staff in OPM threads.

Seek help.

At the end of Blood Sigh this was said by Kyousuke's little Sister.
“Yes, Nii-sama. Three primary ones. Othinus and the Aoandon from the Divine-class and the Lady of Purple Lightning from the Unexplored-class. And one unidentified one.”

What if that Unidentified one, will be Touma

Index sequel will be about Touma traveling to other Kamachi Worlds.

Newfag trying to fit in

That isn’t MP, dipshit

Have sex

>I'm sure it wasn't perfect,
You sure? Because you sound like you want to suck Index III's cock
>but I can read the novels for that (and I will be doing so).
Why is this a defense of the anime? Everybody can fucking read the novels, shill, but this is an anime so people actually expect to see animation.
>I had a lot of fun every week, one of the anime I've watched while airing that I've not only stuck with week-to-week but also made sure to watch as soon as it got released on HS.
It's only fun if its to be shit on.
>Not going to say it's great or anything, but not much anime recently has entertained me as much as it did.
Watch more anime then because even if it wasn't compared to the novels it would still be shit.

It's not MP, it's pretenditsgood-kun.

He’s a fag but so are you for using that shit

It could have been much better without JC being treated like a chinese sweatshop, but I had fun too and the scenery had me diamonds at times if nothing else.

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As you might guess it's supposed to be an annoyance


>You sure? Because you sound like you want to suck Index III's cock
Not really. I just enjoyed it, a lot. It was something to look forward to every week, and while Shield Hero has kind of filled that, Friday's just aren't as fun now.
>Why is this a defense of the anime?
It's not really a defense of the anime. But I don't believe Index has ever been a perfect adaptation, at least that's my impression of it having only seen the anime stuff, so I don't see why people would expect it to be great at representing the material as it was in the novels here.
>It's only fun if its to be shit on.
I disagree.
>Watch more anime then because even if it wasn't compared to the novels it would still be shit.
I've watched plenty. I'm at the point where it isn't any one thing that genuinely entertains me. I watched Baccano the other week, and to make my point, while I'm sure if we were to discuss the objective merits, Baccano would be a much better anime than Index 3, I enjoyed the latter more than the former. I don't know why, it was just what I was looking for and I loved it.
I would like some of the stuff to be touched up during the blu ray releases. haven't seen any comparisons for reference. I know Full Metal Panic had a lot of improvements in this regard and it really didn't even look bad outside of like episode 8.

Reddit apparently has some guy posting blu ray comparisons. From what I remember it was mainly making Touma even more handsome (very important), fixing errors, and one or two new scenes.

Attached: +1.jpg (1920x1080, 162K)

And of course there wouldn't be any new nude scenes or added nipples.

There's none to add, OT16 was like the only fanservice that lasted more than a mere second

He's saying that they could have easily been brought back with Iai.


for (you)

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It’s Wisdom. There you go.


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I see.

No correcting Accel’s design, No buy.

It wouldn't be the first time original content was added.

Unironically kill yourself

Accelerator anime seems to have cleaner character models, judging from the PV. Looks a lot better, though can't draw too much from a PV.

It not Wisdom because she was with the Meinokawa siblings at the end and the unidentified one was with Othinus,Aoandon and Lady of Purple Lightning.


Accel volume 10 Omake

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Are you MP? You must be to have such a hostile reaction

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I do not remember Last Order having such a tight fitting dress

Wisdom and the twins were entering the same area at the end.

That LO face reminds me of ancient Toriyama art from the 80's.

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So is the joke on the left that Last Order becomes bald for a panel?

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The joke is that there is a leaf that looks like last Order's ahegao but it's not but she's there anyway despite the leaf

I think the joke on the right is that Accel carved gekota on the moon for LO but didn't do it right.

>grown woman are drawn with their waists as wide as their hips
>LO has the only visible difference
Of course Arata is a deluded lolicon. Why else would Kamachi hire him?


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I'm not sure if the original creator gets to be the one to pick

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I don’t know, I think that would be a very high priority. Look at Nogi and Fuyukawa.

>He still thinks that little girls don't have curves

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Arata's art is shit, but his LOs are great.

Arata's girls sucked early on, Estelle was a stick and LO had nothing back then

But the price was absolutely stupid facial expressions

I love his faces, they're by far the most entertaining faces of any raildex manga

Attached: 08.png (1080x2340, 932K)

LO's cunny

I think Kamachi is powerful enough to at least choose from a list

>if you like index 3 you're a shitposter
Fuck off. Accept the fact that there are people are going to like what they can get. and there are others who would like it enough to discuss it.

I think the art sucks even more now.

10 yen has been deposited in your account.

I agree with you, but you also shouldn’t let retards get a rise out of you. Be comfortable with your opinions user.

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Would that be her reaction if she ever saw one of her sisters walking by pregnant?

So as long as you get literal shit you'll be happy? What mentality is that.

The baby is dead

A butchered badly animated adaptation is still better than most shitty seasonal anime

>other people should accept my taste even though no one wants to discuss it and it all ends with people shitting on it anyway.
Fuck off, shill. And what the hell are people gonna discuss about it anyway? It's "AMAZING~" animation, it's lackluster storyboarding or incompetent direction (literal zeros, pineapple dimensional wreckage)

Funny how you demand people to like it or even try to say "I LIKE INDEX III I DON'T GET THE HATE" as if you're trying to convince yourself that Index III is good. However, you never say or discuss whats so good about Index III. Just in general, an obvious mark of your autism. Me? I liked the plane episode, but I'm not gonna say Index III is good because of that. So go fuck yourself and shove that millennial entitlement up your ass. We're gonna shit on Index III all we want. And why give the illusion that people even like it anyway with cucks like you? It only encourages studios and corporate bigwigs to keep pumping shitty adaptations of the series. So either you're retarded, a shitposter, or a fucking shill.

It always was, that shitty labcoat just covered it.

What if the reason Mikoto is the only lvl 5 to leave AC is that her power is strong enough that she's subconsciously attracting the North Pole towards her

>an obvious mark of your autism
Where's my pot and kettle

Literally ever show I watched in the Fall season was better than Index 3 so you must be living in bizarro world.

I dont know, but I just want to point out that I just blow the best nut of my life to Mikoto's ass

Yeah that's why I was confused. Obviously Iai's soul was still out there this entire time for Kyousuke to be able to make her into a material and thus resurrect her at the end, the same should be true for Kyoumi and the others. Unless it was because WQ fucked with that house so hard as seen in last vol, and that anchored her soul here unlike the others.

Or the requirement for resurrecting those killed by WQ was they HAD to be remade into a material first, but that wasn't really stated anywhere. EX2 says Iai still has her powers because she used to be a material, not 'she's back to life because she used to be a material'. I know we've seen how making souls into materials is a huge pain in the ass, but it still feels weird seeing the narration denying the possibility outright.

Calm down.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Toaru Majutsu no Index III - 21 [720p].mkv_snapshot_04.04_[2019.03.01_17.15.35].png (1280x720, 1.05M)

Misamisa kiss VERY SOON

You seem more autistic than anyone in this thread currently. No, I'm not that guy. This is literally my first post in this thread

I enjoyed Index 3 because I love Raildex.

I love Accelerator!

I've always been vocal in previous threads about getting Index 3 in its current state is better than no index. Fuck your autismal, thought policing mentally retarded shit. I like what I like. it doesn't well with you? maybe you should check out places that advocate a single view like reddit and its ilk. You don't belong on a free speech platform.

I enjoyed Index 3 because I love eating shit

>Forcing yourself to like Index 3

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I haven't even been back in these threads very long and I already wanna take another break. I'm sure NT22R will bring autism but at least itll be fresh and entertaining

There are at least a few things to like about Index 3.

Attached: 1542379876809.webm (1280x720, 411K)

See you tomorrow.

Touma will eat Index's ass and that'll be the reverse

Or a few days from now.

Holy shit guys. I stumbled across this show by chance and I’ve got to say that little lady Saten Ruiko is a one HOT... piece of ass with a personality to match. Jesus Christ guys... Jesus Christ.

Yep, we’ve all been there.

Most of us still are.

And Index too!

People overhyped their expectations and got mad over every little thing. I'm still laughing about the guy mad at hamazura not being shown picking a lock.

I love anime!

It sucks when things get cut but you sound overdramatic yourself

and manga!

Accelerator loves all of us unconditionally. Who would be such a small person to take advantage of that?

>the guy mad at hamazura not being shown picking a lock.
Are you the autist who trivializes criticisms into one or two details? Hamazura's character arc was thoroughly butchered, skipping the carjacking stuff was one of many problems with it.

Did you respond to the wrong post?

Yes, Will, he loves all of you. And you know exactly what small person eats that up

>it was one of many problems
Oh shit he's still here? Priceless. Are you still saying that no one could ever tell he's a gang member without that scene?

And we confirm it was MP all along with all the "I like Index III" bullshit.

>MP has shown up
>Nice, now I can blame any post I dont like on her

Thanks for confirming. And no, there were a dozen points made as to why Hamazura's story was fucked up but I suppose the least important one of them is the only one you have chance of defending.

>If anyone ever finds any part of my argument to be stupid and clearly just me looking for things to be mad about that means he must have an agenda and think the anime is perfect
Top kek. How old are you kid?

but they added Fiamma and Shutaura

I want more Mikoto

Even kids get over things that hurt their feelings from 8 months ago so implying I'm one would make you look even worse. You do you, though.

judging from both struggle battle and puzzdex, I expect IF to have a ton of Misaka variants too

No it's the prequel to the one before it, Accel bounced a bouncy ball too high and then went to go get it back for LO

Fiamma has been in for a while, they just added cowboykoto and whatever misaki and accel are.

I literally said it was funny, it's hilarious how small a thing people (You) stooped for to try and make themselves mad. Adults can think in shades of grey and in non binary terms unlike you though, and know that perhaps people who only mention a part of their statement aren't automatically trying to disagree with the whole statement. You do you though kid. Keep seething forever, I'll be busy enjoying NTS1.

When you have to keep reassuring yourself that you're an adult and that the other party is angry and not you, it really makes people doubt your authenticity. Perhaps you'll become self-aware of this one day.

There is no accel costume and the Doll Misaki thing is old as hell. But apparently the main reason why updates have slowed is because they're updating everything about the game again for some reason, but hey I'm open to screaming about miracles provided she's fun to play.

Allegedly, the 3.0 update with OT16 and a bunch of other shit releases this week

Shut the fuck up both of you

>You have to assure yourself you're an adult
I never said that, only that you have the mental development of a child. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt here and assuming you are legitimately a child, and not simply retarded.

I'm done with him, his tank is empty the moment he defaulted to nothing but "you're a kid".

who is this cute girl?

>why did Touma leave her alone with the kid?
He didn't though. He lives together with her in his dorm. Kazakiri practically lives there too but they don't see her most of time.

Attached: x3.jpg (900x1280, 462K)

>A mother
Good joke

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Doesn't Kazakiri die if she touches Touma's hand?

I want Accelerator to fuck me

we know lo

Be quiet, Fake News demon.

By the end of NT 22 R, Touma will never be able to get back his old normal life. He will will have to make a new normal for himself

Shouldn't you be sleeping, Touma?

All will be reverse by the end of NT.
Rebirth of the Reverse

With Misamisa as his wife

NT 22 R will be heartbreaking

Someone heart will broke in NT 22 R

No railgun ch this month.

you're a month late to this news

Are you ready to say goodbye to someone in NT 22R

That will not happen in this series and if it does it better not be Othinus,Index,Mikoto or Misaki

Probably but her post reaction will depend on who fathered the child. Pic related shows how she will react if ever she found out they are having an intimate relationship with Accel.

Attached: __accelerator_last_order_and_misaka_mikoto_to_aru_majutsu_no_index_drawn_by_meso_goma_meso__sample-2 (850x1190, 344K)

Index would be best served by dying at this point. It's the most she can possibly contribute since Touma for some reason still cares about her

I bet she is doing that on purpose to seduce him.

Attached: 0fc0e7ca69fe261cff555eb8892e1104d42e1745.jpg (550x778, 96K)

Personally I prefer loose flowy dresses and I'm sure as her father accelerator would too

Attached: acceleratred growth.jpg (421x1160, 187K)

Index dying would literally make Touma implode.

That's literally my point.

LO is doing a doctor-patient foreplay with Accel.

I mean it's not something he would ever recover from. If Kamachi couldn't even put him through the change that would have happened by Othinus dying he sure as hell won't do that with Index.

Nobody is dying. At best Index would go to England or somewhere else without Touma for a few volumes.

>t. Will of the Misaka Network
You said that you are with Team Kamijou and you don't like Accel.

Attached: 1539175776146.jpg (713x1024, 300K)

Sure he would. Even the Othinus thing Touma sort of got over at the end of NT10. You're vastly overestimating how big an effect she'd have. You don't really think Index never died in NT9 do you?

Can Mikoto kill destroy a country with an EMP?

I see three possibilities for NT22R, with the Othinus one the least likely.

>Nothing is wrong with the timeline. Index simply picked him up successfully and his arm is either temporarily or permanently fixed and is able to attend some sort of formal event at Windsor Castle. From there, who the fuck knows what will happen?

>Index picked up A Touma, but it's not the one we know. A second Touma was born from the eggs and the first one is still running. Why it looks exactly him, and why Index didn't notice two Toumas would obviously need to be explained. From there, who knows?

>We're still in NT9, and Othinus is about to get put down for real. This would definitely need something like "don't worry, NT wasn't pointless, Coronzon and a number of other things Othinus showed him are definitely real. And Touma knows it now. But the catch is no one believes him."

As for the Othinus one, I kind of hate it but I kind of love it? Finding out she threw in real details like Aleister's shit and Coronzon even though she shouldn't really know about it would make her seem far more godlike and terrifying. And you could feel it feel it in your bones rather than just be told "she tortured him in one novel". And I'd love to see Touma try to figure out how to take down a demon (who's planning on doing very similar stuff she did in Othinus's world anyway) but no one believing him. But on the other hand...is that really what we wanna go with?

Synopsis updated:


Attached: textless nt22r.jpg (1000x1419, 227K)

>cute girl?
The thumbnail looked like a girl with a short white hair wearing a dress. When I zoomed in the images, I realized that it was a bullet heading towards Accel.

You could say the same about any of the other girls, their respective plots are long over and have added nothing to Touma by being around him

So it's a castle siege volume I'm onboard

Eh, I can't see Kamachi saying half of NT was a dream. Whether or not people think it's real or believe him is irrelevant for much the same reason we would be unlikely to travel back in time and then stay there.

Index will become a MG after she dies.

Attached: 667476d16c574f21467d8c4e930c803ce3862796.png (774x1027, 968K)

Nice try but no. Every other girl has indeed contributed to Touma's development, had their own, and/or been important to other plots. Index is the only one who was just, there.

Source? The synopsis hasn't changed at all here, not on the Dengeki website and not on Amazon.

No, he really wouldn't. Like regardless of your interpretation of how Touma would react, it's plainly obvious from Kamachi's track record he wouldn't.

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Yeah. While aspects of it would be cool as shit (like it making Othinus seem more terrifying and all knowing, and seeing Touma struggle with knowing a world ending demon is coming and no one, even Aleister (if Touma could even speak to him) believing him) but overall...eh?

Anyone translate this? Just seeing something about a dragon or lizard monster in Windsor castle.

I want her to turn into Dark Index.

Attached: index.jpg (5478x4962, 3.37M)

It's plainly obvious from Kamachi's track record that Touma absolutely would get over it. Like, you're telling me Kamachi would just have Touma lie around mind broken and forever unable to ever possibly move on from a person dying. We're talking about the same dude right? That guy who loves happy endings? That's why Accelerator has just been a crying mess this entire time and never ever got over the Sisters and never will, right?

why the fuck are her shoes on my bed

Google puts parentheses over Aleister Crowley’s sacrifice desu. A hilarious mistake, or is that the original text? Synopsis is also teasing IT. I doubt there’s a reveal beyond that.

>At last, the conclusion to the New Testament arc! A victory celebration with a gathering of heroines in party dresses!
>The threat of Great Demon Coronzon who wanted to ruin the world is gone. And after the sacrifice of Academy City Board Chairman Aleister, Kamijou Touma has finally saved the science and magic world.
>This is a holy ground for the Anglican Church, the Windsor Castle. During his ardent welcome at the Victory Celebration Party, Kamijou confirms Index, Misaka, and Shokuhou are there. It finally feels like peace has arrived.
>Aren't we forgetting something? Yes, immediately after the Coronzon battle. Wasn't Kamijou's right hand supposed to have exploded!?
>And then, a monster attacks the Windsor castle. A winged lizard shows itself.
>This is when Magic and Science cross paths, and the story that results of that meeting. Don't miss the conclusion to the New Testament Arc!

Most of the girls besides Index have directions they're hinted at going for though. Birdway/Lessar is the new Golden Dawn. Othinus is hinting hse's hiding her powers and is a God of Deception. Mikoto has her demon shenanigans. Index has...? That one new book perhaps? The one that not even she ever acknowledged? Does she even know she has it? Did Index ever even react to the fact Coronzon is her leader? She knew sure, and acted on it sure, but she just kind of, went with it.

You do realize Accelerator isn't over the Sisters, right? He's not a sobbing mess, but he's not over it. Its mostly why he saved 545. Will even says LAST VOLUME that she can't help him get over it

>A winged lizard shows itself
Finally, a real dragon and not that stringed mess. Hopefully it wont job to a Railgun immediately like the last fake one.

It dragon will be Touma

That's the point, he's getting over it, he's working past it, and last volume literally spelled out how he's going to move on and be happy. Saying "No, he wouldn't" like Touma is just going to cry forever and never get over a loss is just stupid.

Remember this from the parody Story:
That" 40m long thing that the Scottish royal family has kept hidden for over half a century which flies and breathes fire.

Misaki has Railgun

Literally no one said Touma would lie around mind broken. That's not that I or what the narrative meant by Touma going through a change if he was unable to save someone. He would lose that unique quality that makes him Kamijou Touma, that's what he wouldn't recover from.

>The guy who loves happy endings
>But he'd totally kill off Index guys

"Aren't we forgetting something? Yes, immediately after the Coronzon battle. Wasn't Kamijou's right hand supposed to have exploded"
This line is 100% pointing toward something really bad happening and the winged lizard isn't going to be the real problem.

Kamachi has finally lost it

>Literally no one said Touma would lie around mind broken.
>It's not something he would recover from
>Sure he would, he was sort of getting over Othinus too.
>Nuh uh, Touma would never recover

Attached: congratsgintama.gif (300x225, 1.25M)

>He loves happy endings
>Thus, it's obviously impossible for people to die

Attached: NT_Index_v08_381.png (1106x1600, 281K)

Kamachi has brought more people back from the dead than he has killed them

Finally, the Illuminati magicians that are actually lizards in human clothing reveal themselves!

Yes, and?

Yes, and?

>side characters

Misaka 1-10031 say hi

No, or?

Touma would just have someone like Thor beat some sense into him like the last time he was in a slump

The Winged lizard is going to be Othinus who trying to save Touma from an illusion

Only 10031 wasn't dead from the start

>He still hasn't accepted Index is a side character

Attached: 1549637423013.jpg (1072x712, 188K)

Dragons are finally being revealed!?

>Kamijou confirms Index, Misaka, and Shokuhou are there
>Kamijou confirms

Attached: 1553784386970.jpg (1600x1200, 450K)

>Othinus shed her disguise of having no power and called in a favor from Nidhogg to save Touma

Attached: 1553802507877.png (500x588, 330K)


Yeah this is officially Touma going off the deep end

Are you saying that's a happy ending or something?

Way after OT3 where it was revealed she was already dead.

>A winged lizard shows itself.
Nighorder makes his RETURN!!

Attached: NT_Index_v08_001.jpg (1120x1600, 487K)

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Are you saying it's impossible to ever lose anything? Are you saying you can't ever recover and have a happy ending after having lost anything at all? Shit guess I'll strap in my seatbelt for all the clones to get revived then.

Shes still dead and not coming back

Lmao Mikoto has what now?


Attached: 1545876544610.png (640x640, 590K)

She was always dead.

I can assure you that nothing too bad will happen in this novel.

Attached: z8k2ccnfmera10tssq5q.jpg (680x553, 205K)

I know you can read user, I believe in you. It;s right after her name, you can do it!

Nope, she was alive

She wasn’t a character until Railgun2 and still isn’t a person to Touma.

>A Misaka clone under 10031 was alive when the clones were introduced and it's not Dolly
What theory do you have, user?

>To Touma
Ah, so we're changing it to only being people Touma knows not being allowed to die are we? Accelerator and Hamazura can get fucked I guess.

The new and improved Coldsteel version, like Bersi or Kekine

This line is without a doubt pointing to there something off here.

I jumped in there, but yes. Total immunity is only extended to the cast in the MC’s orbit.

>Touma honestly thought he beat the final boss
This poor fucking kid doesn't know that he just had pandora's box opened, NT9 wasn't his deep end, it was a fucking sneak peek.

This line is certainly pointing towards a misdirection of some sort.

Do you guys also analyze a comedian's routine and say "this part right here, this is pointing to a joke of some sort" at the punchline?

>Winged lizard
Wait is it the Serpent? We are still dealing with Kabbalah tree shit but I doubt Winged Lizard would fit it.

Attached: Formations of the tree 4.jpg (720x960, 100K)

Touma can't remember Shokuhou, how can he confirms she there?

Also why wouldn't Touma also want to confirm Othinus is there too?

Whew, sounded weird for second, I thought I skipped book or something.

>and here’s the punchline

Look, I really think IT might be related here. It might be brought up in this novel.

Accelerator is an MC

Considering something popped out of his hand and Kamachi went "this wasn't the dragon" it might be showing up to bail him out now.

It may be the dragon(s) inside IB. The narrator mentioned them in NT22.

Because he can confirm if Othinus is there or not by looking at his own shoulder, maybe putting a hand on his pocket, he doesn't need to enter the party and look for her in there.

I think the only one who to die in Zashiki Warashi was only related to Shinobu out of the 3 protags though

Does he really get nearly enough screentime for MC status? Aleister built the setting to literally revolve around Touma, and Hamazura is the one outlier.

It doesn't mention Othinus is or isnt there. If she was already in his pocket as he was running he wouldn't need to confirm she was ok when returning to the castle.

I don't think our boy the dumpster hoodie is making it out of this one

What a twist the Freyia who was at last born some time after NT 8 ending, is coming to save Touma from IT's lies

>The winged Lizard is the angel dragon
would be kino

Don’t think about it too much. She’s mentioned because she’s on the cover, it doesn’t necessarily confirm anything.

He should be number 3 for NT screentime so yes

He cant confirm Othinus is there because she is not there

Oh. I joined the chain to make fun of you. Guess I got it back huh?

I'm checking my Book of the Law for any references to this since I swear it sounds familiar, and one of the lines calls Hadit the 'winged flame'. It's a long shot though and it's all just speculation, but I may have better luck figuring it out in Book of the Lies, sadly I haven't read it yet. Hell, it may not be a thelematic deity at all but it's got me interested.

>Misaki is the first one to realize something's wrong with Touma when he greets her
>The entire novel is her getting chased around Windsor Castle by demon Touma as he tries to silence her before she reveals the truth to everyone

>This is when Magic and Science cross paths, and the story that results of that meeting. Don't miss the conclusion to the New Testament Arc!
Are you telling me when Toum has been saying 'when science and magic cross paths a story is born', he wasn't talking about next volumes but NT22R? Is a story FINALLY being born?

You guys suck at discerning the most important part
>This is when Magic and Science cross paths, and the story that results of that meeting.

I think the "and the story that results" part is new, and Kamachi DID just say that the first act was ending so...

Has a synopsis ever said this? I thought it's only an anime/promo slogan?

How many levels of sarcasm are we on right now?

Attached: 152506720938410.png (800x800, 1.11M)

No no user, the important part here is

Can't wait for the third addition being the smug alien

Is the world at last going to find out about Magic in this volume?

I don’t think the last three volumes are enough to recover from his nonexistence in the Kamisato Arc.

>Touma has finally saved the science and magic world.
>the science and magic world.

Attached: 1549635767254.jpg (569x719, 79K)

>NT arc

Are you telling me the last 8 and a half years was just like a god damned Jojo part?

It already has. Its just taking a while to sink in.

I translated it as I could read and didn't check to see if it fit any thelema terms or anything like that, so don't get too focused on how it's written.
翼を持つトカゲ is just literally "A lizard that possesses wings"

Yes user, Part 3 will be full of Guardian Angels battles and Astral Buddies with more gayness

Part 3: Thelema Crusaders this winter.

Wait for Part 3.
A Certain Magical Index: Touma Crusaders

>Anna is actually a vampire
>Touma beats her because they have the same type of power
>Punches her left and she explodes

One thing that would surprise is a prominent gay male couple.

The dragons are loose aren't they?

Index is never gonna end, you guys win this one, I remember some guys wondering if NT17/18 was setup for the end

More like Rosicrucian Crusaders

You mean besides Ollerus and Fiamma?

Aleister is already confirmed gay with Neuburg


That doesn't even count because Silvia exists

Thats for Italian Touma and Italian Accel

People have been thinking Index is ending since WW3.

Gay priest magician reset the phases when?

Well in that case I don't think any couples at all are prominent.
>Assuming Silvia is actually getting any
She wouldn't be half as bitchy if she was actually getting the dick.

Welcome Touma to Hard Mode in the sequel of NT

>women settle down after getting the dick
only virgins actually believe this meme

>Comparing anime women to real women

Attached: 1549678149617.png (963x995, 41K)

>Part 3 memes were real

The Winged Lizard will be Shugal because they kill Coronzon in NT 22

Berserk will end before Index does

What happened to Mikoto's AAA?

That was a parody story, why does it have so must foreshadowing for the main series in it?

Here's your winged lizard bro

Attached: image.png (600x294, 453K)

>IT turned England into Australia

IT is the Touma at the ceremony and the winged dragon is actually the real Touma crashing the ceremony with no survivors

Will this volume fry my mind as must as a Simple Series did?

All roads lead to Kamachi's wild ride user

Attached: 1549037819150.jpg (309x484, 28K)

I'll be disappointed now if Miki doesn't follow through with promise of a volume where Touma goes over to Stiyl's home to play.

They said they were seriously considering trying to shoot for a couple hundred volumes just to do that. Time will tell if it happens.

What the fuck are we going to do now?
morph into /HO/ or /Kamachi/ ?

>Touma goes over to play and accidentally leaves with the entire house broken down and a harem of Innocentius

>This is when Magic and Science cross paths
So what? Was all their other meetings just Skype shit?

Alright, here're:

HighQuality The Unexplored Summon Blood Sign:Volume10

>Full Front+Back Cover
>Illustration Extra+uncut sources


We appreciate someone can help add/put into Baka-Tsuki.

Attached: BloodSign_v10_000.jpg (1961x765, 419K)

No it was always science and magic crossing paths, but this is the first time it's mentioned the story resulting from those crossed paths.

>NTR22 is just a Othinus convoluted plan to save Touma using a norse dragon
>when Touma is "saved" he wakes up to a nightmare where everything is fucked.

Watch Othinus be NTR22 wedding crasher

The sense-making one.
What else do we have?
Following a amnesiac faggot around or a waifu-bait tsundere.
And least this anime seems like it could be in a vain of shounen anime, a lot of action with a OP MC who shits on everyone else.

Kamachi is finally bringing Freyja back

i want more accel x LO doujins

>A winged lizard shows itself
>The Winged lizard is

Attached: Winged LIzzard.jpg (2434x1301, 897K)

Who're the brides there?

Touma is the bride.

> He would lose that unique quality that makes him Kamijou Touma
He wouldnt lose his plot armor or his IB, so no, neither of the things most defining would vanish.

> imagine actually believing clones are real human beings
Yikes! Thats some retardedness i hoped to never see again.

Mikoto > accel, so he is #4.

It doesn't matter how much screen time he gets. He's called an MC, and he's a lot of the reason Coronzon was defeated

>winged lizards
And soon, winged men turned gods. Oh wait, thats a plural. Its actually a winged man turned a god, aka Kakine Teitoku

Attached: Kakine_Teitoku_%28Manga%29.jpg (345x500, 26K)

>acqua becomes a triple saint and shits on them with Ascalon

I want to fuck agnese


>the winged lizard is just a little pet someone brings to the party and has nothing to do with the attacking monster

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>>This is a holy ground for the Anglican Church, the Windsor Castle. During his ardent welcome at the Victory Celebration Party, Kamijou confirms Index, Misaka, and Shokuhou are there. It finally feels like peace has arrived.
>Kamijou confirms Shokuhou
Major red flag.

Yes. Accel is a big part of Aleister's plans or was anyway since it seems Aleister as forgone any plans. Accel is also called a MC by Kamachi himself as well as a protagonist so there's no argumnent about it either way, If the guy who writes the story says Accel is a main character then that's exactly what he is, no matter what the screentime,

Also if we put all the screentime of Hamazura and Accelerator together from both OT and NT, they are pretty even. They more or less feature in the same volumes; OT 3, OT 5, OT 12, OT 13, NT 10 and NT 12, NT 13 and NT 16 being the exceptions.

What if her miracle is everybody elses nightmare? Seems pretty likely at this point that if he's changed it's not a good thing.

Hadit is the ''Winged Serpent of Light''

I thought the winged Serpent of Light was Saten in a two piece Bikini on a hot sunshiny day?

I forgot.

I’ve Hadit with all the magic side drama in this series. We need a sol/character development break.

>Kamijou confirms Index, Misaka, and Shokuhou are there
>and Shokuhou
I see the last shred of sanity fighting within Touma's skull finally gave in. You were a valiant trooper.

Attached: 1560875142081.jpg (1280x697, 67K)


They couldn’t just way warm welcome?


Doesn’t matter. He’ll be thinking about how bored he is the entire time he’s around them. He just wants to sleep and buy eggs on sale. He’s a boring old man.

>chase scene
She’d run out of breath in like 2 minutes and die

>Touma finally recognizes Misaki
>Misakifags can’t even celebrate because the story implies that something is terribly wrong
This isn’t fair

I love this is canon too, but besides that, she supposedly couldn't feel her legs the last time we saw her.

Attached: NT9_Chinese_Release.jpg (2000x2666, 462K)

Only 8 more years to get it on USA.

ching chong

The Chinese vols have a cool font

Time to punish Accelerator

Attached: ksnzgqbv92821.jpg (1500x1000, 244K)

Touma's life is not as boring at you think. He enjoys being home because that is where the people he loves is. Things are livelier when they are around.

Attached: Othinus-ToAru-Anime-Kamijou-Touma-2171977.jpg (480x617, 68K)

He doesn't even have that home anymore.

>replying to MP
Bad user

Index is his home.

Attached: 13.jpg (500x709, 131K)

Probably doesn't even have that either at this point.

You're really outdoing yourself here Carlos

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I can fucking feel it. He will be in NTR 22 somehow

Attached: Kakine.Teitoku.full.629291.jpg (562x702, 87K)

What are you going to do when you are wrong again?