Be me

>be me
>born into a world were im a suppressed minority
>have my sister be killed by dogs
>join a restoration group
>have a son
>brain wash my son
>son turns in my group
>get tortured
>get my fingers and my dick cut off
>have all my friends turn into a titan
>my face when my wife gets turn into a titan
>gets save by Eren Kruger
>kruger gives me the attack titan
>can only live for 13 years
>can regenerate my body
>go to the walls to find the founding titan
>find a wife
>make a kid
>adopt an Asian
>obtain the founding titan
>13 years are all most up
>give attack titan and founding titan to my son

Attached: download.png (932x515, 598K)

>become best selling author after death


why was the previous thread deleted?

Attached: levi.jpg (421x720, 71K)

Attached: zekek.png (295x321, 139K)

my dumbass accidentally deleted it

You can't delete your own threads, dumb faggot.

then i dont know there was a delete button and i pressed it.

The fool could have adopted and taken care of a being already alive, but instead he chose to selfishly gamble with yet another life.

Attached: 1549636632099.png (729x402, 468K)

Because the ">be me" shit is Reddit as fuck. Wouldn't be surprised if this thread was deleted again.