How do the animators of this show respond to friends and family asking to see some of their work?

How do the animators of this show respond to friends and family asking to see some of their work?

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Lolifags don't have friends or family

Most people in Japan know better than to ask. They just assume it's some weird sex shit.

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They probably just show them.
My Grandma is a big Kurofag, everyone loves this show.

Animators don't have days off

>Japanese men
Pick one.

rule 1 of drawing is never tell anyone you draw
or you get hit with dumb requests and advice all the time
>draw me sometime
>draw my dog and cat
>you like van gogh? he was an artist, like you!
>do you like modern art? those pieces are truly unique

They just show them some well animated scene or something. Why would anyone care if they quite well know what it may be

Artists have a million things to show their families no matter how weird their current project is. That's one of the functions of a portfolio.

Trust me I know this shit all too well. I use to have a coworker that would tell everyone that I liked to draw and would constantly have people approach in the cafeteria to ask me to design banners and shit for them and not one person ever offered any money. These people seriously thought I was about to go home after a hard day of work and spend hours designing shit for them for free

They don't have to know anything

Attached: [SNSbu] Fate kaleid liner Prisma☆Illya 2wei! - 06 (BD 1920x1080 h264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_16.12_[201 (1920x1080, 156K)

be more assertive dumbass
you have no one to blame but yourself for getting in this mess
>hey user, could you draw me this
>sure, if you buy me a beer
>on second thought, maybe not, bye
wow, that was hard

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youve never interacted with people
these people dont understand why their questions are retarded
what kind of idiot is going to draw for someone for a single beer anyway

It was a joke that’s intended to let them know you don’t work for free but that would be needlessly rude.

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>"hey, can you design this stuff for me?"
>"sure, can you come mown my lawn in exchange?"
if they can't understand, you have no need to interact with them, since they're fucking dumbasses

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>wow you draw girls really well, could do a full body painting of our 12 year old daughter? Ill pay you well
How do you respond? Keep in mind this is your boss asking you

Do it and quit being a faggot

My condolences.

I hope your grandma also looks like a loli, otherwise is just a wasted personality.

God imagine the smell

they're taking a bath so it would probably smell like soap and essential oils.

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"Here you go bro" followed by "dude that's fucking nice".


Tell him that I'll only do it if it's nude art.

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Why do lolis always lez out in public?

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How does that even happen?

Freud would interpret it that she low key wants to fuck her onii chan but isnt fully aware of it so she subconsciously tries to seduce him

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Why would you need friends or family when you Ilya&co?

Is Illya still pure or is she used goods

Literal magic.

"Sure, here you go."

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They dont disappear with a power outage

Carve them in a stone, or 3D print them.

>rule 1 of drawing is never tell anyone you draw
>or you get hit with dumb requests and advice all the time
It's different in Japan, nearly everyone draws.

It's how it worked before money

Disperse the stone tablets into caves user. Generations later will stumble upon them and wonder what ancient civilization possessed such 'refined' tastes.

>being this inane

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user have a question.

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>"Why yes, I did work on Prisma Illya, how could you tell?"

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Japan doesn't have the same retarded views as America and they all love loli so loli artists there are actually treated with respect and are well liked by everyone.

Some of the best Loli image of all time

the government at one point literally banned pubes in porn

That's just for porn in general, besides lolis don't have pubes so I don't see why this information is relevant.

or do they

People, especially friends and family, have a great ability to get over things once they learn that you're making a fine living doing it, and that it's obviously above-board enough that it won't get you sent to jail.

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Kuro can conjure up clothes with mana, and Illya gets some from her, but when she goes to show Shirou, getting too far from Kuro makes them dissipate

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It is supporting information confirming that Japan indeed does love lolis.

That's bullshit but I believe it.

I think lolibabas would really like this show.

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Post IT!

You don't ask someone who produces late-night anime to show their work. Just like you don't ask a prostitute or a porn voice actor to show their work. Have some common sense, Yea Forums.

>It's different in Japan, nearly everyone draws
why this? genetics? their writing system? compensation for the small penises and flat chests?

Nigga just write up a couple flyers with basic rates and give them one when they ask.

How do the seiyuu of this show respond to friends and family asking to see some of their work?

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That's how I got rid of the constant "I've heard you're good with computers". Oh, you want me to fix your home Wifi, random workplace stranger? Sure, no problem, 50€ per hour including travel time.

imagine living in a country where you go to jail over cartoons

Based jap gov't legally requiring roasties to shave

bushfags get fucked

She plays her rap album

A lot of people who don't draw assume you can whip up a banner or something as breezily as the Garfield guy can draw Garfield. They're really just ignorant of how much work goes into designing anything from a blank canvas, and are legitimately expecting you to simply take out a sharpie and freehand something.

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By handing them a copy of Monobeno and Maitetsu.

>has kids and a husband
>voices lolis getting fucked

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There are lolis on instagram?

Clearly not, only sentient magical sticks it seems.

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The boss never implied it should be nude full body

I love Illya. She's the light of my life, the most important person in the world to me. Everything I do, I do for her. She's beautiful, cute, amazing, kind, and perfect in every way. I love her so much. I want to be with her forever.

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How do I convince Kuro to sleep with me?

>not cute and funny

Have a pulse

What is this kind of behaviour called with a young girl like her?

Go to sleep and dream about her.

How do I get a girlfriend that specifically looks and acts just like Kuro? Serious replies only, please.

I know we are all autists here but come on user make an effort

I'm not some shitty memespouter. My love for Illya is genuine and real.

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Dream about her and go to sleep.

Have a big penor

And then when I wake up in the morning she's next to me? Or how does this work?

>average japanese animator
>family and friends

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Why would you want her when you can get a hotter, more horny light brown version who will literally suck you dry?

Only if you're lucky.

I adore all three of the girls, but Illya has a special place in my heart. She's just perfect.

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I doan't remember this episode

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Still, sex with Kuro would be so much better. She really knows how to please men.

based and freudpilled

Thoughts on Ilya's VA?

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I need more of Chloe in that panada PJ... its so fking adorable!!!

I don't think she is part of the reason the mana transfers aren't even lewder.

A excellent mother

She's not gonna age well.

They don't. Being an animator of any series/studios marks you as a creepy otaku in Japan, so they don't talk about with anyone outside of work. Only big-time amimators have a chance of not being shunned by society.

god I want to sniff there braaps and armpits

Beta orbiters are pathetic.

That's like asking a jav actress her work. They know she does weird shit, there's no point in asking.

This is gay

Ask for money then.

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>friends and family
I'm pretty sure you can't have those if you work in the anime/manga industry, unless you're rich and/or famous/successful.
The workload and time commitment versus the pay is just too much.

Im sure that my father would like prysma illya

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Haha how much autism do you have? I studied computer science, and people sometimes ask me for help with their computer issues.

If it's a small/tiny problem, i'll usually help them. Or if it's a bigger issue, i simply tell them it's outside my expertise, as in "I'm more of a programmer, so i don't really know how THAT works".

Why don't you just tell them you like to draw potraits or comics, or some shit, and can't really design banners?

>what you do for a living ?
>I draw lolibutts

>He lacks the necessary information

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I hardly how that's a downside in the least.

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That's not how it works.

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There is something very wrong about this image.

While americans are busy with sports, japs are busy with manga.

Become her brother.

besides the whole "be a work slave" thing Japans ethics and culture seem so much better on every aspect though

Isn't that just the impression you get from talking to people online?
I mean, if I go by what westerners online are like, it seems every man is a computer programmer, and every girl an artist or a painter.

Be a cute girl

Really? My impression is that half of the men are lecherous perverts, half are school shooters, and the women are fat, whiny, depraved, or all three.

Those artists are not 18 yo kids from Yea Forums. No one gives the fuck what you draw. You can be married and still draw most degenerated porn.

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Have sex.

I want to kiss Kuro's tummy.

She's already 40


With Illya.

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If you're artist you should take few life drawing sessions. They should be in your town. Draw naked people and all this shame with insecurity will disappear.

More of Kuro in this outfit!!!

You people arent realistic about it
Cant you be serious about this for once not everything has to be a how2makecrystals guide

I'm serious.

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no. He morphed the owl which is a copycat. so is the deer.

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He's loli artist desu.


Sapphire mode Illya is so cool.

>loli artist
Choose one. Loli is not 3D fag.

Its not like that in rural towns though, people talk about each other all the time if youre weirdo it makes life really hard because everybody knows each other
But I guess Im a rare case
Cities do seem a lot more comfortable and accepting like that, nobody cares who you are there or what you do and wear

Apologies for the blogpost but it hits close to heart

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>Have fapped to Illya but never watched her anime.


Read her manga. It's very good.

Picked up

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I would imagine they just show them while they french kiss their mothers who are giving them handjobs in return

>imagine being so afraid of a 12 year old girl

sorry but these three are for each other and shirou and no matter how much you love them they won't love you back

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Why is Kuro so slutty?
Daddy issues?
Does the anime ever go into it?

I'm gonna replace my eyes with kuro's

I want to rail Kuro's tight JC pussy while squeezing her little neck.

Prisma Illya is a wholesome family show

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I'm just waiting on the movie rips for the rest of this outfit.

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she will finally become popular and get fanart out of this right?

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If F/GO couldn't do anything for her, she never stood a chance.
Not counting very recent servants, Jaguar man has the least art out of any female servant, you know?

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You seem to think its "retarded" to find it weird that a grown man animates naked, underage girls making out

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He's right tho
in an ideal world who the fuck cares what you do in your spare time as long as youre not harming anyone
>inb4 the drawings hurt your feelings

The culture is different, probably due to higher IQ. It seems that people over in Japan can tell the difference between animation and reality. If the whiteoids had 10+ higher IQ, that might be the same case.

To be serious, they don't care. They can understand that animations like Illya/Kuro making out isn't a sign of pedophilia. They think its just a childish thing. Just watch the Japanese prank comedy shows, the reason they're so "weird" is because they make light of situations that "seem" stressful to us westerners. In the same case, they make fun of sexual humor a lot in their TV. They don't take it seriously and think "WOW THIS GUY IS A PEDOPHILE, WE MUST LOCK HIM UP" and instead see it as "this guy has a dirty mind, its funny"

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By not showing the lewd scenes.

>no new chapter again this month

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Too busy with comiket.

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Sexual Harassment Panda.

Her kigu being Master Panda, who is murder-rapist Shiki Nanaya, makes the joke even better.

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