The best animes you ever seen

The best animes you ever seen

Attached: Akame_main.png (873x1080, 757K)

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boku no pico

You couldn't have seen many.

Is it relevant now?


>one of the worst anime adaptations of a manga.

You don't know shit, user. I have seen at least 20 animes. There's no way you could beat that.

>random pic

Could you name the 20 anime’s you saw?

>boku no pico
Thank you user, very cool.

Oh yeah ya faggoty shit. I'll admit thats a fuck-ton; but do you even beat you're meat to loli-smack?
Thought not you limp-dicked wannabe

Gurren lagann unironically

heh, check my profile, I'm way ahead

You can't possibly expect me to name that many animes. It's like, all of them.

Including the movies?

Attached: imouto.jpg (900x1200, 156K)

not including the movies obviously
It's safe to say my knowledge of the genre is above average.

A-jin is not an 8
It's a 5, 6 at best

>20 animes
Did you mean episodes? Or are you actually a no life weeb who spends all day watching cartoons?

Ok where do I even start?

I watched all the old classics (Dragon Ball Z, Cowboy Bebop, Yu Yu Hakusho, Inuyasha and even Sailor Moon)

I've seen all the big 3 of battle shounen, which in case you're a normie and didn't know are One Piece, Bleach and Naruto which are like the best things ever.

I've seen my decent share of smart anime too where you're more involved! Death Note, Code Geass, Assassination Classroom, Shimoneta and Hunter x Hunter!

I've also watched the new wave of big 3 animes because i like to be always up to date with the best things. These are My hero academy, black closer, and the promised neverland!

I also have watched a decent share of harem anime, because you're a fake anime fan if you haven't seen at least 10 or so harem anime. They make like 70% of the industry and for a reason.

My top 3 picks for entry levels normies like you are my hero academy, how to train your dragon, and Soukyuu no Fafner


Unironically the latest Attack on Titan season.

20 words or less fagatron

Unironically Fuzzy Lips

>how to train your dragon
thats some hardcore weeb shit what are you talking about
You must be hung like a horse to think thats entry level

Everyone ITT should be shot.

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oops i tripped

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Holy shit is that seriously what Akame looked like?

The manga ending was better.
that dragon is Tatsumi by the way

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Why is this thread still up?
Do your job useless mods

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>20 animes
Actually much more than the 90% of Yea Forums currnet userbase to be honest.

desu, watching all shounenshit would probably put you into thousands watched in normal anime
most of those are in the hundreds if not thousands with ep count



On topic anime discussion was deleted just a while ago. Mods are fucking shit and retarded.


akame's anime design is so good especially in the chest area

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this , why did people hate the manga when they revealed all the mystery? the anime is still great

>why did people hate the manga when they revealed all the mystery?
They didn’t. Most people liked it especially after the Marley arc.

This is somewhat a AgK! thread so I am posting this copypasta.
In an AU in which the first child was conceived AFTER Tatsumi got turned into a dragon and the manga’s ending, Tatsumi and Mine never stop having kids or sex. The new size difference between their reproductive organs caused them to be so addicted to rough sex that Mine stayed pregnant for the rest of her. Mine stays flat chested despite pregnancy. Even when mine is already pregnant Tatsumi still had sex with her with his dragon cock throughout every pregnancy and he can and does knocking her up even more during pregnancy because his sperm also acts as a form of gonadotropin medication, and child birth was difficult or even impossible for mine because tatsumi almost never pulls out of her pussy even after cumming because, as a dragon, he has no refractory period and the orgasms just make them both more horny. Being pregnant with dragon children stopped Mine from ageing so she and Tatsumi can keep having sex forever. Mine is reluctant to have sex while pregnant but gets onto Tatsumi’s dragon dick anyways out of her addiction to it. Minimum about of babies that Mine will be pregnant at a time with were decuplets and her pregnant belly gets so large and heavy that she is unable to move from the bed they have sex on and she has no choice but to were clothing that shows her pregnant belly. Tatsumi fucks Mine so hard during pregnancy that his dick penetrates her womb/cervix completely and ends up hitting the very top of her womb. They have sex even when they do not want to because Tatsumi’s dragon urges forces him to rape Mine 24/7 and he can only pull out long enough to let Mine give birth to one of their babies before being overwhelmed by his urge to put his dick back into her pussy. Tatsumi and Mine were trap in a never end pregnancy sex hell born from their own love for each other. P.S. I self insert as dragon Tatsumi in this.

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