Japs need to stop doing capeshit

>protagonists are gary stues
>villains are disposable with zero longevity
>side characters barely relevant past their obligatory character arcs
>no build towards anything, shit just happens for the sake of happening
>asspulls galore

Why does this shit get a pass above American capes? Is it because they don't shill current year political autism?

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Tiger and Bunny was good, though.

please don't compare dogshit entry level opm to bnha. OPM is literal Yea Forums tier garbage.

They both are kiddo

no they aren't. barely anyone on Yea Forums even knows what bnha is. and the writing isnt the same

Pass above america capes? did you not see avengers!?

Die immediately

That's why every newshit to anime suggests watching OPM and probably has seen it?


dragon maid, opm same cancer tier

You forgot
>Being a hero is a lucrative career
Misses the entire fucking point

Go talk to a normalfag that watches anime casually 9/10 he has seen OPM

Hero Academia is just bog standard battle shonen bullshit with a superhero paintjob. Right down the the underdog main character who is supposed to be the epitome of hard work over talent receiving all his power on a silver plate. You could make them wizards or ninjas and nothing would change. One Punch Man started as a satire of the same shonen bullshit but forgot. It could just as easily be a Dragonball parody instead of superheroes. None of these are anything new; they just get an unusual amount of western attention because capeshit is in right now.

>protagonists are gary stues
true for both
>villains are disposable with zero longevity
true for OPM
>side characters barely relevant past their obligatory character arcs
true for bnha
>no build towards anything, shit just happens for the sake of happening
true for OPM
>asspulls galore
true for bnha

Did you do this on purpose?

lmao absolute cringe

>underdog main character who is supposed to be the epitome of hard work over talent receiving all his power on a silver plate
they need to fucking stop with this shit.

Have sex

This isn't really an issue. There's been cases in American comic books of superheroes who are public figures sponsored either by multinational corporations or the government. The real problem with how they do it in these mangas is that there's so many heroes and so many of them are only in it for the money that the whole thing is just really cynical. In the American comics where being a superhero is a sponsored job, it's usually only focusing on a single team, not hundreds of workers.

Speaking of japanese and capeshit, where the FUCK is this Spider-Man manga at

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Another question, why are OPM threads filled with Yea Forums image macros and reaction images whereas bnha are not?

because americans are shit and japanese are not shit, it's as simple as that

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Is this ironic?

>Japs need to stop doing Ninjashit
>Japs need to stop doing Pirateshit
>Japs need to stop doing isekaishit
>Japs need to stop doing Animesportshit
>Japs need to stop doing Moeshit
>Japs need to stop doing Cardgamesshit
>Japs need to stop doing Haremshit
>Japs need to stop doing lolishit
>Japs need to stop doing SliceofLifeshit
>Japs need to stop doing Alienshit

>he actually browses bnha threads

>hurr battle shounen bad
>am i fitting in yet?

bnha's 'chunin exams' surpasses narutos by a lot. Try watching it

>Fuck it, they need to stop doing anime and give their studios to us. I need my shekels for the female OPW (One punch woman) remake.

>Is it because they don't shill current year political autism?

Yes since the American and Japaneses ones are basically the same the Japanese one is superior because it doesn't force sjw bullshit down your throat.

>protagonists are gary stues
>villains are disposable with zero longevity
>side characters barely relevant past their obligatory character arcs
>no build towards anything, shit just happens for the sake of happening
>asspulls galore
Confirmed for not having read OPM.

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Teen thread

No since most of Yea Forums likes battle shounen.

BnH is shit, but OPM is a comedy and a great one at that. if you genuinely don't understand the difference between BnH and OPM then you're a clinical retard

Or maybe you need to stop reading them and read series you enjoy.

Are there people who actually don't like OPM? Genuinely curious

Contrarians that hate everything popular, yeah.

has to be a troll, BnH is the worst popular show out there right now, it's like the original big 3 but worse than all of them combined

You mean vice versa.
Deku is one of the biggest cuck mc's to ever disgrace a shonen since Nardo and Bleach.

it has way more sakuga and fights in the first 30 episodes of black clover and not to mention the 'chunin exams arc' in it surpasses narutos by a million miles.

damn that looks awesome, i want a sauce too

oh and and OPM has like no animation at all are YOU the troll?

is that the hero licence exam thing? because that was boring as fuck and where i stopped watching. remember chunin exam had gaara vs rock lee in it.

what? the first season of OPM had fucking incredible animation, some of the best ive ever seen in a show. the second seasons is poor, sure, but who cares? i read the manga and webcomic anyway, its not all about the anime.

ah yes. Saitama has asspull.
Title is literally one punch man. Yes. Asspulls.

No, its the sports festival arc. and you clearly didn't watch it so, im done giving you (you) 's .

t. didn't read the webcomic
Based alpacaman

FIRST SEASON (first season) and then went to shit after that. again bnha has great animation all the way through with great fights.

> the second seasons is poor, sure, but who cares
clearly some braindead fanboy like you who hasn't seen much anime at all.

>fujo shit

And yet it doesn't have any of the problems that OP listed.

The manga is fantastic so that's propably why he doesn't care.

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maybe. I don't read manga.

well yeah, i just said i stopped at the licence exam, so if youre referencing something afterwards then i obviously havent watched it.
if its actually before that, though, then it must have been even more forgettable. i literally watched most of the first 3 seasons.
i always found anything that was school related to be boring as fuck. the real world shit was at least passable. best moment of the series is still all-might vs nomu.


i mean, as it stands there has been less than 2 seasons. so at worst we still have half of all seasons being godlike, and thats disregarding that one or two of the s2 episodes have actually been pretty good.
I agree that bnha has good animation throughout, too bad the story is shit and there are like 2 good fights in the entirety of the first 3 seasons (all i watched). allmight vs nomu is still far and away the best fight in the series. they blew their load right at the start.

>clearly some braindead fanboy like you who hasn't seen much anime at all.
I mean, I've seen a fair amount, but regardless its hilarious that youre grandstanding on chinese cartoons. also the fact that you completely ignored the 2nd half of that sentence which gave full justification for why not to care

>Yea Forums - Anime & Manga
>maybe. I don't read manga.

It's the second season that the sports festival takes place and is far more memorable with more sakuga and memorable, insane fights than naurtos chunin exams, so at this point, I'm done replying. Because you are either just braindead or baiting. Oh by the way I'm a huge fan of naruto even have seen 115 boruto episodes and even I can tell you, that you are smoking crack

way too much shit to read not even going to bother since your other replies were brainded, so im going to assume this is a bunch of that braindead in one post. NEXT

Kids rarely do

thats funny because thats the demographic they target in japan and in the US

U.S. manga sellers target teens, not kids

Gottem, very witty reply.

I'm ambivalent to it. I never found it enjoyable enough to say I liked it, but never found anything in particular to dislike.

i watched the show over a year ago so i cant remember everything. was that the thing with the challenges where the students faced off against each other? bakugo & co vs deku and ochaco? because that was decent but really not anywhere near gaara rock lee.

>watches boruto
>expects opinion to be taken seriously
I don't even think Naruto is good, i just have a soft spot for it because it was my first anime. its my guilty pleasure.

>i don't even think Naruto is good,
>likes OPM
yeah, I'm not replying to a you anymore after this you are definitely some normalfag that has barely seen more than 100 anime. and Probably just started watching anime. Bye retard.

naruto is literally universally accepted to be shonenshit
OPM is quality satire. its funny as fuck (especially the webcomic) and the action in the redraw and first season is god tier.

actually cant believe some guy is defending naruto the the point of calling me a normie when its one of the most popular "normie" animes out there, barely behind pokemon. its entry fucking level.

>huge fan of naruto
>calling anyone a normalfag
kill yourself shounenshitter. naruto and mha are quintessential level shounen garbage.

how do you plan to go through life without reading?

Early Naruto is kino.

humans have been entertained by stories about invincible heroes giving everyone their comeuppance for thousands of years. you're just out of touch with humanity

>taking a gag manga seriously

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>its funny as fuck
Just the way you type just proves you are some low IQ Yea Forums shitter.

yeah i do actually quite like naruto pre-shippuden, just couldnt believe this guy was using it to call me a shitter for liking OPM which is honestly miles better

Saitama is anything but a gary stu.
For all his physical power, his personality is cripplingly flawed.

>gary stues
Stopped reading there.
If you don't even understand the characters you are talking about you should kill yourself

Don't bother arguing with the asspull crowd. Anything that is convenient to the main character will be called an asspull.

That's funny because everything before the pain arc ends is far better than the original, but they go together. You can't watch just watch shippuden unless you've seen the original. Either way, you should stop parroting things you've heard and actually watch these shows newfag.

>Misses the entire fucking point
Except that the point is to criticize such a system? Are you guys even reading the stuff you are complaining about?

It's not nice to lie user, OPM manga is the blandest shounenshit.

I mean, you're probably right. But Pre-shippuden Naruto will always hold a place for me personally. OPM is a fun casual watch, but probably due to it's satire nature I can't say it's ever gotten me engaged enough to eagerly anticipate the next part of the webcomic, or for Murata to ever catchup.

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Nice argument, fillernigger.

The Akatsuki are cool villains but no way is Shippuden better than the original, Shippuden basically shafted all side characters and most of the tactics and tension in the earlier Naruto battles felt lost. The best fight in Shippuden was against Hidan.

Yes it was.

theres more to the painarc than the akatsuki. Again, actually watch it newfag.

people need to stop doing capeshit in general

After reading through the posts in here, this is actually a pretty accurate post.

I meant Shippuden in general you sperg. Pain arc had a lot of good shit to it but you can't deny it's ending is trash.

Because most weebs are morons who don't read comics or consume any cape media aside from the occasional MCU movie in the first place so of course they're going to senselessly elevate cape anime above comics and comic properties and turn things into unnecessary east vs west shit.

>comparing a 700 episodes to a 30 episode OPM trash.

You can't be this stupid? But, then again you do enjoy OPM.

Only redditors/shiteaters can enjoy current OPM and it's sound like you might be one of them!

Stop shilling the sports festival arc, it was fucking terrible compared to the chuunin exams. All it had was Todoroki vs Deku and MAYBE the Ochaco vs Bakugo fight, nearly every fight in the chuunin exams had far more emotional weight and build up.

Enjoy your low budget no sakuga half ass drawn OPM, low IQ-kun

>i-its only season 2 that is trash and its only 30 episodes in!!!!!!!!
Do you watch your food spin in the microwave?

watch more anime newfriend.

This, it's so fucking boring, holy shit.

I didn't mention OPM at all, samefag.

There's another Spider-Man manga besides the Ikegami one?

Right because a kid breaking all of his limbs to fight fire punch kid doesnt have any impact. take off your nastalgia goggles brainlet

It really doesn't when the magic school nurse can just heal him immediately after the fight is over.

Both are pretty kino though, especially OPM is very very epic.

The animation and magnitude of the fight makes up for that. Either way as long as you arent that opm retard that actually enjoys OPM, I dont really care because I love naruto.

you forgot

>>Japs need to stop doing Hentaishit

If all you care about is the spectacle, then sure, I guess. I care about the stakes and there weren't any. The whole event was kind of pointless.

Plus he was saying it was forgettable and it clearly wasn't, when he hasn't even seen much of naruto ( which was obvious)

We weren't talking stakes, though. We were just comparing shitty OPM which only held up for 12 episodes then went to dogshit and then he started talking down on bnha which is just sad at that point.

Are you seriously saying it's better to be Spider-man, i.e. a 30-year old dude still living in his Aunt's basement, possibly jobless, despite saving the world multiple times?

Why the fuck would you be a hero if it isn't lucrative? Look at the shit Daredevil goes through. What man in his right mind would do that, if he wasn't being paid a salary? Would you seriously jeopardize your career as an attorney in return for getting punched in the face by men with severe learning disabilities?

It doesn't matter what you compare it to. The sports festival arc is bad regardless. If OPM is bad too, then that's just the two of them being bad together.

ohhh opm was so good only the second season was shit..... the second season didnt count . bnha was boring trash etc. - his replies summed up

Let's be honest, current year capeshit is REALLY, REALLY BAD.

At least Japanese superhero stuff doesn't go all postmodern about it. Batman's been doing the same dance for almost fifty fucking years now, Thor got replaced by his cancer-ridden ex-girlfriend who didn't have the fucking decency to die. The heir to Iron Man is a black woman with autism, and the only breakout character is Black Spider Man.

Who wants any of that shit? BnHa is a thousand times more readable.

you are missing the argument completely. Try rereading his replies until you jumped in. So you don't look retarded.

>The sports festival arc is bad regardless
How so? when the fights surpass any season shit to come out in the last 6 months in terms of animation and magnitude of fights? I'll wait for you to name something better that came out recently

>complain about anything in series for 11 year old boys
If you don't like it, have you considered that it's not for you? No, of course you haven't.

post made by a HxHfag

> I love naruto.
get some better taste goddamn it

Batman doesn't get paid to do it and he still does it. So I don't see where the problem is.

I did read them. It's not relevant to my point. My point is that if you're going to fall back on a shitty arc like the sports festival, it doesn't matter if the stuff that is inferior to it sucks dicks or not because the bar is too low for it to matter.

It's not about making a comparison. Judging the sports festival arc by its own merits, it's just not good. It's completely pointless, there are no stakes, and it happens in a point of the story where none of the characters participating can even fight at full strength. Most of the fights were completely one-sided and the main character didn't even know how to control his power. If they were going to have a tournament arc, they should have had it after Full Cowling was a thing, not right after the main characters couldn't even beat a villain. The whole point of tournament arcs in shonen is for characters to show off their new abilities and to hype up the matchups between characters who are already considered strong, not a bunch of kids with no training.

Because Batman's rich. He's insanely rich. Batman's superpower is, in fact, being rich!

You can't be Batman if you're not insanely rich. Even being Kick-Ass would be impossible.

How is this any different from American capeshit?

>It's not about making a comparison
so you can't present anything more impactful in the past year. As I expected. some braindead OPMtard. Please present something more impactful with more sakuga. I'll wait. Also festival arc surpasses all 2 shitty seasons of opm.

Less black people and less whining about social justice. Also, ACTUALLY GOOD FIGHTS.

I can't emphasize this enough. In most Western comics, they barely know how to do a fight any more.

since you can't present a better example that aired in the last year, I'm done. Keep watching your Yea Forums tier entry level OPM. fanboy

I'm not saying it doesn't. I'm just saying that it's shit regardless and that you have shit taste for liking it. I'm saying that even if the shit that you like is slightly less shitty than the shit that OPMtards like, at the end of the day you're both eating shit.

>still dodging.

>Less black people and less whining about social justice.
Quit being so petty faggot

>at the end of the day you're both eating shit
go ahead, give me a better anime in the last year, as well. I'll wait on it.

Spotted the SJW. You guys always out yourselves in the end. Isn't ResetEra more your speed?

>you're a sjw if you tolerate blacks
/pol/fags everyone

what kind of weird incel standards do you have for typing? do i have to say "lel it was truly redpilled, kek, funny pepe face.jpg" for you to think i'm on your level?

completely subjective but also objectively untrue. I have watched through both original naruto and shippuden (up to a point) like 3 times.
if you were gonna try to argue pain arc is better, at least try not to come off as a troll by saying its far better. its subjectively mildly better but actually not. and really both shows in their entirety are pretty shit regardless so its a bit of a pointless comparison

>says the kid that watches OPM
You do realize how stupid you look?

>a 30-year old dude still living in his Aunt's basement
Peter has his own apartment as is almost never out of work.
>Why the fuck would you be a hero if it isn't lucrative?
The whole fucking point of being called a hero and not a supercop.

except OPM is good
where are your arguments for it not being good? naruto is almost universally accepted as basic shonenshit

ironic shitposting is still shitposting

Spawn and Blade are literally the coolest superheroes in existence, though. I'll agree about virtue signaling and politicking, i just wanna read a fucking story about dudes with superpowers punching each other with maybe a modicum of depth, not some limp-wristed tumblr reject using characters as mouthpieces for their drivel.

Yea Forumsmbler here, to be fair, the comicbook industry doesn't know how to make good capeshit either

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Yeah, the problem isn't having superheroes that are women or minorities. The problem is trying to make a political statement about how women and minorities can make it too by having them ride on the coattails of an already popular established character. If we need more black superheroes for some reason, by all means make them. Don't just grab Ironman and replace him with a black girl. That just alienates everyone involved.

I dont know how people can get past the basic shonen shit archetype characters with BnHA and liek this shit series.They are all caricatures of typical stereotypes found in shonen shit and they dont even feel remotely original.
>hotheaded over confident mary sue with lots of potential who impresses anyone with his courage
>nakama shit
>some dumb edgy rival who becomes friends with protag
>some other gay edgy character
I literally cant see any reason to like this other than the sakuga animation and some of the character designs.

>Hero Academia is just bog standard battle shonen bullshit with a superhero paintjob. Right down the the underdog main character who is supposed to be the epitome of hard work over talent receiving all his power on a silver plate. You could make them wizards or ninjas and nothing would change. One Punch Man started as a satire of the same shonen bullshit but forgot. It could just as easily be a Dragonball parody instead of superheroes. None of these are anything new; they just get an unusual amount of western attention because capeshit is in right now.

If Hero Academia was like U.S. capeshit now, we would have gotten someone similar to Black Widow or Captain Marvel or all those badass female bodyguards in Black Panther

But there's NO female in MHA that's comes even close to them

Hell, does Ochiko DO anything significant or part of a larger story scope? If you answer is no, than there's the heart of the problem among others

I wasn't even talking about that, there are tons of panels of characters giving preachy speeches about social justice and whatnot and it just looks so retarded, like time froze just so the ''writer'' could parrot his convictions. The Fem Thor/Absorbing Man one is the probably the most infamous, and is definitely the most retarded because as expected, the retard who wrote that has zero knowledge of character history. Absorbing Man was treating women equally in the fucking eighties and Titania and him have a very sweet story, so to use him specifically as your toxic male scapegoat is beyond retarded.

>I'm too much of a brainlet to understand OPM: the thread

Why should I tolerate blacks in the movies and shows i watch in the first place? It's not like i'm being racist by not enjoying something in a cartoon for children.

>Right because a kid breaking all of his limbs to fight fire punch kid doesnt have any impact.

Literally the same fucking thing happened in the chuunin exams and it was far more impactful because Lee actually had a big chance of never being able to ever fight again, Deku meanwhile could be healed in 5 seconds by the nurse. And I never said Todoroki vs Deku had no impact, I said it had less comparatively. Learn to read, faggot.

the idea is fairly impactful, but the execution was poor. i even clocked the whole "trying to save him" thing a little before it was revealed and thought it was a cool idea, but somehow the character interactions ended up being pretty dumb

High IQ user here, OPM is just a shit-tier shounen and nothing else.

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the manga has certainly forgotten its roots a little (ie: comedy), but the shonen elements are honestly a lot better than most standard shonen like BnHA or naruto. nearly every fight is cool as fuck and the creativity in all the different character designs and powers is pretty great

>muh sakuga

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>nearly every fight is cool
>different character designs
>creative powers
Yeah, I love HxH too but c'mon user, we're talking about OPM here, it doesn't have any of those elements.

Yeah, Tiger and Bunny was great; mostly due to it being an original anime with a plot heavy focus resting mostly on its two lead characters; the lack of power ups and the short fights kept it grounded in following Kotetsu and Barnaby's story without getting sidetracked.

Nah, it was still a really good show and the "fujoshit" was plot relevant character development.

I dont know how people can get past the basic shonen shit archetype characters with OPM and liek this shit series.They are all caricatures of typical stereotypes found in shonen shit and they dont even feel remotely original.
>hotheaded over confident mary sue with lots of potential who impresses anyone with his courage
>nakama shit
>some dumb edgy rival
>some other gay edgy character
I literally cant see any reason to like this, and it doesn't even have sakuga animation.

havent gotten around to watching HxH yet, it sounds good. OPM is good too tho.

poor attempt at a troll

this, fate/sn should be forgotten, canceled, flopped and downboated

Pretty much. Though people tend to forget how cliche and campy gold and silver era comics used to be.
Jap comics are still a lot better then the "APPEAL TO THE WOKE GENERATION" shit Marvel and DC are trying to pull

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>posting garoukek

>Gary stues
>One guy breaks his body and barely wins his own fights
>One never getting credit for kills and being low ranked plus criticized on being lazy about his hobby.


fuck, that pic is a really horrible woke insert
literally take that character entirely out of the scene and its 10x better

my brother who is an anime only asked what the other characters of Class A have done so far in the manga of significance up to where the currentanga is. I couldn't give him an answer. Did anyone do anything significant besides bakugo or deku?

It has to be. Nobody here can be that stupid

I give them that
after years of tournament arcs fails they made an almost decent one

but still shit on many places

They do, tell me a better SoL anime than King of the Hill or Early Simpsons?


>villains are disposable with zero longevity
I disagree. OPM villains do wonders for my longevity

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You just described western capeshit to a tee though, sounds like Japan knows what it’s doing.