Says the dude that fucked both of his step-sisters

says the dude that fucked both of his step-sisters

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Its okay when he does because hes an attractive teen

He just destroyed Hina's carrier.

Hina was in the wrong for preying on her student, he did nothing wrong when having sex with Rui because that was before they were step-siblings and both were ignorant of their parent's relationship.

Phoneposter, please go.

>both were ignorant of their parent's relationship.
What about all the other times?

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At least he tried making them happy. It's not his problem that both of them ran away.

No use crying over milk that's been spilled.

Nat and Hina developed feeling towards each other way before that. So that goes in the same category.

Hina was still an adult and should have known better. She isn't in the wrong because she fucked her step-brother, she's in the wrong because she fucked her student.

gook scans when

Fucking your students is based and redpilled
They are all morons anyway

Reminder that Hina is going to win.

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The author is cleary pushing Rui to the chefboi.

Brutal agepill

Only retarded ruifags refuse to accept this

Not even a ruifag, but I really don't want her to end with either him or alex because i don't like them both

How she reacts to his advances will explain her actual feelings about the breakup, so we'll see. There will definitely be advances though, so brace for impact if you're a ruikek.

In what chapter does Rui go down on Nat? I don't see how I could miss such an important moment of character development...

How were the sales for the anime? Is S2 being discussed or not gonna happen?

After Hina leaves.

Isn't that literally the point, though? Natsuo doesn't give a shit if there's something off about their relationship, he just wants to get Shuu out of the way so he can bang Hina. Rui doesn't realize this, and thinks he's worried about her sister in the same way she is.

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