Don't mind me, just posting the best anime part of Jojo
Don't mind me, just posting the best anime part of Jojo
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5 > 4 > 2 > 1 > 3
Why is nobody smiling?
>1 > 3
Switch these and you got it.
They are all gangsta
I fapped to Mista in Trish's body
Pretty Based
>He doesn't live in the year 2163 when SBR anime finishes airing
> CGI horses
Christ, the anime art for 5 is so damn stiff and awkward. Gross. Get someone who can actually draw people.
>Implying that by the year 2163 CGI horses won't look amazing thanks to advances in technology
>advances in CGI
>not just looking shittier as the days pass
They either drop it in 3163 with drawn horses, or they don't at all
Implying that we will get a part 7. When everyone bitches about how bad part 6 is they might not want to make another part.
i enjoyed part 6 though
>Implying that technology alone means anything without proper capable people using it.
Everybody shat on part 5 because of fujos and now they love it since the anime is a 10/10 kino. Part 6 will get the same treatment.
DP are highly capable. Imagine them adapting JoJo with a real budget
Best part coming through
>Imagine them adapting JoJo with a real budget
I think the budgets are generally quite standard for a production of this type, it's really more about the directors and supervisors guiding the process than anything else. You can throw good budget at something all you want, but if you give it to mediocre artists/animators, it doesn't mean shit.
But part 5 has very good animation for the budget and time given, and you can see their talent when you watch the blurays, where they have the time and money to polish it.
How is the Italian dub of part 5? It'd really want to hear what this part sounds like if given to a professional VA cast to make feel like an actual Italian flick (as much as Jojo allows it to be)
They really did put in a lot of effort on this one, it's insane how much better it looks as a whole than Part 4
Why the fuck does Japan love VA so much?
Japs love Italy
fujos, it also follows the stardust crusaders template closely.
>Why the fuck does Japan love VA so much?
Fujos and feels-fags unfortunately.
I creamed when i saw the reworked Chariot Req
is Sleeping Slaves going to be an OVA?
there's a lot of fuckin manga left, especially if they do an epilogue with anime-original content
Yeah that's because of the studio.
They made it better than it had any business being. Get ready for Stone Ocean.
Considering it's a chapter within the VA manga itself, no, it'll probably be wrapped up in Episode 39.
Subtract abbacchio, subtract diavolo, subtract risotto, subtract narancia for the hell of it and...
What do you got left?
How good is the show you just made by erasing these few characters?
Shut up!!!
Part 2 anime has the best art style.
Those sacrifices had to happen for GioGio to become a gangstar
So does the manga.
The Santana fight was legitimately well drawn. It was like Tetsuo Hara took over.
Is it better than the Part 5 manga?
why did she suddendly decided to be so violent against survivor again?
>remove diavolo
What is it even about without the boss selling drugs to kids. Why would Gio even join the gang?
Part 2's anime has the best animation as well. I don't remember a lot of times where it looked bad.
I would have to wait until the whole thing airs to say, the ending of part 5 is easily my least favorite thing in the entire manga. If they can improve it then yes.
Isn't that literally survivor's ability? It just makes people want to kill each other.
Part 2 was barely animated.
That's planet waves, not survivor
he's literally perfect and the most beautiful thing i've ever seen and part 8 will btfo every other anime
5 > 3 > 2 > 1 > 4
Guess I should have said well drawn then? There's a noticeable dip in quality after part 2 with characters being poorly drawn. Part 4's adaptation was the worst in that regard.
i really need to keep my memory in check
>Why would Gio even join the gang?
Maybe he wouldnt. Maybe he would oppose a different gang that was there instead of passione. Anyone could have joined the dig team that excavated those arrows that gave him the power to want to create a violent organization, it just happened to be him.
Not the best part, but as an anime adaptation of a manga this is probably their best one
>Great music
>Great animation throughout
>Fantastic voice work
would be best if not for the fucked up pacing
I wonder if Guevara's moves from Baki were inspired by this
>implying I want to see this fucking mess adapted
I don't even really know how they would fix that without cutting things though. Part 3's pacing just works much better as a manga. Maybe they could have skipped over the little girl? I don't remember her doing anything important.
>best and most tragic mystery of our time
yeah there should have been an emotional payoff once we learned the tragedy of josuke i can not disagree
>there's a lot of fuckin manga left
Are you being serious? "Diavolo rising" will be covered in the next episode, then we're only left with the GER arc and Sleeping Slaves.
Overrated as shit. Didn't make me care about the characters at all, Diavolo is a weak antagonist personality wise, and I hate greasy Italians.
There's 4 episodes and 16 chapters left.
they did an entire episode for the sun which was 2 chapters
Mess? Why tho? im reading again jojolion and its still feels well made, and for once araki its actually planning every step of jojolion.
But not the villain reveal. What the fuck Araki.
>and I hate greasy Italians.
But they're drawn to look like whites.
Maybe he already did.
Yeah, he looks like a Jojo villain. Hella gay.
Who is the best Jojo waifu and why is it Hot Pants?
The location is so greasy it rubs off on the characters.
Any example, i really want to understand what are you trying to say.
Roundabout Tier
A Tier
>I Want You
B Tier
>Last Train Home
>Modern Crusaders
C Tier
>Walk Like an Egyptian
D Tier
>Freek'N You
Italians are greasy.
Italians live in Italy.
Italy is where Part 5 takes place.
It's that simple.
Huh, ok.......
swap A and B and i agree
He's a father, just like Diavolo.
>Walk like and Egyptian htis low
shit taste
This isn’t Part 4
Falcon of The Millennium > Conviction > Black Swordsman > Golden Age Arc > 8 > 4 > 7 > 3 > 5 > 2 > 6 > 1 > Fantasia
Prove me wrong, faggot
>golden age below black swordsman
The only good thing in the Golden Age was Donovan
>make giorno blue
>keep the blue ladybugs
best anime, second to worst part overall
>the part 5 anime is a 10/10
part 5 isn't even a 10/10
I mean...
Imagine DP adapting Hokuto no Ken and HnK2. We'd get JoJo alot slower, but it would be so worth it.
I really hope that DP make it up with the animation and visual on Part 6 because it was the least popular Jojo in Japan
It can't be worse than part 1 prior to BD release.
I didn't think 2 words would make me this mad
Didnt KCs design change later on? Pretty sure killer queen always stayed the same though.
Ponytail Abba
yeah, he became chin crimson later on
Norisuke is a father too...
Would Civil War works with Sociopaths like Diavolo and Kira?
I don't know about Kira but Diavolo would get terrified by this. This guy is literally trying to erase his past, he isn't like a serial killer and he literally despised Secco and Ciocolatta for being psychos. So Diavolo would get affected.
bruno belongs with abbacchio
mista belongs with giorno
narancia belongs with fugo
diavolo can go fuck himself quite literally
The gay mafia is real and has no sympathy for h*teros and especially not icky women that use weird diapers and pee blood like Trish.
Deal with it straighties
This unironically except narafugo that’s just shit
Watching this and it's my first Jojo anime. Liking it so far but I have a question: why is there no Trish Una doujins?
Fujo-dominated series
>first jojo anime
please tell me you read the other parts manga
Because the fanbase is 90% fujos, which is why most doujins are gay shit.
part 5 is the gayest so it takes the most interest of fujoshi and homos, not straights
most of them are gay stuff, and overall whether gay or straight most are untranslated/unscanned shit as well
i mean I'm sure very few h-artists take interest in jojo/know there are any female jojo characters in the first place, since it's known for its manliness.
Jojo doujins being 99% fujo aside, Trish barely has any relevancy so nobody really bothers.
With the anime there'll probably be one (1) trish doujin anyway just like there's at least 1 of all the major jojo girls
This is not organic.
Disregard this faggot and his agenda to smear this fanbase.
inb4 White Snake gets the best looking reveal
>Trish barely has any relevancy so nobody really bothers.
I dont think thats a factor for porn
The hell, well at least it almost finishes. Thanks for the explanation.
No but I watched a Youtube compilation of openings and endings so I'm okay.
btw >not waking up feeling so horny
Calm down and take your pills. It's not that deep.
Probably, since it happens in the beginning. I would worry about cmoon and made in heaven though.
I hope him with the gun animation is worth it
In a franchise that has literally nothing but homo doujins it does a bit, since most of the ones that do end up drawing normal jojo porn tend to be girls.
The genderbent jotaro ones were all done by a girl for example
>No but I watched a Youtube compilation of openings and endings so I'm okay.
>genderbent jotaro
Stealth fujoshit
Fujo niggers LITERALLY need to neck themselves and their parents for bringing such foul smelling shit into this world
The Pillar Men will be hard to beat, if you're counting them.
Yeah, I know they tried to use his later design, it doesn't look good on that scale either.
yea they'll be hard when i beat them off alright
>people hating on part 8 because no main villian
>what is Jobin
Part 8 will be better then 7 when it ends
Well it makes your pic seem dishonest to me.
>Part 8 will be better then 7 when it ends
Stop lying to yourself user, that's sad and bad for your mental health.
This but Naratrish.
Also Narancia "If you're not het you get a taste of my jet" Ghirga will come after you for those words.
>They're going to cut a canon arc and replace it with anime-original content
It's already better. Much more consistent.
>they're gonna die.
>Leone pissing a red liquid
You had to remind me you fucking nigger
>reworked Chariot Req
Wait, what are you talking about