YU-NO: A Girl Who Chants Love at the Bound of this World

Unmei mooo deai saeee
sore wa kiseki janakuteee
Sekaijuu deee nani yori utsukushii mono
Dareka no tame sono egao wo
Subete no ishiki ga hitotsu e
tsunagaru kankaku
Kono yo no hate deeeee
koi wo utau shoujo

Fucking really? This has to be the fastest I've dropped an anime.

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I love Eriko

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I want to fuck Mio.

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2 mins

get in here niggas

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>no cum leaking over her panties

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It's a crime that for story reasons she gets cucked out of sex or a happy ending with MC

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>purple translucent penis

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I wanna fuck Kanna-chan.

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They ruined it

>this adaptation

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Previous to this episode I thought it was passable but that they never got the tone right (aside from that scene inside Ryuuzouji's house), but this is just garbage.

Look into Eriko's memory erasure device and you can forget all about this adaptation.

Does Mitsuki actually always die?

I'm fine.

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RIP Slutsuki.

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Plenty already have.

I think her death loop is worse the anime Ayumi's

>that fucking run

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What's wrong with the adaptation?

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What was the real Ryuzoji like? Sucks for him he got body jacked.

Please tell me this wasn't nearly as cheesy in the VN.

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For whatever godforsaken reason it went full anime original this episode

Eriko is so beautiful, I wish she was my wife

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO - 13 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_10.21_[2019.06. (1920x1080, 1.88M)

What changed?

This scene didn't exist at all, the Ryuuzouji reveal comes way fucking later in the VN

All Eriko backstory stuff with Abel is from the epilogue

RIP the rest of the anime then

Yeah. My memory is a little murky by now, but in the VN I think at a certain point very far into the story Ryuuzouji bamboozles you once again specifically because you don't know who he really is.

Eriko wiped Takuya's memories

Yes, but your experience is still fucking spoiled for no reason. Just fucking why.


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I don't remember this happening in the novel.
In fact I don't remember most part happening the way the were depicted, am I too old?

Why don't they just search his person when he's unconscious?

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Cool Stand.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Kono Yo no Hate de Koi wo Utau Shoujo YU-NO - 13 [720p].webm (960x540, 1.94M)

What the fuck were they thinking with this episode? They ruined the epilogue.

Yes. Earlier on when they were talking about something being "fate" in reference to Ayumi, that was originally meant to be in reference to the fact that Mitsuki will always die. That's why you only get Mio's ending in the dramatic route where Mitsuki dies.

Explains why she survived getting shot in the face.

So why was Ayumi's 'fate' able to be changed while Mitsuki's isn't?

It is truly astounding when you think about it. In the VN, Takuya has sex with almost every woman in the story. This includes some random elf woman in an oasis less than two weeks after his wife commits suicide as well as both of his biological daughters. Like Kanna's ending is all about the wild sex that they're having every single day despite the fact that he knows she's his daughter with Amanda. The only women in the story he doesn't have sex with are Ryuuzouji's mother (hag), Kun-kun's mother (corpse), Kun-kun (corpse/dinner), and Eriko (why.jpg).

If I were in his position, I'd make sex with Eriko a top priority/life goal.

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At least we've heard the opening tune: youtube.com/watch?v=qGxwH6-_a7E

Is it true in the VN when Takuya is having sex with Yuno he doesn't cum in her what's so ever? I remember someone mentioning this a few threads ago.

Just finished the episode. The changes aren't all bad. Explicitly stating what Ryuuzouji is right now is not bad because the VN already all but states it at the end of Mitsuki's route, with the actual "here it is if you were too dumb to figure it out" happening in a big, out-of-place infodump during the epilogue. Having Eriko shoot Ryuuzouji now and for him to use his spooky ghost powers to escape is also not a bad change because, IIRC, the way this same scene happens in the VN is Eriko and Ryuuzouji have an exchange of gunfire where Mitsuki gets hit and Ryuuzouji just somehow successfully runs away on foot. Showing Ryuuzouji getting shot now and not dying is a good way of setting up the fact that he needs to be shot by Eriko's gun while in his incorporeal form in order to be killed. Showing who Abel is now is also not a bad thing because he gets mentioned in this route in the VN without any further elaboration and also because he plays an instrumental role in Ryuuzouji's final defeat in the epilogue despite only being mentioned once in the main game and the player only learning about who he is an hour and a half before the end of the game.

On the other hand, there are three changes that are less than good. Takuya not finding Ryuuzouji's diary entry, where you get to see what the real Ryuuzouji's last days were like, really sucks. The bones in the wall weren't Abel's in the VN, and them being Abel's bones raises a number of questions like what the deal was with real Ryuuzouji being afraid of a "devil woman" who approached him with amazing knowledge of things unknown that was pretty obviously the extradimensional energy being who later kills him and takes his form. The mysterious "prank" phone calls being from Mitsuki clashes with the indirect answer the VN gives you to that question, which is that it's actually Ryuuzouji making them.

One more thing I forgot to add is that the Men in Black memory erasure device seems dumb on the surface but also isn't a bad thing because the anime makes the good decision of letting Takuya remember events he's experienced after going through Chaos Correction. The VN does not, which is obnoxious.

Did Ryuzoji fuck her? The fuck is going on with this face. Drugs?

A Naruto and JoJo reference in less than 10 seconds... That has to be a new record.

Epilogue is half of the game and we are halfway into the anime. It checks out.

She's dead. Yes, it's drugs.

In a couple of the bad ends of the VN, Ryuuzouji captures and restrains Takuya in the basement of his mansion. Ryuuzouji then prepares to kill Takuya administering a muscle relaxant to his heart. In one of those bad ends, which plays out in the exact same way as the one this episode, Ryuuzouji murders Eriko this way after violently raping her.

The h-scene ends right before any sort of penetration happens

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Between Tsukihime, Demonbane, Dies Irae and this, which adaptation do you like the most?

But it can be heavily implied something did happen. I know that becomes a canon issue but the context is there.


Rewrite if you mean "like" sarcastically.


Thanks user.

>the anime makes the good decision of letting Takuya remember events he's experienced after going through Chaos Correction
Really. Sounds really obnoxious.

Now this is some prime shark-jumping.

Time for old men

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>suddenly mentioned alongside Dies irae and fucking Demonbane
Did this episode really fuck up so bad? Should I drop it? I was enjoying it as a filthy secondary because I feel I'm too brainlet to clear the VN.
Even walkthroughs make no sense to me

Hard skip

>Did this episode really fuck up so bad?
>Should I drop it?
>Even walkthroughs make no sense to me
There's one on vndb that literally tells you what to do and click step by step.

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Makes no sense to me. Looks like the game is way too complex. Don't want to bother. Meh. I'll keep watching the show and maybe some day I'll dare try the VN
I watched Chaos;Child when I thought the VN wasn't gonna be translated and that didn't make me unable to enjoy the VN when I read it

>there is a Yu-no discord
>all they do is obsess about the MAL score and jerk the show off

How can you fuck up an adaptation this bad, the OVA is more enjoyable at this point

I don't know those guys but Chaos Head and Umineko have higher scores. Pretty unfair desu.

>the anime makes the good decision of letting Takuya remember events he's experienced after going through Chaos Correction. The VN does not, which is obnoxious.
How does it work in the VN? I've never played it, but I figured the whole "remembering experienced routes" is based on you as a player remembering what you've already done and trying out new stuff.

>A 4 episode hentai
Thanks for confirming this is suffering from a case of anons being drama queens and I can keep watching the show
How I wish the VN wasn't so convoluted
The idea of having to switch to a walkthrough I most likely won't understand every 4 seconds to know what to do constantly scares me and tells me watching the anime is a better experience than interrupting the VN constantly to check on whatever walkthrough I decide on using
Another thing I'm afraid of is forgetting where I am and the walkthroughs becoming useless because I dunno where to keep reading from.
So I'd have to drop the VN and my time would have been wasted

How can you fuck up a game so much that the more I think about how I'd be playing it, the less appealing it sounds?
How can the adaptation look like a more appealing choice the more I think about it based on not needing convoluted walkthroughs every second?

Yeah, pretty much. It's pretty much like any other VN where each route is its own self contained thing, except the items you got from a previous route carry over and you can use them for puzzles, even though for all the protag knows they just showed up in his pocket after he woke up at triangle mountain/"mt. sankaku"

Christ, you sound like a fucking brainlet. There is no possible way to be confused about the story in the VN. The walkthrough just looks complicated because there's so many options and there is a strict order to follow.

honestly, it's not as hard as it sounds. the game lets you know when there's a branch coming up so the chance of missing anything or getting stuck is non-existent if you save at branches

And meanwhile I can't save and turn off my game. So no sleep or something right?
JESUS. Anime>>>>>>>>>>>>>game. What an obnoxious kusoge.
Checking a walkthrough all the time and having to go back and forth beetween walkthrough and game sounds super obnoxious
And again, I'd likely end up forgetting where to keep reading the walkthrough to know what to do next, confused, dropping the game and my time is wasted
Nope. Anime is nowhere that much of an obnoxious experience

to the yu-no anime's credit its artstyle isn't nearly as eye-rapingly bad as the one of Chaos;Head's anime. I also don't think it's gonna rape the ending as bad as the C;H anime did but who knows.

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>Thanks for confirming this is suffering from a case of anons being drama queens and I can keep watching the show
I have more respect for a show that throws everything about the original premise out and does its own thing than such a butchered adaptation, sue me

You can save at most points in the game, when you're not talking to someone. What the fuck are you on about?

>I can't save and turn off my game
I'm sorry, do you have brain damage?

And also,. it's doing the great job of telling the story without covering it under obnoxious desing the original game had
That deserves praise
This is an adaptation that rescues the story from the game's awful mechanics
Butchering something is small price to pay in comparison with not having to suffer wasting your time (because you completely lose sight of where you are in the walkthrough you're using, so you don't know how to proceed and have to drop) or losing all enjoyment because you have to check a walkthrough constantly
How about not being able to save when you want and thus can't turn off the game or your computer, so the gamer literally robs sleeptime from the player until the player reaches a point where he is allowed to save without fucking up shit

But the save points=points to return to in time
So, I risk fucking shit up or reading further and returning to an earlier save with shit I shouldn't have, trigerring shit I don't want to trigger yet

From the garbage you spew it's pretty clear you haven't even played the game

I’m pretty sure he had sex with the dragon in the prison.

Because if I start, it's when I'm sure I can get it right and won't waste my time
Blame the game and the walkthroughs for looking so imposing it makes people paranoid like this

>wake up
>open walkthrough
>oh shit, I can't remember where I was, this is too confusing
>afraid of fucking up by going blind
>time to drop the game
I don't want this to happen. I don't want to waste my time like this

>imagine being this low iq and can’t have his hand held through the entire the game
Just watch a let’s play then

You sound legitimately mentally ill. Get help.

>and jerk the show off
Please send me invite.

>blaming the game because you're too retarded to play it

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I'm saying the anime has value in being a version of the story retaded brainlets like me can get into. All I said weren't truths but my brainlet perspective.
It's a shame because I've no issue checking the source for other adaptations (Hell, knowing I'd have to expect the worst, I went ahead and read Dies before the anime), but Yu-no looks too much for my brainlet self
I tried to "get help". It didn't work. I'm still the same useless piece of crap I was before. Total waste of time

>I’m pretty sure he had sex with the dragon in the prison.

He definitely doesn't. How the prison scene goes down is: Takuya saves Kun-kun from being eaten by his fellow workers, gets tossed in the environmental torture room for three days, meets Amanda, is forced to watch Amanda get tortured, and then the entire prison falls apart because of a gigantic earthquake. Takuya and Amanda only survive because Kun-kun takes them airborne when the quake is happening. Afterwards, Takuya and Amanda leave the prison via Kun-kun flying them towards the Imperial Capital, and she dies of exhaustion when they're a few days from the capital. Takuya and Amanda cannibalize her corpse in order to survive.

Takuya never has sex with her, thankfully. It would be a new low for him to fornicate with his daughter's pet shortly before he works said pet to death and then eats it.

Tell me about kanna-chan. Why does she please old men? She's unironically the girl I'm most interested in so please tell me she isn't a massive slut just because

It would be extremely difficult to make an episode worse than this one, so things are looking up from here.

In the VN, each route covers 48 hours of time. The beginning of each route is the same, and some events happen no matter which route your take (e.g. Kaori meeting with Ryuuzouji, Mio investigating Triangle Mountain and disappearing, etc). The annoying part isn't the repetition you have to deal with--although that can get pretty stale, obviously--but the gap between what the player knows and what Takuya knows. Things like having to go through Takuya experience the same revelation that he's now in a different world no less than at least 4 times or Takuya expressing uncertainty about whether the Ryuuzouji he is interacting with is the same as the one who pointed a gun at him in the prologue or Takuya not knowing that the hot woman in disguise is Eriko when he's encountered her for the fourth time in the exact same way is lame.

The reason this is an issue is because the VN gives you a lot of freedom, arguably too much. You need to clear all of the routes to get to the true route, but some of the routes require items from another route to complete. Examples:

>You need to have the Silver Medal from Mitsuki's route to be able to clear Mio's route, but you also need the Iron Sword from Mio's route to get past a sequence that leads to a bad end on Mitsuki's.
>You need the Blue Card from Ayumi's route to be able to enter Kaori's route, which is necessary to get an item to clear Kanna's route.

I really think it would have been better if the VN just had you do the routes in a specific order ala FSN, because, as it stands, everyone who actually gets to the Epilogue probably uses a similar play order anyway. Mine was Ayumi -> Mio (didn't reach the ending because no Silver Medal) -> Mitsuki -> Mio again -> Kaori -> Kanna. Whatever the case may be, you are effectively forced to do Ayumi or Mitsuki's route first and will probably do Kanna's route last and Kaori's route second to last.

>Why does she please old men?

Answer without too many spoilers: She is terribly lonely because her constitution does not allow her to get emotionally close to others without causing serious problems for herself and also because the only people who had the qualifications to love or sympathize with her are now dead or went missing. For his part, Takuya feels both affinity and an odd sense of excitement whenever he looks at her.

I want to reach her route so bad but I just recently started and barely made it half way through ayumi route before setting it aside. The anime is really doing a good job of getting me in the mood to play but I don't know if I'll actually be able to catch up in time before her arc is over. Really interested to see more of her though.