One of the best written characters in the series and no one hardly talks about him

Possibly First character I have ever seen whose childhood trauma is being well fleshed out and his natural healing process is being realistically handled. For example, fear of turning into your parent. Not only is it introduced but explored, especially the anger and resurgence of hate one feels when being compared unfairly. And oh the irony that in his quest to NOT be like his father he became similar to him.

The fact that acceptance and forgiveness is not a done deal but rather a step by step process. And him being isolated all his life therefore not understanding the concern of his friends (Iida in the Kamino arc), having more emotional maturity due to his hardships than the rest of the class ( the guy says some real philosophical things over the course of the series) being written as an introvert but fleshing out all the best qualities of one (empathy, being observant and introspection), these characteristics jump out whenever he is on screen and manga spoilers where old plot points and character growth come together beautifully in just one freaking line.

But it is very subtle and not done over a few chapters where characters go from disliked to sympathized, and people always think getting characters from bad to good means bettter written because it is more visible hence unfortunately Todoroki as a character is extremely underrated.

He's the deepest character with the best character development and background. Not to mention despite his dark past, he's still kind and caring towards everybody, and he has a funny side to him as well. He's also determined and badass, and is the one who suffered the most and trained the hardest. I truly think that he should be the one to become the greatest hero after everything he's been through, and I wish All Might had given One For All to him instead, since to be honest he deserves it the most.

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Well said.

Shounenfags dont know about March Came like a Lion huh?

Only reason Shouto ain't as popular as Bakugou and Endeavor because fanboys want over the the top and dramatic in your face development for their tiny brains to process, Shouto is for big brained patrician it seems.

budget sasuke

I remember there was one point when Midoriya said Todoroki would make a better MC or something. I found it pretty annoying, because it was true.

I don't see the point of intentionally writing a shit MC and a vastly-superior side character.

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They have nothing in common.


All that is fine but at the end of the day he's still boring as fuck. I can tell that you're underage if you seriously think Todoroki is anything worth hyping up to this extent.


See above

Beautiful post. Shouto is highly underrated.

Oversaturated screen time with showing off more his badass quirk and fighting development would make him the number 1 on the poll

He should have won the tournament

Says everyone.

But he's bland

Personally, I find him boring as fuck. Guess my IQ is too low, or I lack relatable dark childhood memories. How is it an interesting character when literally all he has going for him is his forced family drama?

This show isnt deep lol, you underaged faggot

Nah, the exact reason you find him interesting is because he has so little screentime. If he were the MC he would be the blandest and most monotonous protagonist ever. More than anything the MC, and especially in shonen, has to work as vehicle to move the story forward. Todoroki wouldn't work very well for that, or his character would have to be altered severely and then it wouldn't really be the character that you're currently seeing

Todotism was only good in Stain's and when he fought Dekua, he's pretty boring outside of it. But he's a good comic relief, Endy is the true best todoroki

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The two made to be likable victim main character are less popular than their respective bully. What does that mean?

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Remove the mutie

Why does his most of hia porn involve deku and ochako?

Who? (Legitimate)

Cuz it makes him human and vulnerable. We all have family problems, Shoutos is mostly more emphasized, plus he's am abuse victim, his Personality is pretty realistic if not to ideal for someone who went through what he did.

Ochako Uraraka.

The remedial arc is a highlight for him

He is the only redeeming factor factor of BNHA. But he probably won't get the spotlight as much as Bakugou.

Which says something about how weak his character is

What are you talking about, the rescue bakugou, stain fight, the entire fucking sports festival and the Goddamn half if the endeavor arc is proof your wrong.

Shotospic ESLs opinions do not matter.

MC driving the story doesn't matter considering it's the villains that are advancing the plot in BNHA. Todoroki could work as MC, you'd just have to shift focus to his three way rivalry with Deku/Bakugo, family history/drama, and whatever the hells going on with Dabi.

he's the blandest fucking anime character out there with generic 'I don't wanna be like my dad' motivation, what is wrong with you

Not your blog

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bruh aoyama is a better character than ripoff zuko


Name How? You can't. Shouto has more subtle chapter growth than the main character and has gradually gained Bakugous respect as a friend more than a rival.

Literally budget Zuko

Don't know what rent space you have in your head to compare him to zuko.

He is not a spectacle to see like bakugo but still better than deku.

>Possibly First character I have ever seen
summarised your entire post
watch more, read more

Leave it to the pseuds of Yea Forums to write a fucking essay on one of the most basic redemption arcs in recent memory. Pretty much everyone acknowledges that Todoroki's development was handled well, now fuck off back to your rock.

Cope, Todofag.

Attached: Todorautist.png (271x549, 35K)

Title literally says "one of".

His fight in the festival has more views than any side character not all might.

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Todoroki is a more interesting character than Bakugou if you put the work in and see through his subtleties and depth.

It's so much easier to put him down to wank Bakugou and enji though.

So is everyone in this trash show.

Fujos are the ones obsessed with todoroki

Fuck off fujoshit

Fuck off with these lies you faggots.


Has Shouto ever talked about touya?

It was better for Todo to lose. It was set up that he probably would have won, but him losing shows that the healing process is slow.

I was talking about the differences in their personalities and how both interact with the world. Bakugo is cocky but at the same time wary, which is extremely fun, while Shoto is more like the stoic with some good scenes here and there.
Hori could have taken inspiration from Hakuryuu of Magi. Both have the scar, the edgy aura, and the crazy mom thing. Hakuryuu arcs were more interesting to see though.

His victory would have gave him resolve to push him to the surpassing his father as a way to heal his past scars.

To me

>Bakugou being cocky is fun
>But hes Nearly one demensional and shallow in everything else
>Shouto is silent,blunt and weary, but posses a snarky rude sense of humor and has a flippant and firey tranquil temper.

This is how I see them.

Probably only barely remembers him even existing.

It's odd how hori glosses over todorokis interaction with his family and has him get along with other students at the same time. You'd think the guy would have no social skills based on his house life but he has good interactions with other students.

He still went to school and all that before UA. Its not like this is the first time that he's been around other kids.

that's because he's a Zuko rip-off

also most of the time people talk about BHA characters is either fapping to them or shitting on them

>Deku is a pussy ass nigga
>Bakugo is an asshole
>Ochico is fat
>Momo is useless
>Shogo is...

Shoto should never lose ever at all.

Hori has confirmed that Shouto and zuko are not related.

never said they were
but now I'm skeptic

Someone named pulp fiction is a rich Shouto fan commissioning the guy with girls and recently ochako.

He does need a couple good wins pretty soon. He's supposed to be similar in power to Deku and Bakugo but plotwise he is treated far worse.

all the porn I ran into involve Deku and Bakugo's mom

Why is this a thing.

why shouldn't it be?

Because they never met, it's like the same thing with any MineMomo porn, because of the single scene where grape grapes momos back and suddenly the dude gets obui and Lolita channel quality content with momo alongside that karmamic autist and that touhou hentai porn jerk.

it makes sense if you see it like this

Deku is the audience insert
and Bakugo's mom is hot

when fangirls want Narusaku, ZukoxKatara, or Ochico x Bakugo they are trying to self insert into the main girl and fuck the one they have the hots for. But I will not make excuses like "they are a cute couple" or "they have better chemistry" like they do when Deku fucks Bakugo's mom it's the artist saying "I want to fuck Bakugo's mom"

Does any guy want to self insert into guys like shouto? It's always Deku, Bakugou, Mineta or endeavor.

Shoto has good quirk but a shit life

Bakugo has awesome flashy powers and the only flaw is his attitude
Deku is the MC and is going to be the strongest
Grape is just /ourguy/

>Grape is just /ourguy/
for Spics.

Are you saying that there is endeavor porn that is not gay?

>Grape is just /ourguy/

That's pretty sad, fucking useless, lazily generic in design, and really fucking unfunny.

Are shonenfags so retarded that they're actually impressed by something this basic?

There's this porn of him raping some female teacher.

Possibly, but it also would have made Deku too important to Shoto's development. Deku may have kickstarted it, but it is up to Shoto to overcome his trauma on his own, and Shoto losing the last match because he didn't fully recover shows this.

Shouto might as well be as important to deku. Shoutos father is currently at a place where Deku eventually has to interact with him as his future goal of number one hero.

And otaku creeps.

What is Shouto going to do that makes him important in the plot btw?

I just love how the men in Endeavor's family didn't let him off the hook just for acting nice once, while Todoroki's mom and older sister were all over his dick the moment he said some pretty things. Very realistic.

Who knows at this point. He's basically being used to develop Endeavor right now, Shoto just keeps retreading the same arc so that Hori can cram him and Endeavor in the same room.

Hori needs to show that Shoto is actually powerful - I mean the Interclass Fights were supposed to humble class A and show that othre heroes and trainees are skilled themselves. And Hori did that for the first couple of fights, especially Shoto's match with Tetsutetsu, but at the end especially with Bakugo's fight, he made class A way stronger than the rest. This made Shoto look like shit for little reason.

>First character I have ever seen whose childhood trauma is being well fleshed out and his natural healing process is being realistically handled.
You should watch more anime, there have been other characters with the same themes done better in the past (pic very much related).

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I guess hori doesn't want Shouto to steam roll and win against anyone impressive until he stuff with endeavor finished.

Problem with Shoto is that his development is stagnant and isn't progressing as fast as it should be. If anything, he's regressed from the stain arc.

As a BakugouFag I respect your post user. I wish Todoroki, Bakugou, and other students got more focus than "Hey look I've got 7 quirks now hur hur".

>This made Shoto look like shit for little reason.
No, there was a reason. Shoto is reaching the limits of what he can do with ice. And despite his own self analysis that he's too slow and unfocused using flame, and he has barely begun to explore using them together instead of one at a time, AND that he relies too much on his quirks and not his physical abilities, he hasn't sought training from the man who could most help him, Endeavor. The emotional and psychological reasons for this are obvious. To over come THOSE, Shoto needed massive incentive. Almost getting his head beat in by T4, with the understanding that had Chin-Boy been a villain there might not have been an 'almost' to it, was that incentive.

Shoto could train anywhere and with anyone to improve his fire, Bakugo worked to improve his Explosion by throwing his arms into boiling water, Izuku trained his OfA by using it over and over, Tetsutetsu trained his Steel by baking himself in a furnace.
Given Shoto's hatred of Endeavor he, regardless of his losing, shouldn't always go to him for training. Shoto is all about proving that he is not Endeavor, and learning to use Fire on his own should be part of that.
Hori just wants to pair Endeavor and Shoto up together so that he can continue the Todoroki family drama.

Even if Endeavor is the best to train him, Shoto should be learning thru his own actions rather than repeating his Stain Arc actions.

Just as a mater of curiosity, do we know they never met? Deku and Bakugo grew up close enough they could form a gang of sorts with Longfinger and 'Fat Kid Most Likely to Wind Up a Nomu'; Bakugo might have invited the nerd to his home to hang out, and Midoriya and she encountered each other.

Mitsuki and Inko, that's also a relationship I'd like to know if existed. Or Mitsuki and Inko's husband...

Talked about, no. He appears to have a memory of watching Touya, Fuyumi, and Natsuo playing with a soccer ball one time before Endeavor dragged him off for more training.

That may be the point. As All Might said during the Sports festival, if Shoto had been given One for All in addition to his ice / fire abilities, he would have been an amazing hero right away. But Deku is growing into OfA fast and may wind up surpassing what even Shoto could have been.

Also, this is something a lot writers have discovered. If you start out with an amazing main character who immediately overshadows everyone else, you're kind of stuck. Superman will always be Superman, after all. But if you start out with a weak but developing MC and surround him with strong, more dynamic side characters, not only does that create an ensemble cast that can keep things moving while the MC develops, it also allows you to see HOW the MC is developing, as he surpasses all those who used to be above him. Which is what Bakugo is for, I suspect. The final wall.


That would work, but Hori has a mess on his hands. Bakugo or Shoto or even Inasa could be rivals because they are all close in power to Deku, but Hori gave Deku too much power at this point to make it fair.

Seeing Deku tread All Might's path but surrounded by stronger Heroes and Villains could be great, but Deku with 7 quirks is too much. Why should I feel proud of Deku for his achievements if he has so much more than the rest of the cast?

Regardless I know Bakugo will be the number 2 to Deku, but realistically he should be weaker than Shoto or Inasa at the end - their quirks are just stronger.

No, but that's not surprising. Endeavor made sure to keep him separated and Touya is at least 9-10 years older than Shouto. If he ran away as a teen, Shouto probably wouldn't have many memories of him.

Endeavor only cut him off from interacting with his siblings. As far was we can tell he didn't force isolation onto him when he was in school.

>Shoto could train anywhere and with anyone to improve his fire
This is true. But Endeavor is the most skilled flame user around; if you want to be the best, it is good to learn from the best. AND Endeavor has also trained his body to be able to take and give a beating, as the fights with the Nomus and Hood-chan showed. Both of these are areas where Shoto is weak.

And there is also atonement and reconciliation. Endeavor wants to atone; teaching Shoto the way he SHOULD have and not by trying to beat and abuse the kid into shape may help. And them being together and dealing with each other may also help Shoto decide if there's any chance for reconciliation between them.

>Both of these are areas where Shoto is weak.
Have we been reading the same fights. Shoutos a mighty glacier and took on every physical attack soundly without a huge injury. If t4 couldn't take him down and he was going plus ultra.

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Shouto would have out monster'd steel boy if it weren't for softening lad.

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Literally the only interesting thing about him is the way he was conceived. His existence fleshes out the world more by showing people like his father that only breed to combine superb abilities together and his siblings that were failed attempts.

Otherwise the way he uses his abilities is boring as fuck and there are a million characters that use fire or ice powers much more interesting despite only having one of them. There is absolutely nothing exciting about the way he combines his powers, it's even the opposite, he seems to have become a generalist instead of a specialist.

Who would want to breed with Frog? She and her siblings got lucky, but her parents are fucking ugly.

If he used his abilites like he was a logica, he'd be invincible and hard to root for.

Todoroki and his family are more interesting than Bakugou. Period.

>Unironically posting a nuxtaku vid

The absolute state of Yea Forums 2019

>the absolute state of Shototards

Yes we are awesome.

Everyone wants Tsuyu, even her haters.

You're obviously speedreading

You're obviously a faggot.

To breed?

Still doesn't change the fact that He's budget Zuko and Bakugou is diet Vegeta

To be this retarded.


Shouto isn't directly inspired by zuko according to the author

>Series has perfect dynamic that plays into the themes of legacy with Deku, Todoroki, and Iida
>The latter two are sidelined for literal years

Because bakugou.

Because Hori only ever works with a handful of characters at a time.

Fucking Hori dropped Iida for froppy as a main lead lol!

Season 1 is a 5/10
Season 2 is a 4/10
Season 3 is a 3/10
Season 4 will be 2/10
Season 5 will be 1/10 (oh my 7 quirks!)

Based Mob psycho 100 is 100/10

>Have we been reading the same fights
Have we? T4 got in Shoto's face and stayed there, manhandling him at will and there was nothing he could do to stop it except fire off more heat. Endeavor would have punched Chinny Chin Chin boy, if not out then at least back far enough away he could have launched himself up and away. Shoto couldn't do either of those. How to use his heat as a poor man's One for All to increase his strength, how to fly, these are things Endeavor can teach him.

Shoto should be figuring that all out on his own. Going to Endeavor every time he has trouble only helps out Endeavor's character, it diminishes Shoto's.

Shouto was holding back, ice quirk wise he did okay lasting until he almost death fire punch tetsu.

>there was nothing he could do to stop it except fire off more heat.

He could have flash freezes and melted tetsu at the beginning and ending his career, but it was just a exercise and tetsu went overboard till the point tetsu almost crippled himself to Shoutos heat and Shouto had almost destroyed him. Tetsu himself said it was a tie and he didn't fucking win anyway. And that's because Shouto was basically freezing up.

Everyone in mob doesn't have sexy porn heroine designs like mha.


Mob is better

There’s lots with Momo but they're untranslated.

The PROMISE of power. Deku can't use Black Whip for more that a few seconds without it causing him excessive pain. We don't know what the other quirks are but they'll probably be similarly limited. This is for the future. It might be worth considering what sort of hellish confrontation Hori is envisioning where One for All by itself wouldn't be enough...

RE Bakugo: I suspect we're going to be seeing genuine quirk evolution with him.

Knock off Zuko.

I'm talking about the adult women also.

We already cleared this up, spreg. Hori confirmed that Shouto is not a a knock off of zeko.

He is more like Neji and Garra then sasuke

He's nothing like them.

Gaara maybe.

>It was set up that he probably would have won

It's not important that Todo win, it's important that he beat bakusperg into a coma

He was literally going to incinerate T4 until he got PIPED.

Maybe they get a rematch.

You think hori puts any thought into todorokis movesets when fighting an arc villain.

The perfect male hero needs a perfect love interest.

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Bakugo does need a bad loss. Almost all of his others so far have been with asterisks attached. Him losing to Shoto, or a stronger Kirishima would be good for his character.

that terrible /reddit/ tier shogi drama with the virgin mc?
No thanks newfag.


not everyone drinks soi like you

>Bah! My dad abused me, so I don't want to be like him!
>Just be yourself!
wow so deep man

his dad abused his mother more actually then his mother went crazy and attacked him thats why he has that red scar. actually watch the show.

>The perfect male hero needs a perfect love interest.

Attached: 8cd5c24a-02ce-470f-84a9-1a1000814345.png (884x919, 107K)

>Bah! My dad abused my mother more actually then my mother went crazy and attacked me thats why I have that red scar! So I don't want to be like him!
>Just be yourself!
wow so deep man

Why does it have to be deep? People aren't very deep.

this is just Zuko from AtLA
gooks are hacks

Is not Zuko.

>Arggh I hate my dad, he made me train to be a hero while other kids got to play
>I don't want to be like him so I won't use my quirk
>But I'm still going to be a hero just like my dad!
>And use his privileges to get into U.A. the easy way!
>But wait this kid yelled at me hard so I'm a changing my mind lol xD
>Even though he didn't say anything insightful at all
The only reason he suddenly decided to not use his quirk against Bakugo was cause of plot. Can't have a conclusive match that would either one of these rival characters ahead of each other! No victories allowed! The rest of the development is off-screen with some stills of people visiting his mom in the hospital. Without any of the actual issues relevant to the situation explored. FAKE DEVELOPMENT.

>fire powers
>scar on left eye inflicted by parent
>loves mom and hates dad
>awkward ("hand crusher" and "that's rough buddy")
>considered attractive both in and out of universe
>same hairstyle

Choderoki is a boring jobber, same as Momo