>Read Blade of the immortal.
>Think Samura's art is amazing.
>See he has an artbook, it's called Brutal Love
>Buy a copy Online
> Open it up to look at the art clueless of the horror i'm about to witness.
What the fuck posessed Hiroaki Samura to create this, even Bradherley's Carriage wasn't this bad what the fuck is wrong with him?!
Read Blade of the immortal
Other urls found in this thread:
Those illustrations were order works for an eroguro magazine. He's not fond of them, same as Bradherley's Coach.
every author needs a work to vent their fetishes
There's an interview where he's asked about this book and Bradherley and he replies with something along the lines of: "you need to give me an outlet to express these things although I would never do them in real life" I think he's just fucked in the head.
He needs to do a second one
y’all from tumblr or what? fantasy =/= reality. Fucked up shit in art is neat.
I agree, Brutal Love caught me off guard but I honestly should have seen it coming, having just finished Bradherley, that he was into some twisted ass torture stuff.
Fun fact: Most guro fags are females
Not true, girls are just a lot more open when they're into weird shit.
Nope. Most girls can't handle gore..
post cute gurls
It's pure beauty and his best art so far, you tasteless fag.
>he has never talked to girls
He was always into that crap. As if the torture of the blonde chick and Shira's antics wasnt clue enough.
He has some really wholesome slice of life mangas like Ohikkoshi, one of my favourites. The guy can do almost everything, from really sick to pure comfy
>still thinks there are no girls on the internet
His eroguro stuff is great, but I'd love to see some vanilla tiddies from his work.
He did a Darkstalkers bit in some doujin at least but it wasn't terribly explicit
Source please
Why is a gurofag allowed to produce so many best girls?
Gurofags understand the poetic ambiguity of sex and death (see the eros/thanatos aka pulsion of death).
Apparently Samura's femdom fetish bleeds into all facets of his life.
Hyakurin's rape/torture/pregnancy story arc just kind of feels like Samura got horny and couldn't control himself from inflicting all of his fetishes onto his character.
That nameless ninja girl had it much worse.
Read the post again. He didn't said "most females are gurofags".
>didn't said
t. ESL-kun
It's like the most famous torture porn artwork on the Internet. I might've discovered a couple of kinks from it.
>Samura: I do draw women in pain pretty much for the sheer eroticism of it.
>–I suspect that might have something to do with why your women come out looking >unhappy.
>Samura: You think? I find weary and frayed much more attractive than happy.
–So in terms of Blade of the Immortal, you’re not a Rin man…
>Samura: I’m a Makie man.
>–Thought as much.
>accuse people of using tumblr
Glad you've reminded me of this. I'm pretty sure when I originally downloaded it there was only the raw version so it'll be nice to read those middle sections.
I had forgotten about this also. Time to cultivate myself in guro.
That was basically the whole reason I made the thread I just wanted to talk about Ero Guro.
It's a shame that as one of the first guro I saw it set the standard too high.
It was slightly disappointing when I checked out /g/ after and realised there didn't seem to be anything else like it.
Beyond Shintaro Kago where it's normally just silly I can't think of many we could actually post on Yea Forums.
I imagine even his stuff would get deleted.
Where can you even buy this?
or download, for that matter.
>female MC #1 is useless the entire manga
>female MC #2 gets gangraped and carries her rape baby to term
>all other female MCs die in horrible bloody ways
>"I believe in female supremacism"
Y'all wasn't always for liberals to add in their condescending tweets
Girls are more open about sharing their gurofag fetish and gurofag art because there is a much heavier social stigmata on a man who draws a cute girl being dissected than a woman who draws a cute boy being dissected. People will think the woman is super weird, people will think the man should be sent directly to jail.
Hiroaki Samura is a legendary artist who has been cursed with a shit fetish. Even being a footfag would have been a lesser curse.
>it doesn't appeal to me therefore it's bad
>all other female MCs die in horrible bloody ways
Are you talking about Blade of the Immortal?
The only real characters that died here were Ryo and Makie and their deaths were as tame as possible.
Chifudoon (aka Naniguro) is the only guro artist that is worth a damn desu. At least Maggot Baits translation is coming prettt soon.
>At least Maggot Baits translation is coming prettt soon.
It's a shame to know how many games from Clockup we'll never see considering how many years just this one game has taken them to translate.
The uncensoring would be worth it even if you know Japanese.
The problem it took so long was because the person probably with more responsabilty and less time took the project alone like a retard. I really hope the uncensoring is ok because I'm actually going to buy it. I remember mangagamer having had a a shit decensoring and later adressing the problem with a patch at least, although I would think the developers were the one who made the uncensored version.
is this that manga where rape is legal or something
>Samura thread
Good, i almost made one... Ok guys i need an advice, i know a place where they make canvas paiting with images, the last month i pay for this one (Omoide no emanon)
So the question here is..
Which one looks better
>This version
Or this version (Pic related)
What i want to do, is to have a canvas painting with different types of mangaka artists.. If you can recomend one by samura i will be quite grsteful to take it into account
Pencil looks better and more elegant. Purple filter is pleb tier.
>I believe in female supremacism
Samura is into F E M D O M
...and torture.
As a guy into ryona/guro there is nothing more perfect than a powerful female and more attractive than an actual intelligent girl. These fetishes, as most of all, come from the wanting to profane the idol, the wanting to destroy something beautiful, not for my hate for the thing/idea/woman.
I hope those are dildos and not knifes or some shit
there are no girls on the internet
Just looked through the pics. They aren't even that bad you fucking pussies. Read some real guro.
you're close to hitting the mark, user
girls are more open to being sex perverts and assorted tiers of weird because they don't really close off their reproductive future by doing so. men, on the other hand...
Thats sound legit.. Thnkx !
I hope it's a mix of both ;)