Lyrical Nanoha Detonation

She just raised the bar a few mountains higher. Your move now, Hibiki.

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Other urls found in this thread:

I'm so used to Nanoha just shooting things that I wasn't expecting her to knock someone the fuck out

Same, it was such a simple but unexpected move.


>Hibiki blew up part of the moon in her first season

I like Nanoha a lot but let's not say things that aren't true now.

Didn't ViVid have a bit where she toys with dedicated martial artists in close combat? Those Takamachi genes are strong.

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tfw spoilers

Attached: [ReinForce] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC).mkv_snapshot_01.35.08 (1920x1080, 195K)

Better question: Fate or Tsubasa?

Attached: Originally the staff called this move %22Strike Zanber%22.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

But that was Fine, not Bikki.

Hibiki is a trash character.

I'm admittedly mostly anime-only and don't know much about the manga spinoffs

I'd barely give the edge (lol sword jokes) to Tsubasa, but they're both great.

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Easy question.

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I liked Detonation more than Reflection, but they either need to retire a bunch of the cast or move back to a longer form than movies

I'm still sad that Tsubomi and Lulu didn't interact in the crossovers that Hugtto had with the other Precure series. Not even just a nod and smile.

they got rid of everyone except the cast at the end of S2 though
unless i'm forgetting someone

Strikers made room for it's new younger characters by mostly retiring a bunch of old supporting cast, but Reflection/Detonation didn't do that, they tried to keep *everyone* around and doing something. You end up with

Original trio
All the TSAB secondaries
Kyrie and Amitie
Iris and Yuri
Detonation's new villain and his supporters

There's so many that almost nobody gets time to breath. Reflection was all Kyrie/Amitie and Detonation all Iris/Yuri/New Guy and it left Nanoha as a supporting character, the others less than that. Fate literally cannot be considered a main character which is kind of fucked up.

Reflection and Detonation are (roughly) four hours long when you combine them, and the story they wanted to tell either needed five or six hours, or to have a bunch of sub plots and characters removed to make it fit. There's even good parts that are a little undercut because they're rushed through or not set up.

This movie sucks and suffers from all the same flaws modern Nanoha content does.

1) A crazy male scientist appears out of nowhere to become the main villain. After all, cute girls can't be irredeemably evil, right? We need to have some old guy take the blame instead.
2) Literally nobody dies. Even when it makes every narrative sense to do so, not even the irredeemably evil villain. Several main characters literally sacrifice their physical forms only for it to be undone in the end. Narrative stakes are nonexistent. The writers are deathly afraid of permanent consequences, even for characters nobody gives a shit about.
3) Too many characters. Even the disposable villains are given unique designs and kept alive until the end. The story would have worked better if they cut the number of new characters by half. And even the old characters are still too much -- most of them do jack-shit and should have been removed the film. I can't believe this franchise still suffers from character bloat 12 years after Strikers.
4) The emotional scenes are broken and don't work. They give the characters' stories and backgrounds literal seconds before they try to make us feel emotional about them in a big epic climactic fight scenes. It doesn't fucking work, these kind of things need setup. It just feels like a clusterfuck series of meaningless fights between a bunch of literaly-whos we know almost nothing about it, even though it was clearly meant to be epic and awesome. The only emotional scene that worked was Nanoha's sacrifice at the very end, because that's the single character the audience actually knows.

The overall story structure is incompetent and broken a level I would never expect to see in a professional production. Literally writing 101 shit and it fails at it in every way. It has nice animations and fight-scenes, but without drama and stakes it's all wasted. This movie is a prefect case study of how not to write an anime action film. Whoever wrote it should be fired.

Should i watch the movies or the show?

The story of both movies should have been changed to be a Nanoha solo mission exploring the dying planet the new guys came from. Then you could properly develop everything without baggage and random bullshit getting in the way. Then the final battle can happen on Earth with everybody else chipping in for some fanservice. Making everybody present all the time and having to worry about balancing their screentime was retarded. Nanoha already outshines them by far, so may as well remove them until the climax.

Order of production.

Last Nanoha I watched was StrikersS. What the hell is even happening in this franchise now?

oh you meant midmovie
yea there were a lot
at least they didn't try to keep the new characters in at the end and they went off to do their own thing instead

>hurr they should retire the characters people like because i dont like them xD
You're the problem. Maybe don't watch Nanoha if you don't want to watch the Nanoha cast.

That aside, this is a massive load of baloney. Everyone got to do something, which is quite an accomplishment. Nanoha did a fuck ton of things here, Fate and Hayate had a very proportional amount of screentime and Fate even had the most fleshed out Material fight, the TSAB had all the screentime they always have and even then they upped the ante with Chrono's participation, the Gears, the Materials Yuri, Iris had a ton of time dedicated to their backstory and they had several battles for themselves, and Phil Maxwell remained the focus of the entire second half of Detonation.

Lying cunt. The only bit here that is true is that they were trying to tell a story longer than the runtime they had, which is something that mostly affected Reflection (ie Fate's subplot) and is very unnoticeable in Detonation.

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StrikerS was also 26 episodes long, which worked better for the way Tsuzuki writes. And even then it wound up with so much he wanted to include that StrikerS wound up packed to the brim and could've used even more runtime.

Reflection and Detonation have plenty of the original spirit, charm, and lore behind their creation, but it's not fully apparent from just the movies themselves because so much got cut out due to the runtime. I can only hope we get a new TV series next rather than an attempt to make even more movies.

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The first two seasons, then the new two movies.

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They say the movies are the alternative to the show so i thought its the same how some shows get superior looking movies after a while

>StrikerS was also 26 episodes long, which worked better
>StrikerS wound up packed to the brim

Of course StrikerSshitters are all liars. All of them.

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They realized they ruined everything with all the bullshit they pulled and are now using the movie continuity for a reboot.

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_00. (1920x1080, 134K)

just watch the series first
its not like you have anything better to do

Pack it up. Bitch-Kun is here. It was fun while it lasted.

Anybody who complains about training sessions is a memester. There isn't really that much of it.

The first movie is a decent alternative to the first season since the first season doesn't hold up nearly as well as the rest of the franchise does. But you should only resort to watching it instead of season 1 if you can't put up with how slowly the real season 1 starts, first. The second movie's a fucking abomination that should only be watched if you've exhausted everything else Nanoha first.

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>They say the movies are the alternative to the show
Movie 1st is a worse version of Season 1, Movie 2nd A's is a worse version of the second season, A's. The only improvement was the animation, they are NOT a replacement for the TV seasons in any other way.

The new movies, Reflection and Detonation, on the other hand, are wholly new stories that properly follow on from A's. And they're so fucking good for it, you don't even imagine.

>Last Nanoha I watched was StrikersS. What the hell is even happening in this franchise now?

Since Strikers they've split off onto two paths, there are two post-Strikers spin off tv series (Vivid and Vivid Strike) and four movies that are a separate continuity that restarted from the beginning.

Who the fuck even likes Tsubasa.

>The first movie is a decent alternative to the first season
With those horrid pacing problems, those terrible retcons to Precia and with the completely eliminated character development for Nanoha? And you're saying S1 holds up worse than the post-A's pre-Reflection trash?

Are you a retard?

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_00. (1920x1080, 140K)

>it's j-just a m-meme
Fuck off. ShitterS is horrible.

I dont mind slow shit, i loved shows that people fall asleep

Ill go with the shows then and after that the last 2 movies right?
Thanks for the spoonfeeding anons
May your most wanted sequel be announced soon

Thank you for the kind words. I'll make sure to enjoy the fuck of the inevitable Detonation sequel.

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The better question is who doesn't? Tsubasa is as much of a prince as Fate is.

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Pretty sure Tsuzuki didn't write all of StrikerS. He writes almost all of Nanoha but not everything.

>1) A crazy male scientist appears out of nowhere to become the main villain.
What the fuck is "modern Nanoha content" about this? This is literally the first time this happens.
>2) Literally nobody dies.
>3) Too many characters.
Except the movie makes genius use of all of them. Even the "disposable villains", which show up only as much as they had to, unlike certain other groups who got way too much screentime for their roles in the story, and negatively impacted it.
>4) The emotional scenes are broken and don't work.
Shitty opinion, and only true for the Fate subplot in Reflection.

>blah blah blah i have shit taste therefore the movie is bad and badly-produced even though it isn't
Sheez. We know you miss your hags but calm down.

Asslickers like you are the reason the franchise is dying. Can't wait until it dies completely and you fuckers will have no choice but to migrate to Prisma Illya while groveling on the ground.

He's the only one ever given writing credit, therefore it's perfectly reasonable to blame him for literally everything that piece of shit did wrong, which is literally everything.

Well, how about I just knock you flat on you're ass you troll, that sound any better to you? Just name the time and the place and I'll be there.

The reason the franchise was (read: WAS) dying is because the creators got it into their heads that they should pander to whichever flavor of the month group of maximum retards instead of, you know, the Nanoha fans. And their recent course-correction is why the franchise was revived.

And there's no asslicking here, your complaints are all just shit. Maybe if you watched the movie without the intent to hate it because it's not bursting of hagblasts and le beeg animay tiddies, you would have found negatives to point out that were actually true.

Pretty sure some episodes of StrikerS were credited to a writer other than Tsuzuki, I would have to check but it doesn't really matter, we should be blaming Seven Arcs for mismanaging the franchise.

The primary audience of the Precure franchise have no idea who Nana Mizuki and Tamura Yukari are, let alone that they voiced Nanoha and Fate.

The Precure franchise vast rarely make seiyuu references, and if they do, it's for things their main audience might get, like one of their fairies voices Pikachu.

Its more likely to expect the Nanoha franchise to make a Precure reference than the other way around unfortunately.

Post cyborg nanoha~

I guess it doesn't matter since the thread is full of spoilers anyway, but I'll still cover this up.

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I don't pity you, I just feel sorry for you.

Attached: [ReinForce] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC) MERGED.mkv_snapshot_0 (1920x1080, 244K)

There's no actual cyborg Nanoha in the movie

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Her arm was completely gone.

There's no way her new one is fully biological.

I got two of the most wonderful pieces of Nanoha media to come to existence. I'd pity me too.

That's true but they never actually say where this new arm came from. Maybe it really is robotic and they're just saving the big reveal for later.

Why not? They can grow complete bodies and travel through dimensions, it's to be expected that they can grow or regrow limbs. The only plot hole is that some people still use glasses in that kind of world.

Yes I know, the arm was unambiguously gone and the eye drawn with the standard style blind eyes are drawn with, but that image there is the only one in the movie where she doesn't look anything but normal. Her eye is drawn fine other than the scene in space and she's drawn as having an arm back immediately.

No, her arm was still there, just tucked to her side. The missing an arm was an optical illusion.

The production art showed that she lost her arm.

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The shot you're thinking of isn't her arm tucked, it's her side exposed because her clothes are torn.

Look at the floating in space shot. Her arm is 100% gone.

To WHAT side?

Attached: nanoha_det.mp4_snapshot_01.34.59_[2019.06.25_01.55.32].jpg (1280x720, 26K)

Oh. I guess they have super healing technologies and injuries in this setting don't mean anything. Makes sense for such shit writers.

Those don't always make its complete way into canon, or sometimes things get changed or omitted, but in this case your image is indeed confirmed by the movie itself

Fuck off already.

But I already migrated to Symphogear. And now that's dying.

Correction: Fate is a prince while Tsubasa is a (flat-chested) sugar-daddy

So,was detonation decent? I remember reflections being fairly crap and most people disliking it.

Fuck this art looks so good

It's good. Could've been better though.
Same with Reflection.

Worse than Reflections. Lots of mindless action if you like that, though.

You'd be completely wrong, everyone whose opinion is worth a damn loved Reflection for being the return to formula that the franchise has needed for over a decade.
And sort of, the BDs for Detonation came out a few days ago.

>Oh. I guess they have faster than light travel and teleportation, distances in this setting don't mean anything. Makes sense for such shit writers.
>Oh. I guess they have cloning and IPS babies, old fashioned sexual intercourse in this setting doesn't mean anything. Makes sense for such shit writers.
>Oh. I guess they have bulletproof barrier jackets, real weapons in this setting don't mean anything. Makes sense for such shit writers.


Detonation is better than Reflection, but still has some of Reflection's issues.

It being a single story split into two meant that Reflection suffered extra from being mostly setup and not having an ending.

you first :^)

I thought the second half of reflections to be pretty great but it was fairly meh until then, also the change in art style really threw me off can't say I like it.

It really depends what your problems with Reflection were.

Pretty much this I enjoyed the sol of the series and first 2 movies but for some reason wasn't a huge fan of it in reflection. As for the action I wasn't particularly blown away but thought the fight with the materials was great. The story over all was fairly meh atleast when compared to the game.

Oh wow, I only just now noticed user wrote "decent" and not "recent"
Yeah, Detonation is incredible. Go give it a watch right now.

Fisting the moon > punching a nobody

Definitely Fate

Also this

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>Lots of mindless action if you like that, though.
Detonation's fights are shit. Reflection had better action scenes.

Attached: Nanoha wire.webm (1280x720, 2.77M)

>i suck the cocks
Okay, user.

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Need opinion, do you guys think people who didn't read any of nanoha manga, or know about her family background from the original game, will get what the story is trying say about nanoha's motive / her inner monologue at the end of the movie? I'm considering whether I'm going to need to explain that part or not to someone.

If they watched/remember S1 they won't need an explanation.
If they only watched movie 1st they will have no idea what is going on since the movies glossed over most of Nanoha's character development.

I think it would go completely over the heads of people who aren't familiar with the source material - that inner monologue relies on you knowing of Nanoha's inner doubts and feelings of inadequacy that the movies never address.

Gotcha, time to compose an explanation.

On a double rewatch, Reflections has a better plots and emotional peaks and more time for the scenes to breathe, Detonation has better animation and should have the emotional payoffs but the scenes are so short and row on row that it feels very claustrophobic and have no time to settle. Also everything about the evil scientist man was terrible and removed all of Iris' and Yuri's agency.

Nanoha lost her arm, but covered up her robot arm with bandages to trick her family into thinking she didn't get completely fucked up. This is so she can continue being a space cop without them stopping her.

Why would the whole arm need to be bandaged if it was actualla a robot one? Maybe they just picked up the bits of her arm and stitched it all back together and put some regen magic on it.

"My arm is busted up" is a better cover story for Earth than "I lost an arm and have a replacement one" since Earth doesn't have that kind of thing yet

Nanoha tricking her family would be pretty heavily out of character

She might not tell them everything but she wouldn't actively deceive them based on what we know of her

Nanoha Detonation is being whored out to a bunch of different gachas, so hopefully we get a Symphogear collaboration eventually.

Explain Amita
>gets shot once through the jacket in the abdomen in Reflection
>recovers right after

>gets shot through again at the start of Detonation
>recovers faster than Kyrie who only got a little beat
>gets punched multiple times by the big bad
>gets shot point blank by a swarm of robots holding her down
>no biggie, can keep going
>gets accelerator beat up by the big bad again
>oh this might be a bit bad I need a break
>recovers right after to snipe his weapons and fly to space with Nanoha
>gets shot through a third fucking time with an orbital space cannon
>isn't just fucking dead, just a bit tired, let me float down to earth
>recovers faster than anyone else
How can she be such a tank?

She eats big, healthy meals. It makes her recover like a demon. They explain this.

All Nanoha had to do to grow her arm back was be fed 1000 apples by Fate, which is why she's peeling one in the scene where Nanoha is in the hospital.

She's strong.

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This shit was so dark, it hurt.

>This shit was so dark, it hurt.
I love that about action mahou shoujo.
It feels more touching when a young girl need to tackle an emotional dilemma far darker than what their counterpart should normally have.

The composition of this picture reminds me of Gundam Seed Destiny ending. Destiny float around like Nanoha while Shinn and Lunamaria are crying in the background.

I love the way that Reflection, the manga, and Detonation tackled Nanoha's character. She's always been fucked up regarding how she views her role in the world but it's been more in the background with only StrikerS' flashback getting into what all of her pushing herself constantly due to her emotional burdens finally wound up getting her into (Though the A's manga touches further on how goddamn nuts her self-punishing training routine is). Finally having a proper scene along those lines with plenty of buildup to makes the payoff absolutely heartwrenching.

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Her martyr complex goes too far sometimes. It's good to know that's way past her in the future. Can't have your magical girl trying to commit suicide to save them all every single time.

How old are they supposed to be anyway? It's kinda hard to tell since she and Kyrie look the same age even though shs should be quite a few years older.

While her martyrdom has mostly subsided with the realizations she had after she was critically injured post-A's, she hasn't overcome her inherent loneliness even as an adult. Vivid shows that Nanoha is very clingy with Vivio and is constantly missing her even when they're only apart for short periods, and when she thinks Vivio is pushing away from her, she starts coping with her battle maniac-isms and tries to forcibly deny what she sees as an attempt to jump out of the nest, and only realizes Vivio never wanted to do that to begin with after the fact because her own flawed mental state had blinded her.

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You went full fanfic, user.
Never go full fanfic.

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If you could remove the scientist and his goons and rewrite Detonation, how would you make Iris a compelling villain and give Nanoha an emotional stake in the plot?

>If you could remove the scientist and his goons and rewrite Detonation
I wouldn't.
>b-b-but muh agency waaaah
You didn't complain when the twins and the BoD did that for the Wolkenritter.

Nana Mizuki and Tamura Yukari participate in other animation programs

Nana Mizuki suddenly spoke of the lines of precure, and Tamura Yukari standing next to him looked very embarrassed.

Yuri going berserk actually did slaughter everyone, but it was due to the Book of Darkness going out of control despite her attempting to suppress it, ending up in a situation similar to how she is as U-D. The Book teleports at the end of her rampage to a new owner just like the cycle usually goes, leading to the same sort of setup with Yuri's crystal captivity that's currently in play. Iris's grudge remains the primary driving force of her antagonism, and Nanoha and friends have to rein both Yuri and Iris under control (no Iris Unit shenanigans) in a huge set of battles, with similar expositionary scenes between them as in the current movie. Having been driven into a corner with Yuri pacified for good, Full strength Yuri is finally taken out by Nanoha pushing herself beyond her physical limits and devastating her bodyin the process similar to the movie, as the Formula's protection against Yuri's powers begins to fall apart, but she punches Yuri in the face despite being impaled through her limbs by the energy crystallization and breaks Iris's reinforced coding and snaps her out of berserk mode. Kyrie then enters a 1v1 with a worn out Iris as she reasons with her, telling her that by puppeteering Yuri against her will just as the Book of Darkness had before, she isn't getting back at Yuri who never had any ill intent and was hurting heavily inside as she killed everyone against her will, she's just short of causing another tragedy for those who don't deserve it, just as Iris had to go through, only worse as she orchestrated it herself. Iris finally realizes the truth of Kyrie's words as she's defeated.

There's your fanfiction autism for today.

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Why have Nanoha fight Yuri though when the Materials are the ones who have a connection with her?
It feels pretty difficult to put Nanoha into this plot in a way that doesn't feel tacked on when the character with the most important arc is Kyrie.

Nanoha was determined to save everyone from their tears at the end of Reflection, and it'd serve as a similar enough scene to the satellite bit that's one of the best things about the current Detonation. The Materials could still have plenty of time with Yuri especially in the ending portion.

The reason for that is that the voice actress who ended up voicing Ange in the scene they're reinacting, Houko Kuwashima actually voiced one of the other Cures in the series Nana Mizuki voiced her Cure in.

This really isn't all that surprising since around half the cast of Cross Ange previously, or in Tamura Yukari's case since voiced Precures.

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The official wiki has it listed as a Robot Arm, her Eye was replaced using an artificial one from a "Navy Machine"

Wondering if that's from one of the Detonation booklets. The Reflection theater booklets had tons of information that wasn't properly conveyed in the movie as far as I know.

How was the translation?

I didn't understand what happened here.
She was shot through with a huge laser but the wound is a simply burn while it should be a huge hole.

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What was this then?

Attached: Fortress Raising Heart and Takamachi Nanoha Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation and etc drawn by (4080x5938, 2.17M)

I thought Nanoha grew bigger boobs than that.

Just posting that, thinking on it for a moment, it might be concept for a future film?
If a girl has her arm blown off, and has experienced massive blood loss. I, I don't think the body has the energy to produce more fats for the breasts.

Bitch kun must be right. They have retconned StrikerS. Nanoha doesn't become a tittymonster.

It's simply censor.
Probably they didn't want to show a such gory wound.

I'm the first one you replied to there and I only meant that you don't SEE any evidence of her getting cyborg replacements.

It goes straight from her missing an arm and blinded in space, to days later with her in hospital with her eye seemingly okay and her having a heavily bandaged arm. They just don't say or show anything at all about her injuries beyond that.


nanomachines son

>How was the translation?

The subs on the blu-ray unfortunately aren't very good, they could really use a cleanup job done on them.

They get the point across but they get pretty clunky and awkward at times

Any webm's of the fights?

Nothing personal, kid.

Attached: [ReinForce] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC)[Eng subs].mkv_snapsho (1920x1080, 238K)

>hibikek lost an arm
>nanoha lost an arm
>mami lost a head
>yuuki yuuna lost what ever they want
is this what people digs in a mahou shoujo show now? which of the of the series has the most sufferings? my first pick is yuuki yuuna but the end ruined everything for me. so im gonna go with nanoha but most of the sufferings are off screen.

I can't get used to the new hair. It looks so dumb from the front

I like my magical girls to have a good balance of action, cuteness, and suffering. Nanoha A's/StrikerS and Symphogear (beyond the first season) struck that perfect balance without going too edgy.

f you want absolute maximum suffering with your magical girls, go watch something like Magical Girl Raising Project. It's not to my tastes, but you might enjoy it.

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Attached: nano1.webm (320x176, 1.01M)

This makes it look like Amita is trying to shoot Nanoha

Attached: nano2.webm (320x176, 2.29M)

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Attached: nano10.webm (320x180, 2.71M)

Just a reminder Force had better designs than Reflection/Detonation.

Attached: Force Detonation.jpg (1000x1062, 445K)

Attached: nano11.webm (320x180, 1.75M)

Felt really rushed to try to stuff in all the plot into the second half, then stuff in more stupid plot twists onto of all that. The Nanoha scenes were the only things that saved this movie.

Just a reminder Gears of Destiny had better everything than Reflection/Detonation.

Attached: nano4.webm (320x180, 2.69M)

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Attached: nano6.webm (320x180, 2.15M)

Nanoha getting belly punched when?

The sisters had cooler action scenes in the movies and could show off a bit more. Kyrie's arc started out better too but then kinda fizzled off in Detonation. It felt like it didn't know what its main arc was supposed to be and just had 3 hacked together with none of them having any good payoff.

Attached: nano8.webm (320x180, 1.57M)

Where was the transformation scene?

Closest thing you get.

Attached: nano12.webm (320x180, 1.36M)

You missed nano3.webm, user

That's pretty lewd.

It was just nano4 except over the file size limit

>final battle that almost got Nanoha killed was against a random nameless mob
Didn't felt as climactic as it should have.

>space battle against a satellite cannon and its guardian after a number of fights against the big bad, and Nanoha just punches the light out of the thing
>hurr no climactic lmaokek

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Satellite cannons are lame and overused.

Give me 10 examples of mahou shoujo fighting satellite cannons.

Okay, but where is the Miyuki and Kyouya spinoff

So, fellow Yea Forumsutists, how high would you rate the sisters powerlevels? Higher than baby trio? Probably? Higher than Wolkenritter? Maybe? Higher than adult trio? Surely not?

>So, fellow Yea Forumsutists
You have to go back.
>muh adult fanfic shit
You HAVE to go back.

Is there any better translation available than the shitty official subs?

There isn't, so quit bitching and actually try to understand them, you'll notice they aren't that bad at all.

Okay I can't.

More seriously though. That fight really felt flat to me.
The opponent is a literal who, every weapon and armor turns into paper mache, the whole thing is over in like 10 seconds and we suddenly have a half-dead Nanoha floating in space.
The punch was nice, but not nearly as impactful as if she had punched an actual character.
To each his own I guess.

Because showing a cute girl with a big hole in the belly was too much violent for a Nanoha movie.
Even in Dragon Ball this would be censored in this days.

Well Reflection and Detonation are trash, but the sisters in Gears of Destiny are definitively established as on par with the younger trio, and the Wolkenritter, and weaker than the adult trio.

>Well Reflection and Detonation are trash
Opinion discarded.

>b-b-but muh ACTUAL characturrs
Oh you're one of those.

You're right, I apologize I overstated. The story is average. The DESIGNS are trash.

Attached: Yuri_Reflection.png (498x603, 283K)

>Because showing a cute girl with a big hole in the belly was too much violent for a Nanoha movie.

Less than two minutes later.

Also they show multiple graphic stabs, headshots and a guy having his body blown apart.

Attached: [ReinForce] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC)[Eng subs].mkv_snapsho (1920x1080, 262K)

A tin can with no voice, no name, and one whole minute of screentime is not something I call a character, indeed.

He's right though, the first 10 minutes were way better than the last scene.

Shit meme.

Attached: character_iris.png (492x659, 325K)

Shit character


Attached: iris.png (165x253, 114K)

How can you say is in any way comparable to this quality wise?

Attached: Yuri_Eberwein_GoD.png (728x1120, 620K)

>hurr everyone should have a big tragic muh dindu nuffin backstory even if they don't need it and their position doesn't warrant it either
>proportional screentime what's that? i don't know shit about writing, just have everyone be present at all times despite how that would negatively impact the story

And I'm right, his opinion is discarded.

Attached: 1561249177027.jpg (764x500, 97K)

She isn't a cute girl

>Also they show multiple graphic stabs, headshots and a guy having his body blown apart.
So why they censored only that scene?

>they gave 1 (one) character a redesign i don't like therefore all the designs are shit
There's too many people on this planet.

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_01. (1920x1080, 83K)

Maybe it's because they're robots? Have you considered that one, slowpoke-kun?

Yuri is better in GoD but the materials and sisters look way better in the movie

>Fate: give me the Formula upgrade too
>"Nah, no nanomachines left for you, sorry"

Attached: 3535-17872-22544.gif (295x221, 554K)

I thought that'd lead to Kyrie giving fate some nanomachines but I guess not?
The two movies just feel like they had written plot for 2 cours and then realized they can't

Who are you quoting?
Anyways, this can be a phenoma in any medium. There can be climatic battles with no name soldiers and grunts. Sometimes, it's just better to finish a story with a nice battle. Instead of trying to shoehorn a final battle, with the villain and the protagonist

Good. They already wasted enough scenes splitting up with so many characters. All the best fight scenes in the film were the Nanoha focused ones, everything else was essentially filler, she's meant to be the hero and she was, splitting that up with Fate would have lessened the final scene.

>he didn't like the Yuri vs Materials fights
Shit taste, get out of my sight.

>M-muh cats
Couldn't take them seriously at all after that.

>w-wait this movie about a little girl punching a satellite isn't 100% realistic and supah-serious and mature!?

Look at this son of a bitch who probably didn't even tear up a little when cat Dearche touched Yuri's face

But Nanoha is only the meta protagonist. Kyrie is the narrative protagonist.

I think this is why the final battles felt flat to me, Nanoha had no emotional stake in the big bad scientist, saving Eltria OR Iris. She was just there to look cool and shoot hard and save crying girls. But at the same time this had to be a Nanoha movie so they somehow felt the need to include all the Nanoha props that really added nothing to the plot. Unlike A's, the TSAB had nothing to do with the villain but were still there to job and Uminari served as nothing but a backdrop.
Meanwhile Kyrie was built up as the crux of the conflict. She started the invasion, she is the one who's friends with Iris, she is the only one left who wants to save Eltria, she is the one who started a fight with her sister, she is the one who was manipulated for the villain's sake. Her conflicts had great built up in Reflection but then in Detonation it just became pointless because she didn't have to reconcilliate with her sister, it just happened offscreen. Even GoD had that. She didn't have to say anything to Hayate and Rein even though there was that ultra dramatic scene when she took the book in Reflection and most importantly, her resolution with Iris was meaningless because stopping Iris was no longer the issue by that time in Detonation because everything was in control of the big bad villain.
Resolving Iris just got relegated to wrapping up the loose ends instead of the resolution of the peak of the conflict because all responsibility was taken away from both Kyrie and Iris.

So now you have two climaxes, one for the action and one for the narrative, and they just both take away from each other so you end up with two lukewarm ones instead.

Nanoha's entire role in this story is that she's basically a junior space cop who just happened to be on the scene

>Nanoha had no emotional stake
That's like saying she had no emotional stake in the resolution of the Jewel Seed incident. Certainly none of it was her problem, she could have put the weapon down and go about the rest of her life. But she MAKES it her problem, she always does that because of her Shirou-tier hero complex. She can't stand seeing others in pain and will go way too far for them. This is plainly obvious to anyone who properly watched the entire series but even then, the Reflection manga takes the time to bring this issue up and the entire dream sequence at the end spelled all of this out.

You're just an idiot.


>Kyrie is the narrative protagonist
She was literally a side character in detonation.

>Nanoha had no emotional stake in the big bad scientist, saving Eltria OR Iris.
This is why Nanoha is the main protagonist, it's still very much her film, and everyone else are the side characters, in fact you can look at the entire rushed plot of these films as just something to develop Nanoha's character. Like you said she has no stake in any of this but the films extensively showed how far she'd still go to the extremes to be the hero. The entire climax ending of reflections was built to establish she's the hero, the entire climax of detonation showed the lengths she'd go to to maintain being the hero. Even the very last scene of the climax where she's talking to her younger self is there to reinforce all of this.

She did have emotional stake. Her emotional stake was Fate. Nanoha's connection to Fate and Fate's story were the two most important things in S1's plot.

Just have Levi in Tsubasa's gear and it solves everything.

>She did have emotional stake. Her emotional stake was Fate.
And that's only the case because her hero complex and the fear of fucking up away forced her to. Which is the same reason she gets involved in the BoD incident and this new incident to the extreme extents that she does (just change Fate for Vita and Reinforce, and Kyrie and Yuri).

Did you even watch S1?

Just finished watching. The biggest disappointment was how far the plot was willing to go to make sure no cute lolis or teens were to be held accountable for their crimes or face any serious repercussions for their injuries. I mean, why blow up Nanoha if she's completely okay half a Nana Mizuki song later?

Attached: nano4_09.jpg (254x226, 23K)

The redesign for Nanoha's Fortress was also bad, it was better in Force. The Sisters and Materials were also better in Gears of Destiny.

>She was literally a side character in detonation.
>This is why Nanoha is the main protagonist
But this is exactly my problem. Kyrie had the build up and Nanoha had the payoff and in the end both just feel weak. The movie just tries to have its cake and eat it too instead of deciding on one and sticking with it.
Why is Nanoha the hero? Because her name is on the cover? That's just a weak ass meta reason and an excuse to be lazy with the story. You can give Nanoha something better than just cleaning up someone else's scrap and you can give the new characters something better than just sitting there crying and hoping that Nanoha cleans up their scrap. Just decide on one and don't do both.

In other words, Gears of Destiny was better.

You don't know a goddamn thing about Nanoha. Get over yourself.

Attached: badass nanoha.png (727x704, 370K)

>[X] was also bad, it was better in Force.
Said absolutely nobody ever except for delusion-tier contrarians.

>unironic time travel shittery just to bring bad fanfic OCs into a place where they don't belong

Attached: 39a794708dfdbaeaa11e336e70eb6c39.jpg (4104x5939, 2.3M)

I hate that outfit so much. It finally went to far to the "mecha" side of the "mecha-themed magical girl."



Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_00. (1920x1080, 145K)

I agree with this to a degree. The issue with Nanoha was after A's. There was no good sequel for a time. Vivio, went too far in the cute girl fanservice while dropping the original cast pretty hard.

Striker's, timeline was trying to Warhammer 40K without death.

Reflection's, timeline is a good blend with the spin-off games, that cuts out more unnecessary additions, that were there for gameplays sake. The movies keeps to A's general tone, while also upping the production value. If Nanoha continues in this direction it can be its own thing, in this slightly saturated Mahou shoujo market.

Attached: Takamachi Nanoha Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation and etc drawn by Akitsuchi Shien.jpg (3071x2071, 719K)

>Vivio, went too far in the cute girl fanservice
I have sorta the opposite problem with the movies, it's too much mecha, not enough magical girl in the designs.
I mean compare this to . It's still plenty mecha, but it's a lot more "magical girl.

Attached: sample-Force NEXT 06.jpg (850x382, 124K)

Or compare Yuri's original magic arms to her mecha arms in the movies. It's just to much for me. Combine that with a worse version of GoD's plot and I'm just not a big fan of the new movies.

Attached: 3d9dc376c349091dabaac34185ac0766.png (850x850, 582K)

I think the base plot, not counting the evil scientist, is better but it has far less time for character moments, which were the standout bits of GoD. It's just missing a lot of characterization for the materials and sisters.
The mechalite outfit works really well for Amita and Kyrie though, not so much for Yuri, I agree

I thought The Materials were gonna be yuri babies for a second there

You spent too much time on /u/

I think if we get an anime for GoD it'll solve the pacing issues. The movies just didn't have enough time to establish 'all' the characters.

Image related, as I could only just begin to get a feel for these two, and the official subs quality didn't help.

I also like the theme of them being hardy artificial humans developed to be resilient to harsher conditions. Yet, that wasn't explored too deeply, nor was anyone for that matter.

As for the designs I agree. I'll say it like that.

Attached: Amitie Florian and Kyrie Florian Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation and etc drawn by Miyachi Sat (5929x4071, 2.51M)

>Yuri and Iris acting like parents
>craddle in the room
Surely my goggles aren't that tight

And your opinion is shit and wrong. That one is a ton more mecha, look at all the intricate detail in the weapon parts (you can see some of the interior pieces of both Fortress and Strike Cannon there) and overall lack of pizazz to look more edgy and mature.
Meanwhile, Formula Nanoha has giant laser wings. It's a lot brighter and quite streamlined from that design.

If you want to claim this Precure-last-form-looking sunovabitch is still "too much mecha" for you then do so, but to claim it overdoes Force is to lie. That seems to be a common thread among people criticizing Detonation.

>a worse version of GoD
No user, just because your shitty fanfic waifu didn't appear in the story because it lacked the shitty time travel doesn't make it inferior.

Attached: f41a2c4d8d6b6c169828d56881f61a36.png (2191x2544, 3.92M)

>as I could only just begin to get a feel for these two
Amitie is a hardworking, headstrong girl who wants the best for her family and is just trying to get Kyrie to reconsider what she's doing.
Kyrie wants to restore the planet to its former glory and not have her father's decaying condition go to waste, and is willing to do anything for it, yet can't accept being the "bad guy" in this situation.

I know you're mad because we didn't get to see their hag breasts, but the characters were established quite well.

To be fair it's not like the actual villain was that interesting an opponent for her either

Attached: 1168693996171.jpg (516x585, 60K)

Nah, it was really fun and cool. How often do you see grown men don edgy sentai outfits and start beating up on little girls? Phil was great.

>No user, just because your shitty fanfic waifu didn't appear in the story because it lacked the shitty time travel doesn't make it inferior.
What the hell are you talking about? Thoma, Vivio, and Einhart added nothing to GoD outside of some character moments in the final battle and epilogue, they have very little to do with GoD being better.

I assume that this is because of some weird iOS 13 public beta bug...

Attached: 73FC195A-1A1F-4ACF-803A-0CF4A914429C.png (750x1334, 1.72M)


Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_01. (1920x1080, 116K)

I’m on a bus, give me a break~nano

Attached: BB68AD27-E39E-49F4-86E5-161FC03100AC.png (640x480, 346K)

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>not even properly cropped

Attached: 1525134977338.png (524x391, 238K)

You should be more forgiving of your fellow anons flaws. One day you might be forced to phone post, or use an improperly cropped image.

p2 recolors are shit

>but it's alright when fanficshit has recolors

Attached: f3ab8b565916e5737427a3a8bbdedaac.jpg (550x412, 82K)

What kind of cats are the materials?

>user on local imageboard continues to not understand what “fanfic” means

>faggot on local imageboard continues to FUME

Attached: 02f6c968f6e6b3fd6cf97ca1100ef9be.jpg (865x485, 394K)

they looked like lynxes to me but they're probably some space cat in universe

Be friends now

Attached: Raising Heart and Takamachi Nanoha Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha and etc.jpg (800x600, 255K)

Yes, I’m the one who’s mad. Not you, who keeps coming into these threads to insult people unprovoked.
That was sarcasm by the way. I point it out because you are rather slow in the head. And before you accuse me of being a hypocrite and insulting you, remember the “unprovoked” part. You’re the one who started this.

As much as I would love a full Fate/Nanoha crossover and note just a pair of one-shot manga like we got a few years ago, that image is so autistic it almost causes me physical pain.

I refuse.


Attached: 1529464625319.jpg (845x609, 243K)

10/10. Reflection and Detonation movie is the best Nanoha installment since A's. Nah, I think it's probably better than A's.

Attached: [FumeiRaws] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation (BD 720p Hi444PP AACx2) [38806611].mkv_snapshot_0 (1280x720, 475K)

Soooo cute.

Attached: [FumeiRaws] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation (BD 720p Hi444PP AACx2) [38806611].mkv_snapshot_0 (1280x720, 617K)

Yes, you are, though I don’t understand why. You have you movie, more are likely going to come, why are you so mad that people like stuff that came out in the past that you can’t let them talk about it without sperging our and insulting them?

>no u

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_01. (1920x1080, 104K)


Attached: [FumeiRaws] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation (BD 720p Hi444PP AACx2) [38806611].mkv_snapshot_0 (1280x720, 640K)

People have tried not replying, it doesn’t work. Nothing works. He is too autistic to be driven off by any method yet devised.

I hope you guys are re-watching Reflection after you finished watching Detonation. This is making my day.

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_01. (1920x1080, 885K)

I rewatched Reflection before, during and after watching Detonation, get on my level scrub

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_00. (1920x1080, 88K)

Y-you're too much for me. But have a bratty Levi.

Attached: DR-qWN_U8AIryuX.jpg (586x893, 139K)


Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_01. (1920x1080, 945K)

So they came up with the cats thing after they did Reflection right? It doesn't fit with the scene from when they were summoned.

It's just a stupid twist that doesn't make any sense. Everything about them is based on how they were in Gears. How did Levi even know how to repair a page of the BoD if she was a fucking cat?

What you don't know about the secret lore, the meta of Nanoha. I'll tell, but it'll break your mind if it's not given gently so I'll mark it as a spoiler.

The Nanoha verse, was founded on ancient Bulken technology. But, where did this technology come from? Where, did the Bulken technology come from? Cats. Cats made the first magic tools and founded the entire concept of magic in the Nano-verse.

Nanoha Vivid season 2 when?

>The Nanoha verse, was founded on ancient Bulken technology.
You premise is flawed, Al Hazard predates Belka and they were also clearly magic.

They really should have retained their background from Gears rather than this cat thing. Yuri doesn't age and is immortal, so everyone now will die except her. No guardians of her own to keep her company.

I thought they were in the same status as Arf and Zafira and are able to take whatever form that is necessary? They wouldn't have de-aged for the purpose of energy conservation otherwise.

Attached: 45028cd0c6593c41b4e4109323ed27de.jpg (860x600, 378K)

>Amita lost her ahoge

Attached: 1490642762641.png (467x659, 381K)

I remind them.

Attached: Nanoha ViVid 98 02-03.jpg (2258x1600, 1.31M)

So THAT'S why she looks like less of a baka. I couldn't quite place my finger on it.

Amita lost all her bakaness from GoD and became a hyper competent battle machine.

Does anyone have any scans from the reflection guidebook? I wanna see some of the design sheets.

Vivio, stop clitblocking your mamas and go take back that rightful gf of yours before she gets stolen away.

Attached: 1557100033131.png (3119x2200, 1008K)

I know. It makes me sad.

Attached: a4e1fec25dba7a89a7d2a737f0124967.jpg (1000x1412, 958K)

I think she also lost half of her internal organs after this two movies.

nanomachines, son

Probably not. I mean, although their current forms now were summoned by the tome, they were originally living organisms. But who really knows. We need WoG to confirm whether they'll age or not.

I love nanomachines.

Attached: 19.jpg (1114x1600, 469K)

Attached: 1480307071153.jpg (920x631, 294K)

I thought the end of the movie had them aging?

Nanohamachines, son.

I really need to replay GoD. I remember not really liking Amita when I played it years ago but after these movies I have come to really love her. I need to check if they really changed her character so much that my brain likes her because it thinks of her as a completely different character or maybe my younger self just has a bad taste.

In Triangle Hearts 3, she beat the shit out of a boy her age so hard he fell in love with her.

So... what's next? Nanoha gets another barrier jacket update and Raising Heart gets fixed?

Amitie is barely a character in Gears, she has a lot more presence and personality in the movies.

Amita had some pretty cool scenes in GoD too, like when she tanked Yuri to protect Kyrie. I always liked her but she and Kyrie do have more silly goofy stuff that might get annoying. Kyrie's combat voice with the terrible psp sound compression is quite unbearable

I'm not sure what you are talking about, she was always best sister ever and a hotblooded idiot, the movies removed the idiot part.

They also removed some of the hotblood part so now she's just stronk.

>like when she tanked Yuri to protect Kyrie
And then unleashed an attack equal to the Nanoha/Fate/Hayate combined attack at the end of A's.

Feito-chan gets her fucking upgrade

Didn't Fate get 2 upgrades in the A's Movie, the Cartridge System and the White Cape mode, whereas Nanoha only got the Cartridges? If anything it should be Hayate's turn.

Attached: af4295a1d2984e72b281f843a77b0caa.jpg (1300x731, 208K)

Requested last time. Hope you are here, user.

Attached: bitchfail.png (1040x1074, 870K)

Attached: 7050c8ac7e58666aa12a50603adb3525.jpg (860x860, 467K)

Hayate is so best, that deep down even bitch-kun likes her adult self. How can other characters even compete with such bestness?

Attached: Forever Best Girl.jpg (727x800, 450K)

>if you can't put up with how slowly the real season 1 starts
People, if you just can't watch a 13 episode show because "episodes 2-3 aren't that thrilling", you should question yourselves, not the anime.

The S1 TV version is quite interesting (Shinbo direction), while the Movie is expensive and flashy BUT rather generic animation.
It is a good addition to the TV though because it adds a lot of stuff that up to that point was only revealed in the sound stages.

Seeing as Nanoha & Fate get married after A's, who is supposed to be Shipped with Hayate? Does she even have a OTP?

Thank you user, that was nice.

Attached: 1543450082321.jpg (1000x700, 110K)

Hayate is gay for Reinforce

I think they hinted some stuff with Vita in the side material during StrikerS, but it went nowhere. People also used to ship her a lot with Carim, but that doesn't really have much support from the source material.
Hayate and Vivio is the stuff that you see more often from artists, but even that is not very popular compared to most other pairings.

Also this, her one true future wife died prematurely.

Attached: 1542288420298.jpg (566x800, 289K)

If the rest of the thread takes a nosedive in the near future, I just want people to notice how good it was before the fanficspammers found it.

Attached: 3e49f58ece70aefbb9f020dc3056119a.jpg (640x480, 137K)

bitch-kun post, right?

>but muh OCs
>but muh cancelled dead fic
Fuck off, retard.

Attached: c79c75c2329cec416e60fca21d1779ba.jpg (781x610, 88K)

Hayate's a single mom

Not really. In A's she seems to have feelings for Reinforce Eins, but they are never really elaborated on except in the PSP games for obvious reasons.

I personally ship her with Yuuno because I think they have personalities that would be cute together, but I also freely admit it has no basis in the actual franchise and it is pretty much entirely a product of my own deranged mind. I think in the ~15 years this franchise has been around, I've seen two other people who also ship them.

Attached: 3a274f80f6ce0bc4cabb71dc645120f4.jpg (800x1131, 597K)

>I personally ship her with Yuuno

Attached: 32233-28289-10018.png (241x396, 37K)

>I personally ship her with Yuuno
Nice headcanon.
At least you idiot fanficfaggots are now beginning to admit you're all deranged fuckers.

Attached: 91235a43f52467bef15e8862b1f6a1c2.jpg (750x420, 302K)

>being confused when I explained my reasoning in the post you are quoting

Attached: 08c529dc5a50527a136dea214f28dab7.jpg (384x355, 44K)

What, is it not compatible with your ebic fanfic?

To my knowledge the only canon pairings are these
> Alisa x Suzuka
> Subaru x Teana
> Vivio x Einhart
> Yuri x Iris
> Nanoha x Fate
The closest Hayate got to having a OTP was with Vita, but since she's immortal the romance never went anywhere

Fanfics can be really confusing, especially shitty ones from self-admitted deranged faggots.

>recolor fanfic
>Yuri x Iris
>Nanoha x Fate

Attached: b9621797c87738639fcd3a384b869150.jpg (1375x1383, 369K)

Every Waifu in Nanoha is gay except for Caro

>Hayate and Vivio is the stuff that you see more often from artists, but even that is not very popular compared to most other pairings.

Pretty much the essence of crack, I mean it's not in the intentional comedy realm of Nanoha-Gohan, but I keep wondering where the flying fuck did that idea come from.

I guess the charm is making Vivio really tall compared to the runt Hayate is and all but you don't really need to do this for that.

Also you have to remember that all this fanart could have been of some other less forbidden couple!

Attached: 1542566758556.jpg (863x1200, 232K)

Cope, according to Seven Arcs themselves these are the official Yuri couples in Nanoha. As you can see Vivio x Einhart is labeled canon

Attached: Seven Arcs official Romance.png (1280x1354, 928K)

Or it could have been of something canon and relevant, but that doesn't let you purposefully derail discussions of the new Nanoha movie, does it?

Attached: 39b1011ea3af15cc58a7743b74b92971.jpg (623x600, 296K)

>Alisa x Suzuka
Wait what?
Also if you're going to include those two you should include Kyoya & Shinobu

If you have one exception you can have more

>uses "waifu" to refer to any anime girl rather than its actual meaning
Fanfic newfaggots, everyone.

Nanoha/Madoka crossover when?


>bitches at "recolor"
>posts material
They say you can spot autism by people having no sense or awareness of humour, but man.

Inb4 some amusing argument why materials aren't recolor but something that isn't a recolor is a recolor.

Attached: Cx3Ip1rUkAA3wXf.jpg orig.jpg (722x1020, 148K)

>Symphogear (beyond the first season)
What's wrong with the first season?

All I see is a pile of de-canonized bollocks and a shitton of deviantart-tier OCs.

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_00. (1920x1080, 156K)

Fate is Vivio's legal guardian in Vivid, that link is outdated in the chart.

Fanfic newfaggots, everyone.

>my self-insert OC is fate's girlfriend in my fanfic i swear guise

Attached: 1477603807129.jpg (720x544, 43K)

Hayate has casual threesomes with Nanoha and Fate

Movies retconned Vivid, so at this point Nanoha x Fate is the only canon couple since most of the girls are shipped with Nanoha

Kyouya is not Momoko's biological child, he is from Shirou's previous marriage
Miyuki is not the biological child of Shirou or Momoko, she is the child of Shirou's sister.

Hey remember Arf? Reflection and Detonation are good and fun but the story really went full Dragonball in that Nanoha(Goku) is the only
character that actually matters. I mean Fate did get to help beat up the evil science man which is better than others getting to fight giant robots and especially better than Signum getting her fight skipped but it really felt like the only characters that mattered where Nanoha and the new girls.

>this mad at a statement of fact
Canon recolors > Bad fanficshit recolors

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I haven't actually watched Nanoha yet. How are the BDs for the first season? It's 2004 so I'm guessing that they're upscales? Early-mid 2000's was that weird limbo where everything was digital and can't be rescanned.

>Movies retconned Vivid,


Amusing how this little faggot isn't above pointing at the dumbest shit trying to "discredit" his opposition. Fucking always. let me check if I have some nice tumblr gif. Gonna post links to your rambling to reddit maybe.

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Yeah aside from Team EdgeDarkBloodRazor's designs.

>I haven't actually watched Nanoha yet.
Do you want a kiss on the cheek or something?

That's original source material stuff that doesn't apply to Nanoha, as far as I know.

Depends, are you a cute little girl?

Fate is yandere towards Nanoha, the Vivid Sequel manga written by Tsuzuki Masaki confirms this

Attached: Screenshot_2019-06-25 Dynasty Reader » Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha ViVid Life Memory 07 Welcome To (721x969, 254K)

From what I recall they are pretty poor upscales and the original DVDs are better.

Yes, user. Your fanfic doesn't exist in the new canon. Get over it.

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I haven't seen any official source stating that Caro got adopted by Lindy or Fate, and I don't think it's even possible for Erio to be adopted by Lindy AND Fate, what I remember is that Fate wanted to adopt him but couldn't because she was too young at that time, so Lindy adopted him.

>Gonna post links to your rambling to reddit maybe.
Remember how fanficfaggots weren't the problem? I don't.

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Aside you not making any sense, have you invented some reality distortion field to cope with materials aging in the epilogue, yet? Entertain us, fag.

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I figured, thanks for the confirmation.

>b-but muh fanfic says
Your fanfic hasn't been relevant for over two years.

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I wonder how weird it must feel for a studio who did nothing but het porn vns for years to now be in charge of a series known as a yuri icon

>They say you can spot autism by people having no sense or awareness of humour, but man.

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>ACTUAL tumblr gifs

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You don't have to be like this.

Attached: [ReinForce] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Detonation (BDRip 1920x1080 x264 FLAC)[Eng subs].mkv_snapsho (1920x1080, 197K)

>t-that was j-just a joke
>i w-was just pretending t-to be retarded you see hahaha

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I really just want to say congratiulations. Your trolling is the only trolling that actually still manages to get me legitimatly angry after all this time, becasue it is actually impossible to have a good Nanoha thread without you ruining it. So good job, you are a successful troll. I'm proud of you.

Unless this isn't trolling and you are

> Masaki Tsuzuki (都築真紀 Tsuzuki Masaki) is a Japanese writer and author who wrote the scripts for the Triangle Heart series of video games and the entire Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha franchise. He is thus responsible for the entire lore and development of the Nanoha universe.
> It is said that THE MOVIE 1st functions as an educational video for mages in the autumn of 0078 (few months after StrikerS Sound Stage X). Therefore in the BD-R release, an extra audio stream features the former Forwards from StrikerS commenting on the "video" scenes throughout the whole movie.
Cope more it's canon

>becasue it is actually impossible to have a good Nanoha thread
Except this WAS a good Nanoha thread you dumb bitch.

FUCK I clicked post too early when trying to fix a mistke.
Anyway, as I was saying, unless this is legitimately what you believe, in which case PLEASE I am begging you sincerely, get help.

You sure like to hang yourself when people give you rope, don't you?
>TFW I massed up posting the bait gif but Bitch generously gives second matchball

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I never thought the time will come when I will see a wiki more outdated than the Nanoha wiki.

Show me the post where it stopped being good. The EXACT post.
I'll give you a hint, it was your first post in the thread.

Someone tell this slowpoke faggot about the reboot.

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Nothing, it's the best one.
Just a little darker and less over-the-top action.

I kinda stopped caring, he acts so dumb that I actually kind of feel good after kicking into him a bit.
I wonder if that means he really killed Nanoha for me. I don't even feel like watching the new movie, I tell myself it's because I have too much work or that I'm waiting for Ron, but maybe I just don't give a fuck anymore thanks to this little shit?

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (720p BD x264 AACx2.0) [476E75CE].webm (1280x720, 1.1M)

Fate be mad.

This, the series was essentially rebooted with the first movie. The only thing that remained the same was NanoFate being canon since Seven Arcs went out of their way to add as much yuri subtext as possible in the movies

>reduced to incoherent blubbering
How about you just take a long break and let people talk about the movie, yeah?

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>THE MOVIE 1st functions as an educational video for mages
Education for what? Lesbian mating rituals?

Also does someone have the handholding webm compilation from movie 2?

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So I assume your point is that discussing Nanoha's character development and how it relates to her role in the movie among other such fun discussions, are all bad and shouldn't be allowed?

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> Nanoha was soon sent into the hospital and heals her wounds, her right arm and eye was replaced by an cyborg arm and eye with using an Navy Machine. - Official Nanoha Wiki

>It is said that THE MOVIE 1st functions as an educational video for mages in the autumn of 0078 (few months after StrikerS Sound Stage X). Therefore in the BD-R release, an extra audio stream features the former Forwards from StrikerS commenting on the "video" scenes throughout the whole movie.

Is there a legend like that for the 3rd and 4th movie? Anybody who understands japanese knows what do the in-character commentaries say about it?

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Just watch it, it's not 100/10 best movie ever but it's probably the last Nanoha related thing we'll ever get.

What reboot? There have been multiple continuities for as long as Nanoha has existed.
>Triangle Hearts Visual Novels
>Original TV Series
>PSP Games
Please explain the logic of how a new entry in one of those continuities makes the others suddenly non-canon?
What if one of those other entries got a new entry in them? Would the Movies suddenly be non-canon?

The answer is no, it's all you just spouting your retarded headcanon.

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Someone needs to grab and scan the Detonation guidebook, maybe it says if that's true. Because right now it could any one number of things since the movie doesn't actually explain what the fuck happened there.

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What, my point is that the thread was good until you showed up and made it about you instead of Nanoha.

They say irrelevant bullshit like the irrelevant bullshit you keep trying to push.

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Symphogear season 1 is basically a lot rougher and less refined than the seasons that followed because they hadn't figured out what the show really was and where the tone would be yet. As a result it's a fair bit more violent and edgy compared to the rest.

Not a negative, it's an interesting season, just different from the later ones.

Is it literally just same autist spamming comments about StrikerS being non-canon?

I went through a stage where I didn't care. I told myself eventually he would leave.
And then he never did. No matter what I or anyone else did. We ignored him, we argued with him, we reported him. He just kept coming back and ruining threads. And I just couldn't keep not caring.

>continuity is dead, abandoned, garbage and in the middle of the process of being replaced with a better one
>"it's still canon i swear"

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I plan to, naturally. But at least I'll find some less busy time for it. Maybe edited subs happen.

It's everything that isn't the movies isn't canon, and he is really aggressive about it, evading bans and taking up dozens of posts everytime a nanoha thread happens

Way to not actually answer any of my questions.

Which is just nonsense. The only one making the thread about themselves are the fanficfaggots. There was plenty of on-topic discussion of the movies well before they arrived here. The new designs, the aforementioned Nanoha character thing, criticisms of the story, etc. And I was there contributing as much as I could to it.

So are you going to talk about the movie or are you going to keep whining?

No we have a name for the autist? Like a tripcode of some sorts that everyone identifies him as?

He doesn't use a tripcode because then we could hide his posts. We just call him bitch-kun becasue bitching is all he does.

> Vivio x Einhart

Your questions are unlikely to the point of its answers being useless. I'm pretty sure this exact same logic is used whenever ""people"" defend later ex-canon installments being anything but proper action mahou shoujo.

There is no answer. Just angry autism.

You gotta remember this is the fagster that first shilled Innocent as much as he is now claiming that Reflection is better than As and whatnot. But then when the mango added little-girl versions of StrikerS characters AND gave materials adult modes, he snapped and started to talk trash about it overnight.

The autist's life is full of fun (for others) but also suffering (of others).

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This. Fanfics are shit and non-canon.

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Even if they are non-canon, why does it upset you so much to see people talk about them?
If someone made a thread to talk about only the TV shows and specifically said not to talk about the movies in the OP, would that upset you?

I think I stopped caring after being in the I care again stage.

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Bitch-kun. You don't really need a tripcode for him because you'll learn to recognize his autism instantly. I can't wait for him to kill himself when his Nanoha Super delusion doesn't come true.

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People go to threads explicitly marked as being about Detonation to talk about random bullshit. And you and I know this is true, because this is one such thread.
Sod off.

People go to Detonation threads to talk about Nanoha as a whole series you faggot.

>to talk about random bullshit
"Random bullshit" would be talking about Jojo's bizarre adventure in a thread marked Detonation.
People are still talking about the Nanoha franchise. I don't see people getting mad when OG Dragon Ball is talked about in a Dragon Ball Super thread. I don't see people getting mad when people talk about previous seasons of any given seasonal anime in that seasonal anime's thread. You point is so weak you don't even have one. There is no need to make a general Nanoha thread to talk about non-detonation related things when a Nanoha thread is already up, just because that thread has the word "Detonation" in the title.

On one or two ocassions he ignored and spared a Vivid thread. But it's hardly a recipe for success. He's an asshole, if he sees we use it against him he'll came and shit in there too.

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>Nanoha Super delusion

The debate could be civil if you didn't start with your anti-StrikerS pedo crap and going about "fanfics" and other delusions of yours. If you think it's not you turning everything into shit, go visit a doctor.

>if people made a thread about a topic you don't like, would you be upset?
>as if faggots cared about topics to begin with, see this thread
>w-well topics don't matter!

Because his balls won't tingle unless he ruins other peoples fun.

I'll say it as many times as it takes until you get it. You're the outsider here.

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How fucking new are you?

>If I just spout random nonsense and don't actually respond to anything they say I can't be wrong!

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Charming. Are you in a no girls allowed club too? Do you have your own because you can't stand the other nerds or vice versa?
No, meming doesn't make you more than trash.

He actually thinks that the movies will remade into a TV series spawning a new timeline. He will of course ignore that the movies are just TSAB propaganda films. Hell the fact that Reflection and Detonation have Force tech means that both movies were filmed in-universe around the Force era.

I'm not the ones that brought up topics, retard.

>i'll act retarded while proving him right, that will show him

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Do you think her cyborg hand has a vibrate function?

Anyway, good night, people.
Trying to answer him in hope you make him see sense or at least piss him is just a waste of time in the end.

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I've never seen anyone say Nanoha shouldn't have cute, sexy lolis. The only point of contention is if it should have sexy, cute girls in their late teens to mid twenties alongside them.

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I don't understand your weird outsider language.
Image source: You get the idea.

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Wait scratch that, closer to the Vivid Strike era if the CMs are any indication. Vivid Strike is only 1 year before Force anyway though.

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>I've never seen anyone say Nanoha shouldn't have cute, sexy lolis.
user, when your fellow newfags start throwing the "pedo" word around, why do you think that is?

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You know with this fucker the pedo crap could even be just another false pseudoargument he just made up on the spot tu support his crusade.
But given how the idiot unironically say stuff like "hags", it's probably the true, autistically dumb reason he hates StrikerS. Like, how dumb is that.

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>non-canon worthless addition that nobody cares about is indicative of the movie's canon placement

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All that I want to know is what happened to Raising Heart at the end?

Because you call all the girls who aren't lolis hags, so they do it to annoy you and dismiss your opinions like you annoy them and dismiss theirs.

Hey, it's the outsider who thinks he knows shit about what Nanoha is. Hello.

This image is from the second season. If you take it together with the pictures from the first season that were previously posted, you may notice a trend.

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It's out on Blu-ray? I must watch it.

Don't use my wife for your shitposting

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If they didn't want to hear the truth, they'd leave.

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Yeah, I got mine yesterday

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>trying to fit in this hard
piece of advice, newfag: if they hate something around here, it's drama attentionwhores that can't chill. just like you

>posts shitty fanfic pictures of her when backed into a corner
Hayate wouldn't take you in a million years.

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>the movies are just TSAB propaganda films.
I've heard some talk about this but what's the evidence for that?

Spotted the tryhard newfag.
And you'll notice a lot of chill back before certain faggots decided all by themselves that the movie was discussed enough and it shouldn't be discussed anymore.

>I've heard some talk about this but what's the evidence for that?

Literally the audio commentaries and booklets included with all four of the movies

He's from Yea Forums who came into the series from Vivid Strike!

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Sauce me up


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And this is an image to promote the Third Season.

Look, I've got my rocks off to pretty much every Nanoha character at every age they've been shown at. The "pedo" and "hag" things both annoy the crap out of me. All I want is to be able to discuss the Nanoha FRANCHISE. As in, If I want to talk about StrikerS, Gears of Destiny, and Detonation all in one thread, I can do that. I don't think that is an unreasonable thing to want.

It's an official ViVid promotional image. There are loads like it, you don't have to look hard.

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They'll bring up certain side material in support of that fact.
Which is really stupid because a lot of the same material also specifies that the movies are also an alternate continuity.
Or were, before they became the new user.

Cope, the Movies are factually used as propaganda in the StrikerS universe & literally everyone in the show is a lesbian and gets shipped with another girl except Caro

>uploaded August 6, 2017

I'm more worthy of her than you who will reject her existence the moment she grows a womanly body

Attached: Yagami_Hayate.jpg (1024x1070, 200K)

Movie 1st and 2nd sound stages (they have translations, you can look it up).
It's not "propaganda", it's merely movies that are made after NanoFate's adventures and released "in a different world".
Nanoha and Fate go to the shoot to help with screenplay, props, and so on, together with Vivio. During "making" of Movie 2nd, Hayate steals the costumes from the filming and has little Vivids cosplay in them. She takes photos.

That's how it's wrapped into the Main Canon Continuity.
Basically there are movies about NanoFate and Vivio shows them to friends. Also Thoma and Lily+Isis watched it too IIRC.

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Canon lewds when?

It's both. They have sound stages of characters from the TV continuity talking about the making of the movie, and Commentaries on the Blu-Rays of the Characters from the TV series watching the movies.

Meanwhile, the Events of Reflection and Detonation never happened in the TV continuity, making them their own seperate timeline.

This does not make the TV continuity non-canon by the way.

>literally everyone in the show is a lesbian and gets shipped with another girl except Caro
Don't forget about our boy Chrono.

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So, without giving any details. How much did they job in Detonation?

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>Meanwhile, the Events of Reflection and Detonation never happened in the TV continuity, making them their own seperate timeline.
Do we know that for sure? I don't think the "in-universe movie" cover story is confirmed for 3rd/4th either.

>and this is an image from after they sold out to pander to normalfaggots
This is an image from the era of the first season. This is what they wanted, this is what they were aiming for, this is what they wanted to show people. This is Nanoha.

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It's pretty amazing how Bitch-kun acts like the TV series is never going to be continued, when ViVid Strike came out less than a year before Reflection.

They didn't job at all because they were on mook-wrecker duty

The only people who lose fights in the movie are Amitie and Kyrie

I bet you're real worthy of her when you don't even like her for who she is, and want to force her into getting implants.

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>Also Thoma and Lily+Isis watched it too IIRC
At the very least they were privy to reading the film's script as well.

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Well if we can just ignore whatever we like, I choose to ignore Reflection and Detonation, and the last canon entry to the Nanoha Franchise was ViVid Strike.

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>This does not make the TV continuity non-canon by the way.
Yes it's totally canon.
10 years from now, when it remains as abandoned then as it is now, and when we're all (well, not you) enjoying our new movie with loli Nanoha in a whole new timeline, I'll bet you'll still be there, telling us all about how t-t-totally c-c-canon it still is.


They also hung out with the actress playing the role of loli Hayate

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That's a non sequitur fallacy.

I just want to say that I like how even the scientists shipped Iris and Yuri.

>He's from Yea Forums
Well that explains everything

To play devils advocate, maybe VS just flopped too much?

BTW I just remembered how I once posted a webm renamed so that it has a tumbler filename at the start. The retards just bite into it and started his usually muh outsider crap. He didn't even get how he made an ass out of himself the whole time.
Basically the guy isn't consistent or anything, he just bitches and when it stops making any sense, he just makes it up in denial. Don't expect anything from discussing with him, don't expect you'll drive him away by trolling.

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>more shit from the era of the franchise where they were still chasing normalfag tail
So you're just a normalfag, then. Who doesn't give two fucks about the franchise unless it gets rid of the cweepy lolis and lobotomizes itself to be as digestable as the latest capeshit.

Just as all other normalfags.

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>but it's alright when we do it tho!
Just like I said.

I'm going to scan the booklet that comes with the BD when mine comes in the mail, if it's the same thing.

>unless it gets rid of the cweepy lolis
Yes, you're 100% right, which is why I have this image and others like it saved on my computer.

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Reminder that Reflection and Detonation do not follow the source material and you should play Gears of Destiny

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there is actually one good thing that bitch-kun made happen. It's ironic but similar to how he soured the new movies up, some people gave a second chance to Force, probably with being fed up with that autist's antics and not wanting to have anything in common with him being a factor.

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It's because lolis are disgusting and I want nothing to do with them.

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In case you can't tell, this is sarcasm, I love lolis and not-lolis alike.

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>The Florian Sisters get their OP Mary Sue asses kicked
Sweet, now I'm motivated to see the movie.

>yes see i saved 3 (three) pictures with lolis in them gosh i'm such a lolicon
>good thing everyone has a hag mode though so i don't have to look at them
>gosh i don't want anyone to think i'm a p-p-p-PEDO

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Those frilly bracelets (thighlets?) look so wrong. I only saw them in porn I think.

I wonder if Bitch-kun is in reality a big FORCE fan and just uses reverse psychology to motivate people to check out the adult adventures of Nanoha. Cuz so far that's the only thing his rants cause.

They're called fanficlets.
And of course they're there. What else are they going to sell Shitid on? It's faithful to the original Nanoha essence? lol

On one hand long-hair Hayate makes my dick do unspeakable things.
On the other, her beret was super adorable.
Truly Force is the most complex entry in the franchise.

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And that's a tu quoque fallacy.

>this is sarcasm
>bitchkun around
careful with those advanced concepts sempai

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Being a recent Forcefag myself I can confirm that is the case.

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This. Take it from someone who saw Bitch-kun from the beginning. Answer to anything he posts is pointless and a waste of time.

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Geez, sorry for trying to keep my posts to the series with the ledest offical loli art. I know non-canon stuff bothers you so I assumed you would sperg out if I posted unoffical art.

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What's the context for this scene?

He also canonically was the #2 worst rabid Vivio-Einhart shipper (after me) but he snapped when they did that Yumina thing.

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Seeing as Detonation ended with it being 4 years after the evens of A's, what are the chances we actually get explicit NanoFate romance in the next Movie? Since it was stated by the Word Of God that they got engaged sometime before StrikerS, but we never got to see it on screen

Indeed. The movies have some nice scenes and character approach of their own but their storytelling pales in comparison to the PSP games.

>Force is good because it makes my ponos the big ponos
Fanficfags, everyone.

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Reminder that Force Hayate was absolutely fucking hardcore

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I think Kyrie is explaining to Vivio, Einhart, Lily, and Thoma why the fuck they are there, When Vivio and Einhart are two years younger then Thoma and Lily know them, and all the rest of the cast is ~1/2 year older than they were in A's.

Why are Nanoha's eyes suddenly purple on the thumbnail instead of blue?
Really makes you think. Secret code in the Yea Forums engine?

Nanoha characters feel kind of plastic to me. Characters with trauma or mental issues always have an epiphany moment where they come to terms with their issues and are instantaneously fully healed forever. Age is basically completely irrelevant since children are consistently wise beyond their years, utterly fearless from the very first time they're exposed to danger, expert fighters, and hold positions of authority; so long as you're not a literal baby, the sky's the limit. 2, 20, it's all the same thing in Nanoha. Chrono has the presence of mind to consciously try to "be strong" and seal off his emotions whenever his father dies when he's three god damn years old. These characters feel kind of inhuman and artificial to me.

I mean she failed spectacularly but she was indeed hardcore.

And that's a fallacy fallacy.
Talk about the damn movie.

I know I shouldn't give you a serious answer, but for the lurkers who haven't read Force, I like the manga because it tells a decent story using the same likable characters that I grew up with from the original series. It's not the best Nanoha entry but it certainly isn't bad at all, the biggest problem being that it remains unfinished.

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Seven Arcs is owned by a different Studio now & Tsuzuki loves adding blantant yuri shit into the manga so i say the likelyhood is higher than it has ever been

>people wanted peaceful Nanoha threads
>but i didn't so i became a fanficfag out of spite
Look at just who is the audience for that edgy fanfic.

>And that's a fallacy fallacy.
If you think that's the case you need to prove it by making a correct argument that concludes your previous claim.

>the biggest problem being that it remains unfinished
Same for me. For example I couldn't really stomach the Huckebeins but bloody finish the story, Japan!
Well, nice chat with you other bitch-ignorers, but really got to go to bed now. Have a nice day.

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>Reminder that my fanfic is edgy.

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So Vivid and FORCE characters have a presence in the plot? Now that would've been cool to see in the movies.

I think there is a high chance that this movie will be the end of the franchise since Nanoha doesn't even have a running manga anymore, but more importantly what happened with Seven Arcs? Are they still the owner to Nanoha's rights?

somebody screencap this, bitchkun posted adult Nanoha!

>it tells a decent story
It tells the story of a virus that makes people become serial killers or they die.
This is the kind of edgyshit that Forcefags defend.
>using the same likable characters that I grew up with
Remember when A's-era Nanoha beat the shit out of Fate because zenryoku zenkai is bad? No? Me neither! And it's that same ""Nanoha"" the one that pretends to be important there.
Forcefags are all liars, you can see it right here.

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Goodnight user, and in the Huckebeins defense, at least there was an attempt to give them character than the forgettable villains of Detonation.

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How would Loli Nanoha & Fate react to Vivio telling them that she's their daughter

>characters that nobody likes and everyone is glad to see being retconned the shit out of the franchise forever
>"hurr it would have been cool to see them ruin the movie, the only good bit of franchise in 10+ years"

>Characters with trauma or mental issues always have an epiphany moment where they come to terms with their issues and are instantaneously fully healed forever
Funnily this is not always the case. Fate's ghosts come back to haunt her during StrikerS, the Wolkenritter are still a bit remorseful of their sins of the past and even Nanoha have some demons that resurface in the face of potential motherhood. Even Hayate still has to deal with bitterness and rejection from other officers due to her connection to the book of darkness.

>Age is basically completely irrelevant since children are consistently wise beyond their years
Cannot argue against that.

>utterly fearless from the very first time they're exposed to danger
True, although Nanoha did stumbled a bit in her first ventures and Hayate had a panic attack when she met the Wolks.

>expert fighters
This is only true in the movies that skipped a lot in development. Nanoha had to slowly learn her piwerset in the original TV show and there's even side material detailing how she learned to fly and cast bind spells. Hayate had the excuse to literally have a magic instruction manual at her fingertips.

>and hold positions of authority; so long as you're not a literal baby
This is also true although the truly highest ranks so far are only ever held by adults (some very young but still adults).

But yeah, I get were you come from. Nanohaverse characters are definitely unrealistic.

>Bitch-kun posting StrikerS Nanoha

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>how would nanoha and fate react to my epic garbage OCs
Write a fanfic about it, you know you want to.

Yes, Seven Arcs being acquired by TBS means that the series will be milked for everything it's worth like PreCure, so we will probably be seeing a new movie every two years

Wait. Isis isn't the final villain? Okay I need to watch that movie yesterday.

yeah I liked Force.
Shame it'll never get finished.

They spend most of the story flying around confused, but they are pretty cool in the Final Battle and Epilogue.
Not as cool as Amita, Dearche, and Hayate who all get bonus cutscenes (Amita gets powered up by Kyries "love," Dearche gets a new form from Levi and Stern sacrificing themselves, and Hayate Unisons with Reinforce Eins for the first time since A's) and in the epilogue Vivio and Nanoha get an absolutely adorable scene where they keep talking in unison while people tell them not to get to close because they are going to have to have their memories sealed to preserve the timeline.

Forcefags, everyone.

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On Innocent Vivio avoids telling them that, otherwise she may change the future and not be born.

>Sweet, now I'm motivated to see the movie.

I mean, don't get your hopes up too high, Amitie gets whomped a whole bunch of times but it takes basically a satellite cannon hit to finally put her out of the fight

Kyrie only loses to Iris, I think

Too little, too late it failed to draw in the Shounen audience it was aimed at and many existing fans just wern't interested in Touma's bland ass replacing Nanoha. Thus it got cancelled and that left them with just Vivid and Innocents the latter of which was still under development.

I didn't know that.

>so we will probably be seeing a new movie every two years
That's if they think they can get some value from it.

Nanoha is super excited when she finds out in GoD. You know how ViVid Nanoha is always gushing over Vivio? Imagine that but in loli Nanoha's body.

>bad OCs
>"pretty cool"
You must really hate Nanoha, huh. Which other canon characters do you despise and wish you could swap them out for your OCs?

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Isis and Yuri are manipulated tier villains, there is another above them

Cats lmao

>user still doesn't know what "OC" means despite many people explaining it to him.

I hated FORCE at the beginning because I've always been a big Signumfag but I was immature at the time and remained butthurt for years then it came to me the realization that Signum who so far has just been a background character was getting close attention from the author and following her own character Arc which is miles better than what she's getting now. Now that FORCE will never be finished, I'll never see the resolution of her character arc and she'll probably never get focus ever again in a Nanoha work.

Sometimes we don't know what we have until it's gone.

Attached: SignumCensor.jpg (170x136, 23K)

They are edgy murderers but they also care about the people they call family, which is kinda the theme of the series you fucking retard.

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>You know how I have this fanfic? Imagine that but anywhere near canon.
How about no?

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Hey, he said there was an attempt. Not that it was a good one.

>obsessed faggot still fuming because his OC will never be a real girl

IriYuri is a nice ship.

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Thank you for admitting you unironically want edgy murderers stinking up the place with the stench of fanfiction, you fucking Forcefag. Or retard, they are synonyms.

Remember how in S1 and A's everything was excellent? Now we have actual newfags going "eh it was good enough so it should get a pass lmao"

Neither will Nanoha, Fate, or any other character. They are all fictional.

Haven't seen the movie yet but don't worry. There's still one season of Symphogear and a movie in the works so Bikki got this.

Not as good as Yuri Dearche. But moviefags wouldn't know that.

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>all those designs wasted on fodder
damn shame

They're all real in canon. Which your shitty edgy OCs or your shitty MMA fanfics will never be.

They are the fodder? They are actually cool looking. At least the Wolks will look good kicking their asses rather than fighting slow ugly mechs.

Dearche is a cat now.

They are all fictional characters in the canon universe of S1/A's/StrikerS/SrikerS X/ViVid/ViVid Stike/Force where these are all movies as shown by the sound stages and commentary tracks.

No she isn't. Gears of Destiny>Detonation

>maybe if i wish REALLY hard then i can save my beloved garbage from the non-canon bin it belongs in

Attached: [ron] Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha Reflection (1080p BD Hi10 AACx5.1+2.0) [E5990EDA].mkv_snapshot_00. (1920x1080, 112K)

Any news about another movie or anything Nanoha-related in the works?

>muh shitty time travel to bring these shitty OCs nobody asked for
R+D >>>>>> PSP

Isis will be fine, don't worry.

I can't wait for you to eat you words when a new TV season comes out and it is in the ViVid era.

That's a strawman fallacy.

They still owe me some sakuga Sieglinde action.

Attached: SieglindeGeist.jpg (800x800, 220K)

Look what have you made me to do on a bloody transformer book instead of sleeping
it's possible they were to receive some growth-úreveal that would redeem them and show they were not those murderes they looked they were

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PSP >>>>>>>>> R+D

I can't wait for you to eat YOUR* words when a new TV season comes out and is explicitly a Detonation sequel.

They don't owe you shit, much less for shitty OCs that no one likes.

I can't wait for both of you to eat YOUR words when the new season comes out and is a Detonation sequel depicting the movieverse version of StrikerS.

Not an argument.


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If it keeps loli Nanoha and uses the InnocentS designs for the Numbers, it might just be worth something.

I could live with that as then bitchkun would abandon it

It's as much of an argument as Moreso in fact because I used three more >

>i'm the fanficmeister
Spectacular, nobody still owes you shit for your shitty OCs.

Can Nanoha even be considered a loli by the end of Detonation? How old is she? Fourteen?

Signum getting some kind of focus in Force was pretty nice to read. It's a shame to see what she has become nowadays.

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12, you newfag fuck. What the hell is wrong with you?

Being a Signumfag is suffering yet I'll never leave her side.

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The best case scenario is a long running 50 episode series like MahoPrecure where it stars out with a flavor of the week storyline, involving the main trio accepting various assigments across the galaxy, with the filler episodes being centered around the brooming lesbian romance between Nanoha & Fate. Kind of like a episodic structure at the start, but by the halfway point we get a clear main villain & by the end Nanoha/Fate confess their love for each other, and get married in the last episode epilogue.

Sieg is adorable and one of the best parts of Vivid. I have no idea why the anime adaptation stopped right before her fight.

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Wasn't she like 13 in Reflection? If I read correctly there's yet another time skip at the end of Detonation isn't?

Right before hiatus the plot was already moving towards both sides fighting against a bigger enemy so it's likely they would've been redeemed. Maybe through heroic death if the fanbase hated the Huckebein that much.

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Yes, they are graduated from primary school at the end of Detonation

>Signum gets to do cool shit all over the two movies
>but she isn't an edgy retard that punches little girls so she's bad
Thank god I'm not stupid enough to be a Signumfag.

And Vivid Strike tried to use her as little as possible. She had an awesome exhausting fight with Victoria that got skipped right to the end! The heck!?

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I'll dream about her being a bottom in bed with Shamal after returning from a mission to the 13th circle of hell where she slew and emasculated satanized version of bitchkun
I hope that makes you feel bettr

Sturmfalken in the anus!

They give which class she's in at school. Her age is obvious, and it's not any of the numbers you gave.

You're an objective newfag.

She's in 5th grade in Reflection so around 11. They graduated at the end of Detonation so she should be 12 there.

I hope you are correct in Detonation which I haven't seen. But she was almost non-existent in Reflection except when Kirie needed someone to showoff Eltria Hax.

You keep using words incorrectly. Just call them a faggot rather than using all these words wrong. Please.

I don't recall Signum being an out of character edgy retard at all in Force. She jobs then comes back stronger than before to kick ass against one of the actual main antagonists. Better than her jobbing in Reflection and defeating a literal who villain off screen in Detonation.

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No budget or time to animate it.

>b-but where's my OC waaah

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>Signumfaggots don't even keep up with the series
God, sometimes I think you're all almost as bad as fanficfaggots.

>I don't recall Signum being an out of character edgy retard at all in Force.
If you ACTUALLY gave two shits about her you'd what I was talking about. You don't, so you don't.

I honestly feel like having Nanoha & Fate become a couple on screen would basically signal the end for the series. It's essentially the equivelent of Ash Ketchum winning a Pokemon league

Honestly, I'll just prefer her to get an epic fight against an actually significant foe rather than non-sentient objects or mooks. But it's a nice thought, thank you.

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>no argument

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No until you fuck off and we can have good threads like the first half of this one again.

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>actually wants her to be an edgy retard instead of a badass stoic swordswoman

So your point is...

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The only time I remember Signum ever being an edgy retard was in the Movie 2nd A's thanks to the Wolks getting removal of the Gil Graham storyline.

She's actually pretty chill in FORCE, even in the face of hard jobbing.



Show me evidence of your claims faggot. Signum was great in Force.

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So Signumfags either don't even watch the series, or have a reality blocker strong enough to blot out ShitterS entirely.

I wish I had that.

They really amped up her Onee-chan factor in FORCE. Also got a chuckle when Tohma provoked a small Onee-chan contest between her and Cypha.

Attached: SignumCyphaHigh.jpg (401x366, 49K)

>strong enough to blot out ShitterS entirely
What does that even mean? Signum had a small but pretty cool role in StrikerS. Cooler than what she got in the movies, that's for sure.

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That was cute

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He probably means when Signum decked Teana. And honestly you can argue all about whether or not she deserved the punch, but even that scene isn't evidence of her being an edgy retard.

>did you see how my fanfic makes signum into muh dick bait instead of a character?

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What does that mean? Zest was pretty well established to be on the same level as Signum multiple times.

Zest is garbage.
More like Zitz. More like Jest.

Zest > Lame faceless mecha

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Well it was a fun thread until Bitch-kun showed up. At least we got some nice Force posting out of it, I hope more people will be willing to give it a chance and form their own opinion of the manga.

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Still better than what the movies did to her.

Someone that can put a fight > Dead man walking that only exists for edgy murders

It already happened offscreen in the original timeline and in Innocent's it was implied that Vivio was their biological daughter which was a srep up. They can do it again in the movie continuity, it should be expected if it runs for long enough.