3x3 thread

Make a n x n matrix, where n is is a positive integer, out of your n^2 highest value points in your rating function. Then, proceed to review your peers' matrices.

Attached: 3x3.png (1980x1980, 3.7M)

Gotta update this

Attached: 7x7.jpg (2240x1680, 1.28M)

yes your really need to

>Make a n x n matrix, where n is is a positive integer
No shit, OP. I've never tried to make a n-times-n matrix where n isn't a postivie integer, but I'm tempted to say that such an endeavour is pretty hopeless.
Well ... I guess a 0x0 matrix is "technically" possible ...


Too many: ~60%

Attached: 3x3.png (999x999, 1.76M)

And manga.

Attached: manga3x3.png (999x999, 981K)

14/21 too many

Attached: _3x3.png (1000x1000, 1.61M)

>No shit, OP. I've never tried to make a n-times-n matrix where n isn't a postivie integer, but I'm tempted to say that such an endeavour is pretty hopeless.
I'm just a physicist who's way too high right now.

Attached: 1548215451337.jpg (903x960, 52K)

fuck off go back

Attached: haha.png (367x360, 55K)



39/45, nice taste.

Attached: 3×3v2.3.png (1214x1214, 2.74M)

Let me guess, you don't understand Madoka, do you?

Attached: 1553197907590.jpg (640x368, 98K)

>you don't understand Madoka
Not him, but seriously: Not everything is always just about Madoka. There's not much to understand. And while it was solid, it was hardly the unchallengable masterpiece that some people claim it was.

>Let me guess, you don't understand Madoka, do you?
What makes you think the -1 is for Madoka you fucking retard? (It goes for Hunter × Hunter.)

This is clearly a falseflagger.

He has shit taste so I'm pretty sure he likes it.

Attached: reacc.gif (326x183, 2M)

what a terrible thread

>what a terrible thread
Better than 80% of the threads up right now. Maybe you should pay all of them a visit and spam your shit there?

I didn't spam anything newfriend

fucking summer

ITT: Oldfags calling other oldfags newfags while getting called newfags by other oldfags.

>ITT: Oldfags
doubt.jpg based on those copy pasted MAL top 100 grids.

>MAL top 100 grids
Have you even looked at them? Or at those "MAL top 100"? Not much of an intersection there.


Attached: 3x3.jpg (920x920, 470K)

t.newfag who thinks he is an oldfag




What's with all the 7s? Posting this now, lest the next grid posted will probably be a 1/7, followed by a 0/7 and -1/7.