Pigtailed Goddess

Pigtailed Goddess

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>mfw my gay detector tells me that's a man so I deftly manage to avoid all homosexual urges

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Kuno pls


based thread
being attracted to this cutie is the most heterosexual thing you can imagine

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Made for breeding

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the liberal amount of ranma tits in this show is truly inspiring.

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>tfw you have bigger tits than your fiance

How did they get away with this.
And in a kid show.

>tfw you have bigger tits than your fiance's entire family combined

nobody gave a shit, nor was it taboo

That’s “Blue Thunder” Kuno to you

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Is Rumiko gay?

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i thought pigtail was twintails

> 61 years old, never married
> runs an all-female studio
> invented half of otaku fetishes
> spent her prime years drawing cute girls with perfect tits dressing in sexy costumes or going shirtless every other page
idk user