Expectations for next week episode besides Go dying for the third time and Pandor surprisingly betraying Revolver?

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Other urls found in this thread:


>implying it's not all according to keikaku

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Earth fusion monster and water ritual monster.

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>betrayal already
if it really turna out to be true Revolver will officially be the most phatetic rival in ygo's history.

Be sure to purchase the latest structure deck

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I miss them.

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>Pandor surprisingly betraying Revolver
Revolver is playing 3d chess with everyone, user. He's the final boss.

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On a slightly more serious(in so far as serious advertisements about children's card games can get), can some autist tell me how to mix color values together? I wanna go back to the Ruris and see what I get when mixing their hair together.

Is there a way to just, like, do that? Or do I have to do something tedious regarding the RGB values?

>draw a boy
>everyone wants it to be a girl

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>worst deck
>worst structure deck
>worst win record
>worst plot relevance
really makes me think

>last week blood shepherd and emma could have survived if they had a battle trap

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I mean it's an android, you can do whatever ya want with the, er, "hardware."

Revulva may be shit, but that doesn't change how great it is to pull off a cheeky win with mirror force.

Kaiba doesn't exist in the VRAINS continuity.


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His ego casts a shadow on the entire franchise

Only if it's a Gusto structure deck

His manga isn't going to be localized. Fan translations perhaps never.

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Please vote for Blackwings

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I hope it comes back soon.

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So how come infernities worked so well if they spat in the face of card advantage?

no opt, pretty much

Crow should learn his lesson, he has enough cards.

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Because card advantage means nothing.

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I promise that Blackwings will have the greatest Structure Deck in history

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Surprised Sacred Beasts made it. Shame that lolis are bound to win.

Name a more clearly evil character in yugioh than Ai.

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Revolver or Pandor beginning to duel Ai because of the title of the episode after.

Oh wait, duh.

Pandor and Ai will fuse.


Scratch that I'm retarded. It's Pandora, not Pandor"ia"

But pandor is already supposed to be representative of pandora.

Name my band.

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I think they got carded.

Post Ishige

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Does he duel a lot?

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He also does VA event duels

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Never did what she asked. I'm still hurting for Aki after all these years.

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The light of destruction was the bad guy. Darkness was right on the money. He brought a good order to things.

Man, people outside of here seems really pissed that GG and BS got deleted only two episodes after their revival.
Did they really expect otherwise?

>why do these people think more highly of the established characters than a revamped version of a cleaning robot
I don't really think of highly of roboppi here either. I leave that to dumb fanboys and fangirls.

"Two on one? How could they lose!"

Who would win:
>two characters that have been established as being good at their jobs, we've seen somewhat grow as people throughout the show
>one beepy boy

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just jobberfags being delusional that's all

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>they're delusional for not being on the side of rua but as an evil vacuum

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Why are you hurting for a girl who had an unhealthy obsession over a boy who clearly only saw her as a friend and ally. Sherry was a better choice as she wanted Yusei's junk genes. Shame she had to settle for Crow.

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because sherry doesn't have screen time.

He doesn't deserve it.

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thoughts on GX? i might try watching it since i've only seen the original yugioh and haven't watched that in ages and feel the itch
i'm assuming people ordinarily watch subbed but is the dub alright for it? i'm considering watching it just because i like the opening so much

>akira gets to die before revulva
>aka the one who started the whole mess between humans and ignis

Yuya x Yuzu is the only bad ship out of these
He doesn't deserve such perfection. He's a whiny crybaby with no character.

Dub has good OP and fun dialogue, but lack of the soundtrack which makes GX so great.

>no character
he had character, it just happened to be increasingly obnoxious as the episode count increased

I don't really care what happens to those 2 to be honest. Only hoping that the jobbing fest being done early in the season means that the last 1/3rd of this season will spend time on something better this time around

it was so forced and unnatural, might as well not even be one. Nobody in the staff cared about him by the time Synchro started, anymore and it was visible.

I want to have anal sex with Aoi Zaizen!

If only.

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Why anal when regular is the cutest and it's blessed by GOD himself?

>He doesn't deserve such perfection.
Stop whining because he just has what you desperatly need!

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I'd be pretty happy if I got carded along with Aoi's VA.

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There's no reason to watch the butchered dubbed version unless you are a massive nostalgiafag, and even then.

I Love that pic. It sums up how cute Aoi is pretty well.

Because a war only truly starts once the reasonable people are eliminated

>109 description

what does it say?

Ai found out the whereabouts of Zaizen's residence. Revolver, who detected it, sends out Pandor.

I want a miniseries of witchcrafters at the end of every episode.

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Xth for Miyu!

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A mess, but has interesting ideas all around. Recommend sub becuase it will be awkward switching from dub to sub for Season 4 (which wasn't dubbed).

You mean blending two colours and getting the middle? You should be able to do it in any ol drawing program.

If this is your first time watching go for sub. Season 4 never got dubbed so you'll have to switch eventually anyway.

Overlay color effect on photoshop.

It was a shame s4 never got dubbed. It is way better than the whole of 5ds

Seems like neither SB or Revolver will get to duel Ai again in this mini arc.


Do people not like the GX dub? It's funny as fuck.

That's because they have to kill each other in a needless fashion.

It's fun, but I think people put it too high when the source material is still humorous, and there's still an appreciation to be had in the original that takes itself somewhat seriously where the dub's adds a joke.

GX is overall decent. I think it has the best cast of characters in ygo. S1 and S2 were meh. S3 was decent. And S4 is passable.
Subbed has better OST. Dubbed dialogue is funny.

Main problem of GX is that it's the Jaden show. Dont get me wrong, Jaden is a good character, but he hogs up mostly everything. The mains villains in S1 and S2 are boring and bland.

GX is honestly a fun watch.


Does this mean roboppi vs akira and blue maiden? Kind of hard to imagine blue maiden doing this to roboppi.

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No drains here just roboppi.

It changes too much stuff. I want the story, not random jokes shoved in because the dub writers fancy themselves to be writing an abridged series. That's not even mentioning issues like censorship and soundtrack changes. All in all, it's always more advisable to watch sub the first time around, then dub for rewatches.

What went so wrong bros?
I thought people like Robopucci?

Cast list when?

>ZERO turn kill
>boring and bland

That's WRONG

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Not as much as ghost girl. Oh well, it's a small audience anyway.

It's strange only half of the victims got to meet their ignis.

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Episode 109: イグニスを狩るもの – Igunisu o Karu Mono
(The One Who Hunts the Ignises)
Ai has managed to locate Akira. Revolver decides to send Pandor to deal with this.

Script: 吉田伸 || Yoshida Shin
Storyboard: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Direction: 山本隆太 || Yamamoto Ryuta
Animation Director(s): Noh Gil-bo

How the fuck will pandor "deal" with this?

akira and aoi will both job

Nips are aparently very fond of GG and BS. How awful. I wouldn't get happier when they got erased.

Like every 4kids dub, it's pretty bad once you remove nostalgia glasses.

>Animated by Noh Gil-bo

For what purpose? Is it even a duel ep?

>send Pandor
This is so odd, aren't all four copies already given out to others? Unless GG and Go's copies just returned to him when they died. Anyway, I hope based Noh makes Ai look extra handsome.

What were the ratings for the other S3 episodes?

>Nips are aparently very fond of GG and BS. How awful.
They're not bad characters.

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Yeah, but they feel overused. Also, they have an odd age for being recurring ygo characters. I'd like it more if we had teens .

It gets worse over time. The VO quality is pretty good (for a dub) but boy oh boy did they take that “””localization””” bat for a big swing with GX.

>not getting dubbed
>a shame
More like a blessing

>Also, they have an odd age for being recurring ygo characters.
They never even told us what their ages are. Also there have been main characters who were in their 20s in different series.

>we are going to get Aoi animated by Noh
Cant believe it took more than 100 episodes to finally happen

Are you implying they will job off screen?
That would be odd

Episode 53.
No they assume "zaizen residence" means aoi is there. Dumb "jobber" poster.

He doesn't have a dick and is in love with Yusei user. Only faggot Sherry would fuck is Yusei as he is worthy to procreate with.

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Oh shit I read that post as "annihilated" instead of "animated"
What a retard

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So what are playmaker, soulburner, and revolver supposed to be doing other than standing around?

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And even earlier, episode 7.

Duel Ai in a tag duel after he defeats everyone

I don't think Ai will stay after he gets the code key. They also had stall duels with him.

I mean when you kill off characters so easily after they finally come back why wouldn't you be pissed.

Why are people surprised at Yoshida treating side characters like absolute trash?

They already received way too much focus on season 2 and that's the main reason it felt overburnt.

>Why are people surprised at Yoshida treating side characters like absolute trash?
If you mean outside of here, not everyone familiarizes themselves with whose writing everything. A lot of those viewers probably didn't favor roboppi either.

Ai can't win against pandor. She'll just keep coming back.

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The one directly before was much higher. At least with the small audience of niconico, Ghost Girl and Blood Shepherd were more popular than Roboppi. Of course the drama was kind of forced too.

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now I really want to see how they'll react to Go getting erased just after getting some character development off screen

Unless his death sequence is somehow amazing, I would imagine negatively. Honestly I just wanted to see him win one more time in this show. But I guess that's only possible in some flash forward sequence.

>shitvulva being pussy and not going himself

>Ai defeats Go
>Go reveals he was bluffing about getting Earth removed from him
>Last thing Ai sees of Go is Earth in his eye
>Ai just killed maybe the last remaining Ignis Although Earth would probably be more braindead than normal because of what SOL tech did
Would be neato

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I mean very obviously Pandora is gonna buttfuck him.

Haven't you guys learned from Gogenzaka and Ninjabro?

Leave Playmaker to us

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Man... The main character designs got worse and worse as the series went along especially after 5Ds did it.

Do you not like more colors?

Except Yugi and Judai, who watches YGO for main characters lmao

they're usually the weakest part of their own series

Yuma was a stronger character than Judai was. Judai was all over the place and messy. Yugi doesn't even get enough time to make an impact because of the dual spirit stuff.

sounds like another fucking exposition/recap

I liked Yuma too but Astral was boring as hell, and the entirety of Astral World too. There is a reason nobody ever talks about him.

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Which synchro animation is better: Vrains or 5ds/Arc V?

I like vrains because it's more complicated.

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5d's, vrains is all flash no substance

All the final villains were kinda lame now that I see them all next to eachother

>Non 3D monsters
Is this show worth watching?

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Since when does every monster get to be CGI?

We had a 3d monster in the past.
May god rest his soul.

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Rank 'em.

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>May god rest his soul

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Kaiba > Da Chazz > Jack when he's getting beaten up > The Others > Jack when he's not getting beaten up

This Ai is the most dangerous.

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Kaiba>sandaa>manlet>KINGU>mirrorforceman>let's put that aside for now.

Atleast allow me to mourn

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Free gumblar.

They're taking forever to show off that new topologic

I just hope it has the same roar as Gumblar.

topologic are jobbers, same with borreload

But cyberse monsters are cool.

Reiji > Kaiba > Kaito > Revolver > Jack > the guy from GX

not shitvulvas

if anything it will be trisbaena's since it's a direct upgrade to it

Only 1 of these is canon

Yuma's father had a nice looking companion, therefore it is only following logic that Yuma get one.

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Jack was close then cult shit happened

Autist love will happen


Potentially more hints at the end of this arc with it being confirmed in the final episode

Why were Yusei and Judai such fags?

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Those sound like logical places but vrains just kind of slaps hints and events wherever it wants.

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KINGU > $$$ > Oja Manjoume > Let's put that aside for now = Moonman >>>>>>>>>>>>> Mirrorforce Memes

The Yu-Gi-Oh seasons with Yugi were great. The villains had good reasons for fighting the hero with card games. Pegasus was the inventor of duel monsters. Kaiba is deeply invested into the duel monsters game, so much so that he even invented the Duel Disk system and nerds out over the Blue Eyes White Dragon. So it makes sense he would want to play. Marik used the game as a way to summon monsters that eat away at your soul. Bakura brought everyone back to Ancient Egypt where duel monsters was played before it was cool, etc.
It made sense.

But in the subsequent Yu-Gi-Oh seasons, I sometimes find myself wondering "why does this villain play children's card games?"
It often makes no sense.
Yu-Gi-Oh sucks.

GX took a while to get good and 5Ds was legit amazing until season 2

Are we counting this as a hint?
Her being handed the crystal heart was more of one

GX should have started with Yubel and Jaden the shadow riders were boring

swap kaiba and kingu and this would be based as fuck, everyone else ranking is dogshit

I know that there's no new ep this week, but why? Is it a public holiday in Japan?

some music festival

If you're craving a duel, watch this you'll enjoy it.

Interaction, event, plot moment, whatever.

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I hope somehow she doesn't die after losing to Ai, it would be a bummer to have her die again right after she finally found out Yusaku was PM

I just realize why I love Vrains season 1 so much. Its a revenge flick without the sassy bullshit like IF YOU KILL THEM YOU WILL BE JUST LIKE HIM or "forgiveness". Even when presented as such, explain his reason via shitty past and they couldn't even come up with a comeback. The fact that Yusaku accomplish this revenge by indirectly killing his kidnapper,and without the circle of revenge nonsense, already place this series right at the top in revenge flicks.

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Revenge is just a staple of hacking media and it doesn't usually end well and not even because of cycles, it just doesn't end well..

s1 was trash filled with trash tier joke villains and a billion recaps etc

his kidnapper was ryoken though, and he hasn't died yet

Thar would just be mean spirited
>finally figures out who her hero is and tries to get closer
>kill off her brother
>kill her off as well just to make sure she can't get closer to said hero
Really, I'm positive she has OP immunity this time

Gay and weak.

I doubt young Revolver thought he was kidnapping him when all he wanted to do is play cards with his new friend. This is pretty much the dad fault, and no amount of Lightning blaming would fix this.

>hanoi of jobbers ft jobvulva
>not pathetic
lol ok, aoi and go are stronger than all of them

I was talking about it not ending well for the characters.

Kogami is a real piece of shit.

except playmaker literally said revolver was his kidnapper

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You clearly didn't even bother watching the whole of DM. It clearly established the cardgame as the ultimate occultist tool ever and Kaiba himself is the reason many of the latter villains play cardgames.

Wait, are you saying this is all Kaiba's fault?
(also btw i wasn't counting filler like Kaiba's father, and seal of orichalcos)

his wrong doing was bringing shota yusaku to his house. The dad saw the opportunity to kidnap him and place him in a white box.

Revolver was willing bait.

nope, revolver was the one who kidnapped him, don't try to spin this around and blame it on kogami shitvulvafag

They're all trash except Sanda and Kingu.

>hating on chuunimanlet and fucking moneyboy himself.

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>Seto Kaiba

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Because ppl push this stigma that yoshida only hates female characters, when it's more like he can't manage a large cast.

Kind of hard to do so in the format that card games present. Takahashi couldn't really do it either.

In a way though, he was a likely candidate for the VRAINS project when you consider Arc V went full retarded with the GIANT cast number and every single one were useless piece of shit except for maybe 1 or 3 character.

I blame crow and all the other legacy characters, but especially crow.
The lancer's could have been great.

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>I blame crow and all the other legacy characters, but especially crow.

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How is marincess supposed to work with tindangles?

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doesnt matter, they only jobbing


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Wouldn't Ai want to confront Akira himself? Besides the maid bot looks like it would ruin any serious confrontation.

the majority of new characters after standard, legacy or not, were either amounted to nothing or just plain bad

to me it feels like blood shepherd and ema already wrapped up their story in season 2 for the most part. so I don't really care that much if they're absent now

Kind of sad that the only ones who won a non-fodder Duel bar Yuya after the Lancers were formed were Gon and Shun. And that's being generous (Gon's 2 victories were in non-serious ones, and one of Shun's basically had his opponent cheating herself out of a win, therefore leaving Shun vs Dennis 2 as the Lancers' non-Yuya worthy win).

Why did not one of them come to help?

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Guy number two is just a splash of hair dye away from being the YGO7 protag

>DM: Yugi and Anzu like each other but they never confessed by the end of the Manga or Movie. Probabilities of becoming lovers in the future or staying very good friends are equal, 50%.

>GX: Asuka liked Judai but failed to tell him how she felt and then Judai fucked off to travel the world. Will definitely meet each other again but chances of becoming a couple are pretty much 0 or maybe 10%.

>5D's: Aki liked Yusei but never told him how she felt and each went their separate ways. Probably still hang out together but in all likelihood, they'll stay very good friends. Chances of happening 40%.

>Zexal: Kotori liked Yuma and told him she loved him by the end of the Series. 100% couple.

>ARC-V: Yuzu liked Yuya and Yuya was obsessed with Yuzu to the point it was unhealthy. Their counterparts which now live inside of them were also interested in each other(With Ute and Ruri already dating). Chances of happening 100%.

>VRAINS: Is safe to say Yusaku and Aoi are finally friends now. With only 40 or fewer episodes left is hard to see their relationship progress in a believable way but knowing VRAINS inconsistent writing anything can happen. So changes of them becoming a couple are of 50% and that's being generous.

Main girls really have it tough in YGO. Yu-Gi-Oh! 8 should have the MC have an interest in the main girl without getting to the same level of craziness as Yuya. Someone like Yugi would be nice.

Attached: HAPPENING.webm (1280x720, 2.61M)

You fail to mention that the red Duel Runner is Yusei's girlfriend.

>Main girls really have it tough in YGO.
Because card games and serious romances are just so intertwined. Though if you want to say they have it tough on the card game side of things maybe that would be more reasonable.

You think Asuka had it rough?
The main character in Vanguard ditched the hot main girl after him and fled to America to fuck an Indian loli in peace while studying at Yale

>that image

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Please,tell me shaddolls didn't win. This was charmer's last chance to get a propper deck.

Episode 108: 不撓不屈の精神 – Futōfukutsu no Seishin
(Indomitable Spirit)
GO has recovered so that he can protect the children at the orphanage. He uses his Gouki monsters to launch waves of attacks against Ai. However, he keeps getting knocked down by Ai's powerful monsters. Despite this, his indomitable spirit still burns bright, and he keeps getting back up to challenge Ai. Seeing GO like this, Ai starts talking about what it feels like to lose one's friends.

Fujiki Yusaku/Playmaker: Ishige Shoya
Kusanagi Shoichi: Kimura Subaru
Homura Takeru/Soulburner: Kaji Yuki
Kogami Ryoken/Revolver: Takeuchi Shunsuke
Ai: Sakurai Takahiro
Roboppy: Takahashi Minami
Zaizen Akira: Yamamoto Shoma
Zaizen Aoi/Blue Maiden: Nakashima Yuki
Onizuka Gou/GO Onizuka: Hamano Daiki
Hayami: Ikki Chihiro
Pandor: Kim Hyang-Ri

Script: 吉田伸, 立原正輝 || Yoshida Shin, Tachihara Masaki
Storyboard: ルーチェー・ヤギ || Ruche Yagi
Direction: Park Sang-ho
Animation Director(s): Lee Sung-jin, Kang Hyeon-guk

Read the dates.

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charmers will never be playable and they already have support shaddolls winning this is a good thing

Will she say anything of substance?

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>now revolver is up at the top of the cast list along with playmaker and soulburner instead of aoi

>trying to bait with something that's always been in a bullshit order.

no, this order has been quite accurate on who is important in the main cast, last season main was ignis partner trio and the cast list accurately showed that

Ai is placed lower compared to previous seasons even though he's way more important this arc.

because villains are always placed lower than heroes, it's still accurate

Just this cast list is weird because of Ai being below soulburner and revolver. You could probably pick apart a lot of episode cat lists.

Charmers can go fuck themselves. They're literally getting new support every pack, they don't need a fucking structure. Shaddolls have dead for the longest time and deserve an update.

That ordering system seems odd in itself.

the ordering system has been quite accurate for s1 and s2, i'm just wondering why aoi is somehow below revolver now when she's been more important since s1 and s2

Wait for her new avatar if nothing else.

Probably episode theme
When Ai gets to akira her and akira will raise in position, I dunno

Kagemaru's time is coming.

What would be higher than Maiden? Plz don't be Woman.

Just Blue(Aoi)



She's not putting on a bodysuit.

what will be on the next sound duel?

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Blue Devil

Soulburner's OST has not been release, yet

Autist love theme.

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we will get more Autist Love after this mini-arc, r-right?

Bohman's Theme is a must.

I don't actually care, I just really like their theme.

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Probably. The pacing is abysmal though, so you'll never know when it'll happen.

>Chances of happening 100%
Fuck off faggot, you'll never see them because Arc-V was a flop and it's all because of Yuya being insufferable.

Chances of happening: -100%

Why is Yuya so weak? Also Zarc will get obliterated from Atem/Yuma/Yusei and Yusaku

because of his deck being shit full of childish hippos

Not gonna lie, I actually dropped Arc-V two episodes in because of the Hippo.

I want to see Roboppy's pantsu.

threadly reminder

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You sound like Ono’s dumbass.

>1 win each
>4 loses each
>last loss is shared


If OP is to be believed then Aoi will survive this arc.
How will she do that if she will tag duel against Ai or Roboppy?

Attached: 1569739412008.jpg (1280x720, 167K)

Where's Sound Duel 2 for download anyway?

Akira will log her out

Kaiba > Kaito > Revolver > KINGU > Reiji > SANDAAAAA

Something something crystal heart surprise stored program will save her

probably another asspull like miyu

I am still mad she broke Chad Max's 100% winrate.

Attached: Ghost_Girl_vs._Brave_Max.png (752x423, 484K)

Reiji is way better than Kaito, Revolver and Jack.

>Aoi temporarily becomes Yusaku's new ignis until the season is over and she gets her body back


Reiji was only good in the first 50 episodes when he moved shit along.
After that he just sat on his ass doing absolutely nothing untill it was time for him to job against Leo and Zarc.
At the very least photon Manlet is better than him.

Attached: tumblr_n3zvw5xilp1qhn8uso1_500.gif (460x345, 335K)

>job against Leo
Never happened.
>against Zarc
He did best out of them all, with a dumb 2000 handicap.

Also did you forget him wrecking Roget's cheating.

Basically Reiji was great until the writing became shit itself, which is not his fault.

And revolver was never good at all, he should be at the bottom of every """""rival""""" list, even below go and soulburner

He was doing terrible against Leo and would have lost if he didn't tag with Yuya.
Also Sawatari did better than him since he actually managed to destroy Zarc and almost win even if it was only temporay.
Beating Roger was the only remotely interesting he did in the last 100 episodes.
If you're gonna argue it is the writing's fault that he was shit in the last 2 thirds of series, I would argue that Jack was better as well since he was a waaay better character than Reiji before the writing of his series went to shit.

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Go did nothing wrong. I'm not even joking about that either. The AI had it coming and letting human's beat them is pathetic.

I wish Go hadn't went all "I'm jealous of Yusaku" and was just pure anti-AI.

>that pic
Shit you just reminded me how serious they were about Jack and Carly.

Aside from SANDA's wired crush on Asuka this is probably the closest we ever got to an actual YGO rival having a romance before Jack turned into a MGTOW

This weeks they are resting. There's some kind of event or something.

I hope the song that played during crystal heart's first appearance is on it.

Search the archive for sound duel 2, there should be mega links.

Romance could be continued if voice actress of Carly wasn't In fucking cult

Yuya distracted him. Reiji would win if this wasn't a shitty tag duel with Action Cards in the first place.

Okay sure we can debate all day how he would have done with or without yuya and action cards, but in the end he didn't accomplish shit unlike Kaito and his character wasn't anywhere near as good or as memorable as Jack's character was before the writing of his series went downhill.
Reiji is only better than Revolver at best.


Did it really get a theme in particular?

Reiji's character is brilliant. Just because he doesn't appear much on screen, that fact doesn't change.

Attached: yourargumentdoesntwork.jpg (1280x720, 73K)

all he had to do was use gozen match.

No idea, but I just liked the theme that played during that scene.

Sorry to disappoint you ARC-V hater but Yuya and Yuzu are united by destiny and other mystical shit. Stay mad

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Why does everyone like Kaiba so much? He is an asshole with zero character development. Easily the most overrated character of all time.

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Don't know, Yuya alone is probably mid tier MC but with every 3 master users of each summoning method inside of him he is OP

Attached: tumblr_olpnvqMe551uqlakko1_1280.jpg (675x1200, 209K)

By the end Reiji was still very much one of the strongest duelists in the show. Also, Zarc himself said he was quite somethng

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I hope we get Lightning's theme

Rivalry obsession.

Too bad he did fuck all and accomplished literally nothing.

Hey he created the Lancers and beat the shit out of Roger. Gotta give him some credit for that

I doubt we'll see a pair like Yuya and Yuzu anytime soon. That was peak Yugioh heterosexuality.

Attached: Yuya Yuzu Family.jpg (879x1200, 195K)

Cringe shippingfag.

Your precious snowflake Yuya wouldn't be able to travel dimensions without his "literally nothing", speed watcher.

He would be stuck crying in Standard about Yuzu who doesn't give a single shit about him anyway.


>Yuzu who doesn't give a single shit about him anyway.
The real speed watcher here is you arc-v hater. Sorry your waifu loves another man

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That manga isn't being localized. Note the "OCG" in the Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Structures. If you're talking about the anime, It's break week. This is every year.


The GX dub is pretty much an abridged series, it's awful.

Kaiba > Jack > Kaito > Chazz > Reiji > Revolver

I love Chazz but he was hardly a rival

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>Hey he created the Lancers
That did accomplished absolutely nothing.
The only people within that group that had a win against a non literal who mob character were imoutoman and egaoman.
With imoutoman's most notable win being against a fucking spy within the lancers Reiji handpicked himself.
For the rest it was just all yuya's egao bullshit.

>Implying that I like egaoman.
Arc-V in it's entirety is garbage and by far the worst yugioh show to date make no mistake.

Say whatever the fuck you want about Reiji, but there is no way he is better than the likes of moneyboy, sandaa, kingu or the manlet.

>hot main girl
>Indian loli
post them

I was taking about the anime I didn't know we weren't going to get an episode this week

>That did accomplished absolutely nothing.
They helped Yuya escape from prison, beat the police, Gongenzaka literally saved Yuya from Battle Beast, Tsukikage gave them a hint with the Battle Beast, protected Serena until Yuya came and lost, second prision escape

I would lower Yusei/Akiza's chance because of the timeskip. If they didn't fuck by the time Leo and Luna became adults, i don't see them fucking at all.

Indian loli

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Yeah, TV Tokyo is having a music festival or something going on.

Main girl in the middle
This is before her tits got bigger after a timeskip

Attached: Misaki.jpg (1280x720, 137K)

Which amounted to absolutely nothing, because they couldn't even do what the team was created for in the first place which was to stop Leo.
But the Arc-V shit still happend and Zarc still got revived.

>because they couldn't even do what the team was created for in the first place which was to stop Leo.
They kind of did though. After the duel, Leo fucks off to his hideout. Zarc reviving was a last minute thing no one was aware off

And even if we can call anything the lancers did an accomplishment anything, Reiji himself did absoluteky jackshit except for beating Roger who is pretty much already down and stripped of any political power he had in the first place.
All the other Rivals, except for Revolver are way more charismatic or more competent than fucking no keikakuman.

Jack>Kaiba>literally every other rival

Rate his hairstyle and fashion sense.

Attached: Shouma.jpg (1188x2048, 230K)

Well Leo fucked off, but his Arc-V project still succeeded.
Goid job beating the villain when he already did what he set out to accomplish.

haha holy shit

Is there no episode today.

How so? Zarc reviving wasn't part of his plan. He just wanted to unite the dimensions and revive Ray but he failed in both.

I want to place Revolver above Reiji, but this is accurate otherwise.

Do a manga rival list.

Quickdraw bere. The stuff is done but now I am stuck with scanning the thing.
There's stuff that might be too lewd for me to go and scan it in a public place (café internets) and my pal's scanner, the one I usually use, is locked (the usual mp280 canon that locks the scanner when the printer has the slightest problem). He's working on fixing it himself. I hope he manages to do it before I get out of work today.
Let's hope for the best.

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GX is the "funnest" Yugioh, DM's, "what if?", fun fanfiction cousin. Jaden is the most unique protag with his personality and design, the writing is very young and hip and tries to make each episode its own thing, and the overall story is kept pretty simple unlike Vrains. In these ways, I would compare it to JoJo part 2 in atmosphere/tone. Half of the series is like a yugioh slice of life; it occasionally remembers that it's supposed to have an overhead plot and it shoehorns "serious villains" at the last minute to end each season until they get their shit together and finally build up to the supreme king/yubel plotline, which is pretty good.

The dub is ironically very good in some ways, but unironically very bad in many. In fact, it's so bad it holds immense nostalgia value, much like 4kids One Piece or original DM or DBZ. The sub has amazing VA's and a beautiful soundtrack, which the dub omits. I don't think the memes are worth it to watch the dub and recommend the sub.

Also be prepared for Jaden to solo everyone and for the other characters to be completely useless. It is also very "homolust" yaoi-ish.

The dimensions did get united, which was the exact thing they were trying to prevent.
Also at some point when Yuya goes berserk for 5th time, you gotta wonder what is wrong with the boy and if bringing him along is a good idea

>no episode
>shitty shipfags invade

Crap week.

Nope, there was a music festival instead.

Looks cute, good job bro

Based, Aichi's got best taste. Also it's unfair to compare anime screenshot to movie one, you know.

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>there is no way he is better than a character followed by three unfunny gag monsters

Yeah.. dare I say it, cringe.

Attached: ojama_trio_by_alanmac95_d8lxp12-pre.jpg (740x1079, 116K)

>The dimensions did get united, which was the exact thing they were trying to prevent.
They were trying to prevent the death of many people by uniting the dimensions. Good thing, in the end, all dimensions became one without the lose of any lives

>No episode today

Attached: Hakais unchained.jpg (1026x768, 208K)

Just the wackiest.

>Do a manga rival list.
Never read the Zexal or 5D's Manga but Chazz in the was god tier there. Reiji wasn't half bad either

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>talking shit about Sanda to defend Reiji
Here is your (you)

Attached: 61658.jpg (225x350, 28K)

So arcshipfags can ruin this thread.

> Your precious snowflake Yuya wouldn't be able to travel dimensions without his "literally nothing", speed watcher.

Probably for the better.

Obviously. The series would improve hundredfold if he stayed behind.

Thunder ran the best Deck ever. No one else ran an unholy mess of cards and made it look awesome.

For me, GX has the most SOUL from all the Spin-Offs. We'll hardly see anything like it again which is a damn shame

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manjoume is above jack is above reiji is above kaito is above revolver is above kaiba.

Ratie is only good in witch mode

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In order
is Yugioh's standout character; he is so well known it would be a crime to deny him first place. I personally agree that he deserves every bit of his legacy, as he is a truly great character.
is an alternate Kaiba but becomes a great character in his own right
is an interesting and good character but hardly a "rival". He also lacks the sheer autism and skill that a rival should have; he's more like an edgier Joey.
fucks Yuma every chance he gets and I love that about him, but his relevancy drops off the face of the Earth until he returns on the moon to die on it at the end.
Great memes, but a tad subpar design and too absent from the story in my taste. I'll let Vrains end before I make a better determination.
I hate him. he is a shitty and poorly written character that was only in the story to string the plot along. His playstyle reflects Arc V writing perfectly, premeditated, soulless, and unfun.

Kaiba > KINGU > Sanda > Revolver > Kaito > Reiji

Awesomely cringe.

Glad to see you here!
>too lewd
Like for example? I'm curious

Manga chazz is overrated. Generic ass Kaiba copy lacking any charisma. Yes, he's a competent rival and more integrated to the plot, but that's all he has going for him.

I really like when they make cards based on the anime characters playstyle, also funny how Manjoume is the one who's credited with "owning" XYZ union when Kaiba used them first.

Kaiba's too deluded for me.

At least we are getting their effs revealed soon.

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Kaiba > Jack > Reiji > Revolver > SANDAAAA > Kaito
I'd put Revolver higher but only if we talk about edge Revolver which used cool monsters instead of Borreload recolors.

Kaiba > Jack > Chazz > Kaito > Reiji > Revolver

Kaiba is the peak of YGO rivals, Jack an excellent spiritual successor. Revolver is a complete joke of a duelist and doesn't even know what he wants to be

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Because Kaiba's a BOSS

He's literally the Elon musk of ygo


I was talking about how he thinks people can be above old forms and lines of conflict when he is not a regular human and magic himself.

literally who?

GX definitely was created out of love for the original but with enough soul to make something new and fresh. 5ds had it going up until season 2 but then became full on generic.

>created out of love for the original

Attached: money driven.png (1920x1080, 1.3M)

You know it wasn't until I rewatched GX some time ago that I actually realized that the inspiration for the Ojama cards all base around the phrase of butting in.

True, but it was also the one with the most supervision from Takahashi

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What's the best Rival ace monster in terms of aesthetics?

>doesnt know who Elon Musk is
Based retard.

Attached: kaiba.jpg (640x480, 90K)

What billionare who likes Zexal's athletic lolis.

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Well of course the producers did it out of money, but I feel like the people who worked on it were fans of the original.

I love Galaxy Eyes. Its whole summon sequence is so over the top it's great. Card art looks nice too.

>no ep today
At least it is confirmed that Blue maiden is getting animated by the man, Noh, himself.

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Hot Take:
Yliaster Arc > Dark Signers > S1generictournament

Don't care.

Why would Pandor betray Revolver when the ep is clearly called "The one who hunts the ignis"? She is problably just teasing him with the key (?) before engaging in a duel of epic proportions.

>blue jobber

Because creating ANOTHER AI with free will after all the shit that happened the 2 past Seasons is just asking for trouble. Doesn't help that its based after Pandora (meaning it will fuck things up later somehow), and Revolver himself saying its free will limiter is working "for now".

Fortune Cup was THE tournament before they became generic. Yusei was still a nobody and didn't have many allies or his ace. Hence, it was entertaining.

>almost 20 years of anime production
>nobody else has ever gone this crazy for their ace card

Manjoume may have dressed up like Ojama Yellow, Jack had ramen based on RDA and Revolver is literally named after the type of guns his Borrels are based on but holy shit it'll be a cold day in hell when we get another character who literally built theme parks, statues and even a damn aerodynamically impractical aeroplane of a single card.

Not even those guys who decorate their entire bedrooms with posters of their waifu and sleep with bodypillows and merchandise are worthy of touching the floating coat tails of Seto Kaiba.

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Since there's no ep ro discuss. Favorite match winner card?

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Among the rivals Reiji was the only one financially able to do that. It'll be a while until we get another rival that has such a financial state and is as passionate for their deck as Kaiba was.

Pic related, I really like her art, and she is extremelly similar to Northwemko, related maybe.

Attached: Foto_reina_del_destino_-_eternia.jpg (350x350, 54K)

Yusei had Stardust by the time the actual tournament started.

>tfw you are 30 and you've had the same husbandou for more than 15 years
How do I stop?

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You don't

I still want them to show up already.
Northwemko doesn't have those killer hips.

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Jun/Chazz's character was unironically the focus of several episodes, his gag monsters aside. I admit, the Ojama brothers do take him down a peg, but like he said, there's value/pride at the bottom. He beat his brother with a 0 ATK point deck.

Must always post them both.

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I'm not really sure, the dress make it hard but I can see her hips are really existent.
Now that I think about it, Ruin also looks like she has killer hips two. Are those three related or what?

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> is Yugioh's standout character; he is so well known it would be a crime to deny him first place. I personally agree that he deserves every bit of his legacy, as he is a truly great character.


Let's not forget Kaiba spearheaded an entire story arc in his thirst revenge and played a monumental role in establishing another.

I really appreciated his relationship with LaDD.

Predictable Yusei vs Jack finals with Yusei winning.


> Revolver is a complete joke
I think he does pretty good. I really enjoyed his Season 1 self. His S2 self is still cool too.

When was the last time we got lore for those cards if ever?

> Predictable means bad.

Only Ruin (and Demise) got lucky for that treatment and even then we have to wait till VRAINS/Links era ends so Konami can release the Master Guide (in which contains all the lore stuffs)

Attached: Sad....jpg (714x1000, 506K)

As time has passed, I have lost my appreciation for Jack.


Is there I place where I can read the lore that was released in the mr4 era?

Attached: 5Dx115_Red_Demon's_Noodle_Cup.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

Go away retard.

Yusei and Jack clashing with their Signer Dragons, wow. So unique, spectacular and well written.. *yawn*

Ono maybe. Others are doubtful.

Mostly on wikia.
Just google yugioh lore or card storylines.

Why? I found out over the years as I went to college and learned more shit about philosophy, writing, and psychology that my appreciation for Kaiba actually grew. What happened that you don't like Jack as much?

Attached: The power of Kaiba's ego.jpg (960x516, 117K)

Jack became a clown.

Maybe it's just because I'm in a lousy mood today and it's been a while since I've seen 5Ds, but I don't like he declines into Yusei's buddy over time. It makes it hard to take his earlier self as seriously, and I almost sort of prefer his manga version. It's hard to say because I really like the idea of him stealing Stardust and running off to make it big, which is absent from the manga.

This pretty much.

I love Aoi!

Attached: Cutest Aoi.png (576x1551, 438K)

>Kaiba so much?
>zero character development
Retarded dubbaby.

I love Roboppi!

Attached: Roboppi158.jpg (1518x1075, 268K)

I hope Jaden went back to find Alexis and fucked her to Venice and back

Will this anime ever have a duel as exciting as Lightning vs Revolver again?

Attached: Jin and Revolver.jpg (800x1200, 220K)

I love my autistic husband and his retarded looking toy jet plane!

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Yes, when Lightning gets a human form.

I miss my wife, Serena. Sexiest 14 year old ever.

Attached: Serena lewd dress.jpg (821x1244, 801K)

A better question whould be, when are we getting more characters in armor?
Bohman 2.0 looked great, I hoped s3 would add in more female characters and maybe, with luck, we would get out first girl in armor.

Attached: Cocco neis-Tri armor.png (599x444, 428K)

Literally for sex and a lot of impregnation.

I once considered watching this just for her, good thing I was too lazy in light of this.

Cringe mode.

So Yugi meets Anzu in freshman year of HIGH-SCHOOL, right?

Attached: Anzu pink and blue.jpg (739x415, 35K)

She gets way better treatment in the show's current run and has a lot of good moments in the newest season


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Her redesign makes her look like a total BBC lover whore. Did Kaz and the rest of the writters acknowledge the BLACKED Anzu meme that her obsession with traveling to America created?

I love her too

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Don't know about Asuka but he definitely paid some visits to Rei

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Those eyes are quite something.

>Will this anime ever have a duel as exciting as Playmaker vs Akira again?

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>tfw she got zero screentime

I'll never forget that ass

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Yugioh characters eye shape can really vary. Who has your favorite eyes in the franchise?

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Her personality kills her. Ruri on the other hand

Attached: D9lg15tU0AY6Wvn.png (680x680, 658K)

Truly the best family

Attached: Yusaku Family Keys.jpg (1080x1349, 175K)

Why? he's all bluster

Chazz is literally/ourguy/

Attached: 1542611781880s.jpg (250x145, 10K)

You mean Playmaker vs Bohman 4. That was the most exciting Duel in all the franchise.

I see you are a man of culture as well.

no episode this week? I think I will finish G Gundam.

Who? Kaiba is all bluster? Seto Kaiba is the Übermensch. How can you be all bluster when you can 100% back that ahit up?

>Kaiba you'll never duel Atem again. He isn't comming back.

Did Kaiba give a shit and quit? Hell no. If Atem wasn't going to come to him then he will go to Atem, but the dude does not accept no for an answer and instead will bend reality in order to achieve his desires. That's fucking dope.

Attached: quote_the_overman_who_has_organized_the_chaos_of.jpg (640x301, 36K)

>Did Kaiba give a shit and quit? Hell no. If Atem wasn't going to come to him then he will go to Atem, but the dude does not accept no for an answer and instead will bend reality in order to achieve his desires. That's fucking dope.

I have a feeling that that little bit of theatrics might have caused the problems in Arc-V, Vrains, and whatever the next series is.

Shut the front door, By far the best one was Soulburner Vs Blue Girl

Attached: 1558523678188.png (1280x720, 963K)

Arc-V's problems was it's protag. Stop trying to shift the blame on anyone else but that pathetic clown crybaby.

Did that one feature Chadmaker and Chadman, both with a self-touching turn ending into their awesome Boss Monsters and no other card to back them up? No.

I hope that VRAINS ends with the entire cast getting hotdogs

>any duel with the blue jobber
pick one

They dont take him down a peg. It makes him pretty damn unique, and its part of his character development.

Glad the writers didnt stick to some silly stigma that the rivals need to have this stereotypical "badass image."

If you cant handle Chazz at his worst, then you cant handle him at his best.

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They'll be riding the data storm.

VRAINS ends with an off-screen tournament, we'll just see Playmaker getting the trophy.

Chill buddy did Yuya stole your girlfriend or something?

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Pic related.

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Kaiba>KINGU>>Manjoume (he really didn't feel like a formal rival)>>>>>>>>>>everyone else

He ruined my what could be favorite season.

Based Gundamuu poster. I still need to get those damn Blu ray DVDs

What's wrong with you?

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>character who plays Madolche
>Madolche in structure deck poll

I think that user was talking about Jack.

Kaiba is not Jack. There's a reason Kaiba is consistently ranked at the top.

Anzu was always fashionable.

I think they were childhood friends/knew each other from Middle School. She was Yugi's only friend prior to Jonouchi.

I just meant that they're humbling. I like the Ojama aspects of Chazz.

>silly stigma
If a rival isn't badass, he's a jobber.

I haven't watched Zexal, but from what I understand Kaito is just pretty much a 1:1 clone of Kaiba. Is that true?

No he's better because he dies at some point.

He's Kaiba if he never lost to Yugi and was always in save Mokuba mode. Also he's a manlet.

Jack is a funny hype man.

Bring her back.

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Next episode better be worth the wait. I want Go to lose in every imaginable way

Attached: 1561579771030.jpg (1280x1848, 759K)

What the FUCK

Don't you dare post the rest of that here too

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I don't think people who liked Ai were always this degenerated.

Attached: standing back up.png (1280x720, 420K)

At least post the rest

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Please don't bring gay /pol/ memes into our wholesome threads, user.

Anzu did get a complete overhaul and her sex appeal went through the roof, yes. Yes, they were aware. They wanted to modernize the cast instead of having their old generic and stale look.

I have many questions, one of them, why aqua dolphin?

Attached: 67022979_p7.jpg (1200x1580, 842K)

>no Northwemko doujin
>but this exist
I am sad and angry

Chazz had the best development in GX he was an arrogant rich kid who learned to adapt to the cards hes dealt with in life

Ojamas are total bros too

fucking kek thread saved last minute

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The designs used to have character back in the 90s.

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Vector's god damn face, lol.

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>Be me
>Love Fabled
>Japs who voted Fabled, did it only for the gothic lolis
>deck never

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delete roboppi.

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Just got back into the game and just wanted to say this.
Fuck Link Monsters and fuck the new field.
Trying to force people to buy your shitty new monsters by hamstringing all the other extra deck cards was fucking retarded.

Too bad it doesn't matter because duel links made up for whatever small amount of players quit.

It won't matter next year when MR5 changes the game so that only links require the EMZ.

I like the direction it is going to take

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and pendulums will get its zones back?

Man, this made my day.

hopefully never
that zone format was just awful

t.ghost hag

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I wanted to get the Switch game until I found out it had Linkshit.
Especially because I'm a pendulumfag and feel attacked by them trying to kneecap my shit so hard.

Better than vacuum robot.

Y'know who were hot?
The Two Milfs from Arc-V
Shame they have next to no porn and the ygo lewd scene in general is full of fags who draw guys getting ass pregnant and shit.

There's a lot of dmg to make up for it.

Never ever ever

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Maybe they can randomly switch where they are every generation.

Does anyone have that video of heartland city being attacked while the yugioh gx theme plays in the background?

Furious never.

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Attached: GX Kills Zexal.webm (640x360, 1.64M)

>Giving a fuck about humans
Why? Especially when there are so many sexy monsters to want Lewds of

Check youtube you fuck.

I can't find it

If you could update old cards into new types what cards would you update and how?
I'd make it so Gate Guardian becomes an xyz Monster that can sacrifice it's materials to use their abilities

You're talking about retraining, not errataing. Go to /vg/ for card talk anyway.

effect veiler but cyberse.

>dwagin autist
>cool tech
>'evil' dad
>MC's boyfriend
>yells out special attacks

Sort of

Can pandor reduce Ai's life points?

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