Why does every webtoon have rape? It’s out of no where and always so bland for absolutely no reason other than to sully the girl. I’m not asking for virgin female lead but goddamn, I don’t want her to be fucked up from rape.
Why does every webtoon have rape...
kill yourself
In the case of that one, wasn't it only an attempted rape?
>reading gookshit
You literally only have yourself to blame.
Also no anime or manga.
She said “it hurt”. Either way it’s an unnecessary exchange. Like not only did he almost rape her, but now they’re meeting again in front of the mc.
All gook stories must contain bullying, rape, and out of place fighting.
So what? She only has a brief fling with the rapist, lasts like three chapters at most. She gets back with the MC before the end.
You forgot ntr.
Yeah I’m not fucking with gook manga no more
koreans are compensating for their incredibly feminized and cucked society
Idk man, it’s just a huge turnoff. Call it preference but I’d rather not see the really cute female lead almost get raped.
>the most demanding society known to modernity, driving countless young men to suicide for their failure to make it
>feminized and cucked society
Pick one
Yeah a brief fling with a rapist is no big deal.
This is the only way for them to show porn without getting in trouble
Legit serious
Pornography is illegal in korea. Ecchi/smut is legal as a webcomic so long as you don’t show genetalia
Isn’t that Japan, not Korea?
you just described japan retard
Wrong they all have NTR
Korea overtook them last decade. Japan suicide is high but it's more of a hopeless cause than a hyperpressure cause.
There’s was actually a lot of foreshadowing before the actual rape scene, like a female princess in the female leads likeness getting raped by orks, and ever before that she was fantasizing about all her coworkers gang banging her. I honestly should’ve stopped there, this was totally predictable.
Jannies sleeping? How is this shit still up
rape is so romantic
Well shit, they’re all bug people no matter what.
Rape is the overmans fetish
why would you anger me so?
Not anime; not manga. Take your gookshit off of Yea Forums