Can Haruhi's influence still be felt today?

Can Haruhi's influence still be felt today?

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yeah she's still influencing my DICK

No. Its isekai all the way down from here

I want her to feel me, today.

No. The best thing that came out of that painfully mediocre anime is Lucky Star.

Influence means nothing. The merit of the anime alone and the awards it receives means something.

Not really. Right now Isekai is the big thing which Haruhi had no part in.


Lucky Star came before Haruhi.

What influence?
It's pretty iconic I'll give you that, but no one tried to copy haruri afterwards because it influenced no one

how come isekai is so popular now? Is it because of sword art online?


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Would Kyoto Animation even be in business today if it wasn't for the success of Haruhi?

K-On was big too, but they needed to survive long enough to make that, right?

I don't know how I never made that connection. I guess there's nothing good about Haruhi then.

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Heroihi is best

let me influence her full body to confirm

Technically the first Haruhi novel was released a few months before the first Lucky Star chapter but the manga basically had no connection to Haruhi. Only the Lucky Star anime tried to milk some more Haruhi money because of the studio and VA connection.

Its only influence was showing publishers and production committees that LN adaptations can be an insane cashcow, which indirectly resulted in the landscape of endless shitty isekai LN adaptations we have today

The manga yeah, but the anime came out after Haruhi and it rode on the Aya Hirano hype train before someone put a bass on the tracks

>Nobody tried to copy Haruhi
>moeblobs everywhere
I blame Haruhi for all the otaku-bait we get

What about Shipuhi?

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I want to feel her influence all over me

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No, as with all faith. It was a tower of sand that blew over. Now the sands are built upon a wave of isekai. Who knows when the current trend will blow over?

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I blame Azumanga Daioh and Lucky Star for SoL moeshit shows, haruhi was another otakubait just like many shows that are not in the same genre

the difference is that haruhi was a good show despite the otakubait

ne ne kyon-kun

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Haruchi is reverse Isekai

yeah, about that...

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To be fair, Azumanga was a new and fresh thing when it first came out, all the shit that came after was trying to leach off it's success.

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Are you forgetting Lucky Star/Keyshit?

Lucky Star only got the initial attention it had because they casted Haruhi's VA as Konata.Also, Haruhi was Hirano's breakout role as a VA