TFW still no hand drawn adaption of the other Berserk arcs in the vein of the 97 anime

>TFW still no hand drawn adaption of the other Berserk arcs in the vein of the 97 anime
>Full adaption never

Is Berserk truly unadaptable?

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I liked the 2016 anime for what it was, but I think they should adapt it into a manga.

DP should remake Berserk and Fist of the North Star.

I mean Im wanking the 97 series pretty hard but you'd have to redo some of that too to get things to gel with the manga. I just really wish Berserk got better than that trash fire of a 2016 show. I don't even know how that's considered acceptable.

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Has it been confirmed that there's gonna be a new Netflix series on berserk? I think the guys who did the castlevania Netflix series said they were gonna do one.

Never understood the love for the 97 adaptation. I tried watching it multiple times in the past and just couldn't do it. Didn't like the music either. I enjoyed the movies more but even those are pretty bad. Both cut things out and that shit is annoying. I don't see Berserk getting a great adaptation though. At least for a long time. Maybe when/if it ends.

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He's producing Hyperlight Drifter show. Absolutely nothing to do with Berserk yet.

I mean it took ages for him to even get that castlevania done too so even if he did gets the rights I don't see that happening soon

It has the best atmosphere out of all Berserk adaptions.

It's hardly perfect but it was at least respectful to the tone and look of the series.

>Didn't like the music either.
Nigga you got shit taste.

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>OP theme of 2016/2017 series features scenes redone in modern hand drawn style

Those brief shots of The Eclipse look excellent, it's like they did it just to taunt people.

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>tfw every single adaptation has skipped the Lost Children arc

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>didn't like the music either

Please go and stay go

If an anime like Berserk ‘97 came out today literal brainlets and Yea Forums rejects would sperg out that it wasn’t animated enough. They have no taste for visual direction.

That was just something that the director would like to do, why is everyone acting like it's a done deal?

Both openings and even a handful of small scenes in the new series had moments that really showed the series could have been great if they just stuck with proper 2D. And had an eye for visual direction. And weren't ass hats.

Some pretty nice music though. I've actually used it for a few of my DnD sessions.

>Didn't like the music either
Get the fuck out and don't come back.

It's not unadaptable, but it's a hell of a lot of work for something that only has (relatively) niche appeal when they can just shit out Isekai Anime #87 and make gorillions.

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if we did actually get a decent adaptation somehow, i'm sure it would be ruined one way or another - i just dont believe we'll ever get a "great" version. i just want the manga to continue at a somewhat normal pace

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>peak Berserk is unadaptable because of prudes

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>rage fantasy manga

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>(relatively) niche appeal
You're saying when Berserk has 3 movies, two different shows and one of them has two seasons.
It's not niche.

>merely pretending
Fuck off.

it really did look good once in a while, which just made the CG more offensive a few seconds later

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Im not jumping for joy yet either, but directorial interest is the first step. After the recent shit show I'd be really shocked to see actual suits try and adapt it so it's gonna need to be a labor of love.

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Who is the best boi and why is it Alien Spaceship Knight?

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I like the 97 anime for it's atmosphere, but I really dislike all the filler they added and truncating the chases after Griffiths rescues. It saps a lot of the mystical and fantastical components that are really impotent to the rest of the manga. But I get that the anime was made in 97 I have the luxury of being 20 years in the future so eh it's not a big deal.

It's so important for the pacing, the audiences, and Guts as a character too

Yes, I love being retarded user

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Just because they keep trying adaptations doesn't mean it's not niche. It just can't have the same reach as something like One Piece

It's a fucking R-rated manga that prominently features gore, rape and demons, that pretty much limits your audience to begin with. This also isn't helped by the fact that Miura release one chapter every 12 years.


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Agree with this. The chapters in the manga were especially good because they had the slow burn of 'what the fuck is this, what the fuck is that' and all the supernatural elements in the lead up to the Eclipse.

Plus Guts seizing command of the Hawks and taking down Apostles with almost nothing but his will was pretty great.

>It just can't have the same reach as something like One Piece
You mean that it can't compare to a series that has been going on for over twenty year and has a show that has been going on for almost the same amount of time?
And that's not counting that it's published in the biggest magazine in Japan and probably the most known magazine outside of Japan.

>It's a fucking R-rated manga that prominently features gore, rape and demons
I've seen plenty of LN adaptations that have either one or all of these, can't see why Berserk would be any different.
Oh wait, it isn't.

even that aside Berserk is generally a pretty good seller. Especially in the west.

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DP is a fucking overrated studio and couldnt even capture the charm of Jojo.Jojo anime is full of shitty colors, awful directing, plain backgrounds and compositions and slideshow animation.Studio Wit would do a better job considering the amount of quality they put in the new Vinland Saga adaptation based on the trailers.

Soooo shouldn't there be a new chapter coming soon?

Dp should make rokudenashi blues or slam dunk Last arc instead of HnK bullshit

DP is just Gonzo with a different name since it was by establish by the guy who made Gonzo. The inconsistent animation quality shows how similar they're to Gonzo and how much they target the western audience.

I still have a hard time believing that the guys who made 97 also made Pokemon


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liking how no one even fell for this bait

>2000 + 19
>hand drawn adaptation
lmaoing at the absolute state of (You)

You don’t like grasses?

Just because I don't expect it doesn't mean I don't still want it.

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>Is Berserk truly unadaptable?
well considering most of the very hardcore scenes would be censored, yes.

everyone already agrees the OPs had better animation than the actual fucking show.

it will never get the Unlimited Budget Works treatment. Just let go user.

>Didn't like the music

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One of these days Im gonna be a big shot millionaire and Ill make it happen. You'll see. You'll all see.

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Don't know what you mean user

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Imagine the Castlevania guy adapting it and it being the best thing since 1997. We'd finally get a good post-Golden Age adaptation, and it wouldn't even be anime.

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Weeb fantasy is best when it's trying to be western fantasy anyways.

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I'd take a more competently produced CGI adaptation over nothing.

Maybe if they didn't make terrible decisions like
>let's use CG even though we have no experience with it, no budget, no rendering resources beyond our own computers and no one even wants it

No just fpr some reason it has never been given to a decent studio

How come nobody has copied Berserk?

Its so perfect.
>Medieval fantasy
>demons and shit
>actually makes you feel emotions
>great story
>great lore

Closest thing there is is Claymore and that still isnt very close. Devilman was also nice but missing the medieval aspect


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Thats one of the worst,at least its not the guy whos literally the ass of an animal Grunbeld is a beast

well obivously it is since the mange is not even finished yet

For a great story there should be a great setup, and long as well. Current model of capitalstic production makes it so you as an author have to roll out most of best stuff you have to offer in the first 1-3 chapters, and that's it. This simple thing ruins stories. Many circumwent it by making out of those 3 chapters bait and then subvert expectations further down the line, but it just not the same as a truly great story

Based lodoss poster

Guess ill learn to draw and do it myself

cringe desu

People who say "cringe" are ironically cringey.

Life is truly suffering

Yea but people who reply to cringeposters are UNironically brainlets

Goblin Slayer did a decent job of copying that chapter where the girls get kidnapped and almost get GOBB'D





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What the fuck chapter is this from?

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The end of the Golden Age arc hit me harder than almost any other manga I've read, it was absolutely thrilling and devastating at the same time.

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Which Studio should even adapt it nowadays, assuming it's not CG? Peak Madhouse probably could have done a decent job but I can't think of any current studio that could.

Yes what is it? didn't like the amazing music of Susumu Hirasawa?
Thats it, say goodbye to ur brain user

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Its honestly sad how much people, especially you Yea Forumsnons who should know better by now, still circlejerk over something that was last decent over a decade ago. Face it, berserk has stopped being good ages ago, if you look at the recent chapters that pedo Miura puts out, you would realise he literally does not give a fuck anymore, and neither should you.

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>last Guts chapter ends on the cliffhanger of Casca regaining her memories and seeing Guts for the first time

You're right, definitely not good to get resolution to a fucking 20 year old plot

I suppose Berserk was lucky it came out when it did. Not as a slight or anything but it came out at a time when creators where a bit more free to be themselves and when you didn't have to worry about mass market appeal so long as you can hack out your own niche. It's easy to laugh (sob) about how Miura won't ever finish the damn thing but through it all he's still driven by his own whims and artistic sense.

>Devilman was also nice but missing the medieval aspect

Devilman was a huge influence on Berserk. At least in how Ryo and Akira act as parallel to Griffith and Guts anyways. As for more fantasy like this, I can't think of too much. Well I can think of a shit ton of fantasy but very little in the ways of harsh cruel and dark fantasy. Guin Saga's pretty alright and it's novels actually even predate Berserk by at least a decade and was also a big influence of Miura's.

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>Pic related: Not giving a fuck.

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Sadly Guin Saga is stuck very much in the English never ever category. The anime got a dub but only about 5 books have been translated. There are over 100. I think it holds a record of some kind.

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The biggest rub, and this might sound crazy, Im almost hesitant to actually call Berserk a dark fantasy. I mean it is, IT TOTALLY FUCKING IS, but despite all the gore, rape and nigh never ending unpleasantness at the core of it all there's this weird humanity and sense of hope. Just compare Gut's interactions with his new party and how he was during Black Swordsman and Lost Children. Hell even in BS despite all his 'HRRR WEAKNESS BAD! ME KILL EVERYONE" the arc ends with him making a sad puppy face about everything that went down.

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I agree.Fuck this gay mmojrpg garbage that Berserk has turned into

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Lost Children is important because it's essentially a retread of Black Swordsman but tinted by context. We didn't have the context of Guts and his past during BS, but during Lost Children we get to see the messed up guy he is and feel sympathy for him due to our time spent in the GA.