What are some exact moments in manga/anime where it made you drop a series?

What are some exact moments in manga/anime where it made you drop a series?

Attached: [Reaktor] Attack on Titan - Shingeki no Kyojin S02 - E04 [1080p][x265][10-bit][Dual-Audio].mkv_snaps (1920x1080, 839K)

you're a girl and your chances with reiner were ruined?

Enjoyed Oregairu the anime but when I read the LN and found out Yukino was raped from her father that completely turned me off.

right....like why exactly does this have OP bothered......
Shipfag ?


Fuck off cancer

Hold on, she got raped?

Picked the fuck up!

During the time skip after the basement flashback arc of SnK. Once Eren turned out to be some chosen one bullshit of his vengeful father, I lost all interest. The manga was better as a cast of characters with no particular greatness trying to survive in a brutal world and discover the mysteries of it. Now every main character is some super incredible decedent of a genetic line.

dunno bro, Ymir calling Reiner a fucking faggot seems to be in character to me.

based brainlet. how did you get past the pleb filter (uprising)?

It was better before there were titan shifters at all

>you mean, to save my friends, I need to become the Shingeki no Kyojin?
what the fuck was Isayama thinking?

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I dropped it when the token trap character appeared for the sake of pandering

Ymir being rude to the gorilla is pretty in character though

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>Yukino was raped from her father
I hope is true

No, fuck off

>don't rape me lol
>lol no way you're a dyke
>no you're a fag
It's banter you damn autist.

>"I'm going to rape you!"
>"you can't, I'm gay!"
>"oh, never mind then"

Why don't women just do this to avoid getting raped?

I don't drop series in that way. I just tend to take longer and longer to watch each additional episode, put it on hold, and eventually realize I don't really enjoy watching it, so I drop it.

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>Once Eren turned out to be some chosen one bullshit of his vengeful father, I lost all interest.
It's no wonder, since you read some sentences, decided that they meant something totally different and got mad about it.

>Now every main character is some super incredible decedent of a genetic line
That only applies to Mikasa, and I'm not sure that being a genetically designed lapdog is that great. Anyway, with all the superhuman bullshit Mikasa and Levi pulled on a regular basis, why is that surprising that they're special?

This isn't the "times when you KNOW you're watching KINO" threa.

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You never wanted to like the series, you actually warped what the things you saw meant in order to be able to hate it.

Based literally-100%-off-the-mark poster

Came here to post this but then I realized it wouldn't make a difference

Looks like someone spedwatched Uprising

He only has eyes for Bertolt

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>Entire arc where Eren finds out it was all by chance he got his fathers mission to steal power from a special bloodline and he still couldn't use it because he isn't special.
Based retard

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Ymir is so sleazy

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Because they prefer to be raped than to be gay.


What did her death serve for, narrative wise? It hardly seemed to be in-character, neither plot-important. So what was the point?

I've never dropped a series based on any one moment. It's usually out of escalating boredom.

First frame of evangelion

Of all the asspulls, some fags calling eachother out is the last drop?

I remember dropping Terraformars once the roaches got to earth. From what I've been told on Yea Forums, it seems to have not been a bad decision.

There wasn't a single asspull up until that point, fag.

This is accurate.

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Exactly, you have plenty of shit later that I would understand dropping this, but this?
Weak as fuck

There are no exact moments. If I stop watching a show, it's usually more not bothering to watch the next episode if I haven't been enjoying it that much recently, rather than declaring I'm going to stop watching.

foreshadowing for this

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I unironically really miss their little interactions in season 2. Reiner is so fucked over now he can't even attempt to engage in banter.

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The cgi alleyway scene in kimetsu no yaiba like episode 5 or 6. Every time one of those out of place shit fucking cgi scenes popped up I just crack up laughing at how shit it was. That particular one was the final straw.

Historia's lesbian crush is dead, so Eren can fuck her now.

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OP asked for moments where you dropped an anime, not moments where you knew you found your favorite anime.

YH wasn't even mentioned, so not sure why you got triggered

You asked:
>What did her death serve for, narrative wise?
I answered: pregnant Historia would be very awkward if Ymir was alive.

How is it possible for one character to so thoroughly ruin a good manga?

imagine being pleb-filtered this hard

I wasn't the user who asked the question. If anything Historia wouldn't even have gotten pregnant, of Ymir was alive.

I can give my take on it.

Assuming all's normal and she is actually dead, it's been established that shifters come to know the experiences of their previous and future inheritors, and it isn't unreasonable to assume that Ymir's will lives on despite the person being gone. It was also plot-important at the time; if Reiner and Bert returned as failures then there's no logical reason they'd be kept alive, and she knew that. When the chips were down she cut against her selfish nature and acted to save not only Historia, but Reiner and Berthold, the first out of love, and the others out of a sense of responsibility and understanding. A character can have a tasteful off-screen death that matters. Ymir's story wasn't resolved in a happy or shocking way, but it was resolved, and her memories as one of the Jaw titans may still have a part to play in the ending, however small.

>Assuming all's normal and she is actually dead,
She's dead. Later on in the manga, someone else has the Jaw Titan.

Embarassing. snk is just too high IQ for you.

>don't rape me lol
>lol no way you're a dyke
>yes and you're a fag

Reiner is like the only male character in the series who I can see to be a gay. Also considering that one art by Isayama I won't be surprised if he thinks of Reiner the same way and this conversation with Ymir wasn't just a joke.

Based retard.