Dragon Ball Super


Attached: ZENren.jpg (720x900, 74K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Enter Suppaman

Attached: 46352152_265423667467097_7470787761201347273_n.jpg (653x653, 56K)

Enter CHADren.

Attached: enter CHADren.jpg (859x1153, 88K)

Enter CHADren.

Attached: 1561462699464.jpg (564x1002, 39K)

Enter Moro.

Attached: 1561073064750.webm (540x540, 1.04M)

Look at this man's arms holy fuck the're the size of Goku's torso

Attached: FIERYren.jpg (892x496, 75K)

Enter GODhan.

Attached: 279d50f3f88236d107ed4ca8daba72ae.jpg (825x960, 99K)

The absolute of Cryrentards after getting BTFO'd by Godlychads

Attached: Jiren the Crey.jpg (1440x809, 191K)

Brolybros.... I could handle CHADren entering once.... But twice? I'm fucking shaking over here holy shit


Entering Cheerai

Attached: 1555428554852.png (1280x720, 373K)

ugly green slut

Attached: cuckedly.jpg (1000x1250, 195K)

>Seething Joblyshitter spamming threads

Attached: 1539643981732.jpg (634x1122, 130K)

Teen Jiren was cute

Attached: tumblr_p8lnitnVjA1ulbhwzo4_500.png (500x513, 136K)


Attached: Jirentrannies on suicidewatch.png (1114x413, 577K)

Great thread.

>inbetween frames that last 0.2 seconds makin Shitly stretch for cinematic effect

Attached: WHAT.png (408x312, 213K)

STAMINALETren the tranny

>cinematic effec
>Posts Jiren in a form canonically smaller than one us Godlychads are using

Attached: 1534554924073.jpg (469x480, 59K)


>Not canonically a teentranny

>confirmed not knowing SHIT about animation

>What is a presupposition?
Prove that it was for cinematic effect alone, Cuckrenfag

Its like saying prove that this isn't forced perspective alone.
Cry and weep, mongoloid.

Attached: 531.jpg (881x488, 94K)

Why is Super so bad? (Except for Broly)

Attached: 120104.jpg (293x359, 24K)

>I can't prove it, but I can move the goalpost to forced perspectives
Problem is, Creyrentard, that the differences in heights in BOTH scans are the exact same.
Almost as if they're using canon heights
Cope, concede and kneel, my rebellious servant

You can say whatever you want about Toyotaro, but the guy's living the dream. His art is on display alongside renowned artists such as Oda, for the next Comiket.

Attached: Comiket.png (1080x1820, 1.84M)

>n move the goalpost
>When both instances are cinematic techniques to make Jobly seam threatening and bigger than he actually is
>A few seconds to that pic, they were almost the same size and in there Gogeta fits on his fist
Didn't even read the rest of your non-argument and coping. Cry and weep

Attached: 1549406246344.jpg (814x973, 119K)

Attached: Summer Comiket - Goku.png (706x969, 730K)

I wonder if youngjiiji is eternally raging over Toyo's success

But there is zero detail compared to the others.
It's almost like it's traced and not drawn from free hand....

I absolutely despise how he draws Goku in his base state.

Remember when he used to remake some DBS pages like saying "I can do it better". Fuck that guy.

Whats not to despise about that hack.

KEK yeah and they looked fucking awful

Attached: jiji vs toyo.png (524x573, 323K)

Attached: toyo vs shitjii.png (1536x1142, 1.18M)

>left actually has some depth and perspective while Shitotaro looks like their waist is made of 2d paper.

>A few seconds to that pic, they were almost the same size and in there Gogeta fits on his fist
1. Provides nothing to support the claim
>Claims that they're the same size
No evidence
>Can stand on his hands
Yes, the sheer size of Broly in your scan AND mine show that to be possible, so what's your point?
If anything, the right angle could make Broly look smaller
>When both instances are cinematic techniques to make Jobly seam threatening and bigger than he actually is
Literally no evidence that they didn't use the canon heights

Better get your knee pads, boiii

It lacks intensity and impact. youngjiiji is a terrible artist.

Attached: ''I-i'ts just a reference, brah''.jpg (3012x2472, 3.11M)

Jijii is god awful. How anyone could think his material is good is beyond me. Nearly all of his panels are traced (yes, by actual fucking definition) from the source material.

Left is far more menacing

>1. Provides nothing to support the claim
>pretends to be retarded to keep fishing (you)s or unironically never seen the fucking movie
Holy shit these "people" need to be gassed.
Didn't even read the rest. Done

Miles better than Toyohacko

>Didn't even read the rest
We all know you did, fag
Now answer the questions

This is embarrassing. Not only does it lack originality, but the art accompanying it all is atrocious.

Attached: TRACETARO.jpg (1980x3400, 2.43M)

>jiiji shill accidentally admits Toyo is superior

Such a beautiful bait. Have a (You).

>posts tracing collage
>gets proof Tracetaro does the very same
You are fucking autistic and retarded. Get checked.


Attached: Soon_.jpg (958x561, 252K)

Never ever.

>Y-you called Toyo superior because you like one picture
No wonder you're gay

Have faith.

Attached: D4CpOhEU4AAEgdy.png (790x659, 281K)

>damage control

Attached: Paco.png (812x1004, 1.07M)

What the fuck is this mess supposed to represent? Holy shit. Imagine taking time out of your day to create something as autistic as this.
No, just astounded.

Kneel and concede before your divine master

Did a mexican steal your gf?

More than half of those "examples" are not traced. Some of those are not even from DBS, and others I don't even know what they are ment to demonstrate. Pic related is outright embarrassing, like, you don't know how to interpret the scene. But what can I expect from someone who surely consumes that TotallyNotMark crap?

Attached: 37.jpg (393x484, 95K)


I knew it, I can already predict the amount of posts in this thread before it archives. I'm so smart.

You actually know you are seething and presenting 0 arguments. Interesting
>excusing blatant tracing because "muh context"
Fucking die.

Attached: PERSPECTIVETARO.jpg (777x478, 179K)

There is no argument to counter in the first place. You're shitposting.

What the fuck is that thing? It's fucking horrifying

>shutting me down like that c-can only be shitposting
I love embarrassing you like this. Apologetic mong.

Attached: THE TRACER POSE™.jpg (267x483, 109K)

Toyotaro needs to grind more fundies.

Daily reminder that this was supposed to be Jirens theme


Talk to me when you actually present an argument.

no, i'm incel

You ignoring the graphical evidence doesn' mean its not there. Keep literally coping, retard. I can do this all day

Attached: LITERALLYCOPYPASTETARO.webm (600x348, 381K)

>I can do this all day
I'm certain you can. You must disappoint your parents.

wait, vegeta has blue evolution in the manga? That form is canon?

I thought Blue Evolution was supposed to have pupils

Attached: IMG_20190511_192659.png (549x636, 753K)

Imagine wasting your life like this.

Attached: 15645835421.jpg (396x576, 65K)

You thought two mediums must adapt the same outline exactly the same way? How fucking stupid did you feel?

Kinda, but it doesn't look at all like this abomination.

Attached: D9lyeKeUYAErXZV.jpg orig.jpg (2880x1620, 613K)

Imagine being so much of an avatarfagging spichanfag that you think its all done by one person.
Imagine deflecting at the face of complete annihilation by the hand of my superior evidence and intelligence. Nice

Attached: tracerfaggo.jpg (267x800, 77K)

Why is he a simpsons character now? Also, I thought his hair turned a darker shade of blue not just the tips, I wonder how that would look on Cac characters then.

Attached: a51900fac4e3305b1d99889cc8efbac4.jpg (736x1127, 114K)

Have sex.

I won again? Holy fuck

Only because you haven't faced me yet. I'm completely undefeated in these threads

Toriyama used to make those kind of panels as well (pic related are just a few examples of that), but I know that you don't know that, since you are a disgusting animeonly faggot.

Attached: DyGTYAcX4AMQlOM.jpg (960x3008, 1.23M)

Every other concept of Blue Evolution has pupils in them. See pic related in which he has regular blue color but with PUPILS, thus signifying that it is indeed the Evolution form.
>B-but the manga cover has a deeper shade of blue with no pupils my headcanon is right and not the sources!
STEP UP, Toei created this form and the character design sheet zooms in in the eyes.
>*enter buzzword*
>N-not an argument!
There is absolutely NOTHING you can do to defeat me, I'm KING in these threads, your intelligence is inconsequential against mine. I can tell what you're going to post next don't bother replying.
I'm mentally untouchable...

Attached: d2c10e01e330c4035ac9636912a34e4f.jpg (421x524, 60K)

>Toei created this form
>admitting it's Toeifiction

Isn't this what he looks like when he uses blue evolution in heroes?


Maybe its because you are a Toeichad and a Jirenchad. Just like me

Oh wait so Toyotaro didn't come up with that? Its ALSO traced? AHAHAHA Thanks for this. I'll add it to that picture.

Are you fucking retarded?

>a concept art by an unofficial artist
DONE and OVER. That fucking easy holy shit.

This is your mind on Toei's garbage.

Thank you! Improved it

Attached: tracerfaggo.jpg (1500x2507, 900K)

I wonder what Toriyama wrote on the napkin in relation to Vegeta's SSB for there to be two similar yet, at the same time, different interpretations, of this new form.

Attached: Vegeta SSB.jpg (3464x1062, 1.12M)

So that's a yes. Seek help.

So, hat exactly is the difference between blue and blue evolution anyway? Like does it solve the leaking ki issue blue has? Does it make Vegeta stronger than Goku who in the manga doesn't have Kaio-ken to stack on blue and hasn't mastered pulling ultra instinct at will yet?

The only difference is the pupils. An unimportant artistic choice. Cry Toyoshit

I blame Ajay for introducing that word, without really explained it to these stupid people.

Just because you learn words from your favorite e-celeb doesn't mean everyone does. Cope and back to youtube

> Like does it solve the leaking ki issue blue has?
That's not a problem in the manga.
>Does it make Vegeta stronger than Goku who in the manga
It should, yes.

herro guys, when I'm a geezer I would rearry rike to peep on my daughter's cunny

Attached: toriyama-akira-image.jpg (300x297, 9K)

Learn what "trace" is you fucking moron.

>p-p-please go away, I d-don't like how you call me out like that i-it's scary...

Enter, CHADre-

Enter CHADku.

Attached: 0.jpg (576x768, 393K)

I told I said back to your favorite e-celeb's lap. What are you still doing here

Attached: 460.webm (460x258, 1.15M)

>I told I said back
Please, spic, learn English.

>racism outside of Yea Forums

>pretending to be a newfag to damage control


Attached: a18a03e2c5df6bc50566eb8edfcd62dd33137b09_hq.jpg (1024x788, 65K)

>I told I said
Which one is it, Pedro Juan Manuel san Fernando de la Cruz VIII?

>If I break the rules then you're a newfag

Keep coping, El Spico.


Attached: 1558785540371.png (1024x576, 684K)

eternal reminder

Attached: LOL.png (1024x741, 313K)

reminder that goku cannot be considered a chad since he has never kissed a woman


Attached: 0b5aeda1d13b16cbf61124d206682b23.jpg (990x700, 52K)


Attached: VegetaVsAndroid19.png (275x790, 259K)

Chadchad cha Chad


Attached: tenor-1.gif (498x278, 2.16M)

Wrong board nigga?

Basedbased based CHAD


>Toeispic reduced to whimpering and crying about muh racism after getting BTFO for the nth time

Attached: 1498000600925.png (668x720, 543K)

Kek'd and based.

This one samefagging Jirenspic is the cringiest poster in these threads. I'd rather we go back to exclusive muh Toeidog/muh Toyocuck shitposting

I love how shamelessly and ostentatiously you reply to yourself like that. It would be admirable if it wasn't so fucking pathetic, you vapid retard.


Cope you fucking dogku faggot.

Attached: Screenshot_20190625-165106_Opera.jpg (1440x2960, 1.11M)

Cry and cope. Shitlytard.

Attached: Self-aware Tardlyfags calling themselves Tards.jpg (530x155, 33K)

>literally admitting to samefagging via phoneposting
Oh no no NO NO NO

>zero proof of not samefagging
Yawn, looks like I win again. Imagine that.

>No arguments


>zero proof
>more whining
Don't let me catch you samefagging in my threads again, got it?

>p-please play my shitposting game for the 953th time s-so I can call it an edit haha
Grow up, manolo

Kek'd and based.


Attached: carrot coping with his fellow dog when done conceding to his master bejita-sama for 3-0.gif (500x591, 840K)

>zero proof

How come there are no (you)s behind """"my"""" posts then you retard? Are you roleplaying as your shitty retarded character? Kek

>literally admitting he can't hope to provide proof that would satisfy my superior intellect
Good to see you know your place, dog.

No one was speaking to you, insect. Don't dare intrude upon the conversations of intellectuals.


>retarded newfag admitting he has no idea what samefag phoneposting does
Holy shit.

>o-oh yeah w-well there are no (You)s b-because I post from my PC and then my phone so I W-WIN H-HEHE
Like I said, boy. Don't let me catch you samefagging again. Understand?

Correct, since I don't samefag unlike you.

Imagine being this much of a paranoid Tardkufag. Kek

>n-n-no u!
>still absolutely no proof
You better heed my warning, boy. That's all I have to say. Now scram. I ain't got time to waste playing with kids all day.

Are you done coping yet?

Attached: your master bejita-sama does not accept your concession, dog - cope.jpg (1280x720, 122K)

What did I say, kid? Run along. Go play your little samefagging game with your friends. At least they'll humor you.


Attached: Goku's Bane.jpg (350x544, 57K)

Cry more. Your salty tears bring me joy.

>textless image spam
As expected of an intellectuallet.

Why you projectin' yourself onto me, kid? Ain't my fault you got daddy issues. Hell, if my kid was a little sissy samefag, I'd beat his ass every day too.

what would buu think of vados

based af

What does this image convey to you anons?

To me it coveys, power and fear.

Ore wa...

Attached: petar-penev-dnavenom-vegeta-close-up-06-s.jpg (960x1280, 234K)

He would kick her ass

Enter Cutehan.

Attached: 68415801_p0.png (2240x2520, 2.13M)


To me it conveys shitty spic edits and insecurity.

>accuses me of projecting when he starts projecting on his own

Literally mindbroken. Now shut your mouth, you double digit IQ retard. Stop embarrassing yourself.

Aaah, yes, Bejita, thanks for waking me up, it's time to win another fight?
Let's not waste time and get this over with.

Attached: 1536004096950.jpg (231x210, 15K)

Attached: Puar sees Vegeta fooled Goku again.jpg (308x210, 26K)

Because he's stronger

>manga counts separate
4-0 then?

Attached: 1555033266322.png (1024x741, 371K)

I guess you identify with the FEAR part of the pic. Interesting

>time to win

Attached: Vegeta was fine with two wins but Goku insists on jobbing one more time.jpg (736x981, 145K)

Don't talk to your superiors that way, kid. Didn't your daddy teach you anything besides how to abuse alcohol like a fat slob? Nah, guess he didn't. Where'd you learn samefagging, then? Older brother? Childhood friend you used to play "Doctor" with? Ah, but it weren't queer, right? You were just playin'. Heh. Fuckin' fag.

based buu, he should candybeam her

Keep crying, Shitrentard.

Enter CHADku

Attached: MUI Godku.jpg (636x795, 95K)

>so mindbroken he starts spewing incoherent bullshit

We win again Veggibros


Attached: 16 spots someone other than Goku being shown to have ever defeated Vegeta v2b.jpg (253x476, 49K)


You keep on tellin' yourself whatever ya need to to sleep at night, kid. Who am I to break that delusion of yours? I'm secure enough in my position as a superior intellectual. Ya could learn a thing or two if you stopped fuckin' samefaggin' long enough to listen. But I guess that'd be like askin' water not to be wet.

what deluded reality does this gokufag live in where he sees either of these fights as a win for goku?

Attached: 1553141071288.png (632x830, 675K)

>all these arms
All the better to job with.

Attached: UI Goku - Jobbing to his Prince instinctively - 4-0 on lock.jpg (1537x2048, 405K)


Attached: 1561316805804.webm (500x278, 2.15M)

How can one girl be this cute while NOT wearing a bra?

Attached: 2019cute.png (206x467, 106K)

helles > broly


>whining about Oozaru
>whining about no SS3
>whining about Majin
>whining about deception
This while they can't cope with facts regarding KK, SKW, Kamehameha, etc. Scrub mentality is probably the worst issue with these kids.

Attached: Vegeta on rules v3.jpg (469x671, 103K)

That's right, kid. Keep on ragin' against the wisdom of your elders. It's gotten ya this far, right?

>Cuckgeta admitting he's a weak little faggot that has to cheat to win because fighting head-to-head he's worthless

Shitposting aside, how does vegeta knocking out goku while distracted count as a win? They agreed to stop fighting in that moment so it's more like a draw than a win for the two of them

the sameface is so bad in that show it makes me want to fuck touma since he basically looks like mikoto and all the other girls

Attached: when will you job to our prince next grandpa - 4-0 soon.png (812x844, 398K)

Get it all out. Acceptance soon.

Attached: 1561229786021.jpg (999x1361, 452K)


>no arguments
>absolute fucking waste of digits
You should be put down like the dog you are.

I win again

>five for me
>two for thee

Attached: smol and kawaii prince steps on the MC's chances of ever winning against a rival ever again.jpg (281x750, 48K)



Attached: OH NO NO NO NO NO NO HAHAHAHAHAH.png (955x561, 705K)

>m-muh get
Pathetic "argument", as expected from a Cuckbitchtaqueer.

Gokubros... What is this?!?!?

Damn. Goku will never kiss his wife.

Based and checked, holy fucking shit.

Another win for CHADS OF Yea Forums


Attached: Goku never beat Vegeta and never will.jpg (763x1269, 707K)

Pathetic vegetashitter, vegeta has been irrelevant since the Namec arc, he's nothing but fodder.

Check out this newfag, holy shit, how long have you been here.

>literally stronger than current Gayku
What did the Cuckarotspic mean by this?

More projectin', kid? A samefag AND a newfag? Well, can't say it ain't expected. Just a little sad, is all...

Very well. I'll humor you (as it has been a bit since the last time someone asked for it).

>agreed to stop fighting
Deception is a powerful tool of the intelligent. Not even the first time Goku has fallen for this same trick with Vegeta (where Cui's attempt failed against this same fighter). Simply put, this isn't the playfighting Goku and his friends indulge in. Ring-out and the like do not apply. Tools, help and so on are all fair game (and if you find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck).

Attached: yfw your vassal believes your lies.jpg (408x269, 47K)

Don't you guys ever get tired of the same shitposting every day?

Japanese Trump?

>doesn't know how to interpret text
OH NO NO NO NO, vegetaclowns proving their stupidly, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA.

What was their first night of passion like?

Attached: 9959a80568f4d7821a0f1458c33c7ab9.jpg (1000x1802, 170K)

>The rules
Wanna know how I know you're a newfag?

I don't know about all that, but Vegeta is undefeated against Goku.

Attached: ssg smugeta evades bait wave.png (404x399, 123K)


Cope and kneel, dog. Your master commands you.

nigger you are deluded or mentally retarded probably both

>Dragon Ball thread
>always 400+ posts
I love that it is still so popular

I fucking love how it abruptly switches from "damn its in the manga as well" to "so goku is a completely deranged, abusive psychopath".

Also, checked.

>zero arguments
>ad hominem
Wow, I won so fucking hard it should be a crime.


Attached: the bulge that bulma could not resist - prince's pride.jpg (287x680, 76K)

Could you IMAGINE us at our prime?

Attached: CHADS OF ⁄a⁄.png (682x875, 272K)

>>literally stronger than current Goku
Look at this fucking retard, who let the shitgetafags out of their cuckshed?

Why is this teen High school Videl when they're supposed to be the same age?
One job, user, one job

Look at this newfag, look at him.

>STILL no arguments
>STILL ad hominem
My god it's just too easy.

Your loss, ma'am

Attached: heard you always job to our prince, grandpa - best vassal putting his rival over.png (600x577, 513K)



Attached: 1504790991905.png (628x351, 461K)

Why imagine when you can TASTE IT

o-o-ore wa s-su-ppa b-b-be-jita.

Attached: 1558308840046.jpg (1280x720, 80K)

Still projectin', eh? Like a broken record. Ya really need to get a hobby, kiddo. Something more fulfilling than blatantly samefagging and projectin' your shortcomings onto others.

No, you're literally retarded, you've proved it.

Attached: 1560891397563.jpg (473x433, 23K)

>fed this bug a toaster
>slaps him in the back of the head
>vassal's mutt kills him with a starter ki attack

>still can't argue
>y-y-you're just r-r-retarded and n-not worth it
Whimper, dog, whimper.

>incomprehensible ESL babble

Come on, newshitter, spout some more redit words so that we can all laugh.

Attached: brianne.jpg (721x719, 86K)

no one care king vegeta , not even his son .

not using dragon ball on earth , namekian dragon ball to do it .

not even super dragon ball .

Attached: a a images.jpg (300x168, 8K)

Attached: 1560460405124.webm (440x330, 2.91M)


Attached: The Prince and the Wench.png (540x616, 559K)

Attached: 1552503540491.png (350x350, 196K)

Attached: What's the score again - Our Prince wants to be reminded.jpg (1280x720, 50K)

You're almost makin' me sad, kid. So lonely and devoid of purpose. Your dear ole dad really did a number on ya, didn't he? No wonder you're a Gokufag.

>arguing against facts

Attached: trunks is undefeated against goten - the royals always best their vassals.jpg (519x365, 75K)

Why are spicgeta lovers so oversensitive?

>m-my headcanon is factual


>always defeats the MC
>married the main girl
>produced child that has defeated multiple main villains
>has himself helped to defeat multiple main villains
AT has a funny way of hating a character.

Attached: AT telling lies - goku will never defeat vegeta.jpg (331x352, 49K)

>whimpering as commanded
Good dog.

He keeps going.

Attached: 1487615037565.jpg (419x400, 28K)

Reaching are we.

Attached: she can't kiss herself bejita-sama - she needs you RIGHT NOW.jpg (236x179, 16K)

Isn't there a time limit for resurrection? All the saiyans have been dead 40+ years.

Attached: 1544053383365.gif (500x500, 993K)

>caught with his Goku cells active
Imagine being such a retarded bug you activated them while Vegeta was both alive and behind you.

Attached: 3-0 via blow from behind incoming.jpg (400x400, 37K)

Attached: 1556369581025.jpg (1024x577, 187K)

Attached: Undefeated against the MC dance - Vegeta's hot moves leaves carrot fags seething.gif (400x400, 625K)

Attached: 1552262566540.jpg (827x515, 53K)

Attached: 1556399989574.gif (480x266, 2.64M)

See, ya know how lonely ya are, kid. Ya know how much ya wanna break outta those shackles. Just stop samefagging. It can happen to you.

Attached: 1555690653084.jpg (400x400, 22K)

>why must they REMIND us

Attached: Gokufag being reminded about the undefeated streak of Vegeta.jpg (480x394, 44K)

Attached: 1543167382432.png (1920x1080, 1.35M)


Attached: esgfcn.jpg (2048x1827, 857K)

Don't be upset with me. I didn't write it. This is AT's will.

Attached: AT when asked if he will ever let Goku win against Vegeta.jpg (799x399, 59K)

She's here.

Attached: bestgirlirl.jpg (587x587, 62K)

That another video game name for Vegeta's technique for 2-0?

Attached: vegeta lands the flanderizer - super goku is born.jpg (361x380, 87K)

>tfw bejita refuses to kiss my wife

Attached: 1510439515049.png (845x479, 506K)

Best trio.

Attached: 1545731481671.jpg (622x622, 93K)

Tell me Anons. What is she reaching for?

Attached: AB8FE231-2F80-4A27-86EB-F61FE751227B.gif (500x281, 925K)

>trying this hard
Pathetic newfag.
Cope, dogpet, cope.

>sucker punch after the fight is over because Bitchfagta is too much of a weakling pussy to have a hope at beating Goku face to face

Just when I thought ya could sink no lower, kid. Ya know what, I was wrong. There ain't no hope for you. Never was. Your daddy was right. Your ma should've aborted you. No wonder he beats you both.

Attached: 4-0 soon, right my Prince.jpg (960x540, 189K)

Attached: 1488996190937.gif (239x200, 438K)

Attached: hfw no prince kisses for his wife this year either.jpg (235x321, 31K)

>n-n-no y-you're u-upset
We broke him.

Left looks so much better

Attached: 1539874032135.jpg (245x569, 25K)

Kneel, pet. KNEEL.

Attached: AT wills 2-0.jpg (331x352, 49K)

>broke AT
His will remains unbent.

Attached: Roshi on Goku's chances against Vegeta - Knows AT's will is absolute.jpg (345x272, 33K)

Attached: 1537824565038.png (602x361, 200K)

Tori bot is Yamcha tier

>the omnipotent god of the Dragon Universe
The ABSOLUTE cope of the Cuckarotspics.

Is that your daughter?

What is it, my precious, precious little pet?

Attached: copegeta.png (428x251, 56K)

Attached: 1550171919585.jpg (830x467, 69K)

Attached: I call this Super Saiyan 0-3 - A form to job even further beyond - Carrot prepares himself for Princ (333x269, 25K)

>implying Vegeta's thoughts affect the factual status of his 2-0 against Goku

Attached: 1526571144825.jpg (480x360, 17K)

>vegetashitters ignore this post
We win again GODku chads

>competent fighter
>drops his guard with a few sweet words
Retardku never learns.

Attached: Prince trains his vassal.png (446x544, 144K)

i think most of the limit are remove by Dende , the new god . and the namakian dragon ball only limit 1 wish 1 person with no time limit .

the super dragon ball do not has any limit at all .

radittz and nappa only die 10 + year . (Trunks is 10+ year old in super)

Attached: a a latest.png (418x480, 250K)

>non-canon shit

>my headcanon
>my headcanon
>my headcanon

Attached: 1555495861236.png (640x480, 392K)

Attached: Prince's precious pet after failing to heed his master's warnings.jpg (271x488, 49K)

>facts are headcanon

I said Tori bot not Zeno

Should I watch the broly movie in English if I watched the dub as a kid?

If you want non canon dialogue

>just wants the canon stuff

Attached: vegeta is surely not lying to me again - goku the sucker never learns.jpg (264x381, 58K)

>Toribot who created Zeno

Attached: AT willing Vegeta to always defeat Goku.png (1066x1600, 1.03M)

>sucker punch after the fight was over

Attached: Pan sees a fan of her grandpa unable to handle his jobbing to their Prince.jpg (278x327, 32K)

Something her grandpa has been ducking for years (again).

Attached: Vegeta gifts Goku the only thing their fights can ever end in - 4-0 soon.jpg (380x211, 16K)


>no arguments
I won.

Its like saying Oppenheimer is more devastating than an atom bomb. Retard

Attached: Our Prince with a badly behaved pup - Dogku begging for 3-0.jpg (640x439, 72K)

>absolutely no arguments

You don't even know what I'm talking about, do you?

Attached: Santa Kakarot putting W's under his Prince's tree.png (640x480, 470K)

Attached: kamehameha is a shit technique but proves good for our Prince's recreational activities.jpg (480x480, 61K)

Will Bra be undefeated against Pan as Vegeta is against their family? As Trunks is against Goten?

Attached: all the big turtle wave is good for against Bejita-sama.jpg (640x480, 75K)

I accept your concession.

She will be undefeated against contraception methods when she starts dating Uub.

Based Pan?

I don't think so, she has jobber genes.

Sub > Dub


Every time there’s a new generation of kids, they just get more and more unbelievably powerful. Gohan going Super Saiyan so young. Then Goten and Trunks do it even younger. And now Pan being able to fly and having impossible strength as a baby. So clearly Bra is going to be the most powerful of all Saiyans but then be totally useless after the first time she does anything cool.

Attached: E4E1EDE7-3041-4ED5-97BF-D2C557E6810F.gif (444x250, 1.8M)

Imagine being you. Just fucking imagine not realizing that Toribot is the ultimate creator of the Dragon Universe and has more power and authority than any of his creations. IMAGINE being too fucking stupid to comprehend such a simple concept.

Attached: buffer.jpg (476x477, 44K)


God, Uub is so lucky.

Tori bot is not even canon. Cry, retard

>appears in the manga
>not canon
Are you fucking stupid?

>literally coping and making shit up
D to the etc

C to the R to the I to the N to the G to the E

What the fuck bros, even when I try to lose I win every time, how can I be so good at this?

Prove it

That actually rhymed
Well done, pup

Bulla will be the most powerful girl in the series, maybe even a contender for most powerful alongside Goku. If she has god ki she's a possible candidate for GoD.

Attached: 1557523201692.jpg (550x512, 57K)


You should have never have tested my immeasurable knowledge. Now kneel.

Attached: kneel before me, pet.jpg (219x230, 15K)

Do you not know what "rhyming" is, you stupid cuck?

Bra is going to be a relative weakling with little fighting ability.
She's going to be a more arrogant and slightly SLIGHTLY less slutty bulma with a bit of a widows peak and an IQ to match then much later surpass her mothers.
That's it.
Going to be pissed that vegeta continues to call himself the prince when he clearly is a king and want to be the princess.

There. She'll be more relevant then any of the kids and be more plot important.

el hermano when?

Silence Dogly

>some poo butt who is afraid Roshi's sister will steal his soul while on the toilet
You speak of Pan's suitor. Don't know that even he will allow that. The kid is only an excuse to duck 3-0, after all. Well, maybe not the only reason.

Attached: goku can't keep his hands off little brown boys.png (640x480, 369K)

>Bra is going to be a relative weakling
Toriyama said she's strong.

>jobber genes
Against whom? Certainly no one of the "Son" family.

Attached: I'm going to keep jobbing to Vegeta and nobody can stop me.jpg (1024x768, 37K)

Are you telling me you couldn't lose even if you really wanted to?

I want to make sausages with Pan's intestines.

>non canon comical gag

Against every single character, including Goku's family.

>get BTFO
>d-d-d-doesn't c-c-count
Another easy victory.

>Whis has to take his new GoD shopping
>She destroys the world if their clothing is not good enough

>what is phonetically rhyming?
Begone, mutt, your low intellect has caused your master to replace you

Attached: 83e4d213042eb6a2a9c826b4825221725023eb200a87a05667698db3e2018b07.png (2880x1800, 2.13M)

You KNOW I won that one.

Relatively yes.
But compared to all of the Z fighters she'll be a relative weakling.
She'll at best be an early namek saga tier fighter but that's it.
Just enough to make her competent with ki use and able to escape/fight off people if her tech and plans fail.

I will process Pan's meat into sausage shapes, then cut them into bite-sized pieces and place them in a skillet with the highest-quality ground beef and olive oil. I will season the meat with oregano, fresh-ground pepper and sea salt, Italian spices, paprika, onion, and garlic. Meanwhile, I will bring a large pot of water to a boil and bring another saucepan of freshly-made tomato sauce with vegetables to a simmer. I will add angel hair pasta to the boiling water, and upon cooking it until al dente and browning the meat, I will combine all the ingredients into a large pan, stir to combine, and serve it with sprinkled parsley, Parmesan cheese, and toasted cheese bread.

Plot twist: She’s always existed in a permanent state of Super Saiyan Blue since her birth, but nobody knew it because her hair is supposed to be blue anyways.

Attached: 8BB7F2FD-A1F6-4FA7-8BFD-9236923E10ED.png (590x590, 162K)

>literally proved wrong
>b-b-but I won b-b-because...S-SHUT UP

>doesn't rhyme in any way, shape, or form
Jiren"""scholars""" proving their mental retardation once again.


Attached: BrolyCheelaiLemo.jpg (720x533, 83K)

You get more and more ESL with every thread


I hope something like this eventually happens

So, basically Beerus?

Pan dishes always are.


>Going to be pissed that vegeta continues to call himself the prince when he clearly is a king and want to be the princess
The daughter of a prince is still a princess.

Attached: thumbs_Dragon-Ball-Super-Épisode-109-49.jpg (240x160, 24K)

>tori bot not canon
>its in the manga
>no its not
>y-yeah here look at this non canon panel
Nextto desu.

No saiyan will ever be a GoD.

Why be one when you can surpass one, like many have.

>t-t-that panel isn't c-canon b-b-because I say so...

can he beat kaioken blue gogeta?

oh my god. i just, JUST realized super saiyan doesnt work with kaioken but could with blue because it was a different form. does this confirm "super saiyan 4" as something else too?

Attached: 1561473043146.png (1040x1755, 2.59M)

dude stop damage controlling. you tried to pretend you knew what you were talking about and you got proved wrong. stop crying and move on, you're fucking embarrassing

Why didn't they just wish Nappa back?

I mean, think of what could have been?

Attached: Nappa.png (578x438, 437K)

You have no arguments and you must kneel.

Attached: godiyama.jpg (680x274, 61K)

They have to find a place for him (and Raditz) in the cast. There's already too many main characters that just got sidelined.

Yet another term that completely lost its meaning due to mongs spamming it whenever they feel like it.

>can't speak English properly
>n-n-no I'm n-not ESL s-shut up

You can't lose to me holy shit I'm so smart.

Did you just confirm that his editor>>Tori bot?

Not even close lmao.

>moving the goalposts
Such an easy victory.

Don’t worry. They’ll get there in no time at all.

Attached: 3FA9F283-CF13-4167-9013-FF4E46D2A58D.png (878x583, 727K)

>as long as his editor permits it
D to the O to the X to the T


but apegeta was stronger than kaioken vegito blue. surely he can stand a chance against himself. its not like god mode is the end all be all since a lot of naturally powerful people have overpowered it

Future Pan Time patrol
Present Pan Galactic patrol
How we ever seen a single leak that has provided evidence for years to come?

Attached: 1560522923640.jpg (673x1105, 256K)

Why are you posting your tacofiction again, Juan?

>including Goku's family
By all means, demonstrate some victories from canon by the vassal's against their lords. What will we start with? Vegeta crushing Goku's body? Cutting off Gohan's tail (the only one who doesn't pass out after this happens in canon is Vegeta who is also the only one shown to force the transformation much less fully control it though the hybrid was able to get some sense back with the Chestnut's help)? The gut blow on Namek where the boy didn't even try to fight (like Krillin)? Vegeta beating on Ginyu in Goku's body (crippling it)? I suppose that's too far removed.

Can't be citing non-canon as with Vegeta slapping Gohan around back on Earth (again). Then how about kicking the KO'd Goku (sick and dying from a regular space cold Vegeta brought to Earth) to the slug man? I know, I know. Just passing the ball (he was already defeated by 19). Guess we have to skip ahead a bit to Goku offering up his rear for 2-0. But then just before that, we get to see Trunks defeat Goten (not even the first time as we learn here).

Attached: Goten has been jobbing off-panel all the time - Son Family Legacy of stat padding their masters v2.j (512x554, 120K)

I'd say I can't believe I won again, but that outcome is expected by now.

Future Pan is confirmed Time Patrol
The Gods have spoken, infidel!

Attached: 1533039999738.jpg (596x673, 51K)

>n-no believe my fake tweet from 2014

what did you win? a ticket to the carnival?

Every fucking single fucking debate fucking anyone has fucking ever fucking dared fucking challenge me in.

Debate me, I'm a toeichad so I don't lose.

>literally says 2019

Already done. Over. NEXT and cope.

>thinks I'm too new to remember him BTFO'ing himself with the original unedited 2014 post
Back to your kennel, pup.

I'm a Chadrenchad so COPE

Pan stew
Roasted Pan
Pan fricassee

>visions of 3-0

Yes, but with shopping. And like Beerus (and all cats), she will be undefeated against Goku. As a royal, this goes double (always defeat the Son family).

Attached: Trunks is stronger than Goten - Goten the retard can't even fly v2.jpg (697x491, 139K)

Well SO AM I

Attached: 1549226840584.gif (478x266, 73K)

Wow you're good.

I'm not even gonna bother reading all that butthurt drivel, I'm just here to let you know THAT, Goku defeated vegeta one on one, vegeta got his ass handled and had to run away crying like a little bitch, that's one, then he cam back and was defeated by Yajirobe and again by Gohan, then he was defeated by Recoome, Krillin and Freeza, 18, Cell and Buu.

Attached: 1516983856799.jpg (636x342, 31K)

>Thinks he's an oldfag
>misses the day when Time patrol Pan was confirmed
Typical newfag behavior.
Are you going to remind me of the rules next?

Imagine being a cuckgetafag.


Attached: Calvogeta.jpg (1132x1705, 276K)

>literally replying to himself
imagine being this pathetic gokucuck

Attached: 1561223334112.png (2248x2187, 270K)

>Goku defeated Vegeta
Let's do a quick play-by-play, shall we?

-Vegeta couldn't hear the explanation of KK

-Vegeta makes Goku soil himself when his power from killing Nappa is demonstrated, so he sends away his 'best friend' and son

-Goku moves the fight so the bodies of his friends aren't damaged further

-Goku tries KKx2, surprising Vegeta briefly before getting toyed with and nearly roasted by actual fire balls

-Goku resorts to KKx3, gains the advantage and draws blood

-Vegeta is so enraged he uses GG (move he made himself) to match Kamehameha (Roshi's 50 year legacy of failure) despite the 33% PL disadvantage

-Goku uses KKx4 in desperation to end the clash (with a 77% PL advantage), but manages no damage beyond the emotional on Vegeta (who hasn't lost any power) while putting himself in such pain he admits to Yajirobe he can no longer go beyond KKx2

-Vegeta doesn't know Goku can't keep up the effort, so he forces Oozaru (greatly weakening himself to fuel Power Ball as after the tailcut Gohan was somewhat able to fight him where that wasn't really even the case against half-assing Nappa)

-Goku does nothing to prevent this while noting the partial reveal of what Vegeta can really do is too much for him even if he could use KKx5

-Borrows Solar Flare, makes a little distance (not enough) and gathers SB (using up more ki as he notes)

-Vegeta ass pulls ki sensing (Goku needed SKW to learn it aside from enjoying passive Oozaru this whole time after that) and stuffs it just after the 10 seconds of charge (canon) finish

-Goku's legs are crushed, but as Vegeta makes to impale him with a finger, Goku uses the last of his ki on a blast to the eye (before accepting his inevitable defeat and demise including an apology to Grandpa Gohan whom he stupidly thought Vegeta killed earlier before himself realizing how dumb that is)

-Enraged, Vegeta uses the Snowball Technique on the already arguably TKO'd Goku causing enough pain to make him pass out (KO)

Attached: broken carrot in bandages - patheticku is 0-1 against his Prince.png (269x219, 57K)

>shit that never happened


Attached: JOBETA HEAD.jpg (1132x1705, 1.37M)

YAWN, your headcanon is boring.
Cope and concede, dogpuppet.


nah I'm good.

Attached: 1561424158052.jpg (500x725, 339K)

Attached: Vege intel.png (1132x1705, 2.83M)


Attached: CHAD.png (1410x172, 39K)

Attached: Flush Bejijita.jpg (1300x993, 447K)

As we all know, the fight was well and over at this point. Goku rendered a cripple unable to fight. Had the others arrived as back-up sooner, perhaps he could have won via team assistance. Alas, AT did not will it.

>run away
From who? Certainly not Goku (who couldn't run if he tried). So mindbroken and addicted to his Prince's "Pride", he made the turbo midge give up his chance to kill a main villain. All on a promise that was always going to be a lie. He could never keep it (and never intended to).

>came back
Ah, so you wish to think of an exchange going favorably as the end of the fight (despite just having noted talk of 'running away' alluding to a bit that comes later). Not the first to try this (or whine about Oozaru). Won't even be the last. But today you will be reminded just the same.

>defeated by Yajirobe
Exposed him so badly one can hardly post the image without risking a ban (put those cheeks on full display). Still, the fat swordsman did better than Goku where weakening Vegeta is concerned (Vegeta did better still by using Power Ball unnecessarily, but it was Yajirobe that stripped the multiplier from him with the tail cut).

>and again by Gohan
Not going to slip in talk of Krillin besting him (SB) before this? Jests aside, Gohan was also taken out (in a bad trade). This left only Krillin standing for the actual win (not all victories are pretty). But we're getting off-topic (Vegeta always defeating Goku and his family).

Attached: goku wasted vegeta's time - 1-0 too easy.jpg (313x195, 40K)

>I'll win if I keep repeating the same refuted memes
On your knees, female dog

Vegeta will always live under GODku's shadow and no amount of autistic headcanon will change that.

Attached: 4014718-2500302358-38141.jpg (728x1096, 280K)

Attached: today carrot was reminded.jpg (250x248, 39K)

You should have believed me when I told you I was smart.

Even Gohan managed more against Vegeta. In the end, he was still a "Son", so he lost. Vassals cannot help themselves against their royal lord and master.

Attached: carrot bows to prince vegetable for 1-0.jpg (1226x1920, 1.23M)

Attached: 327dbbb8b3a7e7052037243934ef5425.jpg (1080x1339, 241K)

Attached: CHADly.jpg (1280x705, 63K)

HAHAHAHAH, foaming at the mouth.

Attached: vegeta - when you're about to be 1-0 but he's promising 2-0 already.jpg (500x282, 38K)

Attached: DEPRESSEDly.jpg (1280x705, 106K)

Attached: bloomer telling it like it is - desert dog needs to step it up.jpg (174x459, 39K)

These images just show me that both Toyo and Jijii suck


Attached: 1551983765713.png (457x416, 316K)

Attached: WHUK - sound of a carrot jobbing - 1-0 was free.jpg (500x239, 67K)

keep coping.

Cope Shitren.

Attached: 1525122071080.jpg (640x480, 66K)

>B-Beerus-sama, please have mercy...

Attached: d6.png (651x375, 236K)

Attached: gokek trying to avoid 2-0 - breaking promises to his wife and 'best friend'.jpg (1021x1093, 316K)

>435 posts
>54 posters

Attached: 1504154836636.png (320x240, 93K)


>begged to join bejita-sama
Only to end up like this.

Attached: yajirobe's pork buns exposed by our prince.jpg (436x475, 112K)

>Vegeta's daughter's babysitter
And soon to be replaced

1. Winnie the Pooh
2. A girl

1. Beerus
2. Frieza
3. Frost
4. Hit
5. Goku Black
6. Jiren
7. Jiren
8. Jiren
9. Jiren

1. Frieza
2. Frost
3. Magetta
4. Cabba
5. Goku Black
6. Toppo

1. Beerus
2. Hit
3. Goku Black
4. Jiren

The irony, he ran away from a 2-0 to end up with another 2-0.

Attached: Gokek vs Cell.jpg (1024x741, 110K)

W-Wait Z-zeno sama...I give up..s-spare me..

Attached: maxresdefault (7).jpg (1280x720, 120K)

Attached: bitch slap the chestnut - vegetables has had it with the dustballians.jpg (194x420, 50K)


Attached: 1533921501981.jpg (500x421, 88K)

Attached: 1493241330293.gif (500x375, 1017K)

Reminder that Zeno jobbed to a button.

Attached: ZENO JOBBING TO A BUTTON.png (367x256, 32K)


Why was this random Namekian stronger than the whole Saiyan Warrior Race?

Attached: Nail_image.png (1440x1080, 1.54M)

Attached: vegeta.png (159x220, 31K)

The eternal second fiddle.

Attached: IMG_20190625_151730.jpg (392x212, 33K)

Gentle reminder that Beerus jobbed to Yamcha.

Attached: 1487799162163.gif (540x302, 1.08M)


Attached: 1554762269531.jpg (1024x741, 109K)

Personally I prefer right.

He was Namek's guardian?


>responds to the after with the before

Attached: yajirobe concedes to bejita - tries to become his vassal.jpg (925x432, 171K)

Attached: 1556746294454.jpg (720x540, 60K)

Because the saiyan race couldn't fuse.

Kakarotto-sama.... I concede to you.... you are glorious.

Attached: 1560643743067.jpg (1920x1080, 563K)

1 - 0
Cope, my precious, precious, pet.

>lost to Cell
>both times when the Vegeta cells were active
>Cell loses to Gohan after getting hit by Vegeta while Goku cells were in use
Was this 2-0 or 3-0 (after the virus thing)? Was Majin Vegeta 4-0?

Attached: Vegetable's Chestnet Cracker v4.jpg (954x731, 314K)

Strange, so why was Piccolo Jr. stronger than the entire saiyan race?

Still surprised they allow a fucking pedo in their magazine. Fuck Nobu.

QUEERen the GAY.

Attached: GayPrideTroopers2.png (540x720, 283K)

Attached: 1487183847377.png (719x538, 500K)

>toeipedros still dont know the difference between reusing poses and actual tracing after all these years
Thats embarrassing

C'mon, give the Toeilards a break. They're being driven half-insane by the manga's obvious superiority.
>No RoF
>No SSB + Kaioken asspull
>No Copy Vegeta
>No constant back and forth between timelines in the Black arc
>SS Rose actually explained
>No SS Rage asspull
>Infinite Zamasu explained better
>No tingly back
>Jiren is a likable superhero instead of an emo lunatic
>ToP doesn't drag on endlessly

Attached: DragonBallSuperManga.jpg (1400x2100, 399K)

You're late. Conversation is already over. Cope

>n-n-no my retarded fake edit is j-just a meme I s-swear

Amazingly, Krillin wasn't KO'd by or an explosion right after it. He was, however, KO'd by this . Likewise, Vegeta managed to resist KO after SB, but was in a TKO situation when Krillin was the last one standing . This makes them 1-1 before Namek.

On Namek, we see Krillin give up to Vegeta without a fight. Surrender for 2-1 (favoring Vegeta). One could argue it goes up to 3-1 (giving up without a fight for the wish), but it just seems mean spirited to keep counting these acts of cowardice. Not too long after this Vegeta commands Krillin to hit him so the green heal slut can give him a zenkai boost as seen here . Somehow this is being counted as a win for Krillin.

Quite the cope. If being generous, you could make this merely 2-2 (or 3-2 favoring Vegeta), but having him just do what he says seems like more of a win for 'Geets (even physically threatened him into doing it). Is the score 4-1, then? The most favorable interpretation of events still leaves Krillin with a loss (as he did pass out from the kick). Sort of a messy case. Things are simple against Goku (like the character himself). Doesn't get much more cut and dry than those cases.

Attached: vegetables let cueball have it first.jpg (490x207, 63K)

>No SS Rage asspull
Jesus i forgot about that shit. I remenber people theorizing that some of Vegeta's god powers went to Trunks while they were training, them Toei's "explanation" was just "he dot really angry lol"
>toeitards dont know how threads work
Oh nonono

He wasn't. Even Nappa could beat him. Vegeta could even after crippling himself with Power Ball (so long as he was Oozaru).

Attached: Vegeta - Prince of Saiyans - Great Ape Master.jpg (852x1136, 200K)

As in 2-0? I remember it.

Attached: Vegeta contemplates what comes after 3-0.png (384x384, 109K)

SS Rage was so fucking stupid I actually forgot about it for a while. I just mentally blocked it out.

Being reminded was quite painful.

>Even Nappa could beat him
holy fucking cope
>Vegeta could even after crippling himself with Power Ball
Couldn't even beat Yajirobe

Nail was definatly stronger than Nappa

Funny how vegeta never won a fight.

>>No SSB + Kaioken

and i cope

Nail was toku sentai level, mate.

I concede, please.

Looks like I win again, holy shit.

Not on my watch.

>Vegeta is 1-0 against Yajirobe
Okay. We saw him try to concede only to be decked. You didn't need to say any more.

Attached: porky wants to know if the coast is clear.jpg (494x306, 85K)

Attached: bejita-sama is number one - will you please kiss my wife now my prince.jpg (500x375, 26K)

OMG I'm so fucking stupid, no one even bothers to debate me!

Attached: 1538905302780.jpg (1413x791, 141K)

Yajirobe won, cope.

Attached: yajirobe-dragon-ball-money.jpg (680x506, 80K)

Cope and cry, cry and cope.

We know Vegetard

>defeating pork buns
see >stronger than Nappa
You say that like the guy can't use Oozaru. Even the lowball'd Nappa at 4K becomes 40K (Nail still holding the advantage as Frieza noted he was 42K). When serious, he was able to keep up with over 8K Goku (making his Oozaru over 80K).

Vegeta said elites could use Power Ball (though it doesn't make much sense to think he could unless he could create a shorter lasting version at a lower cost), which Nappa is. From Vegeta, we see it took a high price (lowering base PL enough for Gohan to actually fight him to some extent as noted before), true.

Having to use it (in conditions where there isn't a full moon handy or someone to take the toll for him) himself might be too much here. If it was just taking half his full power, we already know he's falling slightly short. Full Nappa, however, is strong enough to defeat Nail (as implied).

>Replies to my post made over 30 minutes ago

Regular laugh riot.

Attached: bean as free as 2-0 from goku - vegeta takes what is his.png (1280x720, 648K)

>so intimidated by me that he sits and counts the minutes until I respond
Literally the definition of obsessed. Cope harder.

>dude Kale knows the Kaioken lmao!

Attached: Kale Kk.png (937x1400, 358K)

He certainly didn't lose as badly as Goku. If in a competition for who did better against Vegeta, he certainly won in that regard (defeating Goku).

Attached: yajirobe can't believe chestnut believed goku's lies about promising to defeat vegeta v2.j (494x286, 56K)

t. newfag

>gets BTFO
>immediately resorts to "n-n-newfag" whimpering
Pathetic. COPE. HARDER.

>n-no dude I j-just looked at the post times I s-swear I wasn't sitting and obsessively waiting for you to respond
LMAO holy fucking shit kneel dog. you fucking puppet, KNEEL BEFORE YOUR MASTER

>counts the minutes
It sure is summer in here



This is beautiful

Attached: vegeta at the bump limit - our prince wins again.jpg (484x147, 35K)


Go put on your knee pads, you seething summerfag

I fucking love these threads


Learn to catalog you dumb shitter


Attached: glorious champion carrot - finally has his prince's approval - the long awaited kiss for the we (573x1620, 743K)