why he's black? could be a terrone (italian slang for south people)
but the father/mother and brother are white
why he's black? could be a terrone (italian slang for south people)
but the father/mother and brother are white
>why he's black
he's not, pointless thread
He's just more italian looking than his brother or adopted.
The way Araki depicts Italy seriously makes me want to go there. I'm becoming a pastaboo.
Pucci is an eggplant
they are twins brother
Yeah I think their mom has some explaining to do. He must be one of those "three parent" babies.
Terroni can be that dark, especially in Calabria and Basilicata
Has no one in this thread actually read the part, pucci being half black is literally a plot point. Are you guys larping or something?
Pucci isn't black he is just tanned
When your IQ drops low enough your skin turns black.
But prove it shitweasel
He was high iq as far as jojo villains go.
Being mad about the ending is no excuse to lie about his iq.
Hello, speedreader
Baby's don't born tanned
The only people who think he's black are blacks seeking representation from a manga written by a pro-white westaboo.
You got Smokey, deal with it.
Because Jojo was meant to have all-black characters but the Japanese mentality got to Araki and he understood that it would not have been as popular if everyone was black. So he was forced to make the majority of the characters white but he still kept some of their black features such as big lips and wide eyes.
Also the guy from part 7 that had the hey ya stand
Yeah no.
weather report is what we in the south call a "high yella nigga"
He has blue eyes and silver hair. Stop seeking representation here, Sambo. No one is amused by your monkey shines and shucking and jiving, least of all Araki.
shut the fuck up nigger
Why the fuck isn't he just a local african-american? This is set in Florida, not Florence Araki you absolute pastaboo.
Some people are darker than others. Not all white people are pale.
based hairposter
I always wonder whether the people who say that he's white have actual eyes. You can cry, you can plead, you can bargain, you can claim that it's because 'He's an Italian' - even though Jolyne and Jotaro are more Italian than he is, and the only Italian Araki ever drew black was Tiziano - but Pucci is visibly not white. Jojo is a visual story. You can see the fucking character.
Are you actually retarded ? They're in a world where people have pink hair, Blue hair and you're telling me a nigger can't have silver ? Kek.
Based JoChad
>Weather Report gets fucking lynched but Pucci doesn't
It didn't bother me when I was reading but I'm sure as hell bothered now. What the fuck.
You got dumber over time.
Weather Report wasn't lynched for being black, he was lynched because they thought he was a white-passing black who was KISSING A WHITE GIRL. The KKK always cared way more about racial mixing than they did about the existence of random black people, read a book.
His backstory involves being lynched for being a mixed race dating a white girl you anime only casual
I fell for the pasta meme last year
>read jojo part 5 in 2017
>becomes my favorite part
>araki's depiction of italy makes it look awesome
>my parents and brother planing a trip to rome in summer 2018
>i've been there for a day before while on a cruise with them
>tag along
>they drag me to churches and shit
>vatican was lit tho - had many statues jojo posing
>don't go to the coliseum or the forum since "we visited it the last time we went"
>eat all kinds of stereotypical italian cuisine
>go out of my way to get panacotta since fugo is one of my favorite characters
Overall it was nice but I would've preferred to see more ancient roman shit than all the fucking churches.
Beware it's jam packed with pajeets who agressively try to scam you, I almost had to fight some of them for annoying my mom with some flower scam after she refused 2 times.
Thats only because the women who stole him was married to a black guy, both his actual parents are white
based Fugo traveler
>there are speedreaders on this board right now who actually think Weather/Pucci are black
Is it really so hard to just read the words on the pages? Everything about their family history is literally stated very clearly.
Most modern 'Italians' are genetically fucking slavs who moved into southern Germany before infesting Italy proper.
Italian here. If you really like Italy, you should visit the countryside, the big city are total - TOTAL - shit. Wanna visit rome? Check out rome, it's museum, but then go visit cities like Gaeta and Sperlonga, which are 1 hours of train far from it. Fun fact, the best Italian olives are from gaeta, and they are the absolute best. If you didn't try gaeta's olives you have no idea what an olive tastes like.
>Inb4 olives are from Itri, not Gaeta
Yeah lol fuck you
So is OP baiting or just another American retard that doesn't understand white people have variation in skin tone?
>If you really like [PLACE], you should visit the countryside, the big city are total - TOTAL - shit
I mean as a balkan man I like greek and turkish olives the best but if I ever go to Italy again I could check gaeta out.
Also my parents went to Milano this year but I skipped because of my university exams, tell me pasta man did I miss out much?
Seemed kinda boring to me, they went to some huge car show because of my little br ther
Pucci and Weather are both white but Pucci is darker because of their Italian ancestry. The woman who stole Weather at birth was white but married to a black man. When Pucci pays the PI to rough up Weather, the PI (secretly a KKK member) discovers Weather’s dad (known only to the readers to not be his real dad) is black, and decides to lynch Weather for dating a white girl. It’s supposed to be ironic that they killed a white guy for being black but his brother who actually has dark skin (but isn’t African American) is fine.
It’s really not difficult to grasp.
>a terrone (italian slang for south people)
a tyrone?
Poco Loco was the winner of the SBR race, was he? Based.
dont go to rome
everyday a bus catches fire in rome
I've never been to Milan. It's the most modern city of Italy, so it should look great if you want to taste modernity and tradition mixed together. I'm a terrone.
You're right but one thing I want to point out that no one ever brings up is that a bunch of girls state that Wes has tanned skin. I'm not saying he's black, but it does seem they tan easily and there might be non-white ancestry.
Which Jobros are rapists?
Is this the only user who actually read Pucci’s backstory? This is why the kkk didn’t chimp out on Pucci, who they know to be a dark Italian, but they lynched weather because he was believed to be biologically mixed.
to make adult art of him blacking Jolyne while Jotaro watches
Etika is dead boys
so, didn't even finish part 2. fuck him
It was part of the plan, he achieved Heaven. The bridge was the perfect location.
Part 5's anime fitted his style. He was really slow with Jojo despite discovering it in 2016. Could've made a big hit just by live reacting to the series, just like his nintendo shit.
does someone have the italian phrase that the boss says in the opening?
>>If you really like [PLACE], you should visit the countryside, the big city are total - TOTAL - shit
Doesn't work for Russia. Checkmate.
Spics aren't white, amigo.
italians aren't "spics"
Italians still aren't white
>Nessuno può sfuggire dal destino scelto... rimane solo il risultato che voi sarete distrutti! L'eterna cima esiste solo per me, puoi cantare canzoni di tristezza nel mondo senza tempo...
English ver: No one can escape the fate that was chosen for them... all that remains is the end, where you will all perish! Eternal greatness exits only whitin myself, sing a song of sorrow in a world where the time is vanished...
correct, they're wops
>pro-white westaboo
I guess he really did achieve heaven.
is that the official translation? i would say it should be "eternal greatness exists only for me, you can sing a song of sorrow (or sadness) in a world without time"
He's rather brown/bronze. Quite usual for meditteraneans.
yeah idk, just got it from a youtube comment
Am I retarded or is it looking like they're going to cut it at this rate?
You're retarded
It might be a bonus episode after the final one
Pucci isn't half-black, he's Italian. Weather's adopted father was black, which caused the KKK to think Weather was half-black, but he wasn't.
Pucci, much like Uncle Ruckus, is afflicted by revitiligo. It's a very sensitive topic, so don't make fun of him for it.
Wait, what was this again?
Turning Boulder
damage control plot-rig
I wish more fellow white folk took my issue seriously
> the big city are total - TOTAL - shit
pathetic un-Roman, There's no place better than the Capitale.
Spinning rock
Piedra giradora
The KKK hates Italians and cathocucks tho
Are you voting for him?
>Weaboo boomer
Now I’ve seen everything
As soon as he changes his name to Funny Valentine. Otherwise it's just a cheap attempt at "being cool and down with times" like that Pokemon GO disaster with Hillary.
Holy shit user, you can't just ask people why they're black