Why does japan hate these character archetypes?

Why does japan hate these character archetypes?
Either they’re gay, or treated poorly as side characters who job to the terrible Mc. Hell I can’t even find any harems with them but a plain Mc gets tons of them.

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To simply put in words. Japanese men cannot into that physical build and japanese women do not find them attractive. Hence why the slender effeminate build is most sought by women.



The literal poster-boy of anime is swole as fuck.

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Macho men have been a gay stereotype in Japan for ages, that kind of thinking doesn't go away easily.

Careful you don't pull a muscle moving that goalpost.

>Why does japan hate these character archetypes?
only some girls, homos and 12 year-old kids like macho dads

The look slimmer comapred to other shonen characetrs actually.
Not to mention the effeminate look.

>why are gays portraited as gay?

>grizzled buff men are gay while this skinny twink is a chad pussy slayer

Just wait, they are coming and when they arrive, they will be here forever.

God i hope so.

Strong men don't look like that, they also have a lot of fat. Gym rats obsessed about looks are the gayest of the gays.

The only thing I respect Boku no Hero author for is sticking to his Allmight design and making him cool despite what everybody else told him

Not the same guy, but even Jojo dropped the super muscular standard, even if they keep having toned muscles, their volume went down. The most muscular characters are the ones from the oldest parts, from a time with different cultural expectations

Okay then

Probably because anime had so many of them back then. were the remnants of bygone era, eroded with the shift from physical to intellectual 'superiority'

>why is a bunch of men standing naked with each other gay?

>misses the point

That's just a cope on the women's part

But Eugen, Jin and Soriz are all very straight.

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I know. Unfortunately japs don’t care and will make them gay in art and shit.

Are they not popular with fujos?

>implying gay fanart doesn't occur literally everywhere

what's wrong with japanese women having better taste than western whores?

They're not under the influence of kike subversion.

Fujos don't like manly men.

You barely see straight porn with these archetypes.

I dont think I've seen an attractive man in japanese porn... that wasn't pretending to be a woman.

Please tell me you're a woman.

No homo but I have. Ottermode, good haircut and face. Kinda want to look like that guy and bang 10 cute babyfaced japanese girls at the same time

Have you not seen 80's anime? fist of the north star for example

Entirely environmental.
Toshiki Yamamoto (Oly lifter) is a beast.
Same for their gymnasts.

They just live in tiny apartments, with no time off of work, with low calorie diets supplemented by smoking.

If each salaryman hit the gym with his work squad they'd be swole as fuck.

It’s Opposite Day. Feminine boys are chads and strong buff men are betas who get cucked or turn into homos.

Goku is way more popular in the west than in Japan. The posterboy of anime would be something either Doraemon or Luffy.

I think I only saw that once, and he was raped in front of his girlfriend.

It's a gay stereotype in the West too way back in the 80's. You can thank your pornos for that.

Japanese culture is literally rooted in fujoshits and twinks that view beauty, regardless of gender, equals divinity and goodness..

Luffy is jacked as fuck too, though.

I think the joke was originally the subversion of a big buff manly man being an effeminate sissy than it being inherently gay.

Oh, Japan?
>The same Japan that has made a staple of pic-related protagonists?
>The same Japan that has obsurd "handholding is lewd" or "that 20-something years old woman is an old hag" tropes?
>The same Japan that will portray a male's behaviour in love as either that of a screaming faggot that hides his face when seeing a woman's body or of the most depraved hentai rapist?

That Japan for example?

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At some point the meaning was lost and being buff is now synonymous with homosexuality see bears. Outside of Schwarzenegger and Van Damme, there haven't been many pop culture swole dudes that give off hetero "manly vibes."

It's more like more gays find buff manly men attractive than women.


>"that 20-something years old woman is an old hag" tropes?
I don't see the problem.

>His knowledge of Japan only comes from anime.
Inject Kurosawa into your veins.

Fugos don't like manly men.


because most japs are faggy twinks and can't attain this build

ran sucks, overhype hack

Yeah, women have that nurturing "I will change him" side in them, which is not real love btw, that like to pamper cute manchilds. and recieve trains of dick from chads in his back

yup women value different elements of physique - vascularity, v shaped body(not T shaped like bodybuilders go for), abs for days, large traps.
things that are generally "easy" to obtain if you actually work out with a serious work ethic so bodybuilders go waaaay beyond them

No normal person outside of gym rats and 15 year olds would want to anyways.

Gladly. Oh wait, moot is a huge faggot and I can't.

t. Beta

t. Gymcel
Don't skip legday.

t. Fatty

Old men, or burly men? Most fujo women like twinky looking guys who, to be fair, may be considered to be the more approachable and harmless looking male compared to the rugged handsome classic male. Some girls still like big burly men still.

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Men are being turned into basedboys! It's a conspiracy, they put shit in our water that make the freaking frogs gay!!!

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moot is dead

real men

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Lose weight.

>Poster boy of anime
In your fucking dreams idiot

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pussy faggot

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Make me, manlet.

learn the difference homos

nice jeans. they make them in mens?

t. Fatty

have you seen /fit/
most of them ARE gay

word.filter imma right!?


S-OYbois are absolute state of these fags.


Cope fatty

Anime doesn't need buff chad MC's getting all the girls because that already happens in real life, escapist wish fulfillment fantasies are why most of us watch anime.

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Why, because then a woman would have finally spoken to you?

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t. more Gymcel

Martial arts manga is the answer.

So you're a disgusting degenerate homo, got it.

Because the weak should fear the strong

So you're saying that you're a screaming faggot that blushes and hides his face when you're near, or in contact with, real women, huh?

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But the beta market is so saturated now

Momoa? Hemsworth maybe? Pratt?

Gymcels don't watch anime or even any media for that matter.

Seething fatty.

I’m not a gymcel but I want more buff dudes.
I’m not gay.

No, those are hyperbolic anime tropes.

Anime is for betas

Rent free gymrat

>t. incel

>I want more buff dudes
>I’m not gay

>Twinks and Fatties arguing online
>Sexual tension permeates

But that's what the majority of modern MCs are about user.
Either mumbling s-oyboys when around women, or food-eating idiots that don't give a fuck and only want to fight. Sometimes both.

>1 word vocabulary
Just the average Yea Forumsutist

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>food-eating idiots that don't give a fuck and only want to fight

Infinitely more alpha than cucks that actually give a single fuck about women.

>Self inserting into asexual autists


No, they're just not thirsty cucks who base their self-worth on the capricious whims of females.

>Excuses from an Yea Forumssexual Yea Forumsutist

>implying girls don't thirst towards skinny-jeans-wearing cutebois
>implying gay men aren't into bara looking buffs

What's so wrong about caring sexually for the other gender you homosexual?

>imagine wasting your time to be attractive to other gay men

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>Literally who.

This. Leave it to chronic basement dwellers to be so out of touch of what most women's choice in men.

My own experience is that Japanese women adore Chris Hemsworth.

I think being muscular, lean, tall,and wearing slightly effeminate clothing is the trick. Cardigans and girlish scarves.

No one wants muscle golems in tanktops.

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>implying women don't care about the male physique
>implying anyone taking care of his body for himself first and foremost is gay

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>can't even use the meme correctly
Having the mentality that you have to be a 10/10 alpha chad for girls to like you is peak incel my dude.

>I watch noting but trashy haremn and shounen

anime is wish fulfillment for otaku. We should be grateful every MC is not a pudgy NEET with shaggy hair and a backpack.

seriously, though, buff, manly dudes are an 80's thing. Before that, anime characters were little kids. after that, they have been getting progressively younger and twinkier. I think it does say something sad, though, when MC is a skinny bishonen, while his mentors are huge meat-mountains. Characters like Deku and All Might, for example. its like anime creators (and thus, their audience) realizes that manliness and muscle represent power and adulthood and mastery, but still view themselves as weak and girly.

and, really, its the girly part that I don't get. Sarazenmai has a cast of young boys, but they are very fit and beautiful, in a teen boy way. the hot guys of Free! are another good archetype. they are NOT feminine, in any way. Why is this not the ideal?

This is actually peak attractiveness.

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As far as I know, it's mostly black girls and latinas that go ga ga over roided dudes.

Most of the anons in this thread are likely Spics or Nigs who grew up with cholo/gangsta culture that's why so many of them feel alienated by East Asian beauty standards.

>Having the mentality that you have to be a 10/10 alpha chad for girls to like you is peak incel my dude.
That was my point brainlet. Now read this shit you posted again and see how you just called yourself a peak incel.
>Anime doesn't need buff chad MC's getting all the girls because that already happens in real life

the girl? yes

>implying gym = taking care of your body

This is unironically true, there's more PoC here than there are in tumblr.

>>I watch noting but trashy haremn and shounen
Oh enlighten us then, you elitist faggot. You know damn well that things aren't the same in the majority of anime/manga anymore regarding the depiction of males.

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if your not taking steroids it literally is 99.9% of the time
have fun not being able to walk without a cane after 70

>gay ass dream like dating a girl
now that's gay

The gym isn't the only way to stay healthy, gymrat. That's the point he was trying to debunk.

No, that was his point:

Luffy has been training in prison and is SWOLE now.

Most girls don't like gymrats. That's just a fact.

That's ridiculous though, having standards for yourself and being lean and muscular as opposed to an emaciated twink or a fat piece of shit = gay.

I tower over women like thar pic (6'4) but for my back, chest, and arms to look like that I'd need to bench 350lbs for reps and barbell row 500lbs. Or roid.

>That's just a fact.
...that you like to tell yourself about those "gymrats" to feel better.
You are a sad person.

they do though. at least where I live, girls will definitely take a gymbro over some twink

ssshhh, all people were severly handicaped until the last few decades when ameritards pulled this gym out of their asses.
no faggot, you're just deluding yourself, the only point of gym is looks, homo looks.

it fucking is you brainlet.
running a lot will get you there like 80% of the way
lifting stuff will strengthen your ligaments and bones until you die, you will benefit from when your older and most people around you are shitting their pants, yet you have 10 more years of sell sufficiency when your 80.

Yuki became based for a couple episodes tho'

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have fun being a decrepit corpse at the unripe age of 70 when you should still have 20 functional years left.

have fun being a decrepit corpse at the unripe age of 70 when you should still have 20 functional years left. and maybe even another 10 with a cane

You're shooting the messenger, but I've come to expect an insecure /fit/ to be so condescending.

You probably live close to the projects.

This thread is a fitting and shitty enough thread to drop this vid


>Wanting to live past 40
No one will hire you no matter how "SWOLE" you are gramps.


cope harder homo nigga

you could get a job before you're 40

Lmao. Terrible example, he’s a stick now.

Showing women that you care about them is extremely unattractive to them. Women only care about men who couldn't possibly give less of a shit about them.

swole grampas are the coolest, motherfucker

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that only happens to uggos like you

And get quietly "laid off" at around 50 at most. It's not worth it. Just off yourself at your prime.

>jack as fucked
his gear 4 does not count

i am gonna make damn well sure that when i retire i will be able to do anything i want without my body holding me back for another 40 years.

when you start taking your health seriously and take the "fast" pill (seriously fasting is so ingrained in the humane genome it wil help you in so many ways) you will probably get above 100 easy

i am not even big, most people wouldnt even really notice i go to the gym. your perception is retarded. i go to the gym 3 times a week for 2 years and the results are disappointing. looks wise
my health and mind health are amazing now though.
also why are you retards so against moving from your chair
>cant even spend 3-5 hours a week to prevent depression and get to a healthy old age and feel better in every way right now.

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> "" then "" shonen mcs
> for little boys to fantasize and play pretend

> "" now "" light novel mcs
> for looser teens to self insert

Different archetypes for different audiences, your pic makes no sense.

Damn, really? Is it normally that hard or is it because you're so tall? Also Archer is only like 6'1", it's just Illya that's really short because she's a little girl.

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>Can't even capitalize I
Must be a requirement for gymcels to degrade their English proficiency.

No wonder modern teens/YAs are faggots then. Especially in Japan.

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>he doesn't know anpanman, the predecessor to wanpanman

fine. make sure you never move an inch in your life. i bet that will be a good way to spend it. its gonna be long anyway with current medicine. only you will be a decrepit corpse and i will be able to do my own shopping


well, being muscular and strong has his benefits if you are in a physical demanding job. Fuck women, fat people and faggots.

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>Thinks he has to devote his life in a smelly gym just to increase lifespan
You're a liability from a productivity standpoint once you hit your late 40's no matter what. You're only masking your inevitable mid life crisis woes.

That's what the ATTRACTIVE guys do. Give absolutely no fucks about women, and they draw them like flies to honey.

The Rock is pretty swole and he's a hugely used actor right now

>devote life

I'm ashamed to admit that I actually went to the gym for some time. Biggest waste of time in my life.
Unlike you, I happen to have a job and multiple interests, not much time for bullshit.
>my health and mind health are amazing now though.
Thinking your mind health is amazing from going to the gym is beyond retarded. It's also more than obvious from your posts that your mental health is not doing good at all. Maybe if you would use your brain instead of going to the gym you would do better. Or maybe you just have a 2 digit iq and in this case I can't fault you for doing what other people with your intelligence do.

He's basically a meme joke now. He doesn't really give off sexy manliness.

>the hand holding thread gets deleted
>this one doesn’t
Huh Mods?
Care to explain?

You can see that Goku isn't monstruously giant, even if he has good muscles. Besides, the animation in that part sucked ass, in some frames Goku had a neck thrice as fat as his head, and in other frames he had noodle limbs

Based post.

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He can when he wants to. It's just he mostly does comedies

There's also Endeavor which has a similar kind of body

>working out or running or whatever wont give you any mental relive
i am out

>waste of time, have a job
its 3-5 hours a week you probably spend 40 hours a week shitposting. whats 3 hours less shitposting gonna hurt.

He's so fucking sexy.
They should make more characters like him.

You don't need to be a woman to appreciate Eugen's fine body.

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The fundoshi fromdoesn't make his physique very flattering though.

because japanese female preferences

look in to any otome and you find out what japanese girls like

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Honestly, physiques like Ichigo's for example are perfect. Not too swole and huge, yet also not effeminate like Kirito Jesus-kun.
Just lean, mean, muscly fighting machines.

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It ain't gay, you're just closeted if you can't stand around nude with your fellow man. I bet you avoid locker rooms for fear of being aroused.

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Why is this guy popular in the series straight lewds?

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I'm just talking out of my own experience and not just gym. I don't know, maybe it works for brainlets.
>you probably spend 40 hours
That's a really nice projection user, but I have to dissapoint you, I rarely browse this and I don't shitpost.
>its 3-5 hours a week
In which you could do literally anything else, why settle for the lowest of the low?

That lifting will make you stronger, don't you want to be stronger?

Mirai Nikki with Yuki from the first world would be nice.

A better question would be why does this guy gets paired so much with Tsunade.

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The coping in this thread is astounding, not that i expected any different from you lardasses.
>everyone who exercises goes to the gym
>everyone who goes to the gym is a monster bodybuilder
>everyone who exercises has to devote their entire being to it and can't have any interests or hobbies outside of it
This is literally that coping tumblr comic that got posted all the time when this discussion came up. It's ok if you don't want to do it, everyone is free to decide how to live, but slandering those that do just makes you look incredibly pathetic.

user, arnold was popular in 80s.

Why build muscle if you're not going to use them for anything but posing? Japan has low crime rates so no need for self-defense, women are fine with slender guys so you can get laid as one, and you're probably a busy wage slave anyway so no time for gym.

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Are you implying gym rats are tolerant saints that don't look down on those that don't lift as if they're subhuman to them? Kek, don't kid yourself.

If they hated them they wouldn't appear in anime at all. There are two types of characters Japan is sure to hate
1. Lecherous, scummy males who made moves into any female characters. These men often stick their tongue out a lot and sometimes have dyed hair and piercings. They usually will get beaten to humiliated pulp seconds later by the MC as power fantasy
2. Females who displays unsightly traits to the audience, like laughing at the MC, gyaru fashion, delinquent clothing, always seen by the arms of the bad guys. Sometimes their unlikeable actions are exaggerated to cause a reaction in the audience. See Shield Hero.

>being self insertfag
At least make that male character interesting if he had to be skinny faggot.

Nope, it's one of the last things on my list. I would have to be perfect in anything else, to have nothing left to achieve, than maybe I'd think about it.

>There are two types of characters Japan is sure to hate
More like loser otaku.

One builds muscle for the sake of muscle itself. The muscle is its own meaning.

Stop living in the 90's. Otaku is Japan's "geek chic" now.

Otaku culture is diluting thankfully because of Cool Japan

>Porn is made by men and for men; it's their complete fantasy world. There are different kinds of men and different kinds of porn, but most men who consume that type of porn and that much of porn are spiteful losers. Hence, the porn they make is hateful towards those who rejected them (The female of their desire and the "alpha" male who has what he doesn't). So you're going to get porn of the females being degraded, thrown around, "beaten by the cock" (Take that you bitch!), brainwashed, "ruined", etc. While the real males are ever rarely shown because "they're losers", "can't really fuck", "small dick", (Insert some other form of loser cope). They also will use incredibly grotesque, degrading, and dehumanizing things to fuck the women (darker, fatter, older, bigger, uglier, ugly bastard) to push the medium even further.

Of course, these empowering fantasies are really just their insecurities running rampant and are the reason that they are losers in reality to begin with. This is why rapists rape people, because they are powerless people and finally reached the breaking point where they are so weak they just want a small taste of power over someone again.

To simplify even further, Brad Pitt does not read Asanagi or watched BLACKED, incels on r9k do. It's also the reason you have to have a complete blank slate mc in harems, as well as making sure none of them have sex and are complete virgins, because your market demographic doesn't want their fantasy ruined.

So in other words, The more fucked up, the hotter it is

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I have a job too and i have no problem with going to gym everyday.

Devil magic.

>Implying all rapists are losers
The demographics of them are shockingly diverse.

Some people are like that but not all of them.

>using Brad Pitt as a postive example

Raikage ruined Naruto porn for me.

How would I self insert into an interesting character?

You dont exactly like girls either, saucefag.

You don't.

Are you implying that everyone who exercises is a gym rat? Because that is how anyone who even brings up exercise in this thread is treated. It is absolutely retarded to base your entire existence around shaping your body just for the sake of looks, but exercising is a pursuit that literally only yields positives if you're willing to put in even a small amount of consistent work.


Why not?

>Japan has low crime rates
Aren't they the top country for unreported sex crimes?

Shocking, what's your point?

The ones who keep treating the gym as some Valhalla full of ambrosia (ie half of this thread) certainly are yes.

That you act like going to gym takes time when it really doesn't.

How do you report something that is unreported?

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Because modern magakas cannot into) draw abs even if the MC suddenly gets swol. Case in point, would look decent but a 10pk breaks the experience. At least he got the Chad vs virgin right...?

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I never implied that the MC can't be an interesting character.

You contradict physics.

Well, ok, but at least regarding Tsunade and the Raikage is the double appeal of BLACKED and...just the two of them belonging in the same group of peers. It's a powerplay between them.

Raikage is also a manly man and Tsunade is a very curvy and feminine woman. They were destined to have many lewds together. The other famous pairing(s) are her and Naruto or Sasuke, because of the MILF fantasies.

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Of course gym isn't only way to exercise but it good way too. I don't see what is your problem with people who go to gym.

Those people are retarded. It's so wasteful to me to see some peak physique dude and realize that he'd get athletically outperformed (and/or get his ass kicked) by people who don't look as good or aren't as big but actually do that shit. But even moderate exercise, when done consistently and paired with a decently healthy diet, gives massive benefits, both physical and mental.

American actors are not role models, quite the opposite.

I normally don't but this is Yea Forums where everyone has to be at each other's throats when it comes to life choices.

They did surveys and shit.

But what if you are both big guy but also strong?

You are technically correct, but most swole gym guys are at least as vain as the average woman. That doesnt make them gay btw, but it does make them insufferable faggots overall

>Being truthful when it comes to sexual assault

What do you mean user? Isn't "#MeToo" legit?

I don't think my post implied those things are mutually exclusive, user.

>women just banded together telepathically to fuck up anonymous surveys with zero benefit to themselves

>Women organize in packs to make sob stories of themselves

>Raikage manly
>whiny ass at the summit

Please kys. And that picture is horrible. Your fucking degrading Tsunade herself.

Yes. Buff men are great. As long as they are not buff fat. Now all of you go to the gym. Especially you.

muscle men are part of the gay stereotype in Japan

>Literally who
Laughing at you DBZspic.

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>whiny ass at the summit
He pounded team taka.

Kys narufag

> Peers
> no fucking orotsu porn.

I hate Naruto porn, and I hate nigger Raikage ntr, it's just about humilating everything good about Tsunade herself.

Yes i am. I also like kakashi, kabuto, itachi.....

Kys newfag.

He beat up kids, almost cried about his brother at the fucking conference.

Niggas a bitch.

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Why Japan was cursed by the Hairstyle God?

Tenma best boy.

Read Helk.

Post moar healthy boys.

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Fucken naruto almost lost to madara.
Posting a panel of someone getting their ass handed to them by madara doesnt make the character seem weak. infact, sasuke was KILLED by madara. The only reason he was alive afterwards was because of kabuto.

Also, based raikage. Cares about his brother and puts shitty little kids in their place.

The main problems with those guys on the right, aside from the hairstyle, is that they have very feminine poses and expressions, their skin has been photoshopped to hell and back to look like a doll's and they don't have beards. The latter one is one of the common things I have noticed that most young Japanese men lack. They have neglected growing nice beards.

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Cringe style.

Agreed. The art in that pic looks like doggy poop


Pics hot.

Tsunade is canonically for best boy Dan.
Yet, since he doesn't exist anymore, it's my turn now.

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>loses an arm and becomes a useless kage while Sauce is a god

I always appreciate a nice beard.

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Mad Naruto isn’t there. Fags.

>Also, based raikage. Cares about his brother and puts shitty little kids in their place.

Birch nigga almost went to war over kidnapping hyuugas and hiding weapons from everyone. Naruto one shot ayy like the bitch he is, Madara just put him in his place. 1

Tall guys need to build more pounds of muscle to look as swole as a shorter guy. The taller you are, the stronger you can eventually become, though. Unless you're freakishly tall.

Facial hair is just too much of a hassle to look good. Most of the time it makes you look like a jobless hobo and having to deal with food and shit clinging to them is a bitch.

Caring about the male in porn is pretty gay.

I mean, gay IS okay, so dont be afraid to admit it, but i'm just saying.

Also, i like sasuke, i just dont like tumblr noses and bad rendering.

That's why having a good mustache/beard means you are a wholesome man.

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>degrading Tsunade
>in porn
Find me porn nowadays that DOESN'T degrade its characters. That's the real challenge. You think Tsunade is being degraded because of Raikage's skin color, yet all those doujins with her and bratty Naruto fondling her, her getting gangbanged by White Zetsus etc are not, right?
Because they don't have dark skin?

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Saucefag is just racist. (And only because of porn lol)

Also, most fujo porn doesnt degrade the characters.

This shit is always so funny to me, because i genuinely cannot suspend my disbelief enough to buy Sauce having sex, let alone with a woman.

Narufag seething.

That's why you take care of it dude. And, despite how much I hate this saying, it's true enough that beards are the only equivalent of a natural "make-up" that men have. Because it hides a lot of things and instinctively exudes manliness.

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>Tsunade's boyfriend was just a literal who shinobi who dies in some conflict or another
>just kidding lmao he had an insanely broken special snowflake jutsu and was a fucking beast
How the fuck did they even kill this dude?

Big buff guys aren't always gay

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>I can buy Naruto being a harem protagonist and cucking everyone
>I can buy Raikage cucking everyone
>Sasuke with a girl? Naaaaaah.

I like naru but not as much as you think i do, and not in the way you think i do.

Hes cute but he looks way better with sasuke than any of the girls.

Sauce belongs with boys only!

>>I can buy Naruto being a harem protagonist and cucking everyone
Yes, because it's absolutely in character. He's always been perverted and had a huge amount of self confidence, also he's a fucking chad and shadow clone was made for hentai.
>>I can buy Raikage cucking everyone
Raikage brings a lot to the table appearance-wise, but his personality is definitely not like that. Still, it's believable.
>>Sasuke with a girl? Naaaaaah.
Correct. The edgy emo twink who has not come close to showing a modecum of romantic interest or even faint attraction towards any woman or character aside from Naruto is the furthest thing from a hentai bull you could possibly conceive. It speaks volumes how shitty his characterization is and how much of a black hole of personality he is that i literally cannot conceive him wanting to fuck someone, let alone acting bullish. Bravo Kishi.

Japan is a nation of cope.
They need fat gaijin dick to set them straight.

>How the fuck did they even kill this dude?
>Thanking Chōza for understanding his intent, Dan left and reached Tsunade in time to take over her body and save her from one of Madara's attacks. Conversing in her subconscious, he thanked her for accomplishing what he didn't in life and apologised for causing her only hardship. He then told Tsunade that he would wait for her in the afterlife, but that she wasn't to follow him yet as she was his dream itself. Kissing her forehead before he disappeared, Dan expressed gratitude that he was reincarnated, because it allowed him to finally protect her. As his final act, he seemingly imparted the remainder of his chakra to Tsunade, restoring her Strength of a Hundred Seal and then his soul returned to the afterlife.

Jiraiya never had a chance against Dan the Jesus.

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Western men are pigs.

I meant the first time, user.

Yeah the only japanese man with that build are wrestlers and pornstars

>dan happy with tsunade
Repulsive. Dan is for gangrape then murder (infront of tsuna)

>rapists are losers
Ted Bundy ran off of him being a gigachad picking up one night stands.


Sasuke wanted to restore his clan and had the ambition to restore his genetic bloodline by banging multiple bitches in the alternative universe. A non no angst driven Sasuke has more sex drive than Naruto and his tiny dick ever have. And Raikage is gay for his mentally retarded brother.

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I am not sure.



That's because hollywood always ALWAYS has those dude wear dresses or get metaphorically fucked in the ass on camera/go gay.
Have no idea why masculine het men have to crossdress, do gay shit, or be a babby sitter with kids in western media.
But there it is.
No group of men has to do this kind of shit.
Only large het presenting men.

I think it's a gay hollywood thing or maybe an attempt to secretly push homosex onto the populace.

reminder that asian men are considered to be the least attractive kind of men by women standards because they have neotenical traits like the small eye size, lack of a prominent jaw and small dick that most women don't feel attracted to

We don't like Raikage because he's a unlikable as a character and is basically a bland tough guy who gets crippled by the villains.

Tsunade deserve a someone with better standard is, and Raikage is not one of them.

But in all those dating statistics black and hispanic men tend to do the poorest.

You shut your whore mouth about Danny and Tsunade

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Sasuke harems are kino, wish there were more.

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He's basing his arguments on US dating standards. Asian men actually do well in places like South America of all locations.

>dude he can do shadow clones
Like every other ninja including Sauce?
>self confidence
? Sauce has self confidence. That’s his thing. He was a cocky asshole.
>dude he’s perverted lmaooo he deserves all the bitches
Good one.
>he’s a chad
>passes out in front of giganiga

because guys like pic related can't self insert into them

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Nah it's not
Women don't like buff men, only men like buff men

Adult Sasuke is plenty manlier.

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I've noticed this too, I'm a "cute" asian guy and I do a lot better with minorities

Doesn't stop Goku and broly fags.

I’ll never understand people adding in the expressions of the male.

Goku and Broly are autistic so it’s k.

I wish Sasuke hentai didnt stop being quality after 2017.

Anything by Boichi has lots of healthy men.

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Imagine being THIS offended your gay mancrush gets called out for being gay.

>raikage is unlikeable
Eh. He kinda is, i'll give you that.

But we all know you only hate him because of porn, saucefag.


It's a simple comedic trope
Wearing feminine clothing while looking explicitly unfeminine looks weird, which makes it funny
Not everything is some big gay conspiracy theory you fucking retard

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Endeavor from MHA is pretty popular with fujos tho. But mostly because they are into abusive jerks

Women find ottermode infinitely more attractive than bearmode

Imagine being THIS angry your self insert isn’t as popular as you think he is.

You wish you were as chad-looking as fucking Raikage weakboi.

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No it's because their consistently cool and badass. And like all wish fufillment characters, women get all hooked on their manilness.

I agree since i do enjoy contrast comedy, but when was the last time we had a manly man protagonist played completely straight? Something like Riddick in fucking 2013?

>"if I work hard I can be strong like Goku when I grow up"
>"I wish I didn't live in a society where gamers are a discriminated minority so I could get a gf like Kirito does"

Attached: Kirito_avatar_SAO.png (1920x1080, 963K)

>n-no u
>self insert
Don't have one since i'm not mentally ill. You on the other hand clearly do since any criticism of you husbando results in autistic rage on your part.

>or be a babby sitter with kids
Are you talking about fathers?

Yeah I'm not gonna lie, it's like everything he in is meant to troll fans of important male characters when he gets porn with hinata, Sakura and Tsunade
Like hes in everything just to spite us, and that's fucking irritating

Only Greasy weebs think they're cool and guess what they're all dudes.

No straight male actively thinks about the physical appearance of another man like this, such faggotry doesn't cross the mind of your usual jap

>not posting the video

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Because some girls like that
Because girls are fuckin gay

Who lost a arm and got outshone by a couple of kids again?

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Then why is kpop fandom a thing

Sometimes they're not treated poorly.

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most gays can't achieve a body like that since the HIV drains all their gains tho

Damm self-improvement makes you angry

Not everyone is cucked like most Japanese. Some draw muscled men.

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>not mentally ill
>gets mad over fictional characters
>makes up sexualities for fictional characters because he’s mad


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this entire thread in a nutshell

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This goes both ways.

>y-you're the one w-who's mad!

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This. Here's hoping he makes a come back one day.

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>literally no u the argument

Please stop posting him, i will NEVER get over how he fucked up SKR at the finish line.

how is this a mystery to anybody? look at kpop/jpop/cpop groups, they are all twinks. So clearly they are the popular physique in asia.

I am just as mad. Trust me. Doesn't diminish his art though.

He is perfect.

No way fag, haha. But you are right tho.

Doesn't matter to me. The art is god-tier, but the fuckup is elder god-tier. It's even more painful that such great art can only inspire sorrow and regret in me now.

So much hate for twinks. I guess this happens when you're the "privileged physique."

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You have my sympathy.

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Twinks are disgusting and only fujos and fags like them. Best male body range from bear to otter.

Don't hate because you can only attract penises.

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After a certain point, tropes like that stop being funny because they are unexpected and become the norm because they are expected.
It's not FUNNEH or clever or "subversive" it's trite and expected and seems like there is an ulterior motive behind it.

You can only do subversion on things people like or want for so long before it becomes the norm and becomes something people don't like

Look at the MCU and what Disney has been doing with SWU.
All traditionally het men and masculine men become litteral homosexuals, limp dick cucks, punching bags for women, or SO FUNNEH wimps.
It's not funny or entertaining.
It's just awful and everyone is sick of it.

Hell look at modern DB.
There is a clear hatred of that on display and heavy pushing of being skinny effiminate and being dismissive of training being strong and effort. Just magical feminine energy power and feefees.

Fucking awful. Look guys like us aren't going to be the heart throb. Although girls who are into twinkie dudes and fujo and the like are relatively easy to bed...if they aren't ruined by hormonal BC that is...
Just give us normalish guys that arent' jokes or made gay or something. Goddamn.

I know right?


No, surprisingly enough. Guys like that are never shown to be fathers and if they are they are le ebul mean fathers.

I mean stuff like the nanny, or the mister babysitter. Every big name male action star for the last twenty years had to do that one shitty movie.
The Rock
Vin Diesel
Hulk Hogan
Jason Statham
Jackie Chan
I can go on.

Arnie was notorious for those kinds of crapper movies.

I wish Yea Forums hounds would go back to their pool of porn and politics and stay there

Please don't donate blood

Golgo is late. Fairy nanny GolgoMcGee when?

>Naruto cuck is a redditor

I'm a woman, crossboarder.

Too late. You got HIV, user.

nice abs

That’s my goal in life!

Kys redditor

behold a thread with a bunch of people talking about things they know nothing about while arguing with other people pretending to know what they are talking about about things they know nothing about


I thought that was this thread

Throwing around that word... did you hear it on Yea Forums and pick it up like a child or do you actually know what bleddit's community is like and are simply comparing me to a bleddit user?

good comeback lol

But I thought they liked skinny boys!

They like skinny guys as their sisters.

All I need to know redditor.

>yuno imprisons him and make him shit in a chair
>still comes back to her
there is no redemption for this.

Attached: shit.jpg (1600x900, 167K)

You one of those people who would also say "Why would I ever need to have the stamina to run a few miles?"

Ah, so you DID pick this up from Yea Forums without actually knowing dogshit.

Well, here's a secret...
repeating the word "redditor" like a parrot wont get you pussy

>still a namefag

Your mom

The overwhelming majority of otaku are fujoshi, they dominate sales charts and are consistently the extreme majority at comiket.

Thanks God they hate it.

Yawn namefag.

Jesus why are their so many limp-wrist faggots in this thread complaining about toxic masculinity?

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We're all little girls here.

It's sorya, I don't understand why this shit is so difficult for you faggots.

>In which you could do literally anything else, why settle for the lowest of the low?
>working in your early age to make sure you avoid the evolution of incurable back pain in middle age and the literal wasting away of your bones in your older age
>lowest of the low

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