How the fuck can EoE save you from suicide? It's so bitter and depressing

How the fuck can EoE save you from suicide? It's so bitter and depressing.
At least the show's original and true ending was uplifting.

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Yikes, with a capital Y. Is there a more insufferable place on the internet?

used to be better, then it was invaded by tumblr arthoes and it went to shit as all things do

No. The website was always garbage, littered with one-line reviews that had people fish for upboats by posting witty remarks. Its entire concept is bad. Either write a review or don't. Letterboxd has always been Twittershit.

And so answer your question: EoE was never bitter of depressing. If anything, it tells the audience to manup. The tv show's conclusion is closer to "just b urself" shit your mom tells you.

I disagree

Because it's a genuenly uplifting movie. Shinji rejects instrumentality aka his easy way out. Since without AT field people can understand each other without any problem. Instead he chooses to accept the real world that previously hurt him so much.

If Shinji can make it, anyone can.


just kill yourself

"as long as you're alive, you have the chance to be happy."

It faces deep despair in the eyes, and concludes that living and being with people can still bring you joy and satisfaction.

It's honest, living with depression or trauma or in a poor situation is difficult. But, times will still be pleasant now and then at least, and things can always get better over all if you are alive ot try for it.

I used to had a serious case of depression and paranoia, then i met a girl, started dating, we drank wine, listen to coltrane, play some rpgs, had kinky sex and watch evangelion together.
The problem of this relationship was that she had almost the same mental issues that i used to had
For me it was like looking myself in a mirror, it showed me how much fucked up i was in that moment, thats when i started to change.
Watching something that makes you feel related could help you to understand your problems

>original and true ending
They are the same ending

I watched episode 24 25 and 26 for the first time 2 weeks ago and rewatched eoe right afterwards, EoE was so fucking miserable by comparison, even knowing the point of the ending it's still horrible

I don't want to die, I want to experience the suffering of living, it's what give me meaning and purpose.

just 25 and 26 i mean, not 24 too.

Here is a quote from anime reviewer Animerica (Link: that sums up what Eva ACTUALLY is:

“Evangelion is garbage written by committee with no consistent story or sanity. And now, thanks to all the BS of the original series, 3.33 has successfully destroyed the film franchise. But I’m sure delusion says otherwise.

All “symbolism” in Eva is accidental. The show was dictated by committee and constantly shifting to match fan expectations. It was created in the worst way possible. It is a boring, pretentious, insane mess. The movies were faring MUCH better, with 2.22 being one of the best anime movies I’ve ever seen… but the 3rd movie had ZERO “character development” and was 99% empty mythos babble that was not explained, established, foreshadowed, or explored in the slightest. It’s as though the movie remake expects the audience to have watched the entire series and understand all the nonsense being spat onto the screen. Well, if that’s the case, THEN WHY BOTHER WATCHING THE MOVIE?! If they’re going to devolve into the exact same crap that made the series so convoluted and incomprehensible, why bother? But yes, I must be too “retarded.” Clearly. Thank you for demonstrating what I hate about Eva fans and the series in general. Everybody makes empty, unsubstantiated claims that there’s all this meaning and symbolism, but when I challenge them on it, they scream obscenities and call names. Because that makes you right.

The original ending is so much better than EoE, it isn't even funny.

To prove my point, I only need three words: End of Evangelion. The writers, director, and everybody behind the project had so little concept of any significance behind what they were doing that they had no inkling whatsoever of how to resolve it. Even after trying TWICE. That tells me that they were making it up as they went along and had no grand intentions, plans, or message. None. The creators themselves have no idea what either of the endings mean, both of which contradict each other and make everything A MORONIC MESS OF COLOSSAL PROPORTIONS. I have sat through lectures by UNIVERSITY PROFESSORS on the relevance, symbolism, and profundity of Evangelion, but by simply checking those sentiments, no matter how well-studied, against the simple facts of how Evangelion was created, it is all exposed as made up one-sided interpretation made possible by the still-prevalent mindset of postmodern criticism (i.e., the original creators’ intentions are not of higher importance because there is inherent equal significance and importance in the unrelated personal interpretations of everyone else). If people want to watch it, get meaning out of it, and think it’s more than it is, that’s up to them. But I’m not “retarded” for calling it what it is. Because, objectively, I’m right. And nothing can change that.
The problem I have with your objection is that you are still talking about events that occurred in the movie that were placed in sequence to create a plot. Evangelion 3.33 had no plot. A bunch of people blathered in made-up nonsense dialog for 70 minutes while random shots of things happened and then there was a confusing mess of a climax that also made no sense. Then, finally, the movie ended. Shinji is the most apt audience surrogate in the history of film as he walks around begging EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER to explain the plot of the film and every single one of them refuses. Thanks everyone, I’M SO ENGAGED RIGHT NOW, I CAN BARELY HANDLE IT.

It's message is to positive, however I agree that it's actually a depressive show/film and genuinely took a toll on my personality when I watched it when I was 12 or something

3.33 is one of these films that thoroughly fails on every level of storytelling. I could spend PAGES of text ranting about it.

Another weird quirk of Hideaki Anno: His abject, staunch refusal to write an ending for any story he tells until he gets to the ending. That is the sole reason for why the ending of Evangelion is an unmitigated disaster mess. The most criminally perpetrated myth in all of anime culture is that Evangelion ran out of budget at the end, so the final episodes became what they are. That is patently untrue. In the midst of writing the final six episodes–and not before–Anno became arbitrarily interested and then, subsequently, obsessed with psychology. His intent was to then, regardless of what came before, cram that into the final episodes of the show as much as possible. The final episodes of Evangelion are EXACTLY what he wanted to be. It’s a fact. So, love him or hate him, he is a fool when it comes to storytelling by his own design.”

Also check out Anime Abandon’s reviews:

I wonder where you inferred all of this from EoE. If you are talking about the show ending I agree

Is less depressive is you take the manga's ending into account. Fuck what's canon and what is not

i have never seen a single person on Yea Forums try to defend 3.33

this copy pasta was a waste of time