What is this expression meant to convey?

What is this expression meant to convey?

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"I should have worn more clothes like i was told"

That she's ready for the dick.

teaching bird about the birds and the bees!

>I just wanted a small dab not a whole fuckin string

The scared moment before blissful penetration.


When oniichan cums inside. Again.

Confusion, clearly.

You know, difficulty in reading expressions is a real actual symptom of autism so I mean this with some genuine amount of earnest: are you autistic?

theres a more important question here that remains unanswered

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"Man... this show fucking sucks."


>It was at this moment she knew she fucked up.


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I might watch this show if this ever actually went anywhere

I wish one day they would just make H OVAs.

This, she was warned beforehand.

i grabbed her little sister oppai just because it was right there and i could

1 part horniness, 2 parts Lovecraftian existential terror

Why does this combination just result in her being a sassy cunt though?

This, the shows only worth is in the female characters. They may as well just skip the fan service pantsu shots and get straight to fucking.

Actually when I first watched monogatari not knowing what it was I thought it was a hentai based on the animation style.

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She did it on purpose. She gets off on it.

They don't need to skip those shots, and some near exposure can be good for comedy, but that's no reason to avoid showing nipples and sex in other parts.

>the shows only worth is in the female characters
But Oshino and Kaiki are literally the two best characters

Oshino is pretty based, but kaiki is just fuel for cuckhold fags.

That would be the case if this were a photograph, but the faithfulness of expressions in drawings often requires the scene for context. A drawing isn't an actual face with minute facial queues, not to mention what is being drawn has to be representative of an actual expression. (think eyes/eyebrows glaring with the most joyous looking mouth)

Utter defencelessness. It's actually a calculated expression, designed to make Araragi maximally horny.

It does in the books.

>tfw your bother sticks his cock in your butt

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Nah it's still just tease and implications there too, just more of it since you can't fit everything into the anime.

Nah she gets a thorough pounding.

>You promise?

it was funny on it's own
why do people always slap this kind of shit onto images?

Can someone just make a big compilation of imouto lewding in monogatari so I don't have to watch the entire thing? K thanks

>why do people put text on images
Gee, I don't know.

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the best one is the one about Hitler, it really makes you think.

Araragi is implied to have fucked both of his sisters, multiple times. In fact if you pay attention he bangs every girl except mayoi.

>what's this small tab of paper floating in my water?
>and why is the wall undulating?

What I wouldn't give to wake up tomorrow as an 18 year old with a hot imouto who wanted my dick

Come on, dude
It's not THAT bad

no it isn't, but I think it's unnecessary.

I'd literally murder every single one of you useless pieces of shit if that's what it took to make that happen.

>why do people do things that I personally don't like
Oh the humanity

i fucking wish. the animation of hentai have declined so much that you wouldnt be able to make that mistake anymore nowadays

This whole thread was unnecessary, why are you picking on this meme exactly?

it's fun

She now know onii-chan have a 12 incher

it jumped out to me.


He is right that its overused as fuck. R*dditory just put it on everything. Like with many other memes.

Mostly surprise and confusion, mixed with a bit of fear and expectations. She wants it to happen, but know it's wrong.

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Is this perfection?

>In fact if you pay attention he bangs every girl except mayoi.
If you pay attention he only bangs Crab, Bee, and sort of Bat in that bloodsucking feels like sex for them though. There are some chicks I could get you thinking he may have fucked but how could you think he banged Cat, all things considered?

wat, when was that implied

Monkey removed his pants and underwear completely once, and I'm way sure that didn't end in her putting them back on him right after.
In the last book, Musubi or whatever. They've been living together for years and their relationship is so close even Kanbaru comments on it being dangerous.

Her nipples aren't visible, so not quite.

He called Cat his second mother in Tsukihi Phoenix and is shown to love mommy play currently with his girlfriend. He likely will never bang her, but his boner will never die for her. We should separate Cat and everyone else in his mind, because she is like a goddess he swears fealty to, even if Hitagi and Shinobu passed and told him that he could be happy with Tsubasa, he would NEVER, EVER bang her, no matter how molten hot his boner got. Nisio likes these weird relationships.

>grabbing my hands
stop this degeneration

Nigga wtf
Why she wearing a bandaid on her pussy

No bandaid at all would be better, but it's rather uncommon for even a simple curved line to be shown there instead. I can only think of some manga that have done that.

why not?

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She got a scratch on her hymen made by Araragi.

>the face she makes
It's like a rabbit frozen up in a predators gaze, and Ibwant to pounce on her so much.

To stop the bleeding.

>This is my fault since i always dress like a slut

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That would need a budget beyond any hentai in history.

which episode was this anyway?

> [Curb Your Enthusiasm theme begins]

The desire to not be cummed inside

Kanbaru is just jealous.
Though I'm not sure of which one.

probably an episode in Nisemonogatari.
Believe it or not there are actually homosexuals who don't enjoy Nisemonogatari, when it was the most fun because it was the most fanservicey.

Her hair pin looks like an egg.

It's hot.

I'm not seeing it.

No it's just that fried eggs happen to look like her hairpin

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yeah it's nise
episode 10 to be specific

If I remember correctly, the actual answer is that in the LN, Araragi gets an eyeful beneath her dress when she does that move, and it's explicitly stated that she's not wearing anything. So rather than show panties, which wouldn't be accurate, or censor it or leave it blank, which wouldn't be fun, (or draw it accurately, which probably wouldn't get aired), they put a bandaid, which in-and-of-itself is a fetish.

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Probably in Musubi, but things took a weird turn pretty early on.

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