Diamond is unbreakable

Why does part 4 of Jojo's bizarre adventure suck so much? Im 22 episodes in and im really considering just skipping to part 5

>Supposed to be an adventure, instead you have a group of faggot children wandering some boring ass jap town
>There's no objective or mystery or anything, its like some "day in the lives" shit
>The (scarce) humor fucking sucks
>The art style is gay as fuck and the sky is fucking piss yellow ffs
>No one ever even says "jojo"
>Josuke is unlikable as fuck, hes pretty much your basic anime character that has a goofy gimmick like getting mad when plp shit on his haircut
>Kuichi is a gigantic faggot with a retarded, useless stand
>There are literally no interesting fights, they're all lazily written, unexciting, predictable garbage
>Literally no "oh shit what is jojo gonna do now??" Moments
>Just straight up boring

How did it degrade this fast? Part 1 thru 3 is some of the best anime and even general storytelling ive ever seen, specially part 2.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I dropped part 4 because of that stupid rat fight couldn't stomach that shit anymore. the only reason i was able to get through part 3 was because i watched it with friends. just skip ahead and watch part 5.

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>here are literally no interesting fights, they're all lazily written, unexciting, predictable garbage
How do you like part 3 but think this about part 4? Part 4's encounters are nearly all miles better than anything in part 3 outside of maybe the last two.

Part 5 is actually good again?

>Part 4 encounters are better than 3's except for last 2
Dude what?! Most if not all of part 3's encounters are fucking great, the d'arby brothers, fucking oingo boingo, vanilla ice, the ice eagle, the baby, the underwater bitch thing, jesus chrits theyre fucking great.
Part 4 encounters are gay as shit. Ffs the best encounter yet was red hot chilli peppers and even that was easier than something like the sun

Ching chong your opinion is wrong.

Nice argument

>Supposed to be an adventure, instead you have a group of faggot children wandering some boring ass jap town
>There's no objective or mystery or anything, its like some "day in the lives" shit
>implying these are bad things
part 4 is comfy

Josuke was a passive protagonist and I wanted to see him interact with his family more, develop his friendships and do investigations on Kira on his own. The narrative also lacks cohesiveness compared to other parts.

Also part 4 is the only part where the anime adaptation has a consistently good art style.

>Part 5 is actually good again?
Part 5 is incoherent garbage with the worst main character of all parts.

>Supposed to be an adventure, instead you have a group of faggot children wandering some boring ass jap town
It's about surnatural things happening in daily life. So the adventures are more finding an invisible baby or getting kidnapped by a crazy girl.
>There's no objective or mystery or anything, its like some "day in the lives" shit
>no objective
>finding akira
>protecting his son
>finding kira
>nijimura arc
Literally any arc has an objective.
Also DIU ain't about josuke it's about Morioh.
>No one ever even says "jojo"
Nobody says jojo ever again anyways except in SBR during a flashback.
>Josuke is unlikable as fuck, hes pretty much your basic anime character that has a goofy gimmick
He's a laid-back dude who may act in an impulsive way and cares about other and wants to protect.
>Kuichi is a gigantic faggot with a retarded, useless stand
How ? He becomes cooler through each act. He introduces act stands...
>There are literally no interesting fights, they're all lazily written, unexciting, predictable garbage
Cringe. You have shit taste.
Fights are literally better than part 3's.
>Literally no "oh shit what is jojo gonna do now??" Moments
>Just straight up boring
Like your post.

Based retard

Part 4 skyrockets in quality after yoshikage kira wants to live quietly, kira arc is better than all the previous parts combined

I dont like part 4, but i understand its charn and why people likes it. Op should be excuted.

Nah, everything is great besides 2 or 3 small arcs

Quiet Life is awful. It's just an arc of the worst main villain being a dumbass for most of it and then blowing up a shitty character.

Part 4 is unique because rather than have a main plot, it is a collection of tiny, easy to resolve plots. These usually involve stands. Just like part 3 where it was literally "stand of the week" The same applies to part 4. The only difference is that the stand users are not connected by the BBG. There is no more "epic quest" to work for now it's just do whatever.

It snaps back to the original "part 3" template however after Kira shows up. Giving the character a main thing to do with the "stands of the week" acting as filler.

>It's about surreal things happening in daily life
Again, some days of our lives shit
>Kira, etc
No main, distinct goal, just scattered shit
>Diu is about morioh
Fuck morioh, i want adventure and thrills, like in earlier parts
>Nobody ever says jojo again
Fuck bro, that might actually be a deal breaker for me
>Hes a laid back dude,blah blah
Hes unlikeable and uninteresting
>He introduces act stands
All of the acts so far are fucking cringe and suck, the main problem is that its main ability is very fucking dumb
>Part 4's fights are better than part 3's
Jesus christ I bet fucking nursery home bingo is more exciting for you than ultimate fighting

>worst main villain
That's Diavolo though.

>it is a collection of tiny, easy to resolve plots.
Part 4 was unironically better in the first half, it felt unique for Jojo

>will drop jojo becuase they dont say jojo
Moriah is fun as fuck though you absolute shoenenbaby. Please drop jojo and never come back. Jotaro dies in part 6 and the universe resets.

Not him, but you are just saying " its not my type of part" which everybody can get ,i dont like part 4 either, just dont make threads making an statemants which arent correct.

Bruh spoilers, you dont have to be a dick about it. The jojo shit is fun dude.

The things I like about JJBA are all thrown the fuck out of the window for the sake of boring stuff. Theres just no "spark" to the show anymore.
Needless to say im not here to tell you to not like it, if you jack off to part 4 that's fine, I just dont get the appeal of it, specially considering the earlier parts


Why so many part 4 threads lately? we're this deep into part 5 and you people are still talking about shit that ended 3 years ago. move the fuck on already.

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because part 5 is stupid

>Theres just no "spark"
Wrong, part 5 anime adaptation is great, part 6 has great fights and bizarre stuff,part 7 is the definitive Jojo part , part 8 has the same installement of part 4 without all the bad things he made in part 4.
I really like how araki changed the "lets explore the world" to "lets try and make the most interesting town in the world" which he acomplished easily, morioh is fucking great and everyone who lives there too. If you dont like that, great, but stop making threads just about hating a part.

>it felt unique for Jojo
HEY OH! This guy's starting to get it.

The reason for that is because it WAS unique for jojo. In parts 1-3 the one common thing they all had was a hero going on a quest to beat the bad guy while picking up friends along the way. That doesn't happen in the beginning of part 4. Kira is only referenced to, all the bad guys are acting more or less on their own, friends and allies are acquired at a MUCH faster rate allowing a huge pool of stand users to not only come in, but also stay in. Araki was going at a open ended story to cram in whatever cool stand he wanted until he felt like putting the cap on that was the first kira episode. From there it functions as normal jojo.

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Fuck off. Just the way you ranted on why you didt like part 4 in the OP was so fucking low IQ I dont want you on this board. Please kys.

It's summer and normalfags are catching up on jojo so they can be ironic weebs about it on twitter. The fact that they all seem to hate part 4 just confirms that it's one of the best parts. I know it can't just be the same guy because I mentioned that part 4 is a slice of life on a previous thread and this one is saying "day on the lives" because he doesn't know the correct term for it.

I thought it was better than Part 3. It had suspense, decent set ups and plot twists unlike Stardust Crusaders.
But you're too concerned that the main character isn't called Jojo (which Jotaro wasn't called either). If you're simply a fight fag sure you'll like Part 5, but only because it's an onslaught of nothing but fights.

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Did't it just end on toonami as well? The dub that is. Just more brainlet dub fans.

Jojo ends at part 3. You will never experience the craziness and sense of adventure ever again. If you want random SoL stuff with JoJo fashion then continue watching part 4 onwards.

And its even funnier when they trash on josuke and for some reason they love Jotaro, you can like jotaro thats ok , but he is so boring and un-interesting compared to josuke.

5, 6, and 7 aren't sol at all. Even part 8 is more focused than early part 4 was.

I like part 4 the most but it always felt like a side story compared to the others.

>dub fans

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That explains how retarded these "people" and their complains are, it's like they need every minor antagonist to be somehow tied to the "final boss" for it to register as "not a waste of time" on their tiny brains.

Confirmed anime-only and havent seen part 5.
You are one of those ironic "jojo-fan" who screams araki forgot and part 3 best part.

The fights are so fucking bad, though.
>I'm a doctor so I can cut my arms off and have them fly around independent of my body!
>A tire popping underwater would be extra loud! That's how sound works, right guys?!
>The beginning of everybody not only being able to dodge bullets, but being able to tell someone else to look out and dodge a bullet in time.
>Diavolo's stand doesn't make sense because it's inconsistently written
>Giorno's stand doesn't make sense and is stupid overpowered
>Giorno himself is overpowered because he's just a 14 year old genius entomologist somehow who can also instantly figure out any enemy stand through the smallest clues

It's fine if you want to like it, but all of that in addition to the fact that it was the beginning of the end for the art style (everybody, including women, having the same fucking face) make it my least favorite part.

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In the FIRST FUCKING EPISODE! (The "turtle" scene) Where Josuke is teased by upperclassmen. They make fun of his name and call him "Jojo" to mock him.



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So we can call it bizzarre, 'am i right?
The only good critisism in there is giorno being a 14 year old genius, he is such a mary sue and boring character.
On the other hand the fights are great in VA, they have been more good fight in VA than part 3.

This is one of the best fights in the entire series.

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I guarantee im higher iq than you, and a lot more successful irl.
>Waaah he doesn't like my favorite faggot anime
Grow up son

>Because a lot of people dislike something it means its good
Being contrarian for the fuck of it is the most retarded possible thing ever, even moreso than liking things because they're mainstream, also, i don't even have a Twitter account you projecting retard.

>You will never experience the craziness and adventure again
Nooooooo fuck man I thought I had something to watch during the summer

I dont like jotaro much, best jojo so far is joseph no doubt.

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Jojo gets good again after part 4. Just slog through it or skip it, your choice.

You can call it bizarre, but it's just not interesting. It was fun to see what goofy tricks and plans they had to come up with in the earlier parts because it seemed like (most of the time) araki actually researched things and the solutions to the fights made sense.

Most of the shit in part 5 is as dumb as the Boys 2 Men fight in part 4. It only makes sense in this special little nonsense world where the stands and reality itself behave inconsistently with their own ruleset just because araki wanted to force some dumb shit to work.

Can you imagine having taste this shit?

Yeah, but with part 6........ i like and dislike it, but i think DP its going to make it more watchable, so i hope we have news soon.

You don't have to like it, but if you're not open to it, JoJo's isn't for you. The first three parts (while amazing in their own right) are the most palatable to shonentards who've only dipped their toes in anime. Again, you don't have to like it, but writing it off or at least not attempting to understand it means you probably won't like JoJo's.

>A tire popping underwater would be extra loud right?

Yes, actually.


>am better then you irl
Go back to wherever you came from.
Bruno, Narancia and Abachio dies
The way you complained is what makes you fag not that you did not like part 4.

>Missing the whole point of the series.

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>Uses Hermit Purple to track down barrel of coal tar in part 3
>Doesn't use Hermit Purple to track down serial killer in part 4
Great writing Araki.

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This, everything past white album sucks ass except maybe oasis and maybe metallica.

>>Because a lot of people dislike something it means its good
No, it's because dubtards like yourself are the ones complaining about it with non-complaints such as
>It isn't like previous parts
>The protag doesn't get called jojo
>There's no objective
And my new favorite
>It's like some "day in the lives" shit
that I can safely say it's one of the best parts, because every complaint you make just shows how retarded you are instead of being an actual criticism of the part.

Before part 4 got an anime it was always up there with part 7 on the rankings over here, so it never was a lot of people disliking it what made part 4 good, it's you normalfags disliking it that cements it as one of the best parts

Is part 4 the new pleb filter?

It's extra loud but not because the vibrations on your eardrum are stronger. The pressure wave from an explosion would actually be significantly lessened because it has to displace the water. The sound is louder because your entire skull is vibrating with the sound.

It's nitpicky but it seems like the kind of thing old Araki would've actually researched.

Hermit Purple has to be my least favorite stand

It also could've told Joseph what DIO's stand did, or where in Cairo DIO's castle was at (or those Speedwagon Foundation members could have just old him).

>Its not what you said, its how you said it
What are you a woman? Jesus christ

>Imagine actually thinking like this
Ask me how I know youre a virgin loner no one likes

You dont get my criticisms, you may be too stupid or something. Simply kys

>Kira is ignorant about stands
>Has stand user dad who just so happens to have an arrow
Part 4 ain't known for good writing

You are really comparing boys 2 men with the fights of part 5,thats soooo dumb and no point of comparasion .
Thats not the case here in part 5 dude, first boys 2 men doesnt have anything to find logic, its just rock, paper and scissor.
And i get it some fights dont make that many sense(its not like araki ever had any sense of reality in jojo) but most of the fights in part 5 makes sense, the only fights that comes to my mind are man on the mirror and soft machine, king crimson if we talk about paradox and all that stuff, but thats it.
Part 5 its great and the fights are interesting, because of their abilities and how they are going to win the enemy.

>Hermit purple relies on the mental clarity of the user to find what they want.
>Joseph is a senile old fart who doesn't know whats going on 75% of the time.

his dad didn't have a stand. He was just a regular ass grudge ghost

Was it ever confirmed he got Killer Queen from the arrow, or that he knew Yoshihiro was a ghost in his house? It would be weird, but Yoshihiro could have revealed himself for the first time after Kira went into hiding.

Why do people call part 3 a JoJo adventure when it's mostly about Polnareff?

Yes he did. It's called Atom Heart Father. It's what allowed him to trap people in photo frames and reside in photos himself.

Oh boy he hasnt any more counter arguments because he knows its true and hides behind insults and buzzwords.

>Jonathan (dio's body from the neck down)
Nigger are you stupid?

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>What are you a woman? Jesus christ
>Ask me how I know youre a virgin loner no one likes
Yup, only retards like you would fail to understand part 4, go back to wherever you came from and drop jojo while you're at it

I think KQ is a natural stand but Kira definitely knew about his dad and the arrow.

>What are you a woman?

Wait, no. KQ isn't a natural stand. He didn't have a stand til after Reimi.

all of you kys

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I just googled it. I was wrong, please rape my face

Jokes on you. I like Polnareff. He's funny and his stand looks cool.


Is days of our lives a new meme?

His requiem is fucking cool and turtle polnareff is fucking cute/based.

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No, thats how you know if you are talking to a normal-fag.

I just don't want Yea Forums to get even worse with people like you infesting it. Let alone JoJo. KC is hiding in Mista. Polerneff comes back, dies and becomes a turtle. Idk what else to spoil for you animeonly fuck. Please leave.

Jotaro , olyne and everyone from the gang dies in part 6 besides emporio.
I think thats it to spoil for now.

>Oh no he spoiled some shit I won't remember by the point i actually watch them
Imagine being so much of a faggot neet weeb you think a spoiler is some sort of weapon

>Muh secret club
Its incredible this shit is so persistent through this site, youre not special and you're not in some sort of special, edgy society, youre just some retard sitting in front of a computer screen

Dude in the end you might disagree with what i have to say and that's fine, but you getting so fucking rustled I dont like your favorite faggot part is honestly pretty pathetic.

By the way you're right about one thing, im not an Yea Forums poster,im mostly in /fit/ and /sci/, I just came here to make this one thread because part 4 is really bothering me and I wanted some insight into why that's the case, my gf actually told me araki had no plans of making any jojo after part 3.

Stop being such a big cry baby virgin ffs

What I appreciate about part 4 is that the smaller scale made things feel more personal. From the beginning the goal was always to protect the town. I never got the complaint about there being no plot till Kira.

>Calls others neets and virgins
>drops that he browses /fit/ and /sci/ AND has a gf
>>muh muh secret club
Its hard to forgot that half the cast dies in P5 and everyone dies in part 6 but sure. Last (you) will get from me. Please go back to wherever you are from. And no I dont mean the other boards you visit I mean your REAL home.

It's ok, OP, you're not alone.
A whole 2% of the world's population is retarded

Dude that's some serious bitterness.
You fucking smell like olive oil from here

That was the best fight of the first half of DIU.

All you're accomplishing by whining that part 4 is different from what came before it on a series that's already established as one that reinvents itself from time to time is just making yourself look retarded. Most of your whining is not about part 4, it's about SoL in general, and what little you added in to make your whining seem more legitimate like
>MC is unlikable
>Fights are boring
Are so easily disregarded as just that since you just watched the part 3 anime before this, which has horrible fights that get dragged on and on and an MC that gets most of what little personality he had stripped from the awful adaptation, you really need to elaborate on those 2 points if you want people to take you seriously.

I'd suggest that you drop jojo if you're expecting it to stay the same as what you liked from the early parts, since the author realized there's no point in making more of that and moved on from it, just like he moved on from SoL after part 4. And go back to where you came from.

Whats SoL?

This is why you lurk before posting on Yea Forums, and of course before making a thread, why didn't you just enter some random jojo thread and make your point? And to answer your question is one of the things you stated you disliked about part 4.

>Doesn't use Hermit Purple to track down serial killer in part 4
How the fuck do people keep making that point? Joseph couldn't even get a picture of Josuke due to all the Stand interference in the town, he only received vague pics of Angelo. Hurr but why no Kira tho

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Toonami retards are subhuman, it's going to get even worse when they start whining about 5.


>Why does part 4 of Jojo's bizarre adventure suck so much?

Comfy slice of life not your thing?

>Kuichi is a gigantic faggot with a retarded, useless stand
Never talk to me or my son ever again

Well it would be nice for plot points to, you know, have lasting consequences and purpose rather than just be random disconnected events that don't actually move the story forward at all. That's why parts 5, 6, 7, and 8 are all miles ahead of part 4.

>Hermit Purple has to be my least favorite stand
yikes what shit taste

it does move the story forward though.

Every single storyline in part 4 either introduces new characters that are relevant to the overall story, or causes the characters to develop new relationships or to grow as people.

Based Hairposter

You sound really boring and whiny, user. I would not want to watch or discuss the series with you.

>being a plotfag

But those "Random events with no consequences" are supposed to build up the town itself as a character so that you actually give a shit when Kira gets introduced and threatens the peace. They might not directly contribute to the defeat of the main villain but that doesn't make them useless to the plot

>supposed to build up the town itself as a character
Lmao imagine writing something this faggy unironically
"The town itself as a character" lmfao get the fuck out of here with that shit, I'm done, I'm seriously done. Lmao

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>If Pucci never reset the universe humanity may have eventually went to space and found Kars, then bring him back to Earth
Reminder that Pucci saved humanity.

They could still do that. It just will never be a plot in the manga but that universe still exists after the events of part 6.

>Part 9/10
>Araki suddenly goes back to Ireneverse
>Kars is still in space, crash landed on Mars
>NASA finds him
>Brings him back to Earth
>Kars gets his shit back together, gets a stand named「LIFE ON MARS」somehow

Why are people so obsessed with bringing up old, resolved plot-points from over twenty years ago?

Jojo was never about clinging slavishly to the past, it was about moving forward and doing new things in new settings with new characters. Why are you so desperate to just ignore all that to make it about going backwards to revolve around Kars?

There are people with shit taste that don't like Jojolion and just want Araki to make nostalgia bait.

Part 9 from most likely to least:

1. Part 8 is the last part

2. Late 20XXs with future tech and more bizarre stuff

3. Further future with space shit and really fucking bizarre shit and stuff
I want this so bad but Araki probably can't write space shit properly

4. Old universe but why the fuck would anyone want that if they actually understand part 6's ending

>"people" in this thread are seriously falling for this bait

Is it weird if I like Jojolion in theory but struggle to feel as invested in it as I should? On paper I love the concept of the rock humans and the darker version of Morioh, Gappy and Yasuho, the mystery and insecurity etc, but in practice it feels like the translation makes character dialog so stiff and lifeless, it reminds me of how I used to feel about GW when it had the Ignition One scans.

Fuck nostalgiabait fanservice though, the original universe was great but it ran its course.

Part 4 is unfocused as fuck for the most part, and Josuke is probably the most irrelevant main character of any part of JoJo. I think Josuke's lack of real involvement with most of the major story lines of the later parts of the series contribute a lot to why it doesn't feel nearly as cohesive or impactful as other entries in the series. Straight up, he has his two major character arcs with avenging his grandfather and coming to terms with his dad and these are both tied up before the actual villain even shows up. The actual villain to which he has almost no stakes against aside from the most generic motivation of killing him because he's bad. I think the second OP unironically does a better job of framing the second half of part 4 than the actual writing does of a dire and bleak narrative haunted by the shadow of a fucking pyschopath. Just the last bit of that OP with Josuke running towards Kira has more impact than the entirety of their actual shown rivalry. If you could even call it that.

Part 8 is basically just the patched version of DiU since the entire thing actually has the fucking self awareness to focus on Josuke, and he has all of the major character arcs that 4 Josuke should have as the lead of his own fucking story.

Part 8 is nothing like part 4 besides setting and character names

It's definitely its own thing, but it also feels like a re-imagining of part 4 in its own ways. What with it being set primarily in one town with a mysterious group of killers on the loose that the main gang needs to discover more about as well as various obvious references and character callbacks.

Again, it's not a shot for shot remake by any means, but It definitely feels like to me that there was a lot more care put into making sure Josuke had way more relationships across the cast, and that might not be as a means to make up for part 4 Josuke and his sort of falling out with a lot of the plot of DiU, but I don't think that's an impossibility either. Intentional or not, I really do feel like he's a better follow-through of the character.

Stands were a mistake.

Good to know DIU is the perfect repellent for power fantasy shitlords

Josuke is the "support" character of Part 4 but still counts as the main Jojo of DUI. Why do you think his stands main ability is healing?

He's still a shit lead in terms of how much he actually has to do with interacting with the world, especially in comparison directly to Okuyasu and Koichi. The former of which has a crazy powerful character culmination in finally walking out of his bro's shadow and living for himself by literally walking away from death, and the latter of which who has basically every important character arc including a romance, an evolving stand that mirrors his own character progression, and having more impact in the long term on the Joestar family lineage than Josuke is ever shown to

part 4 is still good its just an example of jojo at its worst basically a bunch of really cool concepts that don't mesh well or flow in a way that makes for a consistently entertaining or engaging story

Part 5???

nah part 5 at least has a consistent goal that it never loses sight of

part 4 meanders a lot and while a lot of that meandering is fun a lot of it also feels a little ADHD imo

Not everyone who develops a stand naturally has it since birth.

wtf is going on with these legs?

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>>Part 8 is basically just the patched version of DiU
The problem with part 8 is it has the same impossible to follow nonsensical fights, the same shitty sameface art style, and the same terrible character designs he's been trotting out ever since the series dipped in part 5. These days he just can't panel a good fight. The pacing of part 8 is also fucking torturous. I've given up on reading it like twice now because absolutely nothing was happening outside of confusing fights and nonsensical stands.

I haven't really had too much of an issue keeping up with the fights in part 8 in comparison to some some of the stuff in part 5, but that might just be a personal preference thing between us. Personally I've found the story really engaging aside from a few side adventures. Most of the conflicts do feel like they contribute to helping piece together the overall mystery of what the fuck is even happening in part 8. While I'll agree that the panel to panel art might get pretty funky here and there, I do think it has some of the best covers in the entire series. Part 8's artstyle when it's really at its peak is jaw dropping.

As far as paneling goes, I think there's a lot of real standouts, like Josuke's fight with the weird soccer twins where he actually gets in and whoops their asses with his bare hands, or the multiple chase scenes that have happened so far like with Going Underground and the weird ass zombie stand later on. Those fights are a blast to read through.

this is the truth

>days of our life
>what is SoL
>I guarantee im higher iq than you, and a lot more successful irl.
>being this much of a adhd shonenfag

retarded shonenfags like this actual 14yo are the reason why this entire site, let alone this board has gone to complete shit.
all the spoilers the other user said are true, stick around and I'm sure he'll get to part 7 and 8, and if they don't I'll do it
Get out of here, drop jojo and kill yourself

>The pacing of part 8 is also fucking torturous
could part of that be the fact that you're reading it as it releases?
I already decided that once I'm done with Part 7 I'm not touching 8 until it's over, or until there's a lot I can read in chunks and space it out
I have enough ongoing mango I'm keeping up with and it's a pain imo

good translation guys

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>It's what the power of decided!
have you ever been as to do such for you want?

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>I think the second OP unironically does a better job of framing the second half of part 4 than the actual writing does of a dire and bleak narrative haunted by the shadow of a fucking pyschopath
Absolutely this.

Part 4 is so damn disjointed. I wish the adaptation did waaay more to fix the writing because it needed it desperately.

>nah part 5 at least has a consistent goal that it never loses sight of
And that goal is completely unclear and retarded. Stop selling drugs but only to kids? It's the fucking mafia you dimwits. It'd make sense if it was about breaking up the criminal organization, but no, we'll still run it and do criminal shit that harms the society I guess, but we care about it, but we don't, but treat us like saints please. It's a mess. Araki may be a pastaboo but he sure didn't know jackshit about what he was writing back then. Good setting and ideas wasted and ruined by a shit plot and villain. I'd rather take ''meandering'' if it can provide more interesting or fun scenarios to put the characters in. Araki writes episodic stuff alot better than linear.

David Production can't fix part 4 without completely changing the entire part itself.

>The actual villain to which he has almost no stakes against aside from the most generic motivation of killing him because he's bad
But that's what makes it interesting to me. Josuke isn't a super hero on a quest to defeat a super villain, he's an ordinary kid who'll do the right thing when push comes to shove.

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>2019 is half over already
Why is time moving so fast?

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>main characters getting targeted by psychopaths
>slice of life

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Stupid Americans will forever miss out on the fact that 'Josuke Higashikata' is a pun that literally sounds like 'Jojo'.

Idiot mananime baby

The problem with part 2 is it has the same impossible to follow nonsensical fights, the same shitty sameface art style, and the same terrible character designs he's been trotting out ever since he shifted to ugly muscle men in PB. These days he just can't panel a good fight. The pacing of part 2 is also fucking torturous. I've given up on reading it like twice now because absolutely nothing was happening outside of confusing fights and nonsensical ripple powers.

Part 1 and 2 are skippable

Oh the humanity

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I'm stupid European and I don't get this pun

People that don't like part 4 literally hate fun.

Jotaro dies in part 6
Bruno, Narancia and Abbachio dies in part 5
Jolyne and the crew lost against Pucci and dies
Universe reset itself at the end of part 6
Gyro dies against Valentine in part 7
Alternate Dio with The World is part 7 true final boss
Josuke is Yoshikage Kira and Josefumi Kujo combined into one single being

Kek imagine getting this mad someone doesnt like your favorite cartoon. What a fucking faggot