This month we have Haruki and his dear imouto alone in the house.
Danchigai ch99
Other urls found in this thread:
watching too many dramas can give her innocent ideas
imouto route making good progress, not even aneki has been kabedon'd if I remember
Last page. Funny how author gets rid of the others in the first page and then after all this intense teasing Yayoi just forgets all about it like nothing in the final page.
Finally some danchitime!
Vol 8 cover. As usual the cover is just bait unless we get a sweet onee-chan extra chapter this time. Don't forget to buy enough copies until it goes out of print.
Author is getting ready for ch100. It'll be in the magazine cover and have color pages too. Can't wait what it'll be about. Maybe some progress in the story with Yayoi getting to high school and Aneki entering her final year.
I want to confess my sins to Aneki Jesus.
It's lust.
>Its a Yayoi chapter ...
As someone who's recently found themselves home alone with their older sibling of the opposite gender, I have to say I empathise with Yayoi a lot in this chapter. And with pic related, because working is hard.
We're going to a sleepover at Grandma's!
Two days, so exciting...
Take care of the house, okay?
See ya.
Take care.
...We're all alone now, Yayoi...
You can focus on studying when the house is quiet!
Will she actually be able to study in silence?
Ahhh, I wanted to eat out with grandma too!
(me too)
Don't be ridiculous, you're an exam student. Look, I'm here with you too.
You stayed because you wanted to play games, didn't you?
I'm going to, but I'm also going to help you.
Do it properly.
He's right... I'll be able to focus now that it's just the two of us.
(Uhh, where do you want to start?)
Hm? Just the two of us?
Wait, it's like that drama I watched yesterday...
We're alone now...
I love you!
What am I remembering?
What's wrong!?
Siblings are often alone together, no, no, no, no!
Is there a problem she can't solve?
She could have asked me straight away.
What is it?
I-I-It's nothing...
There's no way anything will happen like in that drama, but until I've calmed down...
Move away a little!
I thought I could focus better alone.
Alone you'll just fall asleep or get distracted.
Could it be that yesterday...
...You didn't take a bath or something?
I did!!
Idiot! Bakaruki!!
It's just a joke, I know you did.
That's not okay either!!
Just leave me alone for a bit!
I'll go play in the other room...
S-Stay here and watch me...
(I will actually fall asleep if you don't...)
Okay, calm down, I'll play here.
(If there's something you don't understand, ask me.)
Ahhh, why did I stop him like that!?
Breathe in... And out... Calm down...! The tests are coming, so you have to study!
Forget about the drama. Focus! Focus!
Wh-What!? I'm not sleeping and I definitely wasn't thinking about...
Don't move.
No way
No way
It's exactly...
...Like in the drama...
Be quiet...
W-We can't!!
What are you doing!?
We're brother and sister, we can't do that...!!
What are you talking about?
Behind you!
Paper wasp
(Hi! I'll sting ya!)
You did it! (Haruki, that was amazing!)
Haa... I was so surprised I forgot everything.
Hey, hey! Let's review from where you were before.
I feel like I'm forgetting something unrelated to studying...
Well, whatever!
(What does this mean?)
(Uhh, this one is...)
After all, being yourself and not worrying about it is the best.
And a slightly belated happy birthday to the twins, their present is one line each.
I would sold half of my soul to have this goddess as my oneechan and do unspeakable things to her
The fuck? Yayoi is still not in high school yet? I swear her breasts got much larger since the beginning.
waifu2x is doing god's work cleaning up those awful color raws. But it's time to hit to the sack.
Even headpats and handholding?
Headpats are for imoutos only.
What if she headpats you?
it means that you were an imouto all along
Why don't you skip your life while you're at it.
I just skip the garbage tier tsundare character.
Is it just me or is she becoming more feminine these recent chapters? She's also getting less resistant to Haruki. Early Yayoi would've punched him already. I know she's always been a brocon but for some reason it's getting stronger throughout the manga. How will she survive once he's going to move out?
Yes, your reading comprehension.
video games > imoutos
Why is Yayoi so thirsty for her Aniki
>How will she survive once he's going to move out?
You mean when they live together? alone?
Author has been slowly making them sexier in preparation for chapter 100 where the dam will finally break. Haruki better work out and build stamina up this month if he wants to survive that day.
She's been dere for a long time now.
>It's a Yayoi chapter
It's fine as long as an imouto is involved. And as long as you reciprocate.
I guess he's had his based moments since little and imouto just couldn't help it but fall in love.
Uzuki is 2cute4me.
Your onii-chan can't leave you if you're pregnant with his child.
I wonder what she'll do if she accidentally watch/read porn.
What will they do for the big 100
NBR reveal
Are you trying to make me depressed?
I genuinely expect Yayoi to not be blood related because her name doesn't end in "ki" like everybody else.
Pure blood babies
Haruki and Yayoi resemble their parents while Satsuki is aneki's clone, and Uzuki is their grandma. No room for adopted outsiders
But Yayoi is also the only dumb one.
their names all come from japanese words for months or something
Parents are properly introduced. Maybe the mom was a gyaru back in her days but eventually settled for the autist dad. We've seen the kind of underwear she has and all her make up and accesories. She even has a blonde? wig.
Does Yayoi know that Haruki is into their older sister and not her? How can she even compete against Mutsuki?
She'll strike at her weak point.
All of their personalities have drifted a bit since the start. Yayoi's mellowed out and lost the tomboyish angle, Mutsuki's gone from "miss perfect" to "mom", and the twins just kinda developed into their own characters.
They kinda reminds me of a certain pair of siblings
yes, that's why she takes her anger on aneki by raping her daily
>We're brother and sister, we can't do that...!!
Silly Yayoi. Do they live in Chiba Prefecture by any chance?
she'd pull her masterpiece of a prank on Haruki
yayoi a shit
Bonding time
S2 when?
Cheers OP.
I need to sleep now too, so I'll leave this here in case the thread dies before the rest is done. Mostly just stuff to help with the flow.
>when the house
now that the house
>study in silence
in peace
>I'm here with you too
I even stayed to help you.
>I'm going to,
I will play them,
Also, the ? in the last panel is way off center.
how do you bring down a perfect nee-san?
what kind of bonding?
Haruki brings a girl home
Feel free to provide suggestions for sfx before the final version.
He means sex.
Immoral sex with his younger sister.
where is my vanilla doujin?
>now that the house
That's two "now"s between this line and the previous, I'm not too into it.
>in peace
I think that's supposed to be "Will she be able to just sit on her ass and study? We're talking about Yayoi here.", "study in peace" makes it sound like Haruki's going to interrupt her. But then he actually does, so I guess it could go either way.
Yayoi's broconness is showing.
Thanks OP.
Can a mangaka make a living with 10 pages a month?
very unlikely, they probably have a second job
Where's the rest of the pages, faggot?
God bless sekiya asami.
IF they're popular.
He tweeted recently that he did have other things going on, but nothing to reveal yet.
And from what I know of Japan's manga industry, he can probably earn a decent wage out of it. By publishing in bulk they spread out the risks, so what comes out at the other end is something that almost looks like a regular 9-5 job.
He publishes one-off stories on other magazines sometimes. He is probably working on one right now too, or maybe on his next serialized work which hopefully does better than Villain prince
need to collect all rare anekis
Season two please this is my favorite short.
"since the house is quiet" then. I think the causal link is important.
It would be "silently study" if that's the case, but I think it's coming off the dialogue and is more like "now that the little devils aren't running around making noise, will she actually be able to study for once?"
Would a "kyaa" work? Might seem a little redundant, but I think it fits.
>often alone together
alone together all the time
>there a problem she can't solve
she having trouble solving a problem
>could have
>will happen like in that drama,
like that will happen,
>alone you'll just
We can cut the "alone", it's implied. Put a "if you're alone" on the end if you really think it needs it.
>okay either
okay, either
>I'll go play
Then I'll go play
>the test are coming,
tests are coming up,
>surprised I forgot
surprised, I forgot
Also, the text feels off-center.
>hey, hey
Sounds weird. Maybe "Oh, all right!" would fit better.
Yayoi chapters are the best.
Isn't that a crime?
The shorts were fun.
I can't tell if Haruki is actually really cool, or if it's just imouto-vision.
Alright, it's on dex.
he has his pretty cool moments, mostly with Mutsuki though
>mostly with Mutsuki
>Haruki will never invite Yayoi to play games with him
as it should be, she's an ape
he'll invite her to play whatever she wants once he realizes that he'll never have a chance with a girl that is not related to him
He might do eventually, he bought that Switch and he can't ask his friends to play, cause they'll just make fun of him for having a Switch.
Oh, it's that imouto.
I was hoping for the purple haired one.
I'm going to call you the P word.
What, "piss"?
He probably used to do it all the time. Eventually you just give up on getting your imouto to enjoy your hobbies and decide she'll come to you if she ever decides to fill her boring life with something interesting. Plus, he has Satsuki, so he can live that dream without trying to force her into it.
danchipapa and danchimama when?
Spoilers from chapter 100.
I hope the genderbent versions from the April's fool chapter become canon next month
I hope the sleepover lasts through the next chapter and it's just Yayoi and Haruki alone in a small room again.
I wanna see Haruki's reaction when the sisters start bringing boyfriends who are just like him
What about when Mutsuki brings over her friend from devil prince who's name I don't remember
He already brought a few friends to the house if I remember correctly. I don't think he would care, especially if that means he can play games with others.
Wakana, and she already has the prince and her childhood friend so I don't think she'll pay attention to Haruki
Is that manga axed?
>fucking the gorilla
>How will she survive once he's going to move out?
You mean when he marry Aneki and move to their own house?
A Haruki is fine too.
I can't decide which Haruki I like better
do they ever have sex
No, but he will have to get a real girlfriend sooner or later unless he wants to become a NEET.