Explain to me how you could possibly think SSJ2 Gohan was badass.
Explain to me how you could possibly think SSJ2 Gohan was badass
What the fuck is your problem? Is this cell posting from hell? Why do you keep spamming this?
Just trying to prove to Gohancucks that their precious SSJ2 Gohan was never cool or badass.
>Huh, no dad, I can't save Earth and the entire universe now, I want to make this guy suffer, I just exploded after see how a robot I didn't even meet stopped working on my face
He was edgy, that's all. Kids love edgy shit
Have sex
I’ll say that his fight with Cell sucked dick entirely. Toriyama had a chance to make it great after Cell came back to Earth but he scripted Vegeta to fuck things up.
>dbzniggers are tourists
Color me surprised
>Using a Yea Forums term
Too can play that game.
>not Two
Well you obviously aren't from Yea Forums. I'd rather a crossboarder than some faggot who comes from whatever shit hole the "have sex" meme started.
What's it to you?
Cell is shit anyway.
King Crimson would rekt DBallz characters.
Bunch of losers the whole lot of them.
They're giving me agita.
he was the most badass now shut the fuck up
Alright, Cell.
Don't you think it's time to let go of the past?
>goku's "plan" seems to have failed
>cell jr filler shit happens, gohan cleans up the mess
>gohan 1 hit KOs cell
>he waits for him to puke up krillins robowife
>gohan is completely retarded suddenly
he was totally in control and then literally shit his pants. then goku and vegeta make a joke out of his "perfected ascended form". they set the whole fucking Z arc up for gohan to claim the throne and take over as new goku. then they decided goku needed to "encourage" him or something to be able to defeat cell and goku becomes the most important character again. what a crock of shit. i think the cell saga is retarded and they should have done some sort of zamasu/black story with 17/18. 16 should have nuked cell when tien was unconscious and goku and gohan should have still been in the chamber. trunks and vegeta don't even matter in this fanfic. 16 sacrificing himself should have sent the jinzo ningens into a spiral and made them turn evil again. adult trunks should have never returned and the movies should have all been canon. fight me i'm drunk
I was 12 at time so I self-inserted really hard
Gohan was just SS beyond SS who beat the shit out of bugman and made him feel fear. Stay mad retard.
They should of done some GT shit with Gohan and just keep him that age cuz of reasons
And then with all the sayian god shit and purple hair. Just adapt it in
Didn't talk, didn't do the 2 minute screams. Just straight up punched niggas into dust
I wouldn't say he was really cool.
After the hyperbolic time chamber things just got really strange.
The whole cell saga must've been a horrible nightmare to Gohan. It's like forcing a kid to take steroids. That kid is gonna get stong but also sick.
Maybe not badass, but he sure was hot.
This guy gets it
Hey buddy, I think you got the wrong board. Yea Forums and /pol/ are 10 blocks down
>then they decided goku needed to "encourage" him or something to be able to defeat cell and goku becomes the most important character again.
It's almost as if Toriyama is such a hack writer that it gave him clairvoyance and let him see the death threats ahead of time so he wrote himself a way for Goku to continue his story
Everything after Goku quit was pure cringe. And I'm not even a Gokufag. It's just that Gohan was CLEARLY ready and willing to fight Cell earlier when he and Goku were on the Lookout and Cell had nearly killed Piccolo. The "I-I don't want to fight you, Cell" comes straight out of left field since, before that point, even as a CHILD, Gohan had always been willing to throw himself on the frontline to protect others, aside from being understandably scared against Nappa.
Gohan had always fought will Piccolo and Krillin backing him up. The Cell Arc was different in that it's the first time that Gohan had to fight an enemy alone.
How would that factor into him not WANTING to fight? He clearly wasn't scared, just unwilling, which came out of nowhere.
The Cell Arc was atrocious, and I don't think it was Toriyama's fault for once, he was constantly having to deal with a retarded Editor who was constantly forcing him to change the plot, it caused not only the ruination of Gohan as a character, it made Freeza into a joke and turned Vegeta into a bumbling moron, and it took far into the Buu Arc to fix 2 of those issues.
>Gohan had always fought will Piccolo and Krillin backing him up. The Cell Arc was different in that it's the first time that Gohan had to fight an enemy alone.
He was totally ready to try and fight Cell after he had nearly killed Piccolo, and Krillin was nowhere around.
At least it's funny to read about it.
>what the fuck, the villains are just a fat clown and an old geezer!?
>okay, i make cute boy and girl
>ok i make Cell
>Why does he looks like a cockroach!?
>ok, i make him big and muscly
>He is a nigger now????
>Ok fine, he is frieza but green and tall
>god i hate drawing this spotted piece of shit
And then Cell was never seen again.
I don't know man. Cringe or not, he was 9 years old. You just don't heal your enemy and told your infant son to fight your battles, even if he was perfectly capable.
Yeah it makes sense Toriyama never brought him back even though he has with nearly every other main Villain except Cell, the only other real main villain I don't think he's ever touched is Raditz, he probably wants to avoid Cell because he's still irritated he wasn't able to do the story how he wanted.
>Jojo's reddit adventure
>a robot I didn't even meet
It doesn't matter that Gohan didn't know who he is. Why do you faggots keep bringing that up? WHO CARES? The point is that Gohan let someone die AGAIN, and that complete stranger robot was telling him exactly why he was being a little bitch and should just go full power and kill this fool.
>Vegeta handing out L's
I guess he's got extras.
>story writers having to do what their editor tells them to
Who came up with this silly meme?
Gohan was able to fully grasp the weight of the situation with 16's death since that would've happened to the others if he didn't man the fuck up. On top of that, why would never meeting him mean that he doesn't care that he's killed right in front of him by the very man he needed to stop? It's his fault that 16 died, it would be worse if he didn't care.
I think Raditz being irrelevant must be an in-joke for him, and i totally approve of it, fuck Radditz.
>He was totally ready to try and fight Cell after he had nearly killed Piccolo,
That was filler. Read the manga.
He wasn't unwilling to fight. He told Cell that he didn't like fighting/killing in an attempt to convince Cell that the fight was pointless because Gohan wouldn't enjoy it, and Cell obviously wouldn't want to die.
I thought that for all his flaws he was the best successor for Goku and he genuinely wanted peace instead of new challenges. But I was wrong. He may not be the biggest joke in the series, but at least Yamcha is endearing compared to what Gohan is now.
Gohan was ruined in the buu saga, his mistakes and up to the cell saga could be attributed to the fact that he was an 11 year old. After that there was no excuse for being such an irresponsible arrogant idiot.
Stop posting this shitty thread
What kind of sick bastard dislikes teen gohan?
Kid Gohan, he wasn't a teen.
as a fan
seeing gohan grow up before your very eyes
from the start being a scared little boy
to gohan standing fearless against cell because he knows he outpowers cell
this wasnt a win for gohanfags, this was a win for the little guy that always got picked on in school and decided to stand up to his bully and shit in his gym bag
Listen man, the official name is teen, that makes him legal in some countries.
nope, officially he is known as youth or kid Gohan, while the Teen Gohan is Boo arc Gohan and movie 10 Gohan.
What Gohan needed was more filler to flesh him out, he never got a chance to be a kid with his dad and friends taking him on all these horrific death adventures.
>seething gohanfags
16 wasn't even alive, it was a machine
That's rude
It was edgy as fuck at least.
I don't think anyone else in the main cast was punching fuckers in half at the times.
Could have something to do with it.