Nosferatu Zodd
Nosferatu Zodd
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Did Miura know he was going to turn his baby into moeshit, or did he suddenly decide halfway through he was sick of working on Berserk and decided to turn it into a manga he DID want to work on?
I cant wait for the idol arc, gutts is the producer!
i miss his nightmare fuel panels.
You can't keep working on one manga for decades and not get bored.
Togashi started eight years later and has put out thirty more chapters than Miura.
Got any more?
Wtf. I think I need to read the manga. I've only seen the anime from 97
and hxh's best is worse than berserks worst lmao
Demise was a pretty fun final boss.
Objectively i'd place Sea God Arc way below something like Yorknew and Chimera Ant Arc. It's a pretty shit arc. I mean you're allowed to like multiple things user.
We /clang/ now?
and that's why you mentally ill faggots should stay in your containment threads
This image proves nothing, both manga were on monthly schedules and Miura has assistants.
i mean, who needs assistants to shit on a piece of paper?
In all fairness that was during Togashi's "muh back" era. Where he was suffering from extreme back pain which limited his ability to work. It's kind of weird, when he tries his art can look really good. But that's only when he's not being a lazy faggot.
>whiteknighting the only mangaka lazier than Togashi
He doesn't need assistants he needs a new fucking mangaka to draw the entire thing. He might be a creative writer but even fucking ONE is a better mangaka than he is at this point.
Donovan. Just Donovan.
The answer lies in the heart of battle
sorry, but his writing is also garbage.
Sorry for what?
He looks ugly as fuck
Post your face.
This^That fucking retarded doesnt know how to direct his story or adjust the pace of it by eliminating totally unnecessary dialogue or panels.His writing is like inflating a balloon to a great size to make it look big in size but in reality its just empty.