And dropped

Attached: BA51D40D-5A81-4FF5-8680-B65FB4A553E3.jpg (1920x4314, 607K)

>muh moving consciousness

It literally tells you there was time travel schenanigans in the first fucking chapter.

>muh memory loss

pleb filter working as intended


You won't be missed

And kill yourself

pleb status: filtered

Too deep for you?

Attached: 1557676902086.jpg (698x480, 86K)

Literally the first episode had it,should've dropped it then.

Attached: eren_vision.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

This won't be anything sinister I bet.
Just random toys and books on EH child room. Last scene.

it was never even explained by the hack author. Don’t act like it’s deep

Maybe Naruto is more your speed.

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it was never explained because it still hasn't been explained yet, speedreader-kun
why is metric tons of meat and bone spawning out of thin air any less believable than time fuckery if both are explained as a function of supernatural powers beyond comprehension?

more believable*

>muh grim derp Muv Luv without any of the fun or self awareness

That looks like a shitty bed for the queen's first born and inheritor of the Eldian empire.

Can't be helped. She's living in a goddamn farm, after all.


Attached: See you later, Eren - E1 V1P14-16.jpg (1200x5042, 1.71M)

Pretty sure he just said this:
>cout for (int fren = 0; fren

Attached: 1556671624729.png (861x551, 911K)

>mikasa has short hair in the future
I should re-read all this shit, lots of things i probably missed the first time

This show has had consistently good animation and visuals, but god damn like every long running Jap show does it drop the ball hard. Now we're all trapped and have to finish it.

How about you elaborate, trash.
Why did you think your worthless "opinion" is worth something people want to see?


The MuVirgin LuV vs the shingeki no chad

Whose memories are those is Eren asking himself while he recalls that past memory. So, not time travelling, just eren mixing thoughts with memories and shit.

I HATE Ocarina of Time...!!!
Fucking time travel!!

>time travel
>memory loss
classic tropes of shit writing


but what the fuck is 845?

>To You, 2000 Years From Now
>first chapter title
Even if Isayama ended up changing how the story was going to end, it's obvious that some form of time-fuckery would be involved.

Year 845 after they started their calender. I don't think there is a specific reason they started using their calender after year 0.

Good to see the retard filter is working as intended

He see memories of the future.

is this anywhere specified? i cannot recall it

op, you couldve made the thread more juicy if you were streaming


Wow, basement reveal really is a pleb filter

All that Christian symbolism you didn't get.