Vinland Saga

So this is getting an anime next month. Are you ready for the wave of normalfags?

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We just need to ride out the farm arc to cull the majority of normie

>24 episode
Wonder if that's even enough to cover Vikingland Saga

>complaining about a great anime adaptation by a great studio which looks like it’s gonna be amazing from the PV

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>not complaining about the fan base turning into shit pile of a mess by retarded showfags.

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Have faith man, kaguya wasn’t hit too badly, in terms of retardedness.

No shit a romcom won't be hit as hard as MATURE ANIME FOR MATURE MEN

I expect most people to drop it within 3 eps thinking it's yet another shonenshit with edgy protag. And the beginning of it kinda is, though depends on how much anime will skip.

hopefully they skip all the thorfinn parts

>implying that is not what normalfags want

I'm eagerly awaiting the anime and I hope it will be great. I'm not eagerly awaiting all the AoT-normalfag babbies (not shitting on the peeps who follow the manga, referring to the 2014 bandwagoners)

The viking setting and realism will suck them in regardless.

Nah. Non-Japanese setting with action is a big normalfag magnet. Expect a lot of insecure anime watchers lauding it as manime then getting mad when we get to Farmland saga

I only just started reading the manga after being gifted the hardbacks. Anime only fags will surely kill the interest.

>will kill interest

How long until Vinland Saga finishes so that I can binge its manga? I lose interest in series that don't get updated fairly frequently. Like Berserk.

Anime only fags do nothing but post shit memes

They're gonna go to the Byzantine empire now, we're probably gonna get stuck in russia before that tho

As long as WIT doesn't rush the shit out of the arc like they did with SNK s3p1

Maybe another 10 years? The ending is kind of in sight.

I can only think of normalfags complaining about farmland saga and missing the entire point of the story because they wanted more blood and gore.

I don't think the adaptation will reach farmland yet though, maybe in another season.

I'm stuck waiting for several updates. Any completed recommendations?

It looks mediocre at best.

It'll be a decade at least.
>I lose interest in series that don't get updated fairly frequently.
Vinland Saga chapters are published once a month.



>lauding it as manime then geting mad at farmville saga
I can't wait to watch all the kiddies miss the point like a cow misses the moon.

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Is that stupid crossbow bitch Helga still around?

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No. I remember what happened to Jojo. I can't handle that happening again.

I am just glad it finally is going to get the recognition it deserves and might even inspire more mangas and animes that are based on historical events in europe.
as shallow as it might sound if it had been yet another story set in japan I probably never given it a chance in the first place.
Yet I acknowledge that the themes and plot it talks about are amazing.
I think it´s Ideologie serves as a nice counter point to Beserk

I expect we are hardly half way there yet.
fist russia, then Byzantine empire, maybe even some middle east plot line and only then can we think about going near vinland

anime: parasyte
manga: full metal alchemist

This is already pretty normie shit in French speaking Europe though, for some reason almost every bookstore has this series. I guess it's good French and English Internet don't mesh often?

the manga really did a big dip in quality when she was introduced
and they even introduced an even more character in the most recent ark.
literally the most generic shonen protagonist who loves to fight and has spiky hair.

We just finished the worst arc of the series. If you hear that the new arc that's starting now is good then I would recommend reading it soon. It's monthly release.

The anime will bring waves of people to the manga where they'll complain about pacifist Thorfinn

I can already see the threats popping up on how "boring" the farm ark was

I hated him until his most recent panels where it was revealed there's no depth to him and that he's literally just a mentally ill psycho who doesn't understand human interaction. That took the edginess out of it for me and somehow made him interesting. I wish they did it much earlier.

It could be fun to filter people out and call them out on their smooth brainedness

really? I that´s not what I got at all form him. he just comes of as shonan trash, especially since his fighting style and weapon throws out all sense of realism and he never loses until meeting thorfinn. If he was really disfigured from living all his life as a psycho who loves to fight I could have understood it.
the "thorfinn you are my friend" line was such generic crap.
it really felt like I was reading a different manga when eve he showed up

is thorfinn ever gonna be cool again and kill some losers?

It’s confirmed to cover the prologue only, which seems like decent parent pacing considering the prologue was almost 8 volumes long.

JoJolion threads are pretty good, but we can only have them when new chapters release. Otherwise the retards spew in like a tsunami.

This manga is bad and overrated, incredibly preachy and pretentious about it's dumb "killing is bad bruh" message that it ruins the good parts

I was waiting to see what the Baltic arc was building too before judging it but it just sort of defused itself. It might not quite be over yet and we got what was promised (Canute wanted the Jomsvikings to kill each other off, and the order is now disbanded) but not in a very satisfying way. Really shouldn’t have been as long as it was unless the arc isn’t actually over yet.

I don't really like saying this because I don't like the character and the historical person is one of the most interesting to me, but it reminded me of Egill Skallagrimmsson. Specifically the part where he was shown killing other kids as a kid himself. I guess just seeing that connection, even if it was done in a generic manga way, made him a lot more interesting to me. I hope they lean into him being an actual clueless psychopath if he comes back, and not in an edgy way.

I think this anime will attract retarded shonentards like this who will then come to Vinland threads and cry after they read the manga because "waaaaah where are the fights and edge?". This series is great pleb filter.

I like that it portrays the environment pretty accurately too. I could see myself walking in exactly this kind of forest, as a scandi.

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To me the biggest problems were the bad comedy parts and that it repeated themes and tribulations we've already seen. I couldn't give a fuck if Helga points the crossbow again, she needs something new to her. And Round Eyes is the best comedic relief. We don't need Sigurd and a bunch of other idiots also trying to make us laugh.

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Maybe. Maybe not. There might be room for him to realize that full pacifism won't get him anywhere since that's how his dad died but Hilda's ruining any chance of that. She's so stifling.

Egill Skallagrimmsson and his fucked up relationship with his father would have been a great counterpoint to Thorfinn.

yeah the art is fantastic which is kinda why I accept it being updated so slowly

>To me the biggest problems were the bad comedy parts
this. the comedy is not only really part it is completely out of place considering the deep and serious arks that came before
it´s like a completely different series

Scandi too, I'm amazed that you can tell which Northern country you're in just by the backgrounds. I remember when South Park took place in Denmark and there was a scene on a big mountain cliff that looked like Norway

It's literally supposed to a Historical series, then goes on to preach pretentious moral faggotry in the most contrived and unrealistic way. The whole lesson of "a warrior needs no sword" and "killing is bad" is completely reliant on the fact that it's manga and there's super strong super human characters who can beat several armed enemies with their bear hands. It's an Insult to the premise and the history for the series to be so poorly written and in self aware. Plus you're dumb, Because post farm arc throfin is literally just a generic shounen "I have to protect everyone" type character, so who's really the shounen retard?

>is completely reliant on the fact that it's manga
It's a good thing it's a manga then

You are aware of the historical context regarding this series right? Thorfinn’s attempt at colonising Vinland fails. The series is supposed to be a tragedy, his philosophy only holds up because he’s basically superhuman, but it’s been teased for a while now that he can’t avoid killing again forever. Doesn’t mean the last arc wasn’t bad though, but there’s been plenty of teases that Thorfinn chasing his father’s optimistic ideology won’t end well, especially because his dad died upholding it and even admitted he didn’t have it all worked out.

Obviously I was referring to how the message can only even exist in the first place because there's superhumans who are special for no reason other than "because there strong" which is a element common In manga, and a storytelling hole reguardless of what medium, this is a problem Because it tries to preach a heavy message in a Historical setting, comes off as overly pretentious. This obviously flew right over your head.

Yet it still preaches it like it's some sort of absolute truth or moral

I read your post, I just don't see the problem with "the only reason this story works is because it's in the medium it's in". I don't think it detracts from a message just because it wouldn't work being read in audio book form by Stephen Fry.

That’s Thorfinn as a character preaching it because he believes it, not the story itself. Just because a character states something doesn’t necessarily mean it’s true.

>yfw normalfags will hate farmland kino but love baltic sea arc
Farmland should have just been the end holy crap baltic sea arc sucks.

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I say the message doesn't work because, Because it's a "message" if your message relies on something completely fantastical and impossible, it's not a message and can't communicate anything proper to the audience because it can only exist a story device, and loses its artistic merit. Though that being as seen in a post above, of you see it as a tragedy of an philosophy doomed to fail, it makes me dislike it less.

To elaborate on this a bit more, a message can exist with fantastical elements, but can't completely rely on their way existence to work properly.

>it gets s2
>s2 is 24 episodes of farming saga

I don't think "killing is bad" is a contentious claim for a person to make. It can be less bad in particular circumstances, yes, but it's still bad. If everyone could live without killing anyone else, that would be ideal. Do you disagree with that?

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I think you're too focused on the hand to hand combat that Thors and Thorfinn use to get out of lethal situations. I just see that as them being warriors at heart and being so wrapped up in viking politics that it's harder for them to turn the other cheek than the average norseman. But that's what it's meant to be in my mind. Turning the other cheek, but in a more entertaining way.

There's plenty of excellent messages that really contrast with actual sagas and Norse culture. Like the part where Thorfinn and the girl find a baby and talk about how he's expected to grow up and avenge his parents. That is something that is extremely relevant to a real Norse life.

Yes I can agree with, however there is a specific instance in this manga where it says, "there is no person who it is okay to hurt" in this manga, as well as times where the main characters refuse to kills because of this ideology to risk of themselves and others, where killing would have been justified, so I don't think that's what the manga wants to say at all

I'm ready for this, I haven't read the manga because I haven't read manga in over 10 years but I've heard its a great one.

The farm arc was like 6 volumes as opposed to the 8 of the prologue. I imagine S2 would adapt the farm arc plus everything up to just before crossbow bitch shows up. Then S3 would be crossbow bitch’s arc and the Baltic Sea arc, plus whatever the next volume or two we get are.

The hand to hand is an important part though when you consider the setting and story, you can't turn the other check because at times people want to kill you which happens with the Christians in the askellad arc. There Vikings for fucks sake, they invade, and live in a frozen land where farm life is tough as shit and it's probably easier to survive just by killing someone else. When you consider that, one might wonder what the fuck the Christians were supposed to do if they didn't want to die, obviously if they had that philosophy thorfin had they would have no way to fulfill it unless they just died because they we're super human

I’ve been reading this manga so fucking long the breaks between chapters has killed most care I once held and now I just wait and buy the hard cover releases because they feel nice.

The story is built around telling that message, you can't act like it's some unreliable narrator structure when the whole story is literally trying to tell you it.

That’s part of the point; Thorfinn’s ideology is kinda hypocritical, and there’s been some hints and suggestions in the manga that his current outlook isn’t going to last. Just because Thorfinn or any of the other characters state that it’s correct doesn’t necessarily mean that’s objectively true in-universe or the author’s point of view, especially when you take into consideration the fact that the real life Thorfinn Karlsefni’s Vinland colony failed miserably and he returned home in shame. Vinland Saga seems more like a cautionary tale when you take the historical context into account.

Alright I will keep that in mind and if new chapters ever come out (hiatus kek) and tell this well without more of the dip in quality the manga Currently has, my mind may change, until then my point still stands.

The chapters come out monthly.

Why is Thorkell so moe?

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>there is a specific instance in this manga where it says, "there is no person who it is okay to hurt" in this manga
Yes because Thorfinn is striving to achieve that ideal and he really wants to believe it's possible. A significant part of the story is also spent showing how that ideal is incompatible with human nature.

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>anime Parasyte

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Vinland Saga has enough fans to form a fanbase in 2019?

Eh, story didn't real get anywhere interesting. Let the clickbait SJW sites use it as fodder for anti-white nonsense.

Vikings are white niggers, change my mind.

VS is shit before it hit Farmland arc though.

Pre Farmland: Berserk ripoff for babies
Post Farmland: A quality replacement for Vagabond.

Are we even gonna get that far ?

>it´s like a completely different series
Yeah, Moe thorkel is amusing to see though.

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You are the normalfag.

No one cares faggot.

At the pace that its going its going to be another Berserk.

>thinks normalfags will bother to watch an anime that is not Naruto.

I thought the fear-mongers whining about the "wave of normalfags" to come once Netflix released Eva were just manufacturing shit to complain about as per usual, but now that it's actually happened, and way worse so than I ever imagined, I'll say no. I'm not ready.

Why are people so afraid of fanbases being tainted by normalfags? It's not like they're ever going to bother even reading the manga, and if they did they'd inevitably drop it during farmland saga.

>most generic shonen protagonist who loves to fight and has spiky hair.

I hope we get some prime normalfag reactions to END OF THE PROLOGUE at least. I can't relive that moment again sadly.

>Western setting
>shonen like start
they will watch it

Hilda wasn't on the sagas? I keep hearing she is made up, I mean I get the crossbow but her entire character?

You can always get a good idea of what normalfags are interested in by looking at MAL season charts since they're sorted by amount of people following it. Vinland Saga is top 4 currently. It's going to be a shitshow.

Maybe he mean it like in batman case.

Did it though? All i saw was people complaining about the dub and sub translations and Fly me to moon not being in it.

It won't reach the farm arc will it? Then its no good. Farm arc is REAAAAL SHIIIIT

Why is Gudrid so fucking ugly though? Thorfinn's future wife should be a strong viking woman with blond hair similar in appearance to his sister, not some dumb womanlet with brunette hair.

A womanlet for a manlet. Seems about right to me.

I'm ready for the massive edgy pleb filter.

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I look forward to some animated Canute yes.

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The kimetsu threads on the other hand...

Just watching it to see this based motherfucker in action again.

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>looks like it’s gonna be amazing from the PV

Did you see all that CGI? It could be a fucking mess for all we know.


can't wait the fujoshis

I'm ready to tell people not to bother with the garbage anime adaptation and read the manga instead, because more people should experience good books and I'm a nice guy.

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kaguya is synonymous with reddit at this point cmon man

Is this going to be one of those shows where everyone here praised the source material, but once it got an anime adaptation and got popular, everyone started hating it?

>princess (male)
Isn't vinland saga more likely to attract barafags? Lots of characters have the golden kamuy aesthetic going on.


I can't think of an anime where this didn't apply.

I haven't read this series, but it seems fairly interesting. If anyone here has read the novel Beyond The Mists, is it anything like that? Stories about Vikings that don't spend all their time focusing on action and violence are usually pretty cool

I blame Chika fags and any fag that likes a character for being LOLWACKY!

It'll probably be a bit different due to the divide that exists between the entire "prologue" and farmland saga onwards.

The rurouni kenshin of this generation has finally arrived.


I'd have assumed AskeladdxThorfinn, AskeladdxBjorn and ThorfinnxCanute(trap) would be enough bait for yaoi obsessed fujoshi if Vinland Saga somehow broke into the mainstream, but maybe not.

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My absolute (aske)lad.
He is Gambino done right, I love how Thorfinn hates his guts but still learned from him.

fucking this. the moment he died the whole series lost its charm

>He is Gambino done right
But if Gambino isn't an abusive bastard he's not really doing his job re moving the plot. But I suppose you mean a more likable version of Gambino. Which is funny because Guts loved Gambino and Thorfinn hated Askeladd while he was alive. Feelings were complex at best.

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It's 24 eps. Should be enough to cover more than just the Prologue.

Was Farmland Saga long? They'll probably be able to fit it in here. The anime will most likely end with Thorfinn setting off on his journey for Vinland after visiting his mom and sister.

extreme violence to extreme pacifism. when will this retard learn that its okay to kill in self-defense

Holy shit user cracked the code, how could we be so blind.

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Imagine being blown the fuck out by a single post. All these years were a waste.

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Take heed, Thorfinn. You have no enemies, because that would mean you've let anyone who crossed you live. Learn from my mistake.

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based taste

>but it's still bad
No, killing can be good, smoothbrain.

It looks interesting. An English dub would work beautifully as long as they don't use hyperbolic Scandinavian accents.

If Halfdan doesn't sound like the Swedish Chef I'll be sorely disappointed.
>Derner merka me chain you børk-børk-børk!

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He probably meant that it doesn't introduce a lot of supernatural elements, the characters are mostly historical, etc. Some super strength and gigantic apemen might be accepable.

It'd be funny if a bunch of scandis did a fandub.

Yes, you're not special anymore. Vinland Saga is officially shit right now.

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You guys were already retarded for liking Kaguya.

I want to be part of cool fanbase with kool kids.

>Ignoring the blatant tonal shift between the first two volumes and resuming after the hiatus when he switched magazines
Honestly, the point where Thorkell (even if he's the Moest) was introduced pretty much paved the way for shonenshit mook of the week characters like Hilda and Spearfag, never mind Thorfinn's retarded pacifism, it's was set it for me apart from a historical manga to a historically themed action manga

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Good thing threads cant get worse post-farmland/hild combo the mangaka imposed on them.

thank god he existed! he was the one leading the prologue and later Canute helped too, if the series was only on Thorfin in the beginning i don't think i would have went past the prologue

On the bright side there will be a lot more lewds drawn.


What is the point of the story, anyway?
Killing is bad and wrong?

To get to Vinland and hopefully make peace with the skrealigs.

Impulsivity leads to farming saga
Farming leads to being under the thumb of a mary sue
Mary sue leads to angery readers who start to hate the mangaka
hate leads to shit threads

viking kungfu monk lmao

this, but unironically

This was actually pretty funny unlike a lot of the comedy in the current arc, Thorfinn had a very maladjusted upbringing so simple shit like that he just never learned.

Vinland Saga has been shit for years.

I haven’t read that novel but the prologue of Vinland Saga (the first 8 volumes lol) is pretty much entirely action and violence, but it’s necessary set up for the rest of the series which has a larger focus on other parts of Viking life.

The prologue was 8 volumes and farmland saga 6 volumes. I don’t think they’re gonna cover all that in just 24 episodes. Just the prologue seems likely unless they rushed the everloving fuck out of it.

First 12 episodes is shota Thorfinn's medieval iceland slice of life that ends with Thors vs. Askeladd.

Depends on if Garm ever gets animated.

It will now

nothing of value would be lost considering the state of the current manga