>be me
>born into a world were im a suppressed minority
>have my sister be killed by dogs
>join a restoration group
>have a son
>brain wash my son
>son turns in my group
>get tortured
>get my fingers and my dick cut off
>have all my friends turn into a titan
>my face when my wife gets turn into a titan
>gets save by Eren Kruger
>kruger gives me the attack titan
>can only live for 13 years
>can regenerate my body
>go to the walls to find the founding titan
>find a wife
>make a kid
>adopt an Asian
>obtain the founding titan
>13 years are all most up
>give attack titan and founding titan to my son
Be me
John Ross
Colton Scott
>become best selling author after death
Brayden Gray
Landon Wright
why was the previous thread deleted?
John Williams
Michael Wilson
my dumbass accidentally deleted it
Aaron Price
You can't delete your own threads, dumb faggot.
James Hernandez
then i dont know there was a delete button and i pressed it.
Xavier Brown
The fool could have adopted and taken care of a being already alive, but instead he chose to selfishly gamble with yet another life.
James Russell
Because the ">be me" shit is Reddit as fuck. Wouldn't be surprised if this thread was deleted again.