Which anime girl has the lowest IQ?

Which anime girl has the lowest IQ?

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Akko's meager 8 IQ points is still enough for her to outsmart all of us.

>inb4 retarded Aqua-fags

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still best girl tho

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Dunno about girl, but I do know the dumbest anime boy.

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>8 IQ
Haha, what a baka! 9 IQ master race.

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3 IQ, if you take her word for it. But why would you?

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>high wisdom
>high charisma
>high luck
>high dex
>high con
>average intellect

She rolled pretty good.

So she's the red vs blue character of anime?

uniroincally pretty stupid but theres much lower IQ than Violet

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ignorant, since she did fight instead of learning, but she's not stupid. And she got better during the series.

Theres a difference between dumb and actually retarded

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the only answer

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>casts genjutsu on itachi uchiha

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>Not posted the most aho yet

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Should I watch this anime,even though I expect nothing but dumb fun from it?


The part of the song is a joke and reference to an un-adapted chapter. She doesn't seriously think her IQ is 3.


It's Aoi Yuuki so yes

Cool,I'll watch it this week

Akko is just minmaxing a strength/charisma build.
Truly meta-shattering.

'tard super strength is no joke

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Not even the dumbest character in her own franchise. That's Chino.

Delete this. My daughter's a genius.

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Fuck Tomo