State of Yea Forums

>state of Yea Forums
>words like cuck&incel are commonplace and accepted
>shonenshit generals
>buyshit generals
>SW threads deleted
>yotsuba deleted
>loli deleted
>kissanime/netflix/facebook OPs everywhere
>people who can't even take screenshots are starting to become a majority

delete this board and let it merge with Yea Forums already, it's beyond salvage

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Stop crying, oldfag

>let it merge with Yea Forums
more like /vg/
this board is full of erp niggers and their homo generals

>and let it merge with Yea Forums already

>legal loli on Yea Forums

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i wish moot had killed this website when he left, it honestly needed to die.

merge Yea Forums Yea Forums and Yea Forums into a media board

Yea Forums is absolute garbage
Merge with /jp/ instead

Buyfags have been on this board for a long time.

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I blame Yea Forums for this.

>forever trapped in the middle of /vpol/'s anti-SJW gamergate 2.0 shitposting war

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Become a janny and do it without monetary compensation. Else fuck off and let me funpost.

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>merging with Yea Forums

Are you insane? That board is cancer whenever animation is brought up. As much as I hate Yea Forums, I'd rather just merge with them than Yea Forums

>That board is cancer

Before this thread is deleted and OP is banned.
I agree with you, OP except buyfag tho.

You forgot the use of based/unbased vote system

Yea Forums would just flood the shit out of Yea Forums and Yea Forums

Your on Yea Forums now kiddo

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>in advertiser friendly land
pick one.

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His last bit of revenge towards Yea Forums was making sure we could never leave. This was his plan all along.

Yea Forums should merge with Yea Forums and you all know it!

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we should
>create a shounen board
>create a vintage anime board
>create a loli board
>create a shota board
>bring back visible sage
>bring back snacks
prove me wrong

We need less spics, no more

praise /spa/

You forgot a isekai board.

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What kind of cuck doesn't stream his shonens on kissanime?

Yea Forums/4channel divide came too late, now this place is full to the brim with cancer from /pol/,Yea Forums and other shit boards.

>cancerous meta threads popping up everywhere
That's you OP.

Yea Forums hates anime. It would be a nightmare to Yea Forums since Yea Forums outnumbers us in active users. They would just go to every anime thread and spam their stupid pictures of le penn jillete opinion descraded xDDD

>vintage anime board
it would be even slower than /po/ and would be dominated by Gainax autism

In order to become a janny you need to get a recommendation from a retired or currently serving janny. It's the most incestuous cliche on the entire site.

Might as well be the best time I've had on this site in the last 8 years.

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can you shut the fuck up. you people are so annoying. Nothing to contribute except fucking complain, just like in real life, fucking loser

Buyfag threads have been on this board longer than you have metashitter.

No. It'll just be used by Yea Forumsnons who want to talk about old anime. I mean, I'm pretty sure there would be some people that will make that their "home board", but it'll mainly just be an Yea Forums offshoot.

>create a shounen board
This single change would make Yea Forums so much more bearable desu. I can already see HxHfags coming back trolling their shit is not really shounen anymore.