ITT you can only post girls who are too pure and innocent

ITT you can only post girls who are too pure and innocent.

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Why are they so cruel to such cuteness? What has she done to be treated as such?!

She was a prostitute in her past life.

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>maintaining eye contact instead of looking at her shoes
Fake aspie


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Man, that scene escalated too quickly after Keanu showed up.


I want to piss on her while she's adorably sleeping.

Some faggot put Keanu in the scene in last week's IQ thread and by the end of the thread Yunyun had a whole class of friends.

fuck you I thought it was funny.

Attached: megucafriends.webm (1284x724, 648K)

Fuck you, so did I.

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Yeah no, she's a cunt and Nodoka is one too.

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Yunyun is for bully

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>post a slut who pleases japanese teenagers

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Shirou is also pure so it's fine.

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perfectly pure and innocent

it's all a misunderstanding

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I love her.

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I save lewd pictures of Mya-nee but don't store them in my porn folder because I can only admire her rubenesque body like I would a Greek statue.

Attached: [Erai-raws] Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! - Special [720p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_15.40_[2 (1280x720, 419K)

Better than posting a dumb std riddled whore that pleased 100 men(maybe more), cucked her onetis and never put out for him

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People hatin' on Mugi when she's just trying to bond with the girls by imitating how THEY interact with each other. The cake, the tea, fun vacations, that's all Mugi. Mio's just a wimp.

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Kuro a shit

The purest, most innocent girl of all leaves no-one alive.

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why does everyone hate her?

Every time I see Aspe-chan I get inexplicably sad and my only wish becomes to give her a hug and tell her everything is going to be okay.
I hope whoever this character is based on is living a good life

She's clearly looking a bit to the side

Most pure and innocent.

Attached: charlotte dunois.jpg (1500x938, 259K)

Pretty much the entire cast.

Attached: Non-Non-Biyori---c048-(v07)---p002-003-[Digital-HD]-[danke-Empire].jpg (2527x1800, 383K)