
Saddest death, change my mind

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I almost cried. The seiyuus actually cried. Best death.

>character decided to sacrifice herself for someone she met 3 days ago
Yeah, no.

Awful character. She did bad things to Sayaka, she deserved it

characters are madoka magica's weakest point, and kyoko's "arc" proves that

Literally brainlets

My wife Kyouko was too badass to become a witch. The fucking song still gets me.

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you're small time

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I was more sad when Mami got her head bitten off. I was like, ''Wtf? The waifu actually died?'', because you see, I thought I was watching just another magical girl anime, but boy was I wrong. Madoka is not your average magical girl anime, no, its an anime for big boys. In the show the girls actually die, theres high stakes, and the themes are very deep and complex. I think its fair to say that Madoka....subverted my expectations......
Literally a masterpiece. I'd swear that Rian Johnson was involved. Its literally TLJ of anime. Literally history was made with Madoka. And if you dont agree, youre on the wrong side of history.

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The ending of rebellion killed me for a day but after I thought about it, I realised just how much of a masterpiece it was

The era of the Gachabro is here.

My 16 gigs phone can't handle it ,and the last time I tried to emulate it on Nox it ended horribly.Sadly,it's a pass for me.

Actually not quite there yet
Gotta have some maintenance

Magical Girl of the Day: Iroha Tamaki
-The MC of the new game, designed by Ume. Like the rest of the New MCs she is also illustrated by Koushi Sasagi
-Made a wish to cure her little sister's illness
-Her wish sets off a chain of events which set in motion the events of Part 1. Her sister Ui and friends Touka and Nemu find out about her making a wish so they make three wishes to take away Kyubey's powers. This leads to Ui being sealed away, the creation of the Doppel system and the Rumours.
-Her sisters really love her
-Her wish leads to her being one of the top healers in universe.
-In the game her healing can revive a dead ally at half health.
Somewhat reflect in-universe when she brings two girls out of a coma.
-One of two one stars in game along with Kuro.
-She has four wives in Ui, Nemu, Touka and Yachiyo and a daughter in Sakurako
-Went to Kamihama to find her missing younger sister
-Did everything right. At the end of Part 1, she brought back her sister alive and she killed Walpurgisnacht with everyone's help
-She's awful with technology.
-Used to be a follower but then she made herself the leader of Yachiyo's team by declaring she'll lead Yacchan.
-Shipped with Yachiyo, a Homura archetype about four years her elder.
-Originally resided outside Kamihama but she moves to Kamihama and transferred to Kamihama Affiliated
-Her Witch is Giovanna which forms a pair with Yachiyo's Campanella. Both witches are named after characters from Night on the Galactic Road
-She is the Ring to Madoka's Circle. Together they are Enkan.
-If Madoka uses a bow, she uses a crossbow
-Like Touka, her Witch takes the form of a bird.
-Voiced by Momo Asakura and it's her birthday today.

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The voice actors actually sung that song together in the end credits.

I don’t know why people make such a big deal about that scene. It’s the first really dark part but the series doesn’t rely on it. It manages to stay good throughout the show and be interesting and insightful. Don’t try and dumb the show down by claiming episode three is what made this a “big boy” anime.

Yeah, it's a really great scene overall

Sorry, but Yang Wenli > Kyouko

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At the time it aired people went apeshit over it. Everyone knew it was going to be darker than it appeared on the surface because of Urobochi being involved but the way the tonal shift was executed shocked people.

You're right

Kyouko best girl
Sayaka wasted her wish
Mami is crazy
Madoka storywise? Top bish

More like top fish.

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She’s a Sakura fish because her last name is Sakura.


Guys! Kyoko Sakura is a SAKURA FISH!

So I have read somewhere that this picture actually has a meaning.
Like Sayaka and Kyouko drowning or something like that.

Oh, maybe I should give it a whirl.

Can I roll Sayaka in the game? I am not installing otherwise