Most misunderstood character in shonen history

>every misconception that starts with him is bland, emo, Gary Stu, and authors fav.
>Analyzing their respective series as most complained about character always leads to flame wars.
>Has No good discussion value


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pee pee

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It's because no one is smart enough or just likes to be lazy towards Sasuke as a character that easier to dislike than comprehend.

No one seems to like him.

OP's pic proves you wrong.

I meant in the outside the show itself.

The only good thing about Sasuke is his rinnegan and I want it

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Go back to sleep, old man.

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Also, best girl obligatory post

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Fuck off with your facebook image, Narutard

A few hundred years isn't old! I feel great. But I did woke up from my afternoon nap and now I'm back to bringing dreams to everyone.
You'll dream of Konan tonight!

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If only Kishi made his Sasuke movie and the editors let him, the bad taste that Sasuke left as he was redeemed, would never had been so distasteful.

Whatever you say, boomer. Here’s your Monster Ultra.

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Sasuke would be far more understood by the fanbase if he wasn't such a smug douche.
Now that Naruto fans in general are getting older and aren't mostly preteens anymore the hatred towards Sasuke has noticeably waned and I say that as someone who also used to hate him as a kid but now at the very least understands him and realizes that he wasn't terribly written like I thought he was in the past, but it was hard to get there because introspection over a character when you're no longer watching a show makes it far easier to like them compared to when you're watching the show and have to put up with their general cuntishness on screen all the time.

And by wanned you mean completely ignored if not dead, last I checked his family is a part of him and their still bashed because of him

Except women.

he cute

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>who also used to hate him as a kid but now at the very least understands him and realizes that he wasn't terribly written like I thought he was in the past
Fucking this. Literally the same story. Used to be one of these "ugghh edgy bitch hate Sasuke" faggots, then grew up and rewatched the whole thing. Found myself surprised that I actually liked and understood him much more, at some points he was carrying the whole thing for me.

That makes it even worse.

Are you sure?

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Shut up, yes I’m sure. Speedreader.

False. I despise Sauce immensely. Rikudo Madara is my dream man. Don't even look at me if you can't fly and don't have a third eye.

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Sasuke is made for suffering!

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No for loving.

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Go back to discord tranny.

No, for suffering!

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Loving and touching.

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>>Has No good discussion value

Why does she have a leg in place of her arm?

Go back fapping to traps, you can't get trannies out of your mind.

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discussion has not started. It's all been shitpositng at this point.

Good taste

konan and karin are the only female characters i can actually say i like.

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Subhumans don’t count


Sasuke haters coming out already.

Men are all pigs so they dont get opinions on that note, either.

I already told you that i dont hate sauce. I like suace but he doesnt look good with sakura.

>this annoying namefag is STILL shitting up Naruto threads
jesus christ

>i love bleddit

Sasuge is just an alpha bull. Its obvious that the betas/omegas/deltas/zis/gammas/ of Yea Forums don't understand him.

I thought fujoshi was a meme for the longest time,people actually shipped gay pairings.

Yeah... why's that a shocker? Theyre so much hotter than the boring male/female ones!

Kabuto and Orochimaru were the best characters.
Sasuke was okay. Kind of annoying, but understandable. Naruto was an obnoxious bastard.
Ino was best girl.

for some reason fat ugly women love gay anime couples

I love to suck cock

Yes.. i love cocks... mmm..

I'm not fat! I'm only 599lbs!

>get called annoying
>start acting ironically obnoxious
the namefag/tripfag defense mechanism.

>god do i love fucking my dog
We all do, user.

You would know it if you were a male,gay is instinctively disgusting to a man.

I migrated from /vg/ to get away from people like you, I thought anime autists are more accepting and calm towards everything. Seems like I was wrong. Sad, really.

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shut up faggot

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SS was literally the best pairing in the series.

Is this naruhoudou?

Leave it to Yea Forums to hate on the shonen pretty boys.

I hate that despite being one of the most popular characters, Naruto still gets more wanked than he does.

He has alot of mishaps as a character with his plot direction being guided by kishis editors for the worst.