If your waifu gained a few pounds would you still love her?
If your waifu gained a few pounds would you still love her?
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This sort of thing is expected after childbirth.
even more
Lewd. Does your waifu know that?
First off, a few pounds is nothing compared to normal girls for her
Secondly, most of the weight just goes to her tail
And finally it could give us a reason to work out together
I want to force feed my waifu until she becomes chubby.
Yes, but I'll hide all the food away til slims down.
Yes but if she didn't stick to a diet and slim down again I'd leave her fat ass. You can be a lazy peice of shit without being fat. Being fat is an active choice. Anybody who chooses to be fat is not worthy of any respect IMO.
You can't just force feed them. The minute they catch on she will know you're a pervert. Just start putting weight gain powder in all her food and encourage and reward laziness and gluttony whenever possible.
I don't think my wife could ger fat, but I would encourage her to do exercise and stay by her side
I probably wouldn't mind it
If your waifu is getting chubby it's because you aren't giving her enough exercise (and yes I mean it like that). Also chubby women are more fertile, so she'll be in perfect shape for baby making.
How do you think she gained them in the first place?
She did in 3d
Soft bellies are the fucking best
Of course.
>dated a girl that was into feeding fetish and she tried to get me fat
>she ended up getting fatter
Every time
but did you also get fat?
The only right path is the path of the gym, user.
long enough to assist her with suicide. this is what a normal girl should look like. not too skinny and not morbidly obese
She couldn't get me fat. I a have a high metabolism.
The gym is for tryhards and sluts
What manga?
>The gym is for tryhards and sluts
ok fatty
lol go work on your "gains" while I eat whatever I want and never get fat.
I....have never even seen a fat snake. What would that even look like?
Only a few? She needs more!
So what are you going to do about it?
I'm actually sad you thought that was a good burn.
I will only love her if she does
It stores in their tails and under their scales. When they get obese their scales start separating and their skin pooches out from beneath them. Imagine though skindentations but between every scale.
Reptile breeders often do something called "power feeding" where they massively overfeed their females to obesity because it makes them lazy larger clutches of eggs. The overfeeding makes them more fertile
>the overfeeding makes them more fertile
>overfeeding makes them more fertile
>overfeeding makes them more fertile
>overfeeding makes them more fertile
>The doctor says you need at least twenty more pounds on you before another kid is even possible. Now sit down and relax while I bring you the breakfast I made. Which tray do you want first? Theres four of them for my growing girl. I also bought your favorite doughnuts~
He's not talking about humans you mongs. Being a fat fuck decreases your fertility if you're a umie.
your waifu's body giving up its beauty to grow your child and becoming chunkier as if it knows it no longer has to attract males anymore is such a beautiful thing to me. It's like not only her heart and mind, but also her physiology itself has now given itself to you forever. I can't imagine my appreciation for her sacrifice waning, or wanting to leave her over it. It can only make me love her more, not because I am a fatfag or whatever because I'm definitely not, but because of what I've described it represents.
As she laments the loss of her youthful curves, I will make sure my waifu knows just how much I appreciate her still gorgeous and now padded frame. Pic related, it's my chest tighteningly beautiful, perfectly shaped gutterflower. I burn for her and no matter how many months of years go by I still think about her every single night while I lie in bed, no exceptions. Even when something extremely stressful is coming up the next day, the thought of her always guides me to a deep sleep.
Absolutely not.
That's not true! Obesity is good for girls. It lets you know they're ready for breeding.
(continued) Although if she were becoming fat for other reasons such as overeating, I would definitely try to do something about it. It's not because of beauty though, I will always see her as the most beautiful woman in the world no matter what she looks like. I would treat it like any other health problem because if my waifu's health is jeopardized our life and happiness also are. A few extra pounds is fine of course, but if it gets out of control I've got step in, any good husband does in fact, and if you encourage or facilitate her unhealthy habits to the point where she's a miserable blob who needs to cope with even more eating and is on the verge of having a heart attack or developing diabetes, high blood pressure, GI problems, mobility issues, and all the other many other things associated with being too fat, all because you want her to look a certain way because it gets your dick hard you're... a very bad man.
Christ man how many fatfag threads are we going to have a week, but any way I'd love more the bigger she gets.
Just wait until that fucking weightlifting anime starts airing, we'll have dueling fitfags vs fatfags.
If she gained only a few pounds she'd still be underweight, so yes.
Luckily there's no chance of her ever becoming fat because her job requires her to be in shape.
>implying I'm not lifting so I can lift a fatass woman
Yeah Tassel is amazing artist.
>/fit/ guy
>fat girl
The absolute best combination. It feels so primal and fundamental.
>there are no fat animes
I constantly await the day
Give it time. We're still in the year of the PEEG
>Be honest user-kun... are you sure I haven't gotten too f-f-fat?
How do you respond?
I really do hope some group of degenerate fatty loving Japs get together and make short animations, I mean Oji San to Marshmallow got one, now we just the reverse of that.
What's "too fat" mean?
>"Not at all dear, now eat your triple cheeseburger."
>Not too skinny
>You can see birbs ribs
I don't want to know what you consider too skinny
You took your waifu out to eat again and she accidentally broke the button on her skirt and started crying into her second piece of cheesecake in front of everyone too fat. You know that kind of fat.
But the idea of that being "too fat" means it's the upper limit of fat, when in reality you can extend that into Infinity
Biscuit i fucking love you man.
>this thread
It might seem like an odd thing to nitpick about, but I don't like art or depictions of fat girls involving them eating. The same goes for weight gain.
I just prefer my fatties to be normally fat.
I would that's because I'm kinda a chubby chaser
What animes are there with an attractive fat girl in them?
How long do you think that's gonna be for bitchboi? Your metabolism gets slower as you get older. Especially with females.
Tick toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc........
Very, very VERY FEW. And even then it's mostly compromise and the character's gain is on temporary.
The brown girl in naruto and that redheaded chub with the star on her cheek
Fuck, that's hot.
Would Shinzo Abe allow a TV anime that promotes such an unhealthy lifestyle?
I mean he's doing nothing to curb Pachinko parlors and that's even MORE unhealthy than obesity.
Be on a more serious note. He probably should if he wants female otakus to see they can be desirable and to make them desirable to men.
If I was Prime Minister I would have an arts and health program to encourage female obesity
I wouldn't mind at all but there would be limits so she doesn't end up like
You say that if she did it by accident.
I want to create a fat virtual wife and then be sucked into a game with her
My waifu is physically incapable of putting on or losing weight and I like her that way.
I want a waifu who cant lose weight but can only gain it so every little calorie gets added directly to her waistline
thick Mugi does thing to me
Ah, that sounds potentially dangerous. The real fun would be having each and every calorie after the first 2000 in a day being permanent. That way it's a reminder of just how much of a poker she is. She didn't /need/ to eat more, but she did anyway.
No u
That could be fun. And then every day would be a struggle with her willpower against overindulging and permanantly getting fatter
This would make a good manga premise
Truly a great thing
Nikuko from Galko Chan is a good example of a strong-fat character. AND she has big boobs!
Even if his "fast metabolism" (i've met skellies, they think eating a whole burger and some fries mean they eat a lot), keeps him skinny, his body is going to be fucked due to muscle atrophy from years of not exercising.
Like the "Tsuchinoko" there is a reward for actually catching it.
lol no
good joke, though
Fat is okay on women as long as it's not too much.
There is no such thing as too much
If it goes at the right places that is.
Strongfat is such an underutilized female character type in anime. We can only hope for more girls like her.
This one?
It looks kinda 00'ish/Visual Novel kind of stuff.
Yummy tummy
The right places is everywhere
Godspeed , you filthy deviant.
I don't think she would ever become fat due to her active lifestyle, but she might gain a little weight if she becomes inactive due to illness or injury, or due to childbirth. I think she would lose it quickly when she went back to her daily routine, though.
She regularly puts on several thousand And it's hot as fuck
but i showered earlier today
Yes, then i'll mock her for being a fatass.
Good thing my waifu can't gain weight.
I want her to have my pups
sure why not
She never stopped drinking beer and eating chips.
>Christ man how many fatfag threads are we going to have a week
There's been more than one? FUCK, the one week I decide to take a break from Yea Forums you guys pull out the fatties.
I would be full of love for her
and also full of Satisfaction that the diet I set up for her is working.
She was a already a fatass to begin with, her getting fatter isn't going to change things. If anything, it would make me love her more.
obese girls are less fertile, chubby is the cutoff
My husbando is sexy as hell when he's fat, so I wouldn't mind at all.
I'd love to see her in a few years with some more meat on her. I bet the girls would be jealous at how big her tits would be.
No one cares about your fags tastes
Based. Girls should be barely-mobile blobs. They are good for nothing but turning food into fat
The architect himself
>in a few years
Try a few months. She eats enough to feed a family of five for breakfast, she's gonna balloon up in no time.
>hamplanet fetish posting
I don't even know why this is allowed on Yea Forums
>A few
>A lot
Yeah but I'd definitely try my hardest to get her working out.
If borderline porn, waifufagging, and shonen threads are fine then so is this.
That's a weird way to eat a hot dog.
Same, it's like she was made to be fat.
I honestly don't know if that's even possible.
More anime girls should be fat
>The overfeeding makes them more fertile
>The more you feed Nia the hornier she gets and the more she wants to be impregnated
Rei could use a bit more meat on her bones
>this thread
Amerilards need to die
And the more eggs she lays. If you aren't careful and make her too fat you might end up with an overpopulation of baby Nias
i'd take er for a jog
My gf is getting this soft little pocket of a tummy and it is heaven
I'm not a fag, if you want one you'll have to look somewhere else.
If that is your definition of "a few pounds" then no. She had better be on all fours promising to diet and exercise. Jesus.
You first, Abdul
Hey, if not liking fatties makes me Irish, so be it.
the Irish have no food so all their girls look like boys with no tits or asses. This is why they're all gay
You feeling alright there buddy
As long as she was the size of pic related or erufuda
Not sure what order this reads in, but cute _guys who are chubby/fat and happy about it (or at least don't mind) are the best.
Cute and cuddly yet sporty and determined.
It's already difficult enough to get a fat male character that's cute and kind and not a disgusting asshole stereotype. It's going to be a long time, I think, if ever.
Anything between 20-40 is fine.Any more and she's a lardass.
Yeah I don't think it's physically possible for Mika to get fat.
That wouldn't be her anymore, so no.
>still somehow an hourglass figure
Foolish Japanese, the belly is the best part.
Does your waifu change identities when she gains weight? If not then it's still her. You're just not attracted to her if she were.
It's not my thing but it seems like you're better off with western cartoons if you want heroic fat dudes, like the Megas guy or Bouncing Boy.
Isn't there a dude in Naruto who's the dad of the brown fat girl?
Forgot to post my chart
You have it reversed. If I loved her, she'd gain a few pounds. I'm good at cooking and like to create comfy atmosphere.
That's fair. It's a little less rare but I think big girls are popular right now (the whole "THICC" trend though is cheating a bit, like I said here )
And yeah, Choji. He's kind of the "personality = lol food" category though.
this. How can you say you love a girl if she can still see her feet?
>domestic, loving weight gain
This is the absolute peak. Splendid taste, user.
Fat Yuno is cute.
Yeah, it feels like the anime/manga industry is testing the pervert waters to see what new markets they can find. Elf San really seems like the only one to focus on it and even it seems afraid to go all in.
Bouncing Chad was so fucking based. Appointed himself leader and literally had threesomes with best girl every night
Nurse Hitomi is a great manga for one of these reasons because it likes to explore as many fetishes as it can, while still managing to be genuinely sweet and funny. Though even it chickened out on having a chubby guy - the kind-hearted gym teacher is like a cuddly chewbacca, but when he gets shaved he's a muscular bishounen underneath.
It's tricky because Japan tends to think thin and slender (for both guys and girls) is the only possible way to be attractive.
To this day I seach for raws, or subs that goes past the 1st chapter
whats the tag for skinny to chubby transfo?
weight gain, normally. You should look up up Ayano's weight gain (wg) diary. Its made by the same artist and to me is one the best weight gain related content out there.
that pic is way too much already but I'll check it out
To me the second panel is roughly my limit. I love it when the belly is still one big, round shape, no folds. There's just something so appealing about it.
I used to be like you folks...
Oh believe me, I used to say a bit smaller than that was my limit. But I'm a small grill myself. At the middle panel's size I'm already clinging to the belly like a koala when we ... you know ...
wew lad
Miya-nee is already plump, and after birthing a bunch of kids she can become quite fat. Still the best waifu.
You found the first chapter? I've only ever pinned the title and a few pages. It looks so cute, and I'd apply all efforts (of my shite nip) to translate it if I could find any raws.
My waifu would be canonically be happier is she was like this so long as she can eat as all the sweets that she desires, so I say absolutely!
>The gym is for tryhards and sluts
Enjoy not being able to wash your own ass at 60
If they get so big that they're unable to properly wash themselves, then that's where I'm gonna have to throw in the towel.
My older sister gave birth 2 months ago
She gained 40 lbs
Not 200
She'll get there, especially after another child or two.
Its so strange really, a few years ago I would've said the 1st is my max, now I think the 3rd one is still to small.
Good girls know how to share
Looks like I'll have more seeding to do
>If your waifu gained a few pounds would you still love her?
What you have to understand is that I'd be the one fattening her up in the first place, user.
I love this body type, but shit like this is legit disgusting. There needs to be a line where "few pounds" doesn't equal being mostly covered in skin
>being mostly covered in skin
>t. skeleton that hasn't left his fleshbag
Can't stop, won't stop
God damn, Okusan gets better and better. Can’t wait for her pregnancy arc to start in earnest.
She is not a lazy glutton so that scenario is pretty much impossible and thankfully I don't have to worry about it.
Define "A few Pounds" OP. Also, does the weight distribute equally across her whole body? Or does it go all to one part of her figure?
She can't gain weight because of Avalon. She also won't age so she'll stay this beautiful and young forever.
>Any more and she's a lardass.
You say that like it's a bad thing.
Don't worry, I'm in the same boat. Immobility and slob fetish are not my thing in the slightest - at that point I just feel bad. I'm not keen on the whole power dynamic/co-dependency either, I like my couples as equals.
>Not liking fat folds
Get a load of this pleb
Both are hot as fuck, you mong
What I wouldn't give for a girl like Nikuko. Someone who likes to work out but is still nice and fat. We could go to the gym together and then go out for barbecue afterwards.
It's just my taste, man. You do you, I'm not going to stop you from liking what you like. That's simply my preferred kind of belly, can't change it.
>ywn get fat and indulge in cravings alongside your pregnant wife
Whatever, low-test
I'm just busting your balls, mate. We're all friends here
That's practically my dream: having a bunch of babies with a cute sweet fat guy and being doted on while I'm pregnant.
Jesus fuck, why can't Naoe just give up and let her go wild? Hambeast Erufuda needs to happen.
Because she's technically his client and he seems to be very committed to doing his job.
That OP image seems like a reasonable body going up 40lbs.
God that one's always my go-to. I need more stuff of chick's getting architect'd into submission
It really is hotter if they are unaware or even in denial, isn't it?
Oh hell yes, it's the best.
>Not even posting the what-if
Learn how to use saucenao
only if it's because she 's carrying my children
Is it time?
He prefers it to be a gradual process.
Well he better start picking up the pace, at least. I want this lazy glutton to not be able to wear pants soon
To be fair she is in sweatpants territory at this point. She probably needs another small push from Satyr and she'll be completely over the edge in no time.
Meth isn't a true fatfag, the dude seldom draws women in the apparent 300s or higher and fetishizes the mild inconveniences and embarrassment aspects more than the fat itself in most of his hentai
Well he'd better start broadening his horizons, as well as his women
He may not draw them often himself, but he certainly does like those as well. Just look at his twitter where he follows known fat artists like Jeetdoh.
Lost the arm to diabetes, huh? Sad.
please user finish this
Weight gain indicates one is viceful by being lazy and gluttonous, and thus would make a shit wife.
Also because fat is a shit fetish for faggots.
t-thank you user for this.
>Weight gain indicates one is viceful by being lazy and gluttonous
Yeah, and it's hot as fuck
You wouldn't make your pregnant wife diet and exercise would you? You monster!
>Wanting women to starve to death
What do you have against well-fed women?
So what do you do when it's your fault she gets too big for her old clothes? You do buy her new ones, right?
Wrong, a man who has a passion for good food so much that it shows on him is damn cute.
But my opinion is mine and your opinion is yours.
They should have made Kanako fatter.
I'm not familiar with the series but it looks like that weight is a cute start at least - better than all those characters that worry about their weight when they look exactly like the rest of the cast.
You are a fucking weirdo aren't you
I don´t get stuffing. The final result is pretty hot, but seeing a girl eating a gallon of mac and cheese doesn´t do anything for my dick
I think it's something about pushing past your limits, but I'm not into it either. I'm not into anything if it involves too much pain/discomfort for the other person (yes I'm aware that for a fatfag I'm vanilla as fuck)
I meant to say, I'm not into stuffing, but I do like seeing them eat, especially if they're happy about it. There's something appealing about that. But I don't want them to go to the degree that it gets painful. For me it's all about spoiling the person and comfort, the luxury even.
I love watching them enjoy it and seeing what their limits are, or they don't even realize they ate that much until its gone.
>not loving your waifu in whatever form she's in
Fuck fatfaggotry, she's in a healthy form and she's perfect like that
>Anybody who chooses to be fat is not worthy of any respect IMO
On the contrary, unless they're into humiliation kink (which is not my thing at all, but you do you), a guy who's fat and confident is pretty hot. Even better if they're cool with joking about it and not afraid to use the word "fat" like so many are.
>these posters
My waifu is very active and tomboyish, but I’d love encouraging her to overeat and be a glutton.
I’d want make sure that she’s active on a full stomach. And by “full”, I mean completely stuffed to the gills and bloated.
The sheer gluttony of it all, its extra hot if they dont even look happy but instead just intense and focused, as if they've gone completely out of control and are desperately eating to sate their sheer food addiction
Now this is peak wide.
As a stuffingfag, you’ve hit on why I like it.
I want to be a doting husband that cooks too much and leaves my wife absolutely stuffed, but extremely happy.
As the user you replied to, that fantasy sounds perfect except with the genders swapped.
We should be friends.
It does sound perfect to me. I think gluttony is something to be enjoyed, not something to torture someone with.
I love a girl who has fun pigging out every now and then. I just wish I knew some girl gluttons— Most girls I know seem to be very conscious about how much they eat.
I mean, it depends on the person. As long as they don't kill themselves from it (some people are actually into that part though). But there's something really sexy about someone who indulges in their desires and lives their life to the absolute (heh) fullest.
Unfortunately I can't say I'm one of those girls, but that's because I don't look good fat, genuinely. My search for a guy who's into this and doesn't want to be dommed/humiliated is probably never-ending.
I wish you good luck in your pursuits!
There are guys into out there, believe me. I’m friends with some of them, and even I’ve occasionally entertained ideas of stuffing myself even though I primarily want to stuff girls.
Based on what I’ve seen, most guys who like stuffing themselves also like girls stuffing themselves too, so you’ve got a bigger chance of finding someone than you think. For me though, I’m at a loss. I have no idea where to look for gluttonous girls.
Good luck to you as well.
Panty probably wouldn't be happy about getting fat though.
Too bad for her.
Eh, she'd be fine as long as she can still get laid.
I just like cute pictures of cute girls cutely enjoying food.
I like how in-character these are.
I understand, I have an entire sub-folder dedicated to pics of my husbando eating.
>No adorable fat gf with big, deep rolls of back fat to stick your dick in
What exactly is Kato up to these days? He was one of my early entry points into fat anime girls.
No, fat "people" are repulsive and I hate them.
The ironic thing about this is that the people who talk like this are fat nine times out of ten
He made a twitter, there's some good stuff on it
I am bisexual so female weight gain is super hot but Male weight gain doesn't get me off as much. I'm not sure why. I would love a plump little waifu to indulge and spoil rotten, but I need a physically fit husbandou.
Well, nowadays most people in modern countries are fat fucks, so yes, the odds are that pretty much any statement made on the internet is pretty likely made by a fat fuck.
Okay, this is pretty hot.
I'm with everyone else I got triggered by your gym comment. I actually like myself better with muscle mass and some stamina. I'm about as strong as I wish I was when I wanted to stand up for myself...
She'd probably want to kill herself for it. She's already been fighting a losing battle against her extra pounds in the Heaven's Feel Route, losing it in the Normal End.
I don't mind at all, as I expect her to fill up those milkers and drink from her delicious jugs once she becomes a full fledged milf.
Imagine how dissapointed would Billy be.
She's a petty girl so I can see her getting embarrassed about her excess pounds. She would probably struggle and in the end fail to fix it, only to blame me for her failures. I'd tenderly embrace her, tell her I love her the way she is...and then fuck her senseless to the point she forgets all about it. Nothing like make up sex with a girl overly conscious about her body.