Admit it Yea Forums, you know SNK is the manga of the decade. Nothing has come close to it in the last decade...

Admit it Yea Forums, you know SNK is the manga of the decade. Nothing has come close to it in the last decade. If Isayama can actually deliver the greatest ending in manga history, this board will praise him like the second coming of Christ.

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He cant go wrong with the ending since we literally know the last panel and the first chapter gives it away

Vinland Saga easily beats it within it's first 30 chapters.

>Vinland Saga
At least try

>Snk is the manga of the decade
Say that to easily impresionable OP

>dude, the real attack on titan was the friendships we made along the way
>manga of the decade

congratulations on all your commercial success and the inevitable ruining of your franchise by Netflix or Hollywood but that second season made me tune out and I'm happy with my choice thanks.


>manga of the decade
That would be Black Clover

Not OP but SNK manga is certainly one of the best that was able to keep itself consistently good while improving in quality with each arc.

shame about the butchered cgi adaptation though

SNK is trash, if only because of the art.

now say it without laughing.

Read the manga till the latest chapter and specify where it dropped in quality and why.

t.seqson 1 secondary

Hope Isayama doesn't cope out at the last second to give a happy ending.

SNK is mainly hated for being hyped by normalfags who didn't even read the manga. But it's one of the few cases were the manga truly deserves the praise it gets.

Should I read or watch? And if both, in what order?

Watch the first season and then read the whole manga then finish the anime

the quality was lost after the first 20 chapters.

It lost a ton of pacing.

this shit will be forgotten in a year, mark my words.

But this isn't Houseki no Kuni.

Of anything the uprising arc actually made the story more than just a zombie apocalypse. Also while clash of the Titans arc wasn't the best it sure as hell ended on a very High note.

Read the manga and then watch the anime.

Watch the first season and then read the manga.

And thats precisely what i never got from SNK. Was it supposedly a "giant apocalypse" manga or was that just to captivate audience (bait and switch)?

Why does it have to be one static thing you literal plebeian?
What happened to nuanced thought? I don't understand how retardation like this became so widespread.

It is a story with themes of freedom and individualism, and what people are willing to sacrifice/compromise for it. It's also about breaking cycles of vengeance. The complexity and unwinding of mysteries just makes it better. Did you really think the Titans would never be explained?

Pacing isn't about going 100mph every second. The story has to relax at some point, unless you just keep hyping up power levels and threats like it's Gurren Lagaan.

Read, then watch.

if you enjoy attack on Titan you are already a Nazi and might as well vote for Drumpf

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Not when it's a Muv Luv copycat without any of the soul or charm

Even as a low tier bait your post is shit.

Good plot, shit characters.
The only good written characters are Reiner and arguably Zeke, the rest of the cast has no depth to it, even Eren who Isayama thinks he can fool us into believing his "character development" because it happened in a timeskip.

i love piku

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>this article is real
This is fucking bizarre. Is Eren not still the main character in the manga? The argument that the manga is anti-semitic while the main sympathetic cast are all the "jews" makes no sense. Paralleling the situation to WW2 just falls apart with basic thought.

You mean" a cool and interesting war story masked as MUVLUV but with the decenty of remove all that stupid fanservice and boobs"

The Uprising arc didn't have any interesting antagonists.

>kenny isn't interesting

The /pol/ crossposters in SnK threads don't like the idea of Eldians being paralleled with jews so they desperately look for a way to make it seem about white guilt or some meme ideology of theirs, as proven by the picture you replied to with the poster adding a page from the manga that in no way was what the article was referencing

Don't read SNK. You don't have the basic reading comprehension to understand it.

kek no need to get mad

>Eren only has development post timeskip
He underwent massive development during Uprising, he is changed as a person to an extent after the cave scene.

Not even the hunterfags are this pretentious, SnK is literally the poster child for entry manga.

>the poster child for entry manga

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snk is entry level because it’s complex, coherent, and compelling. not like shit x shit

>SnK is the new HxH
He wasn't wrong.

Seeing his dad's flashback is NOT character development, having shit revealed to him is NOT character development.
He is still the same kid he was in chapter 1, but now far edgier.
Wanting to be "free" is literally his only character treat, I get that Isayama is trying to be all deep about free will and determinism through Eren, but inserting philosophy as a substitute for character is shit writing, same with Zeke who is clearly meant to portray pessimist and anti-natalist philosophies.
Reiner is a good character because his entire contextualization lies within the story and his actions throughout it, something no other character in the manga has reached.

Friendly reminder that Shitren is a racemixing mutt.

He was no longer a ragetard after knowing the things Grisha did. He says he will make sure that Reiner and Bert dies in the most horrible way possible but at the end of Uprising when Historia asks him if he wants to kill them, he says he has to but there is no longer any anger in his statement. He has grown as a person after knowing the circumstances behind his powers.

No longer being a ragetard is not enough, it's just called growing up.
Compare that to Reiner, who went there as a kid thinking he'll be fighting devils, only to kill many innocent people and live with the consequences of his actions until all of it culminating to him literally about to blow his brain off, or Zeke who cracked after having so much pressure put into him as a child which was a very well handled part to read.
Eren just pales in comparison as a main character, he just substituted revenge with a very abstract notion of "freedom", and will still kill everyone either way, it's just not because he's a ragetard now.

Eren not developing beyond the scope you think of is kind of his thing.
I keep posting this meme image, but I am very confident that Eren is the way he is because of some stupid fate/ PATHS destiny shit.
My thoughts were that he was influenced by the Attack Titan from before he even got his shifter powers. His destiny was basically set from chapter 1 to become the AT and end the titan curse/ set up for someone to end the titan curse. This all fits with the time travel shit It doesn't excuse the fact that he is a bland and boring character, just like the Ackermans, but that's the canonical explanation.

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>it's just called growing up.
That's what means to develope as a person.

>Compare that to Reiner, who went there as a kid thinking he'll be fighting devils, only to kill many innocent people and live with the consequences of his actions until all of it culminating to him literally about to blow his brain off
Eren does the same in chapter 100 except he doesn't go Insane with grief as he accepts it as a necessity. What makes this final conflict so grey is the fact that neither of them are wrong.

>Eren just pales in comparison as a main character, he just substituted revenge with a very abstract notion of "freedom"
There is nothing abstract about his notion of "freedom". That freedom has become a struggle for survival while fighting against the whole world.

I just recently started to read the manga, I tried to avoid reading it - just didn't want to jump on the bandwagon.
I'm currently at ch 88. and not trying to spoiler myself, but just the basic question: are the eldians jewnazis?

If you're a regular person then
Eldians = jews
Marley = nazis
If you're a nazi who doesn't like the idea of his favorite manga having jews as protagonists then ignore every WW2 parallels and project your ideology onto the show so it becomes
Eldians = white people
Marley = jews and minorities

"Arbeit macht frei" is pretty much equivalent to the Marleyan Warrior program.

But the comparison kinda stops once you add titan shifting into the mix.

Gabi is pretty well written imo, at least if her characters going where I think it’s going. Erwin was an excellent character.

pol is retarded . why they sympathizing with eldians?

eldians are basically jews and israelites,

i thought they would symphatize with zeke, who want to sterilize the eldians


both eldians and marley are jews, or rather, hebrew. there's also a kane & abel thing going on, and also the titans being nephilim, and it feels like there's some twelve tribes of israel stuff going on in the background that hasn't been revealed yet, and Marley are also the roman empire on top of all that

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Marley = Israel
Paradis = Palestine

How does it end bros?

high iq post

Are you all retarded? Or just haven't read the story?

Eldians= Former conquerors and ethnic cleansers that are being shamed and persecuted for their ancestors sins.=Germans

Marley= The new superpower of the world that is shaming and holding these once great nations hostage abusing their weapons to dominate the rest of the world=America and Israel.

Think if the Jews decided to put all the Nazis in concentration camps to give them a taste of their own medicine after WW2.

>Manga of the decade
>Not part 7
Die immediately

no, I was disappointed about the time traveling shinanegans and the power of making everyone forget that I stopped reading right there.

I'm the first guy and I literally said I hadn't read it. Regardless of if what you say is true or not, the Polygon article thinks the Eldians are jews and it is simultaneously an anti-semitic story for showing the jews fighting back.

You do realize the nazis framed jews as conquerors and ethnic cleansers in order to galvanize the public against them right?

You do realize you're doing the exact same thing right now right?

I saw the anime up until the defeat of the female titan in 2014 or so. Is the anime a faithful adaptation of the manga? Because it was way more entertaining than the manga's scribbles.
If there are no story changes, I see no reason to read over watching, well, besides needing to catch up to shitpost in the relevant threads

That's because they are retarded and see the obvious jew imagery and think it can't mean anything else like this guy

Yes user, all those concentration camps that the US and Israel are currently holding Germans in

>Think if the Jews decided to put all the Nazis in concentration camps to give them a taste of their own medicine after WW2.

Can you not read retard?

The manga/anime hits a wall (pun intended) after the female titan goes down and it's just a waiting game until the next face-off with some boring politics to fill the time. If you can muster through season two and the first half of season 3 you're in for a treat though.

So instead of drawing parallels from real world events you're doing so from a hypothetical scenario where Israel and the US started putting Germans in camps as a revenge for WW2 and projecting it on the manga?
Nice fanfiction faggot

Eldians = Japanese, aesthetically disguised as jews.
Marley = US/China/, disguised as Germany.
Eldian empire = Japanese empire (former glory, we was kangz etc)
Eldian isolation = modern day japan (world power potential not tapped into because cucked leaders)
Zeke = Role as imperial saviour forced upon him, renounces it. Can't accept the actions of the eldians.
Zeke master plan/mass sterilisation = current population decline
Eren = Role as imperial saviour forced upon him like Zeke, but accepts it because of the death of his mom, fuels his anger and need for revenge against the world. Essentialy punished for the sins of his father/former empire,
Eren master plan = Revenge on marley, essentialy leading to reinstation of the Eldian Empire.
Also, Eren will literaly do nothing wrong.

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Its an exaggeration of what happened after WW2 retard. Its a parallel on the way the Germans and Japanese were treated after the war. Even the Germans today are still being shamed for their history and the Japanese have become completely emasculated

Oh yes the poor Germans literally running the EU, not to mention that Japan and Germany are top 3 and 4 GDP respectively

>snk is my favorite manga ergo it is manga of the decade

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>The Japanese and Germans were treated just liked Jews after WW2
The Germans literally became the leaders of Europe, Japan became the second largest world economy and surpassed the soviet union at one point, but of course user, that's just as bad as being put into ghettos and having racial policies forced on you.
Neck yourself

Yes just like the Warriors who are great and prosperous weapons for Marley(Israel/US). But at the end of the day they are nothing but slaves.

>SNKino hasn't missed a beat in a decade
>'dudebuddhismlmao' 'starts fizzling only 70 chapters in
Keep praying, gemmie

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The US wants Germany and Japan to grow their military, it's domestic resistance that stops it. This comparison is retarded. You can't even make the argument that Japan is brainwashed since they deny everything as much as possible and literally have Abe as their PM. If this really is Isayama's angle, he's a fucking retard.

Eren wants to destroy everything, no Empires allowed.

>having racial policies forced
Do you not see how the the current day Germans are being treated for the race? They way they are slowly genociding through immigration. The way their leader is just a puppet for Israel.

Isayama is extremely butthurt about the Axis powers losing in WW2. Thats what this is all about.

>Germans literally running the EU
Germany is occupied country, by US. Germans are cucked.

>america is a slave to israel meme
Israel can't even sort out their own economy and their leader is barely hanging on with a mountain of corruption charges

Ironically the closest thing the world has to Marleyans is you, who'd put Jews back into concentration camps in a heartbeat while only letting the "good jews" be useful.

America and Israel is one and the same. They both control Germany and Japan in their back pocket and that is because of the outcome of WW2. Both of them were stripped of their nationalism and pride. They are not free, just controlled by the will of the US.

>If I call it a meme, it's true.
KEK, technically it's globalists on the top, not the Israeli government, so you aren't all wrong.
Denying that Jewish bankers control world governments in 2019 is just pathetic.

You have to go back

>muh pacing
why do redditards love vague criticism so much? Always the same few terms, never really supported by any concrete arguments or examples.

>You have to go back
Nice reddit slang

Yet the Jew Democrat Obama hated Israel and the savior of the white race Drumpf is their biggest cocksucker on the planet. /pol/'s worldview is actually the most retarded garbage.

America isn't run by politicians, the left and the right are two sides of the same coin, its the major cooperations and elite billionaires that make up the United States leadership. They are an oligarch that has enough power to influence to overthrow nations and set up puppets. And what is the most common race that makes up these tiny percentage of powerful people?

So these corporations hellbent on destroying Germany through immigration allowed the election of a guy who is spreading anti-immigrant rhetoric throughout the world and wants NATO countries to spend more on their military?

I love anime :)

>Obama hated Israel

The biggest threat to the oligarchs are unified and proud countries like Japan and Germany during WW2. They use their influence to subvert and weaken societies through cultural warfare. Just look what happened to the US's identity since the civil rights movement and how it led to the mess they are in today. There is only one country in the word that isnt shamed for being outwardly nationalistic and closing its borders at all costs.

I don't think Eren is that nihilistic. He wants freedom for Eldians and revenge for his mom. It's obvious that he is gonna stab Zeke in the back to get his revenge on Marley. He will not be an emperor in the end, but his revenge will lead the the rebirth of the empire.

The only argument to the contrary in that article is that he increased military assistance considerably which doesn't really mean much considering he also worked against Israeli foreign policy and the US gives military assistance to all sorts of shitty countries. I guess I should say Obama hated Netanyahu who literally represents/ed Israel's shitty foreign policy.

>autocratic regimes weren't controlled by oligarchs too
It's literally the same shit in a different hat. Explain why the oligarchs would allow Drumpf to be elected if they cared so much about preventing ethnostates. He's done more harm to their cause than anything else in the last 50 years.

Japan and Germany were ran by their own oligarchs as well, "unified and proud" is a facade.

Only thing that matters is how free your civilians are.

>Japan and Germany were ran by their own oligarchs as well

emperors and barons

post a source.

explain pls

>inevitable ruining of your franchise by Netflix or Hollywood
Won't happen.

and then it goes to shit after ch 50 and never recovers

Literally what in the fuck are you talking about

f/a/ggots seething that ppl recognize Eldian=Aryan. Being shamed and abused for being conquerors makes this obvious.

DO dinosaurs appear in manga?

Remember that time when the manga said he "plagerized" Muv Luv Alternative?

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>manga of the decade
That's Dungeon Meshi.

SNKids please stay on reddit were you belong.

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When the derivative becomes better than the original by removing the haremshit, fan service and tropes

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How paid this guy to write this garbage?

Let me school you a bit here, kiddo. In order for something to reach masterpiece level of legendary level, you need to be critically acclaimed by editors, other mangaka, critics and fans. And the other thing is that you need to influence or drastically change something in the anime industry.
SnK doesn't fulfill neither of those conditions.

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Eldians as Palestinians.

Who are the Samaritans?

HxH is honestly mediocre a 6/10 battle shonen.

>The way their leader is just a puppet for Israel.
In what fucking universe?

>There is only one country in the word that isnt shamed for being outwardly nationalistic and closing its borders at all costs.

Your opinion is irrelevant when HxH is praised by everyone in the industry as a masterpiece. SnK never gets this kind of praise and even though it has been running for nearly 10 years, no other mangaka has taken inspiration from it or even praised it.

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All I care about is who ends up with who

>need to influence or drastically change something in the anime industry.
SnK's success gave birth to Kabaneri.

>12 episode anime
>failed project
>forgotten by everyone
>no direct quote from the creator that said he was inspired by Isayama
yeah.. nah.

>forgotten by everyone
A movie just came out.
Keep seething.

>no direct quote from the creator that said he was inspired by Isayama
As if that was even needed in the case of Kabaneri.

You need a direct quote or at least the creator saying something about Isayama or SnK if you want to claim it was inspired by SnK. Otherwise its just your headcanon. I can provide tons of quotes from lots of mangaka that say they were inspired by Togashi.

Moving goalposts.

I couldnt make it halfway through the first ep, this shit is bad and you guys are idiots for falling for it


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Imagine unironically thinking this

I want grimdark titan timeloop paths hell ending

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Look at dis dude
Look at the shitty opinion

I need to know that.

Hxh is shit

not an argument

Armin might have to eat Eren

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SnK is not well written. See Armin stating the obvious that Eren was co-erced by Yelena through the wine plot and how he's obviously not on Zeke's side. Not to mention nonsense of Ymir committing essentially committing suicide because it would be too early to reveal the outside world make it abundantly clear that Isayama sees this series as a milking cow. He is far too willing to suspend logic to create false tension and forced mystery.

The end was spelled when he admitted to changed the ending midway through to appeal to fans after the series exploded in popularity. For an actually nuanced story I would recommend HxH. The Prince war on boat arc alone has more depth and complexity than the entirety of SNK.

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Huntard, at least use a new pasta.