Oh not again why are women so evil Yea Forums?

Oh not again why are women so evil Yea Forums?

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Should have called her bluff.


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Because we live in a society

Its their true nature

privilege escalation to acquire root?

Damn it, i watch anime not for it to remind me of 3DPD w*men.


Women aren't human after all.

Low test school shooters from /r9k/


Bitches and whores?

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Chapter 2 fucking when?

A few days ago

Oh, thank you, I missed it.


>ogles thighs and breasts all the time
>wants to sniff her panties
>as MC has a knack of falling over beauties
>I'm not rapist I swear!
Well, maybe not a rapist but a pervert still, and perverts of japanese kinds SHOULD be removed from woen as far away as possible

>femdom via manipulation and social standing rather than straight up force
Good change of pace.

So she's Takagi-san, basically?

Choose one and kys

She makes Takagi look like a saint.

You mean what women do on a regular basis?

>femdom via manipulation and social standing rather than straight up force
Here I was thinking this was a topical revenge story.
Use false rape accusations to dominate someone feels like a bizarre form of psuedo-cuckholdry.

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t. feminist

Nah don't worry they didn't happen, she's got time-rewind powers so she undid it.



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She's like that cross Teruhashi Kokomi with early Nagatoro's malice

absolutey vicious cunt punt

Without context, he looks like a creep who just wanted to get into her pants without knowing anything about her. Like, god forbid a woman is getting married to a man who isn't you. Am I right?

women are fucking evil, they opened the pandora box and cursed the human, fuck them, i dont need them, fuck them !

that is the prime directive of women

Despite her 'perfect princess' complex, you can tell what she really wants is to be pinned down and fucked senseless.

Roastie toasty

have sex

have sex

They're mischevious by nature

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He should've knocked her out and ran off with her spare underwear after she used her panties, MC is such a fucking cuck.

have sex

with me please

And the most triggered snowflake award goes to

my reaction to the first rewind would've unironically been "this must be the work of an enemy stand"

say no more baby girl (boy)

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my wife Sento has the cutest ass

her rewind is unlimited, she can redo the past after she gets her hands on more underwear, the only way out would've been to eliminate her, which is hard to get away with in broad daylight in school, MC made the right choice to go along with it but this would've been avoided if he didn't confront her and just observed

not as cute as your's my little sex muffin

Latifah? She a skeleton and too fragile for a good fucking

Kill yourself

Why? Because you are upset that a woman is getting married to someone who isn't you?

I actually don't know the context of the image. But I know the guy cannot know her very well. Otherwise he would have known she had a fiancé.

i meant you user, i wanna fuck your sweet little ass until i slip into a diabetic coma

no i think he meant cuz ur gay

>expected an insufferable bitch
>got a perfectionist autist with an obvious fetish

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good post :DDD

No, because you're a retard who doesn't know the context of the image and just wants to soapbox their regurgitated opinions. If you don't know the context of an image, don't offer an opinion on it.

God I love subtle exhibitionism.

My opinion is that you need to have sex

go dilate

this is where we're at as a board, boys. I weep.

The context is ridiculous.
>hurr so sad he loves her and she just uses him
Why are we meant to feel pity? Why does he love her if she's been nothing but a cunt to him? Is it because she's beautiful? Because she appreciates chocolate? The dude needs help.

Never stop telling the Yea Forumsermin newfaggots they are not and will never be welcome on Yea Forums, and report their faggotry. It's the only way.
I'll start with you, fuck off.

That shit is gross
Can you find other retorts for people you are arguing with?
I don't need to reminded of that shit.

You don't know the context retard.

I want to punch a smug

Why it has a supernatural tag?

She's a jojo reference

I literally do mongoloid.
>he falls for a textbook golddigger
>they date after she breaks up with her bf
>she does this shit on a date
Supremely tragic, i agree. However, he STILL stays obsessed with her years later despite her being married and she keeps him at arms length, taking his love (read: obsession) for granted and doing JUST enough to keep him going. I get it's a shoujo so the characters are all either abusive fucks or have Stockholm Syndrome, but it's honestly hard to sympathize with him when he's allowing himself to be treated like this.
>muh unrequited love, muh suffering
Something is clearly wrong with the dude, he genuinely needs help.

That was kind of interesting.
Pretty good bait.

Don't you have anything better than these automated replies?

The girl has superpowers, she can rewind time in exchange for underwear

>If only you knew how bad things really are