When are Ainz and Albedo gonna fuck. Albedo needs to be able to ride the Bicorn one day. Ainz just needs to bone her once, then she can use one of the best mounts in the New World.
I'm not sure that Ainz is physically capable of enabling bicorn-riding for Albedo, user.
On the other hand, Succubus are famous for their dream walking abilities, so she should explore this angle.
More like overWEIGHT, lmao.
Ainz can turn him self into a human to fuck Albedo.
But would he be able to produce actual fertile sperm?
“Greater Sperm Potential”
Would you
is that some kipteitei art?
>That pic.
Oh- ho.......ho-ho......
Those quads are well deserved OP. Good job
What's Shalltear envious of in here? She's got the plushiest type of body Albedo could only dream of
>Disciples 2 Fat Imp and Lich
Ainz is already taken guys
Height, Bust, Endurance
>fat Albedo
>those digits
Hahaha imagine rubbing her belly after a huge meal and feeling how warm it is and taking pride in your accomplishments because you know the laziness and overfeeding is partially your fault hahahaha
Maybe Ainz likes big women and Albedo made her self fat for that reason.
Shalltear is gonna win the ainzbowl
S3 was the best season despite cgi
Who was acting as momon here?
It was extremely mean to albedo
Wow shes fat! Fat! FAAAAAT!
Whos thicker Albedo or this lady?
I want to marry Albedo and have her cuck me
how come the manga barely ever update?
When Maruyama ends his fits.
>When are Ainz and Albedo gonna fuck.
Skeletons don't have penis.
Pandora, probably
I don't want a mean wife who calls me insect and lowly human
We're gonna need more than one bicorn for THAT
ainz as momon and pandora as ainz
Considering the joke about a bride and Albedo's reaction, Momon was PA.
On the other hand, those tries to force "The theocracy is evil" are more like Ainz.
Do you want to know what would spice things up? If he appears.
is he gonna do a guitar solo?
Guess. Seeing how literally everyone had him be a paladin with dual holy longsword, and a MC, he is a hard counter.