Do you like motorcycles?

Do you like motorcycles?

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do you like MY DICK IN YOUR ASS :D i do

I suppose. I don't own one, and I don't see myself owning one because I live in Canada and there are long winters when I wouldn't be able to use one, but the concept is pretty cool and I would enjoy riding it.

Which big 4 has the best girl?

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Does this help?

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>penis is 5.5in
>bike is 600cc
close enough I guess

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Do you like Japanese or Italian?

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Yes, and classic Jap bikes are hot shit. GTO manga is what made me get my license, I had two decent little 500s before I became too much of a poorfag to keep a bike.

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Nice! What were they?

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Not really

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A Suzuki GT550 and then a CB500S.

Cute! I love the 70s and 80s UJM style... I have an XSR700.

That's a nice bike.

Scooterbros! Don't make that sad face...
You are welcome here too!

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I think Alpha should have had a cafe racer. She runs a cafe! Come on!

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Yes but they are really dangerous and should not be driven in cities.
Although i like them i think the concept is a bit stupid, why would a human being, which body is extremely fragile, expose itself using an insecure vehicle as a motorbicycle, it's a bit stupid desu.

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do you like
my car?


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Yes but I’d never ride one

If you don't even understand the appeal of motorcycles it means your soul has been already ground into dust.

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I love motorcycles. I don't ride anymore because I moved out of the one state that allows lane sharing and I feel like without it riding is much more dangerous, especially at a stop. Not to mention the people around here are fucking retarded drivers. Almost everyone tail gates, doesn't know how to merge, and don't know how fucking stop signs and roundabouts work. I don't feel safe driving my CRV or my work F150 sometimes. If I do ride again, it'll be track only.

The appeal of motorcycles is that it feels great to drive one, that's for sure, but you have to accept how objectively stupid it is to actually drive one and expose yourself, specially in a city.

>inb4 adrenaline of lane splitting & passing cars
Don't be stupid, that's a time bomb, take care of your body.

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They are even more useful in cities! Fuck a traffic just zoom on through! And easy to find parking space!

I like people who eradicate bikeniggers instead

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Gas gas gas

One day I would've got smashed by a speeding bmw that came from a middle of a blind corner on a dirt road if I hadn't slowed down to wonder what was ahead lol
Stay safe lads

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this guy gets it

I don't know jack about bikes, but this one's so fucking sexy.

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> b-but muh objectivity
> b-but muh self preservation
Ground into dust, like I said.

Yeah user we are all cowboys until you wake up in hospital without a leg for a retarded guy that crossed a redlight or some fucker that decided to suddenly make a U turn in the middle of an avenue, it's up to you.

l don't blame you for being like this but it's sad how people can't even comprehend any way of living other than going through life like a goddamn middle-manager who only cares about minimizing risks.

Suzuki best baiku.

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No,it's ok.
Let the guy kill himself,that may just be what nature intended

If I buy a used bike, it will be a lemon.

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She's fat.

I want to Yamaha her Suzuki.

tfw you ride suzuki

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>minimizing risks
Well, sorry user but you know, it's not about money, it's about your body and you have only one and it's a bit fragile, i think it's pretty wise to minize the risk of damaging it, but that's just me.
Something i noticed is that there's less accidents in the city with scooter type motorcycles than others, dunno why.

If riding a motorcycle was a guaranteed insta-death if you crash, I'd ride one in a heartbeat. It's surviving a crash and losing your limbs or being paralyzed which terrifies me.

I have always thought the naked bikes in Akira look cooler than Kaneda's big monstrosity.

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>It's surviving a crash and losing your limbs or being paralyzed which terrifies me

Exactly the same, i even have a relative who lost a leg not due to a crash but other stuff, but still seeing how devastating is the situation of not having a limb for them makes me love the bus. Besides, i have extremely bad luck

Riding a fat baiku is fun.

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I used to have a honda rebel, but I have a scooter now. I kinda like them a bit better.

I do believe she meant it the other way around...

Kanedas is like a bagger, relaxed seating position, storage, low center of gravity, and enough room for the ole ball and chain.

Nah, I crashed once and only broke my collar-bone.

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>Here's your bike bro

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I love them but my city has so much traffic and buses that I don't think it would work here.

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suzuki a best
harley a shit

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we all agree harley a absolute dogshit.
americans should never be allowed to design anything!

What's the point of owning a bike if you can't park it anywhere without the fear of it being stolen?

I wanna play card games on motorcycle.

Lime Green best

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Yea, here's my favorite one which one is your favorite?

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>third worlders