Dragon Ball Super

Was he the only positive thing to derive from Super? Threads were actually comfy when the arc was going on and the mystic was there.

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Other urls found in this thread:


That entire arc was easily the best arc. Not to say it was amazing or anything, but Zamasu being a villain with motivations other than "I AM SO EVIL AND STUFF HAW HAW HAW" was refreshing, and even though evil Goku was pretty uninspired the way it came about was at least kind of creative, and it gave us one of the most aesthetic transformations. And Merged Zamasu, at least in the anime, felt like a genuine god-level threat. His abilities were all so showy and unique and grand.

>Was he the only positive thing to derive from Super?

Attached: Blue Gogeta.jpg (1492x1200, 324K)


Yes he was.
All of this shitposting started because of some retard falseflagging as a Gohanfag, I miss the old times...


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Fusions are shit, cope.

>Threads were actually comfy
/dbs/ was never good. But... we have fallen far since then. Maybe we need someone to de-ningen our threads again.

have sex

Keep crying fusionspic

The best girl who bleeds

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>the Light Novel x Furry / the Text Wall x Asspull / the Hiatus x Hack based Seinen chads are making fun of us again


Now we have a thread with the best thing and the worst thing in Super

Who cares about Cucktercopes?

Agreed. It was fun watching Zamasu's descent into madness and Black was a memorable villain despite being Ginyu 2.0.

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Old times

this right

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They were at least more tolerable than seeing the same reused cringey memes normalfags use here.
Posts like: were very few.

How powerful is Super Saiyan 4 Kaioken?

Attached: SS4KK Xeno Gogeta.png (1040x1755, 2.59M)

>Yea Forums shit
No, before that

Where's Caulshitfla (forma puta)?

This is something that felt like it came out of old Yea Forums. To be fair it was funny the first time I saw it anyway


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Merged ZimZam's white SSR was kino.

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Is that an SS4 with yellow hair

Enter CHADren.

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Please do not lewd Pan. She is only for wholesome. Thanks.

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Cringe. Die, Shitren.

Just fuck her already Trunks.

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Based and STRONGESTpilled

His future version already did after Zamasu arc.

Fuck Super and its spic fanbase

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>SS4 is a 500x multiplier
>SS4KK20 is a 10000x
>we know SSG's multiplier is higher than 160000x
KEK, that shit isn't even a 7% of SSG

Reminder to not give (You)’s to P*n pedos and to add the word P*n to your word filter

>tfw that was me
Holy fuck I'm so happy someone remembered. But user, I was in fact mimicking a real Gohanfag that made some shitty bet about Gohan being relevant or something. I think he said he would suck everyone's dick if he lost




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>all this headcanon

>>SS4 is a 500x multiplier
>source my Mexican ass

Would a puppet do this?

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Based, simply based.

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No, it was that he would hand over his hand and he was also a Panfag.

non-canon bullshit, fuck off pedro spic

>and the mystic was there.
What mystic?

Shut the FUCK up.

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Exits Zamasu

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>Its not the same because thats not Goku
Irrelevant, they are doing the same thing, the explanation given by Vegeta is the same given by Whis
>And its not the same because the KK was not even mentioned
Again, irrelevant. Tien ASKS if its the same concept after hearing Whis explanation, wich again is the same given by Vegeta to what Zamasu was doing
>"same situation as Kakarot" could mean a lot of things.
He literally says that Goku holding so much power was damaging his body you speedreader
>Having Goku's body means you get all of his techniques
Oh yeah, i remember how Zamasu used the kamehameha, instant transmission, taioken and so on. Fucking retard
>Holy fuck the amount of mental gymnastics
Its literally what Tien said
>Why would Toyotaro create a new concept that's pretty much the same as the Kaioken,
Ask him yourself
>stated by Krillin to be the Kaioken
It isnt, Tien says that it follows the same principle and then Krillin calls it that in doubt
>there is NO possible way it's not the Kaioken.
It could go either way. Again, ask Toyotaro if you are so eager to confirm that

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>Beerus on suppresses Jiren

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Cope, retard. Nobody cares about your wall of spic-canon.


Nice headcanon


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Concesison accepted


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Angels pussy is for Jiren only.

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The nega hair looks kinda cool desu

Spics shall be IMMEDIATELY discarded.

>B-broly you bastard, how much baby batter did you pump into me? OWARE D- BLUUURRRGGGGGHHHHHH

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>i-if I keep posting it my headcanon will someday come true

>Tracetaro fiction

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No promises.

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>Anime Jiren jobs pathetically
>Manga Jobren gets hit by Tardku and Chadshi dodges his snail speed attacks
Die, Jobrentards

Are there even any people on these threads that like Pan but aren’t sick fucks about it?

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>I can feel his enormous power level deep in my pussy
What did she meant by that?


>Anime Jiren jobs
When will normalfags quit pretending to know the meaning of the buzzwords they use? He didn't "job." It took two people to take him down when he was already exhausted from having tossed them and nearly all of their universe around like rag dolls.

The Jobrentard is immunized against all insults. Boring, generic, flat, all run off him like rain off a raincoat. But post the smug lizard who beat his alien overlord, and you will be amazed at how he recoils, how wounded he is. "I've been blown the fuck out!"

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>jobs pathetically
>literally undefeated


>get BTFO

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>S-so this is the power of trust...Accept my concession from this tournament, Goku-sama and Fureeza-sama...

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Out of the way Jobza

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>I got my hand about 8 months ago
He said he's been having a hard time fulfilling his end of the deal since all the anons are scattered around the globe, but he's getting to everyone eventually.

Jiren is like a rotting piece of shit, only the most vile and filthy creatures are attracted to it. If I use an insecticide, all the Shitrentards will die instantly.

You first FlavorOfTheMonthren

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You, apparently.

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>only achieved a tie-KO between all three parties in a 1v2
>actually landed on the benches FIRST, before Jiren
>Chadren still never actually lost an actual fight, just an irrelevant minigame

Enter Moro.

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Defend this

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Uuuh, yes. I'd like a roasted Pan, chef.


This, mods should just ban panpedos

What in the unholy mother of fuck is that thing, it's fucking horrifying

someone shop a jump scare into this pls

It's cute.

I think your goat is broken.

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Looks cute. I want to hug it.

>all this damage control
Don't worry I will BTFO all of you GTards.

>multipliers aren't canon
If the fact the stronger your base form is the stronger your transformation becomes isn't enough for a spic like you, the canon Daizenshuu confirms SS forms are multipliers, and years later Toriyama said the power of a SSG depends on its strength in base form when asked about make more saiyans go SSG in the future (after BoG was released) so yeah, multipliers are canon and will always be.

>SS4 isn't a 500x multiplier!
The official GT encyclopedia defines SS4 as a form with the strength of the Golden Ozaru and a human heart. Golden Ozaru is the combination of SS (a 50x multipleir according to the canon Daizenshuu) and Ozaru (explicitly said to be a 10x in the original DB manga), that makes it a 500x and SS4 is as strong but with a smaller body and human reasoning, but raw power wise is the same shit.
Even if you tried with some bullshit like "w-well Goku's strongest SS form was SS3 when he went Golden Ozaru so it's SS3 plus Ozaru, not basic SS!" that some guy tried months before, SS4KK20 would be only a 80000x, even in this case the difference between SS4KK20 and SSG would be the same difference as between SS and SS2.


But that's Goku's cocksleeve.

I'll chop Pan into half-inch thick fillets and set them inside. Next I will pour olive oil into a skillet, heat it, then add diced shallots and cherry tomatoes, cooking until the tomatoes burst. I will then add white wine and chicken stock, place the Pan fillets over the sauce and the tomatoes, and sprinkle them with fresh-squeezed lemon juice. I will cook until the Pan fillets are fully cooked through, then top them with a mix of shredded parsley, spearmint, and lemon zest and serve them hot with plenty of sauce and tomatoes over them.

>The official GT encyclopedia defines SS4 as a form with the strength of the Golden Ozaru and a human heart. Golden Ozaru is the combination of SS (a 50x multipleir according to the canon Daizenshuu) and Ozaru (explicitly said to be a 10x in the original DB manga), that makes it a 500x and SS4 is as strong but with a smaller body and human reasoning, but raw power wise is the same shit.
>Even if you tried with some bullshit like "w-well Goku's strongest SS form was SS3 when he went Golden Ozaru so it's SS3 plus Ozaru, not basic SS!" that some guy tried months before, SS4KK20 would be only a 80000x, even in this case the difference between SS4KK20 and SSG would be the same difference as between SS and SS2.
Post more headcanon Juan Pedro

>SSG isn't even close to 160000x!
The canon Daizenshu (again) disagrees, it says the Vegetto from the original manga (sans forms) was stronger than SS3 Goku (and Super reafirms this by showing the base form of a fusion always surpass the strongest forms of the fusees, making Super-Vegetto and Gogeta stronger than SSB in base form, and DB-Vegetto stronger than SS3 in base form), and SS3 is a 400x so after some basic math even a spic like you can do we conclude pre-Super SS3 Vegetto is over 160000 times stronger than pre-Super base Goku.
Now in BoG, Goku (before getting his new form) thinks fusing with Vegeta would be useless against Beerus, he knows that Vegetto's base form would be over 400 times stronger than his own base and that Vegetto's SS3 would be 400 times that (over 160000 times) and that's still nothing, yet he went SSG and thought he had more chances to beat Beerus than before when considering the fusion, so SSG is even above that >160000x

Now kill yourselves, GTfags. SS4 is an ant compared to god forms

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Chichi was mad a Goku for letting Bejita escape before he has kissed hef


There are Chads, and there are Virgins...

...but there's only one character who sperged out hard enough to get an entire timeline blown to shit.

All hail Zamautist.

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he's inferior

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>obediently posts more headcanon
Good dog! You can listen to commands quite well, my pup.

Which cut provides the best meat?

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Nice blog, where can I upvote?

kek based

kek based

>+Sorry, I'm only saying what the sources said
Take the (You) and leave

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>b-b-but muh non-canon guidebooks
Kneel, pet, KNEEL.

Sounds delicious, chef. I'm impatient for it.

The Planet Eater

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>non canon

>zero arguments
As expected of a dog.

MUI Jiren

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Why didn't Goku ever teach her how to fly?

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What sort of training does Jiren do? How did he reach such absolute, impossible strength?

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He’s a psychopath who only care about WAKU WAKU and Vegeta kissing his wife

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because he's a selfish cunt. same reason he won't teach anyone kaioken or instant transmission.



He jacks off 10,000 times a day.

>Goku is there
>SHITren is not
What was meant by this SHITrenbros?

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Stop lewding Uub's wife

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He broke his limiter like Saitama, it's not about what kind of training but how much willpower and effort did he do it with.

>gokek asspulls limit breaking form of the gods
>chadren is STILL stronger


Attached: limit breaking power of the gods.jpg (1280x720, 402K)

>kaibabbies think hard multipliers are still relevant

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He already existed, he just wasn't canon.

Pan is not for lewds. Pan is for wholesome. This is your second warning.

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>Only, at the time, it was considered that his strength would increase 50-fold when he became a Super Saiyan, but that was a bit of an exaggeration. My feeling as the creator is that, while drawing it, I felt that it was about a 10-fold change from what it was up to that point.

Reminder that SS 50x multiplier is retconned fanspiction, which also means Kaiokek multipliers are fake news.

Fuck off, Risu, you tranny.

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I already said no promises.
I'm not going lewd anyway.

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Anyone got the tweet where the Kill la kill twitter calls him a creep or some shit like that?

>fat mexican weeb making fun of another fat mexican weeb

Why don't Pan and Bulla have a tail?

Story arc where Freeza makes Bra his new concubine when?

>calls him a creep

Is risu really a tranny?

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Only Gohanbros can save us from the Panpedos! Please, Gohan, where are you?

After a long further deliberation, I have decided that Goku is a psychopath and pure at the same time.
Well the Nimbus cloud will only accept those with pure thoughts. So that means Goku has pure thoughts, up to the point he last used the Nimbus cloud. Also, we have to take consideration, into what exactly is the Nimbus clouds definition of PURE thoughts are?
Based on master Roshi's comment on the Nimbus cloud.

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Super Saiyan Mint

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pure evil

Are you talking about Reekdom101 trying to get a girlfriend(male)?

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The only problems with the arc is that it seems to give up halfway or didn't care about anything else. Zamusa and Black were the most thought out parts of the arc while everything else including the half point seemed secondary and was half assed. It started good but then slowly decays.

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I think that was it thanks user.

jesus christ reekdom

Why the FUCK is he getting hotter??? Even Grand Supreme Kai wants a piece of that goat.

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>What sort of training does Jiren do? How did he reach such absolute, impossible strength?

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>Esca states that namekians can't split
So only Piccolo can do it?

why was he randomly hitting on a faceless nobody in public? pretty weird.

>>gokek asspulls limit breaking form of the gods
>none of the Gods have it
>anyone can use UI
Jobrenmierdas lower the IQ of any thread they post

>Molo goes to U11
>uses his magic to scan for the guy with the biggest vitality (see chapter 46)
>steals a ship, or just manipulates someone to do all the job for himself like he did with Cranberry, or just flies across the outher space until get remotely close to the planet (see chapter 49)
>just in case someone can detect his ki (like Toppo could, since he was trained by the gods), hiddes his presence while getting into the planet (see chapter 48)
>goes to any random place of the planet, or just the polar opposite to where the energy he felt lies and opens a hole in the ground with his planetary manipulation, makes room for himself and seals it, making a perfect hidden shelter (see chapter 45)
>absorbs the energy of the planet like nothing, while jerking off in a safe place (see chapter 43)
>the energy he felt flies to where the energy is gathering and tries to knock him... but does nothing because the guy that seems to be gathering the energy in the sky is just an illusion, Molo is still safe somewhere else (see chapter 49)
>everyone in the planet dies a minute after (see chapter 43)
Okay jobrenfags, you have 5 minutes to show me what canon abilities jobren has that could make him survive this and beat Molo.

Attached: Molo.jpg (736x798, 99K)

hahahahahahaha holy shit

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Ultra Instinct is the equivalent of using Action Replay cheat codes to beat the final boss because you suck at the game.

I hate risu so much jesus christ

Pure retard

Nice headcanon
SHITren is a pathetic staminalet that couldn't handle 20 seconds of intense combat.
*Inb4 "SHITren fought against UI Goku for 30m" pathetic lie SHITrentards came up with

If your heart and intentions are pure, then you're capable of using the Kinto'un. Zamas can since his heart was pure as symbolic with the stability of his tea in the anime.

Samefagging Brolycamel finally got banned I see, another victory for the strongest

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Literally never happened in canon

ok then

God and Daimao split.

He created the technique most likely
Dude thats literally how he was born

go back to your cage

Black Goku's plot was the biggest letdown in the history of the franchise. The plot would have been so much better if he was a grown Goten who somehow got jaded after being turned immortal. We could have had one of the most grimdark plots in the franchise, instead we got that shitshow of a plot reveal. Didn't Dragonball have enough 1-dimensional cartoon villains. Could we once see a villain with depth.

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That's a special thing, I'm talking about what he did in the anime (made temporal clones of himself like Tenshinhan)


Adding Chi Chi would've made more sense than Videl I reckon.

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Black/Zamasu were the best antagonists in Super even after they started sperging out and turned into another retarded villain.

Jiren isn't really a villain, and although his backstory isn't great, his character has more depth when you compare it to previous antagonists like Frieza, Cell or Buu. Manga Jiren was better because we at least knew his goal.

So far, Moro's motives are generic and the only thing that makes him unique is that he uses magic and doesn't just punch hard.

Zamasu was so close to being the best DB villain. He needed a little more time and writing to show is change into a full blown bad guy.

Im not Toyotaro.

Seething Toeipoodle.

Dunn9 if that is canon to the manga but iirc those were ki clones, his body didnt actually split


You just blew him the FUCK out spectacularly

Kek what a pathetic loser

Attached: Tacopaco's bane.jpg (186x300, 37K)

That his penis is in her vagina.


>keeps spamming the same debunked shit

>hehe I'll pretend I debunked the very manga.
Whatever floats your fanfic boat

Yes, here.

>ignoring how BTFO he got in the last thread and this one

Reminder that Akira Toriyama explicitly stated that movie antagonists are stronger than the antagonist in the anime at the moment the anime released. Broly is stronger than Jiren and this is word of God. The strongest villain in all of Dragon Ball right now is Zamasu as they needed to call in Zeno to erase him.

And he's now back because 17 fucked the wording of his wish.


Nice headcanon.

You call THAT blowing anything out?
Heres another.. BAAAM


Being immortal=/=being stronger, stupid Pedro.

Zamas was not the strongest as he was made into a bitch on several occasions. He was the most dangerous.

Chi Chi is way, way stronger than Videl, the only advantage Videl has is beeing able to fly.

Attached: Weekly_Jump_powerlevel.jpg (735x508, 437K)

>ignoring the actual arguments
>deflecting to something completely unrelated
Just kneel already, you're embarrassing yourself.

>headcanon numbers

>caring about two housewives

>Was he the only positive thing to derive from Super?
*ahem*, forgetting someone?

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inb4 some weirdo makes lewds based on that panel.

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>Stated by Toriyama

Absolute retard

>Chi Chi is way, way stronger than Videl
No she isnt, Videl was already a champion tier fighter by the time she met Gohan and learned how to control her ki and fly in just a few days. She was a prodigy

Imagine if Frieza had won

Attached: LEGLESSku.png (1072x609, 244K)

BASED God poster, SSG stomps any furshit form

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Wouldn't be the first time

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>Mister Popo
I doubt this is Toriyama's word.

>SSBE is unrelated even both were adapted from the Chadnime

>Chi Chi stronger than Shen
Holy shit.

kek wtf


Imagine if Shitgeta wasn't complete disgrace... hard to imagine too

Can we have a non-mexican version

el basado

cursed image

This is cooler than SSGSS

obsessed, obese, cope, concede, kneel.

Holy shit I win again.

Then could Videl already be surpassed by her own daughter? She learned to fly without being taught and is shown to have immense strength without needing training.

Attached: C68A9324-8D28-4F94-A3A1-033CDBC2DDBD.gif (500x281, 925K)

Timeskip nut

t. Pedro Garcia Hernandez

>Mr Popo
Holy shit

even if you don't accept it then she is still more powerful going by feats and statements.
Hell even Kid Chi Chi has better strenght feats than Videl.

Because the level of the tournaments took a nose dive after DB, I mean Satan was the undefeated Champion after that point.
Even so, Chi Chi was breezing through the tournament herself when the competition was actually stronger and only got defeated when facing the strongest fighter at the time, Goku.

Attached: kidchichi.jpg (400x456, 36K)

don't lewd the angels

Shut the fuck doggeta dog

post the perfect smiles

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>The Toyopaco finally fell silent.
I seized victory once more.


>All other Universes

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But the question is why would zamasu pick goten over goku or instead of swapping body something else that I can’t think of

This scene

Attached: 1478381151611.webm (1280x720, 1.42M)

>Juan Pablo is still pretending SSGSS Evolution is a thing in the manga media in-universe and IRL confirmed Vegeta's form is just SSGSS again
I wish I was surprised but it's the same guy that keeps pretending Gregory's canceled anime is canon after several sources said the manga is canon so...

Attached: SSB, not SSBE.png (778x981, 492K)

>s-shut the fuck up
looks like I win, as always.

She's about as strong as Tao Pai Pai when he first met Goku. There is no way Videl could compete with that level, even with flight.

Attached: taopaipai.gif (240x184, 769K)

>muh .news site now dictates canon!

Scene that women will never understand #82591.

Tbh Pan knowing how to fly as a toddler is straight up bullshit but yes. Imo part of the main reason Pan will be powerful is because she is the daughter of two prodigies
Wrong, the old tournments were nothing great neither, with the exception the main group(Tien, Roshi, Goku and cia) everyone else was just regular humans. Chichi only defeated regular people so she is no better than Videl when it comes to strength, the only bonus that she has is that her father's genes made her a bit stronger but Videl massively compensates for that with how fast she learns. Tournment Videl was way stronger than Tournament Chichi

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ENTER in Champa

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You never won once in your life

Look at this dumb incel.

Why not ask Toyotaro about shit like SSBE being canon or SSBKK on Twitter? He asnwers it sometimes

Ask what? Its already confirmed by the manga itself.

I win again.

>Zamasu arc
Zamasu himself was a menstrating bitching petty little fucking faggot and nothing he did at any point made any goddamned sense.

The beginning was stupid with it's fucking idiotic human reisistance bullshit magic super smoke and that never going to not be stupid MYSTURY
The middle was just kakkarot and vegetas excellent adventure plus retarded bullshit about the mafuba and random powerups
The ending was goku blowjob at the expense of common motherfucking logic and the absolute darkest most fucked up more horrifyingly bad end of a bad end of anything I've seen in a series sense motherfucking Texhnolyze.

And pink super saiyajin goku will never not be the absolute dumbest most retarded most nonsensical asspull. It's just never going to be good.

The entire arc was bad. Even if the premise had promise every single bit of execution was bad. VERY BAD.

I'm deeply dissapointed in EVERYONE who had anything to do with this and Toriyama shouldn't have let his replacement on the manga make up his own story.

>D-did you sense that Bejiita? Forget about our energy being drained to the point we can't even defeat pre-training Freeza, at this rate Molo-sama will surpass us soon!
>God I hope Grand Kaioshin-sama seals his magic before that happens... I'm so scarred Kakarotto, I wish Broly-kun was here
Why are saiyans so pathetic?

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To end this dumb fights. And to be honest i really want an explanation to how "advanced SSB" works

Stop copying me you unoriginal shits. The I win and holy shit I'm smart can't lose is my style. MINE

Why ask something he already answered in the manga? Vegeta's form is SSB, period

why'd you post a big pile of shit?

On one hand, it’s good to know she’s probably gonna be useful. But on the other hand, I really hope she isn’t a Mary Sue. I’m hoping the only reason she can fly as a baby was just so they can give her some interesting moments.

Then ask Toei to explain SSBE.

>for the strongest
And the tallest of the tall.

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Zamasu wasn't even fully realized enough to be net positive desu.

I want to make love with Whis. I want him to suck my dick, swallow my load and tell me it's the greatest thing he's ever tasted.

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Vegeta being stronger than Goku is a no no so I think it's just CSSB but without damage every time your energy is released and Vegeta's boost during the ToP was just a rage boost because muh Kakarotto always surpass me

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These fights are never gonna end.

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>Wrong, the old tournments were nothing great neither, with the exception the main group(Tien, Roshi, Goku and cia) everyone else was just regular humans.
Incorrect, several fighters managed to take on Goku and co at that point and we know that Mr. Satan isn't nearly on that level, yet he still won those tournaments.

>Chichi only defeated regular people so she is no better than Videl when it comes to strength
Chi Chi killed dinosaurs as kid in one hit so you're incorrect.

>the only bonus that she has is that her father's genes made her a bit stronger
She is a master martial artist, Roshi even notices how strong she is and that her style is similiar to the turtle style.

>but Videl massively compensates for that with how fast she learns.
Irrelevant because both of them have stopped learning.

>this entire thread

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Black arc was my favourite time in these threads.

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Defeated by SS Goku and Base Freeza.

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Seems like a reasonable explanation but still, it woud be cool to have an official explanation from Toyo
SSB was never expanded in the anime, it was literally just SS but blue so there is no reason to even bother. Toyo on the other hand invested quite some time explaning how SSB works so its weird how he never gave an explanation to the advanced form
The shitposting definatly wont, but at least some doubts would be cleared

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What happened to gohanfags and the "chad"force?

Raped by Jirenfags, Brolyfags, and U6fags in a foursome.

If you go by "Word of God" Fused Zamasu is just SSB tier with endless regeneration though. Both Toyotaro and Toei made him above that level, but Toriyama's intention was him being nothing special power-wise.

They ran away after Tori and Toyo confirmed Oob will have a god form too

>she is the daughter of two prodigies
user, Videl is the daughter of a mutant and a human who at best wouldn't get her shit slapped in the preliminaries of the 23rd tournament from the end of DB.

She's in fact CANON weaker then Bulma in the Buu saga. No seriously. Bulma had a powerlevel of 300 in the Buu saga.

"How fast she learns" it took her weeks to learn how to use ki just to fly. She's still a shitter with it and can't even harnes it enough to use a ki attack.
Chichi can't even use ki or harness it and she's in canon the strongest unmodified human mortal woman on the earth.
Shit there's talks of her having a power level of about 100k.
Shit...ChiChi is in fact the FIRST person to ever use any type of energy attack in DB as a loli and she STILL can't harness ki.


>Both Toyotaro and Toei made him above that level

>inb4 CSSB isn't SSB
CSSB is SSB without power drops, just SSB's true power

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That's way too vague of an answer.

Reminder that Jiren was second to last out.

What is Whis' skincare routine like?

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>several fighters managed to take on Goku and co at that point and we know that Mr. Satan isn't nearly on that level
No we dont, those fighters that you mentioned were form back when Goku was a little more than a toddler, and we never got to see mr Satan fighting against regular people so there is no way to say that he is weaker than those guys
>Chi Chi killed dinosaurs as kid in one hit
DB dinossaurs are weak as hell
>She is a master martial artist
No she isnt, she is skilled but was never referred to as a master
>Irrelevant because both of them have stopped learning
No it isnt, it means that if you then to train Videl would grow a lot faster. Chichi already had contact with super humans when she was a kid so she knew what she should seek and yet she was barely one by the time she fought Goku even after all those years, while Videl never learned about them until she was a teen, and yet she manage to learn how to use her ki in days

>She's in fact CANON weaker then Bulma in the Buu saga.
She isnt
>Bulma had a powerlevel of 300
2019 and you still use power levels as argument?
>it took her weeks to learn how to use ki just to fly.
It didnt, it took her a few days
>can't even harnes it enough to use a ki attack.
She didnt train for that, she only asked Gohan to teach her how to fly
>she's in canon the strongest unmodified human mortal woman on the earth.
Canon my ass
>Shit there's talks of her having a power level of about 100k.
Again, stop using those dumb number, even Tori himself use them as a joke

>Reminder that Jiren was second to last out.
Nice headcanon

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I have always considered 4 to be the bridge between god and ss3. Its where I assume everyone is at that seems to be able to keep up with god characters but not quite in their league such as top17, kale, ikari trunks, etc.

cope. jiren eliminated shitku and shitza and eliminated himself with his own strength.

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>No we dont, those fighters that you mentioned were form back when Goku was a little more than a toddler
And they were already much stronger than Videl and Mr.Satan.

>and we never got to see mr Satan fighting against regular people so there is no way to say that he is weaker than those guys
We see what Mr. Satan is capable of doing against other humans, for example one way to compare them is to see how they fought against armed opponents in which Chi Chi obliterated much better armed soldiers, meanwhile Mr.Satan got taken out by a single guy with a pistol.

>DB dinossaurs are weak as hell
They aren't. Videl wouldn't be able to beat one and if you claim so show some evidence.

>No she isnt, she is skilled but was never referred to as a master
Master Roshi was praising her, which should be enough considering that she is already stronger than almost every human fighter on the planet.

>No it isnt, it means that if you then to train Videl would grow a lot faster. Chichi already had contact with super humans when she was a kid so she knew what she should seek and yet she was barely one by the time she fought Goku even after all those years, while Videl never learned about them until she was a teen, and yet she manage to learn how to use her ki in days
Still irrelvant because I'm not concerned with who has a greater potential.
Obviously it would be Chi Chi though since she's already stronger than Videl as a kid.

Reminder Goku saw Pikkon do Ultra Instincts and he was scared shitless.

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I liked the idea more of an Evil Goku than a version of a twink sperg Kai that was wished to look like Goku. Though the only reasons I could think of for another Goku not made by a sperg Kai would be an another AU timeline where there was an Evil Goku, or Gero did have another lab that was working on an Evil Goku clone.

>She isnt
She is. She's pretty damned weak. 23rd tournament chi-chi would slap her shit.
Chichi has more experience and a higher powerlevel. Doesn't matter that she can't use ki. She can jump over mountains and shit.

>>Bulma had a powerlevel of 300
>2019 and you still use power levels as argument?
This is DBZ correct?
No one is ever going to buy your retarded faggot bulslhti about kungfu mastery overcoming vast oceans of difference in power. If you want that kind of idiocy then go find something else.
This is DB country nigga.
Powerlevel have determined the outcomes of battle since Bulma tried to murder Goku over his DB then bribe him with a sneak peak of her panties.

>>it took her weeks to learn how to use ki just to fly.
>It didnt, it took her a few days
And she only managed to learn how to fly.
Goku learned how to shoot a ki blast in seconds. She's not a fast learner, she's an average learner with a good teacher...who also wanted to plow her..and her wanting to get plowed by BSC made her a far better student.

>>can't even harnes it enough to use a ki attack.
>She didnt train for that, she only asked Gohan to teach her how to fly
You don't have to train for ki attacks. It's basic as fuck. Hell Goku figured that shit out in seconds.
Same for damn near everyone with a tiny bit of experience with ki.

>>she's in canon the strongest unmodified human mortal woman on the earth.
>Canon my ass
Yes. Actual canon. Not the ass pulling you're doing to justify your stupid bullshit
The fuck are you on bitch?

>>Shit there's talks of her having a power level of about 100k.
>Again, stop using those dumb number, even Tori himself use them as a joke
Tori has never at any point said that bitch.
NO ONE says that powerlevels aren't real and don't determine something.

Jobren almost crying like a bitch will never not be funny.

I liked the idea that goku black was an evil Goten that was raised to be the second in command/student of Zamasu in the other universe.

They left after Toyo made Gohan draw with Kefla. Finally ending the war of Chadforce vs Falseflaggers

Evil Goku is a boring idea and I hope they never use it again.

Enter the God of Mankind.

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Based humanCHAD Uub.

>leave culturally enriching the saiyans to me

What's next for based Gohan, lads?

Jobbing to Moro until Goku and Vegeta step in to save the day.

Your wife... give her to me!!!

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Nothing, he won't be showing up in anything. Just like he didn't show up in the movie but Piccolo did, and just like how he hasn't shown up in Super Dragon Ball Heroes but Piccolo did.

>implying black and SSR weren't aesthetic as fuck..
Just look at that that /fa/ as fuck turtleneck.

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I want to rape Caulifla while Kale watches! And then eventually joins in on the rape

>relevant enough to job to Molo

What wife? Uub doesn't have one

>DBS will be Blacked kino soon
I'm ready lads

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Absolute state of niggers

Atleast Caulifla isn't a stick here.

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>b-burori dono, please take chi chi instead!

>Pedospic coping

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>Implying I give a shit about Pan
Go back to asking Bejita-sama to kiss your wife Goku

>And they were already much stronger than Videl and Mr.Satan.
>Chi Chi obliterated much better armed soldiers, meanwhile Mr.Satan got taken out by a single guy with a pistol.
What a retarded comparassion. Chichi defeated then in a childish tantrum firing lasers from her helmet, and they were not shown with weapons, while a middle aged Mr Satan got shot from point blank and it only happened because he was cooking when they guy got to him. He easily defeated that same guy momenta before
>They aren't
They are, kid Goku could easily defeat them
>Master Roshi was praising her, which should be enough considering that she is already stronger than almost every human fighter on the planet.
Lol no, plus Videl was praised by Gohan for leaening how to float in her first day, does that make her a ki master?
>Obviously it would be Chi Chi though since she's already stronger than Videl as a kid.
She isnt
>She's pretty damned weak. 23rd tournament chi-chi would slap her shit.
She wouldnt
>Chichi has more experience
She doesnt, Videl was already a champion by the time she was introduced and acted as a vigilante, Chichi was only shown in an actual fight during the tournament
>This is DBZ correct?
It was irrelevant even back then
>bulshit about kungfu mastery overcoming vast oceans of difference in power.
Vast oceans of headcanon you mean, there is nothing proving that Chichi had more ki than Videl
>And she only managed to learn how to fly.
Because that was the only thing she was taught, dumbass
>Hell Goku figured that shit out in seconds
Im not comparing her to Goku
>Same for damn near everyone with a tiny bit of experience with ki.
And Videl didnt, she learned about ki while learning how to fly
>Yes. Actual canon
Ok post proof then
>Tori has never at any point said that bitch.
The power level he gave to freeza in fukkatsu no F was a fucking pun, no one gives a shit about those numbers anymore besides retards. Feats>>>numbers

Does Tori regret coming up with Ultra Instinct? It's so ridiculously over the top that any sense of progress after that makes little to no sense, it's something he should save for the very last fight of the franchise.

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Cell has sent the Fuck Card

>generic JRPG villain constantly repeating the same 2 lines of dialogue


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>zamasu was
The Legendary Super Sperg
And as a result had more interesting interactions with the cast than anyone else original to Super

>eliminated himself
So Jiren the Crey turned ISIS?

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Umm sweatie Ultra Instinct exists since DBZ and everything was fine

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>SS3 Vegito is factored in

Or God was just more powerful than SS Vegito and that's enough right there. You were basing everything at least on something until SS3 Vegito. Goku doesn't even know what that headcanon form would feel like in the first place, but he is familiar with SS Vegito.

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>alright Vegeta, Ill help you get to Ultra Instinct but (You) have to do something for me first


This is funny but I don't understand how the "bargaining" one counts as bargaining.

>Bulma had a powerlevel of 300 in the Buu saga.
Holy fucking headcanon, what spicfiction did you pull this from?

>Irrelevant because both of them have stopped learning.
Actually she got a plot relevance nerf, idk if that’s worse to her not actually getting stronger


Are Keflafags a part of this?


That's just the usual *teleports behind you* bullshit but turned up to 11

What's the best animation super had?

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Are you saying that Mr. Satan could perform the feats that Kid Goku and Krillin performed when they were training before the tournament?
Because the fighters they faced in the tournament were more powerful than they were during their training.

He didn't get shot point blank and all of the competent fighter in early DB were able to deflect or survive bullets so it's a fair comparison

>They are, kid Goku could easily defeat them
Kid Goku is far stronger than Mr.Satan.

>Lol no, plus Videl was praised by Gohan for leaening how to float in her first day, does that make her a ki master?
Compared to most humans she propably is to be fair.

>She isnt
I've shown many feats to support my statement, yet you can't even form a argument.
Pretty sad.

When will see a higher quality version of this image? Also people need to hurry up with fan art.

They literally say that it's 'pure speed' in the first 6 seconds of the clip.
UI isn't pure speed, it's the ability to move without thinking, sweatie

Look at this stupid contrarian fuck. Laugh at this crying little taco. Snicker at this whining Toyopaco.

Cope, dog.

Fuck off Toeishill.

Anything with the Cutegang really

Gimme dat juice

not canon


No some stuff in the Black arc was better


At the end of the day Videl is in FighterZ and ChiChi isn’t

So who is the real winner?

Goku vs Botamo.

>Toyopaco is frightened of me whipping out my voluminous intellect and confounding him with my superior lexicon and superb grasp of the English language, megalithic vocabulary, and superincumbent diction
>whimpers "f-f-fuck off please" from the dark, shameful shadows of his kennel, whining in absolute bladder-emptying terror

Keep crying, faggot.

uub isn't black

>promotional comic book

>has no idea what I just said

>Goku knows the power of this guy
>but not the power of this guy plus a well know multiplier
Are you literally retarded, user?

>Are you literally retarded, user?
Yes, I'm a fat, sperging autist that finds no joy in life unless I'm arguing about power levels. Please be patient with me

Blacker than you, Juan.

Even if ChiChi learns how to fly, what difference does it make? In the end of the day, they'll just spend the rest of their lives as housewives. They ain't going to find some villains, they aren't going to be part of the Z-Fighters, they are just going to stay in the kitchen.

Goku knows the power of SS3 you stupid fucking shithead, and he knows the power of base Vegito and SS Vegito. You're dumb as sack of drunk bricks with Down's syndrome.

>admitting discarding HARD arguments
EX to the PEC to the TED

>d-dodging is so OP omigod!...
Imagine being this much of a tranny

You say this as if being blacker is a good thing

>babbling "c-c-chadnime" like a retarded Redditor is a "hard argument"

can someone make an edit where he "feeds" the other girl at his left instead of Mai

>She wouldnt
Why not?
She in canon had trouble with a handful of retards with guns. Chichi was murdering fucking dinosaurs as a little girl and you START being a force to be reconed with...like lifting cars and shit with a powerlevel of 100.
Videl wasn't lifting any cars and shit.
Face it. Your waifu was not only the weakest human female in DB history, fucking LAUNCH would destroy her, but she was the most hated.

>She doesnt, Videl was already a champion by the time she was introduced and acted as a vigilante, Chichi was only shown in an actual fight during the tournament
Are you saying the year or so she spent being fucking coddled and BARELY beating up a few fucking weak ass humans with guns = more experience then ChiChi who in canon was fighting dinosaurs and killing trained martial artists who could lay armies low as a little girl?
Did you watch DB or are you part of Videls fanclub or something?

>It was irrelevant even back then
Power levels have been relevant since the first damned issue of the series.
It has never topped being relevant.

>Vast oceans of headcanon you mean, there is nothing proving that Chichi had more ki than Videl
Ki/powerelevle doesn't matter...unless it helps my fave character look good I reckon.
If we go purely by feats and what we know of powerlevels of DB tier fighters. Then it's quite obvious that Chi-chi is stronger then videl. 23rd tournament is not only stronger but a better fighter as well.

>Because that was the only thing she was taught, dumbass
Goku never learned how to use a kamehawave. He simply mimiced it.
Same for all of the random ki attacks people pick up from simply having a moderate amount of ki knowledge.
She's shit wit ki.
Worse then Chichi and chichi never once even thought of using ki or learning to harness or master it. It comes second nature to her.

>Im not comparing her to Goku
Goku = fast learner.
She's not a fast learner.
She's an average learner at best with a really good teacher.
Gohan was called a good teacher by Toriyama in canon. And we only need to look at how Gohan taught Future Trunks as a martial artist to know how good of a teacher he is.

>And Videl didnt, she learned about ki while learning how to fly
You have to know about ki to even harness it enough to learn how to fly.
For all of her training and all of the stuff she knows she can do with ki..she never one figured out how to do a basic ki attack.
Fucking yamcha made up a ki attack.

>Ok post proof then
>>Tori has never at any point said that bitch.
>The power level he gave to freeza in fukkatsu no F was a fucking pun, no one gives a shit about those numbers anymore besides retards. Feats>>>numbers

The RoF movie was not written by Toriyama. He made it a fucking pun because that piece of trash had nothing to do with him and he was just fucking around.
Toriyama during his prime never once said that actual powerlevels didn't mean anything.
Even if there is no actual number there is still the underlying understanding that this person is more powerful and can do more shit and has more energy then the other.

If you have a problem with that basic motherfucking understanding of scale in a martial arts manga then damn son. You seriously need to move on.
This kind of thing, hell almost all fiction isn't for you.



Would you be so kind and pass the Pan?

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Me because I had more evidence that Chi Chi is stronger.
I don't even play the game.

She might not beat a major villain but it's still a possibility we see her performing some feats of strenght in the future.
Although she is propably weaker than what she was in the past now.

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Hey I remember that doujin.

kek, go back to your kennel Mr. Popo

Which he was taught by popo in fucking DB.
What he did there was also moving without thinking.
Something that martial artists have done since forever.
Fucking Goku drop elbowed Racoom in the chest without thinking about it only an ep or two before.


See, this is what happens when people who've obviously never actually watched dragon ball in their entire lives and even hates shounen martial arts decides to write.

Stupid bullshit occurs.


Fucking retarded

UI is just an excuse to have goku have a new super form because they all realized that they completely fucked the pooch with the stupid as shit tournament and everyone fucking hated it.

UI is so fucking bullshit broken as a concept that Goku is now finished as a martial artist and lead of the series.
Add Hakai onto that and he's basically done.
The series is ruined.
He can instantly mindlessly dodge any fucking attack no matter how fast and overwhelmingly powerful the person or thing he is facing is and he can kill them with an instant erase technique.

They fucked up.
Best part?
Not even the DBHero guys want to touch that shit and they are all about over the top powerlevel stuff.

Chi-Chi has never used Ki you dumb bitch.

go outside


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>still a possibility we see her performing some feats of strenght in the future
Yes, of her carrying huge bags of foods and ingredients to make some sandwiches for Bills and Whis.

name 1 (one) anime or manga with better husbandos

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I will chop Pan into bite-sized medallions and saute them in olive oil, diced onion, and garlic. I will then pour in chicken broth and diced tomatoes with mild green chilis, allow the mixture to simmer, and add penne pasta and chopped broccoli, submerging the pasta in the broth and allowing the mixture to simmer until the pasta is al dente. I will then uncover the pan (the pan that holds the chopped Pan), and add four cups of spinach, one at a time so they are allowed to reduce properly. Then I will top the mixture with shredded cheese, allow it to melt slightly, and add chopped green onions. I will drizzle some more olive oil over everything and serve it hot with bread and a sweet red.

Which is funny, because no one really likes Videl except the kind of limp dicked cucks who don't like DB in the first place and girls who think being a hateful mega bitch = being tough and cool. The kind that the guys who're into DB hate!

And gohan will be an irrelvant cuck, because he's voiced by nozawa and an editor thought they needed gohan to be a fucking highschool bitch who does trashy toku stuff, and goten and kid trunsk will be annoying little pants shitters till they are 20, and marron will never not be krillian but as a little blonde girl, and...I can go on.

No one actually matters except goku and vegeta and Z trunks(no one likes super trunks and his thing with mai will never stop being gross).

Kek, you're fucking obsessed with this children's series to a point of harm. Go for a run and lower your blood pressure, you fat fuck.

no because bitchku can't use it anymore.

>all this projection and autismal headcanon

user, at no point did I say that chichi molded or used ki consciously.
No where.
You are a retarded faggot and I should have taken your mother up on that blowjob.
If I had, you'd be my son, and I'd slap the shit out of you rather her fuckingyour father uncle and birthing you.

Better luck next time, cucko.

Black was asspull incarnate.


Get that Jobber outta here

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The only people who're keeping this clusterfuck above water are the obsessed fatfucks.
Not paid shills.

user, they're spending way too goddamned much money whoring that ass ugly objectively stupid idea of a form.
Goku will always have that internal logic breaking form and game breaking super attack forever.


>sperging out after getting his headcanon destroyed

I'm not holding my breath for it but simply telling you it's a possibility, the possibility of new feats for the human characters seems pretty low overall.


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>The only people who're keeping this clusterfuck above water are the obsessed fatfucks.
Imagine being enough of a neckbeard neetcuck to actually think this.

user, Cumber will be a part of the next Dragon Ball series before that illconceived Nu-Broly fuck up.

t. seething Shitrendog

>Meeeeeh, the statements don't count
>What he did there was also moving without thinking
No, this Goku is using simply using his normal fighting pattern, there's no reason to think a lot then, especially when you're moving at speeds your opponent can't see. There is no need to think of an attack plan then.

Ultra instinct is not using the movements you used from training, it is not muscle memory, because Goku, Vegeta and the others said that these movements are not what he used before.
The reason for this is that muscle memory is still different than working from no memory at all. See it as Kata vs Freestyle (if you even know what a kata is).

So, no, I'm right and you're wrong.

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And that's good thing. Goku and Vegeta are the ones that carry the show.

>voiced by a youtuber

He was a bunch of cliches rolled together and his demise was the ultimate asspull, but it was at least entertaining while it happened. I disliked the ToP but I can at least say the same for it.

>The only people who're keeping this clusterfuck above water are the obsessed fatfucks.
Suure, because actual martial artists would have no interest in a show about martial arts.

Not him but on the db wiki Chi Chi is listed as beeing able to perform the Kiai which is a ki technique.

>using the fucking spic-ran wiki as an argument
Apart from you being a fucking retard, the spicki is dub-centric and includes shit from filler arcs and non-canon movies. Chi-Chi got pissed at Marron once and powered up with a red aura. This was in filler, yet people like your dumb Mexican ass use it as "proof" that Chi-Chi can use ki. Get the fuck back to mowing yards you absolutely disgusting Paco.

Then why is toei constantly going to the well with DBZ stuff and even GT stuff rather then going whole hog with the Super shit?

I'll tell you what.
Have Nozawa and Schemel and the mexican guy who do the voices of Goku to say that the old fans suck and that they'll never reference DB or DBZ stories or characters created and or popularized during that time.
Let's see how long this will last.
Cause...kids don't like super and teens like it even less. They are counting on the old fans who are adult to indirectly teach the kids to like it.
If the adults don't like it or even outright dislike it, it bombs.
Cause it can not sell on it's own merits as a work.

>headcanon destroyed
Like what?
What headcanon did you destroy.

Enter Ultra Perfect Cell.

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>db wiki

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If only I had a dollar for each time I won an argument.


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Some filler is actually canon, for example Gregory was reintroduced in the Super anime.
I'm not even the one who started the argument but that is more proof than what we have to the contrary and thus Occams Razor would apply and you'd need to proof she can't use it.

>non canon chestlets in my CHADgonball
Imagine being this stupid.

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U still wouldn't have a dollar

>Some filler is actually canon
Imagine being this user. Imagine being as stupid as this user.
>for example Gregory was reintroduced in the Super anime.
Wow! A non-canon filler character was introduced into a non-canon anime that continues the non-canon Z anime? Who'd have thought?
>w-well y-you can't prove she CAN'T
Discarded, done, and over.

user, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about.

You're talking about.
You don't use motherfucking kata to fight.
You use kata to ingraine the movements into your body so that when you are trained to fight better you will be able to use them without thinking about them.
To acurately judge when to use them and how to use them.
And after a while or if you're really good you'll be able to completely disregard kata and fight/play on just instinct.

Like what Goku has been doing since the first manga.
The moving without thinking completely thing was taught to him by popo.

This new UI thing is just NONSENSE.
He gets the ability to instantly be fast enough to mindlessly dodge things that are well beyond his physical ability to move away from.
That makes no goddamned sense.
Not even the guessing where they will move to based on how their body moved or something thing would work because they would be to physically fast for it to register before he's hit.
He gets an autododge and a massive speed boost or he can see the fucking future.

UI is flawed as a concept. It's also narratively flawed because it makes him completely unstoppable and ends his growth as a martial artist meaning theres nowhere for him to go.
He's fucking done.
Not even the end of Z makes any sense becasue he will just instantly move out of the way of any attack Uub will throw at him.

And to make matter worse, it's only a short hop to "FIGHTS PERFECTLY WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT IT AUTO BATTLE!!".

Super litterally spits in the face of martial artists.
It says exercise is bad.
Being physically strong is bad.
You can beat far more powerful martial artists through the magic of being old and "experience".
No martial artist is watching this collection of stupid bullshit ideas stacked on top of each other.

Not a single argument.
Also the anime is canon, confirmed by Toriyama.

You would have a negative amount of dollars

>nothing but headcanon babble
>confirmed by Toriyama
>literally making shit up
I win. Don't respond again unless you want to be further embarrassed.


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does anyone actually still like watching the older dragonball z movies? I find them kind of boring now since the stories themselves are too simple and the fight choreography is dated now with the modern "sakuga" style is more interesting to look at. The appeal back then to the movies was getting to see a new villain you had only seen pics of on old fan sites. Now the movie villains no longer have that novelty. Of course, back then the fights were super amazing. They still look cool but now that I am older I prefer a fight to have an interesting story wrapped around it like the main series does but the movies don't have that.

I'll probably feel the same way about the newer movies in the coming years.

Enter Cutehan.

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Modern DB has no weight to their battles and there's too much movement on things that don't matter and take up time.

There was a full 5-10 seconds wasted on a closeup head shot of nu-brolly's head moving back and forth in a loop.
It served no pourpose
It had no hype
It completely ruined the mood.


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>zero blood
>Trunks constantly stood up as if he was immortal

I feel the same way, honestly. It doesn't really do it to see Giant Walking Powerlevel #2486 stomp all over the Z-Fighters for two hours before Goku wrecks him by drawing strength from his friends and/or a Spirit Bomb.

Granted the Nu-Broly movie is mostly just a big fight scene as well, but I found the new characters endearing, and having Broly in canon is pretty cool.

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It was fun though.

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dragonball has always had that sort of "fat" though to pad out the fights. So I would agree that the newer movies at their worst aren't as good as the older movies at their best but they are far and few inbetween and we are comparing all of 13 movies to only 3

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okay guys, I was talking about the movies

Post the one where Gokek obliterates him and Broly shits himself

Name one thing I stated as headcanon?
Toriyama gives out the script to Toyotaro and Toei and lets them interpret his intentions so both manga and anime are canon continuities.

>being a vegetacuck

>Backpedaling and moving the goalposts
And I win again. Cope. Kneel. Cry and seethe. Grovel. Concede.

>Are you saying that Mr. Satan could perform the feats that Kid Goku and Krillin performed when they were training before the tournament?
>He didn't get shot point blank
He did
>all of the competent fighter in early DB were able to deflect or survive bullets so it's a fair comparison
It isnt, you said that Chichi handled armed enemies better when she didnt
>Kid Goku is far stronger than Mr.Satan.
He could have more raw power but he definatly wasnt more skilled, kid goku had problem dealing with fucking yamcha
>I've shown many feats to support my statement,
No you didnt, the only argument for kid Chichi that you used was the one about armed opponents and i already disproved that
>She in canon had trouble with a handful of retards with guns.
Cant remenber that happening
>you START being a force to be reconed with
No you don't, Goku was a below average sayan and now is one of the strongests
>Are you saying the year or so she spent being fucking coddled and BARELY beating up a few fucking weak ass humans with guns = more experience then ChiChi who in canon was fighting dinosaurs
Chichi was literally running away from them, she killed them in fear, not in a fight. Chichi has a lot of raw strength for a human but she only started to have actual martial arts training years later, while Videl trained since she was a child, so yes Videl has a shitload more of experience
>Power levels have been relevant since the first damned issue of the series.
No?? The power level system was introduced during the sayan saga
>Ki/powerelevle doesn't matter...unless it helps my fave character look good I reckon
I didnt mention power levels a single time as an argument
>If we go purely by feats and what we know of powerlevels of DB tier fighters. Then it's quite obvious that Chi-chi is stronger then videl. 23rd tournament is not only stronger but a better fighter as well.
There is literally no proof of that

>Super litterally spits in the face of martial artists.
DB was about learning multiple styles
DBZ was about getting buff, roid rage and the occasional pearl of wisdom
DBS was about showing that getting buff and roid rage can be trumped, which is why SSR is the polar opposite of SSJ, that was realistic.
SSB is going back to lore, how the Saiyan nature is dissatisfied when it can't go full ape.

When you practise martial arts you know that technique can trump power.
Experience does experience can beat raw strength. DBS also said this in both the manga and the anime with both Kale-fights.

>No martial artist is watching this collection of stupid bullshit ideas stacked on top of each other.
>I'm a anime watching neckbeard who likes Dragon ball and therefore the rest be as well.
I'm going to prove you wrong, because I have practised multiple martial arts.
I have a yellow belt in Judo, practised Muay Thai under a world champion in the Netherlands, I've done MMA, taught an Indonesian classmate the Muay Thai I learned in the gym in exchange for Pencak Silat lessons, I've done Capoeira, did Kickboxing and street sparring against people from other disciplines as well, like Wushu and some did competitive kickboxing.
And i'm a huge fan of Bruce Lee.
Most of us started thanks to Bruce Lee and Dragon Ball simply motivated us to continue, because to us that was life already.

So, no, you are wrong and you should feel bad

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>Backpedaling and moving the goalposts
I did neither of those.
Are you done yet?

Yes the original broly movie was super hype the first time I watched it, but then seeing it second time was probably the first time I noticed something was off and when I first started being more critical about fight scenes. It was when I realized that one sided fights are boring and tend to drag on too much which I think started with gohan fighting cell, then the buu arc and gt were full of one sided fights that took too long.

That post was about weight. Goku blacks kick looks pretty heavy.

>SSR is the polar opposite of SSJ, that was realistic.
How is super sayan rose the opposite of SS?

son goku sucks

Yeah, I think I'm done utterly schooling you. Cope.

t. Bitchgeta

I can kind of forgive the blood thing as I didn't really notice it until someone pointed it out. I had always thought the gore before was kind of goofy back then though since you had people getting holes blown into their chest and it would just be a cartoony red circle on them or they would lose limbs but there would be no bones just red filling haha

Agreed, there's a reason that people's favorite fights in the Cell and Buu sagas were Piccolo vs. 17, Goku vs. Cell, and Goku vs. Majin Vegeta. They were about the only fights that weren't one-sided curb stomps.

Everything since has just been
>Oh no, he powered up to a new form!
>Wait, I just powered up to a new form!

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The number of Dragon Ball images I have is, frankly, embarrassing.

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super should have started here, retconned high school gohan onward, made GT canon, and instead of BotG and RoF had a retelling of GT similar to Path to Power. prove me wrong

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>Toei apologist now argue in favor of censorship

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>made GT canon

exactly, but to add I don't think all one sided fights are bad they just need an extra something to make them interesting. Like when vegeta fought kid buu it was pretty one sided but what made it interesting was it was cool seeing vegeta constantly get back up after being knocked down and fighting for something noble. I appreciate that fight now a lot more than I do with the mystic gohan or gotenks fights.

Did he really deserve this?

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I am not in favor of anything I could do with or without it, it doesn't define my enjoyment of a good fight

>You don't use motherfucking kata to fight.
Kata has the same use as freestyle/shadow boxing (getting better at the motions, create stability, coordination, etc)
The thing is, you can react faster in freestyle, because you're not limited to pre-programmed motions.

>And after a while or if you're really good you'll be able to completely disregard kata and fight/play on just instinct.
Nobody completely disregards a kata, because a kata is still used to improve your stability, while on that level, you use freestyle to increase your adaptability to different circumstances.

>This new UI thing is just NONSENSE.
The concept is what every martial artist strives for.
We called it the "No-mind state".
It's a very old concept and not original to Dragon ball.

>He gets the ability to instantly be fast enough to mindlessly dodge things that are well beyond his physical ability to move away from.
Keep in mind that he was already able to hurt Jiren.
It wasn't THAT big of a difference.
Ultra Instinct simply bridged the gap he couldn't cover due to lack of experience, power and speed.

> It's also narratively flawed because it makes him completely unstoppable and ends his growth as a martial artist meaning there's nowhere for him to go
Who would happen when two people with Ultra Instinct battle? There's always someone better than you. And knowing Goku, if he doesn't has that enemy, he'll create one in his mind to battle against.
Also, you're wrong because Heroes foreshadowed that UI can be beaten.

So, you've never been in a game against a hacker who was using a god cheat and defeated him?
Sad, your defeationist attitude is what's keeping you back. There's more possible than you can ever imagine.

if they cut the series down to two 100 minute movies and continued from there it would not be drastically different from super. SS4 gogeta has red hair. its almost the same fucking thing. SS5 could have been blue and ultra instinct would have sill fit. even the multiverse shit could have worked.

My bad, I meant SSRed or SSG.

pretty sure AT was going forward with god form already in mind. It wouldn't make sense for him to insert god in between SS2 and SS3 since he made both of those forms and didn't make SS4

Mr Satan barely was able to break 14 tiles at his best, meanwhile we had fighters like this in the first tournament in which Goku participated.
No way Satan would be able to compete against this level of strenght.

>It isnt, you said that Chichi handled armed enemies better when she didnt
She did though, or are you saying that the soldiers of the RR army aren't armed?
Also we saw how Krillin and Goku performed against bullets and Chi Chi is much stronger than they were as kids.
>He could have more raw power but he definatly wasnt more skilled, kid goku had problem dealing with fucking yamcha
Yamcha is also stronger than Mr.Satan so I don't see your argument.
>No you didnt, the only argument for kid Chichi that you used was the one about armed opponents and i already disproved that
What about the feat of her killing a dino in a single attack? What about the official material stating her powerlevel? Are you just pretending to be retarded here? You have shown nothing, not a single backed up argument why Videl should be stronger.

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I hope you aren't too sad about losing a debate, it happens to the best of us.


>took that long for a weak, whimpered "n-no u"
God, I'm smart.

Exactly, or when Imperfect Cell and Moro get their asses kicked, only to wriggle their way out of an impossible situation and come back stronger. It's great fun.

But in the later stages of the Cell saga, every single fight is completely one-sided. Semi-Perfect Cell stomps 16, Vegeta stomps Semi-Perfect Cell, Perfect Cell stomps Vegeta, and Gohan stomps Perfect Cell. It's really dull and tiresome.

yeah right. that majin buu having god ki shit is the biggest "retcon" yet. SS3 goku had a halo and the ED was "angel", that's all the "god" we needed back then. making them literally "super saiyan gods" is a hack shit idea. grand kai was cool and interesting, they never should have gone above him, zeno is just a bad plot device. even if SS4 wasn't his creation moving on to his idea for SSG and calling it SS5 would have worked out just fine, especially with gogeta having red hair

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Me on the right

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How can you know that he cant do that as well? Also you seriously want me to belive that every single competent fighter suddenly gave up participating in the tournament at the same time just so Satan could win?!
>She did though
She didnt, the ones she defeated were not armed and she went on a tantrum firing lazers, she didnt consciously fight them
>Yamcha is also stronger than Mr.Satan
He isnt, at least not at that time
>What about the feat of her killing a dino in a single attack?
I already recognized her as having greater raw power, but she didnt fought the dinossaur, she literally launched a blade at him with her eyes closed
>What about the official material stating her powerlevel?
Once again, Feats>>>>>fucking random numbers


I can't believe how easily I trounced you

>grand kai was cool and interesting, they never should have gone above him
Honestly the Kai-level shit like Buu, Dabura, and Moro is more interesting than Beerus or the GoDs.


>Kai level

>goku kicking a furry
Feels good.

I'll have to disagree simply because what makes the super gods stand out is that they are actually stronger than goku and friends and it makes the world feel a lot bigger now then it did with GT where the gods are kind of pointless


why yes, vegeta is a chad.

sauce pls

>the super gods stand out is that they are actually stronger than goku and friends
they were for like a year. now goku has surpassed the GoDs and will be on whis' level once he's done training with broly. and vegeta is going to get an asspull somewhere along the because they need to drag him along for comic relief. i think beerus is about as pointless as supreme kai at this point. i doubt he will ever step in to save the day

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t. bejitaCHAD

t. begita-chan

>Cant remenber that happening
Didn't watch the saiyaman arc huh? Not many people did.

>No you don't, Goku was a below average sayan and now is one of the strongests
I don't understand what you're saying. We're talking about DB level fighters and what constitutes strong in a world of normie humans you dumb bastard.

>Chichi was literally running away from them, she killed them in fear, not in a fight...
Experience with what?
user, OxKing in canon taught ChiChi how to fight as a fucking child.
She in fact murdered dinosaurs with martial arts techniques unique to her and an energy attack that was the first of it's kind displayed in the series.
Hercule trained as a child as well, he's still utter shit and would get blown out by anyone in the 23rd tourney though.
A 15 year old girl who would get her shit slapped by kid goku. Issue 1 kid goku is not more experienced and more powerful then fucking chichi. You're out of your tiny fucking mind.

>No?? The power level system was introduced during the sayan saga
You're bitching about the power level system and not what it represents? Are you fucking stupid faggots serious?
Do you think the removal of numbered powerlevels means that any fucking moron can all of a sudden stand and bang with anyone else?
That muh experience makes someone a better fighter?
BITCH how did fucking goku beat kid buu. He got billiions of years more experience, fights on nothing but instinct, and he don't got no big old ebul muscles.

>I didnt mention power levels a single time as an argument
In that sentence you did. MUH POWERLEVELS are good only when it helps your fave look good.

>There is literally no proof of that
Show me a single instance of videl showing any single fucking strength feat comparable to what chi-chi could pull even in her first introduction.

>they were for like a year. now goku has surpassed the GoDs
Not canon

Nice headcanon.

My headcanon is more valid than yours

>How can you know that he cant do that as well?
Because he doesn't have a feat to prove he can. All his feats are already outperformed in very early DB. The burden of proof falls on you if you say he's as strong as the fighters in other tournaments.

>She didnt, the ones she defeated were not armed and she went on a tantrum firing lazers, she didnt consciously fight them
We literally see them with guns. Why would any soldier be unarmed?
She fought and beat them effortlessly you mean, something that Mr.Satan wouldn't be able to do and she's much stronger as adult too, obviously.

>He isnt, at least not at that time
Before I debunk this, just out of interest when do you reckon does he surpass Mr.Satan?

>I already recognized her as having greater raw power, but she didnt fought the dinossaur, she literally launched a blade at him with her eyes closed
Since it was so easy you don't even register it as a fight then?
Well, adult Chi Chi is even stronger than she was as a kid so I guess you conceded that point to me.
How much more raw strenght does Chi Chi have in your opinion then? Because I'll argue it's too much for Videl to overcome even if she were a better martial artist, which she isn't.

>Once again, Feats>>>>>fucking random numbers
I've already presented you feats, also powerlevels aren't random numbers you buffoon.


>hey guise look at me debate, I quiet every one of your points hahha

>I can't believe how easily I trounced you

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>no arguments outside of meme pictures
I can't stop winning holy shit.

>majin buu having god ki shit is the biggest "retcon" yet.
We knew that Kai's had God ki ever since Kamiccolo was afraid to fight against the SK during the tournament in the Buu saga.
Kai's have God ki, Buu absorbs Kai, Buu get's God-ki. Makes perfect sense, because he also received the powers of the other fighters when he absorbed them.

>zeno is just a bad plot device
Ha, no, Toriyama clearly wants to kill Gods.
Zamasu's name is based on Shamas, a Sun god from Akkadia. Then there's all the Christian symbolism Zamasu had when he went full retard (halo's, wings, crosses).
Trunks used his faith in humanity to kill the gods while denying the 'superiority' of the gods in his speech. It wasn't a spirit sword, the literal translation was sword of hope, Gaijins get this wrong all the time.
Then there's Zeno who is probably based on Xenu, the head god in Scientology.
In other words, ridiculing religion again.
The Japs simply don't like religion which is currently trying to get a foothold in Japan and we've seen to which extremes religion can lead and do we really want Japan to become Christian or Scientologists? Of course not.

So, no, Toriyama is a good boy

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but the GoDs stand up in unison and bow when goku gets blanco. whis can stomp beerus in a fight, goku is on whis' level when he goes MUI
>thinking super's promotional manga is the real canon

You already conceded the debate so you aren't deserving of more.

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>Text balloons don't use the same font
Opinion discarded

>goku is on whis' level when he goes MUI
Incredible headcanon.

>y-you're j-just not w-worth it
And another victory. Holy fucking shit why can't I ever lose a SINGLE argument?

Nobody asked for your opinion in the first place.
Cope harder.

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Cope toeipedro

>DB was about learning multiple styles
No, it was about learning how to fight period.

>DBZ was about getting buff, roid rage and the occasional pearl of wisdom
DBZ was about bridghing the gap between physical ability and skill.
MUH SKRET MARTIAL MAGICAL SKILL AND FIGHTAN TECHNIQUE BEATING STRONGER OPPONENTS bullshit was tossed out of DB the moment Roshi got buff as fuck and nuked frying pan mountain with the kamehawave.

>DBS was about showing that getting buff and roid rage can be trumped,
That was shown in the cell saga you blithering faggot ape.
>which is why SSR is the polar opposite of SSJ, that was realistic.
SSR is just SSJ but as a twinky fancy little faggot. It's him getting random energy powerups ala fucking sailor moon with no basis of anything.
It's bitch made bullshit and FEEFEES garbage that was ultimately cynical spineless bitch made trash for fucking cowards with low self esteem who don't got the motherfucking BALLS to stand up and make themselves better.
Faggot ass bitch nigga bullshit that SPITS in the face of any martial artist worth a fuck or even basic athletes. There are probably little girls out there who came home from gymnatics practice who felt ill after witnessing such give up on yourself magical fantasy faggotry like that.

>SSB is going back to lore, how the Saiyan nature is dissatisfied when it can't go full ape.
That is idiotic.

I think it's pretty obvious that Tori will just always retcon Beerus to be stronger than Goku and Vegeta.

Not exactly power-wise, sorry. I mean, they were threats the Kais faced off against.

Dunno that he's been surpassed (except by Broly and Jiren), but Beerus has seemed kinda pointless lately. He hasn't done anything except introduce other challengers, like the U6 and ToP contestants.

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Now that I've defeated and mindbroken the competition with ease I feel like I've earned myself some sleep.

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>Goku vs. Cell, and Goku vs. Majin Vegeta.

user, no one liked goku vs cell and goku vs majin vegeta only had budget going for it.
The actual fight was absolute fucking shit.

>gets BTFO
>claims victory while running away
Straight back to your kennel, pup. No lollygagging.

>When you practise martial arts you know that technique can trump power.
That's magical bullshit.
No martial artist thinks they can outfight someone who significantly outstrips them in terms of athletic skill and fitness. Actual martial artists and not scam artists are LAUGHING at your stupid ass.

>Experience does experience can beat raw strength. DBS also said this in both the manga and the anime with both Kale-fights.
Gohan as a 11 year old crushed men who have decades of fighting experience regularly in DBZ.
Explain that shit.
You don't know what the fuck you're talking about.
"Experience" is just a quality that the DBS "writters" are pulling out of their ass to desperately create another quality they can exploit to say that some people can beat others.
Like the embarassment that was the roshi vs...anyone in the ToP.

>I'm going to prove you wrong, because I have practised multiple martial arts.
I practiced martial arts, got into many fucking fights, and play sports heavily.
You going to a few judo classes as a kid means dick.

>I have a yellow belt in Judo, practised Muay Thai under a world champion in the Netherlands, I've done MMA, taught an Indonesian classmate the Muay Thai I learned in the gym in exchange for Pencak Silat lessons, I've done Capoeira, did Kickboxing and street sparring against people from other disciplines as well, like Wushu and some did competitive kickboxing.
Dude, you're embarassing the fuck out of all of us with your bullshit LARP.

>And i'm a huge fan of Bruce Lee.
That's nice.
Every armchair kungfu martial artist is friends bruce lee.

>Most of us started thanks to Bruce Lee and Dragon Ball simply motivated us to continue,
>So, no, you are wrong and you should feel bad
Modern DB is fucking SHIT
It has nothing in common with actual martial arts, fighting, or athletics.
It's even anti fitness as a matter of fact.

How Dragon Ball should be.

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>Goku vs. Majin Vegeta.
Uh huh.

Oh in that case i shorta agree. I overall just prefer that the focus stays on universe 7, i couldnt care less about the multiverse

Not to alarm you or anything but you should probably kys

no u
>Dunno that he's been surpassed (except by Broly and Jiren)
but angry MUI goku fucks jiren's shit up? and don't even act like goku won't surpass green broly. broccoli man will get a power up if they drag him into the series, but i see a timeskip coming and broly becoming a sidenote
>but Beerus has seemed kinda pointless lately. He hasn't done anything except introduce other challengers, like the U6 and ToP contestants.
exactly he served the same purpose as supreme kai in the buu saga, he's just a useless overhyped bench character now. moro is a threat to the universe, destroying planets at his whim. beerus should have just popped in and hakai'd him. instead he became comic relief as a completely incompetent god figure. have they even cut back to beerus/whis since the arc started? i can't recall.

Holy mother of cringe.

Here's your Namco rep Hope you like her.

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>stealing all his moves
Learning moves from other martial arts masters to become a better fighter is "stealing", now? What a fucking moron.

Agreed, there's not much point to focusing on the other universes. They're just a bunch of gimmicks (the robot universe, the superhero universe) with nothing much interesting about them.

The only thing remotely worth exploring about them is Sadala, and even that could easily become a really shitty arc.

>mixing up your dragon ball and smash threads
your shitposting has gotten out of control you need to seek help

>have they even cut back to beerus/whis since the arc started? i can't recall
Yep, they did to stablish Beerus as a lazy piece of shit (again)

Attached: being a God of Destruction in U7.png (470x372, 181K)

>but angry MUI goku fucks jiren's shit up?
True, but Goku can't go UI at will. He's back below GoD-tier.

>don't even act like goku won't surpass green broly. broccoli man will get a power up if they drag him into the series, but i see a timeskip coming and broly becoming a sidenote
I didn't say that Goku would never surpass Broly or Beerus, I just said that he hadn't surpassed them YET.

>exactly he served the same purpose as supreme kai in the buu saga, he's just a useless overhyped bench character now. moro is a threat to the universe, destroying planets at his whim. beerus should have just popped in and hakai'd him. instead he became comic relief as a completely incompetent god figure.
There's at least some precedent to that, with Beerus letting Goku take care of Golden Freeza. But you're right, it's lame that he doesn't do anything anymore.

>have they even cut back to beerus/whis since the arc started? i can't recall.
Not really. They've just been out fishing.


>Kata has the same use as freestyle/shadow boxing (getting better at the motions, create stability, coordination, etc)
It's not.
It's training you to be better at using the movements inherent to that martial art. And building muscle memory.
It teaches you nothing about actually applying it in a fight.

>The thing is, you can react faster in freestyle, because you're not limited to pre-programmed motions.
If you're using the techniques ingrained into you from kata then you're still using those pre-programmed motions. Just in a limited capacity.

>Nobody completely disregards a kata, because a kata is still used to improve y..
Yeah you use kata to train. Not to fight.
Stability? I don't understand what you mean. Explain.

>The concept is what every martial artist strives for.
Then you misunderstand the concept.
The concept was already perfectly shown in early DB and DBZ.
UI is nonsense.

>It's a very old concept and not original to Dragon ball.
Yeah. It's also called the fucking flow. A state I am very intimate with.
You are not magically able to instantly see the future or get super fast.
You simply flow from one movement to the next with no thinking. Only the thing at hand and what you know you need to do.

What UI is demonstrating is spidey sense plus super speed. Nothing NOTHING of that has anything to do with the flow or "nomind".

>It wasn't THAT big of a difference.
UI was stated to not give any power boost correct?
Okay and Kefla is supposed to be so much more powerful right?
Okay so base goku was able to out fucking speed someone who was significantly more powerful and faster then him.
The only explanation is that UI either gives you super speed or the ablity to see the future.

ITT nerds who have never been in a fight debate about how to fight.

>angry MUI
You can't both be "nomind" or in the flow and angry and screaming and shit.

>Ultra Instinct simply bridged the gap he couldn't cover due to lack of experience, power and speed.
goku gained this ability from absorbing a fucking genki dama. by the by THE GENKI DAMA DOES NOT FUCKING WORK LIKE THAT

It's a bullshit super form with retarded powerups.

>Who would happen when two people with Ultra Instinct battle? There's always someone better than you. And knowing Goku, if he doesn't has that enemy, he'll create one in his mind to battle against.
You mean that thing that only the angels know and even teh GoDs can't use as well as him?
We'll never fucking know.
Because it's on the same fucking level as the fucking kaioken.
It's why DB was going to be canceled and GT bombed when it tried to make it goku time ala early DB

>Also, you're wrong because Heroes foreshadowed that UI can be beaten.
No it doesn't.
They only brought up UI as an "incomplete" form so that they could have him show up take all of the fun out of the fucking show then get beat up because UI AINT PERFECT YET!!
UI is narratively retarded and should have never been created.

>So, you've never been in a game against a hacker who was using a god cheat and defeated him?
No. Neither have you retard.
If a hacker has a god cheat then he honestly can't be beat. It's why niggas frequently got shot at CS tournaments.

>Sad, your defeationist attitude is what's keeping you back. There's more possible than you can ever imagine.
UI is unbeatable from a narrative perspective.
If anyone is able to beat it without a really good reason then you might as well throw all of DB out of the window because it will then be complete shit.

They already fucked it up with giving everyone ridiculous powerups that made all super forms pointless and even training a meaningless prelude. Making it so that even common sens when applied to martial arts and athleticism is pointless will just ruin everything.

>No, it was about learning how to fight period.
Except Goku learned how to fight from Gohan and went to the Turtle school to learn the Turtle style. He did what Bruce Lee did, take aspects from every martial art(ist) you encounter. You do realize that kid Goku an Teen Goku have an eerie resemblance to Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan (and no I'm not talking Jackie Chun).

>DBZ was about bridghing the gap between physical ability and skill.
The themes were getting physically stronger, using negative emotions as strength (SSJ) and metaphysical aspects like Ki (Chi).

>That was shown in the cell saga you blithering faggot ape.
No, retard, because God still trumps SSJ

>SSR is just SSJ but as a twinky fancy little faggot.
And what advantages does ottermode has when we have two fighters who have equal power? Manoeuvrability. Traditional martial artists took pride into 'not getting too big'. This however does not mean that they were weak or didn't used weights.

>spineless bitch made trash for fucking cowards with low self esteem
So, it was for you then? The one who never punched a bag or lifted a weight in his life.
You probably think that the Shaolin monks are pussies, because they're skinny.
I wouldn't be surprised if you'd tell me that you think that you could have beaten Bruce Lee because of his size.

>That is idiotic.
They clearly said that they wanted Blue because of 'muh saiyan nature'

>No martial artist thinks they can outfight someone who significantly outstrips them in terms of athletic skill and fitness.
Dude, technique CAN trump power, speed CAN trump power.
You must have sucked ass if you've never experienced this.
Even the 16-17 years old were able to pin me down the first time I did MMA. Good technique enables you to continiously and accurately hit pressure points like the liver, the solar plexus, etc (Noob)

why not? he's just a monkey. that's what mama bear does when a coyote tries to eat her young. broly is primate mode saiyan at full power. i think they're building up to some sort of mega ultra saiyan. goku hit his head as a baby so he's retarded and he is The One that can be both savage primate and god at the same time

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>Gohan as a 11 year old crushed men who have decades of fighting experience regularly in DBZ.
By raising his power and controlling his emotion (rage) remember that I said that this was the theme in DBZ?

>"Experience" is just a quality that the DBS "writters" are pulling out of their ass
Damn, you're retarded. Everybody in the ToP were experienced fighters....

>I practiced martial arts, got into many fucking fights, and play sports heavily
Sure you did. Which Martial arts did you practise, neckbeard?

>And you believe in the MUH EXPERIENCE AND SKILLZ BEAT STRENGTH thing?
Yes, experience made me a better fighter and I have defeated people who were stronger than me thanks to that experience.

>It has nothing in common with actual martial arts, fighting, or athletics.
No, the did well by introducing the no-mind state and by introducing the god state for all of us who still use fiction as a motivation to get better.
Question: What would you do when you face an opponent stronger than you? No weapons.
If you're going to say run I'll beat your ass

Next DBG when, faggot?

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>When DBS was literally animated with the line tool by unskilled interns
Fuck that whole arc.

literally written by a women. did DBS really appeal to girls that much? this shit is trash. we don't need forced SJW shit in this series. pan and bra are fine. i imagine bulla will be getting a makeover for super after they timeskip so why try to imagine this cringey shit?

dragon ball GT
>Gay Trannies